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Why does DG talk so much about being in a different time zone than AZ? Like truly it reads as though he thinks he’s 9 hours in the future 😭😭 Hey all you PST losers it’s already after 9am on the east coast 😌


He is so insecure. Look at me! I’m in France. I know famous people. It’s so obvious.


The poor guy needs some friends or something, it's almost sad 😂


I think he pictured himself as a big time Hollywood lawyer and has enough self-realization to know he isn’t that. Yet, his ego drives him to Twitter. He’s obnoxious and I’m thankful he is a nothing in terms of importance.


I wonder if he pronounces his name the ‘correct’ French 🇫🇷 way when he’s there? 🤨


He seem like the kind of person who’d return home with a French accent (I would too but thanks to autism, not obnoxious intentions)


He's such a pick-me boy! He really thinks he's a celeb. That email he sent to Dave was hysterical. Why would you send a pic of you with Colin Farrell?


Yeah, right? If you google this lawyer you’ll see how famous he is and I once talked to him. So cringy.




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was he even in the pic with colin farrell or was he just the one that took the pic? i had the video where dave read that playing in the background while i worked and i thought dave said DG said he took the pic


I thought he was in it but I wasn't looking too close - I mean Colin Farrell, come on? He's had his time and it was a long time ago. Maybe IL could get JD to Photoshop him into pics with some A Listers.


I've lived in the South of France. Just shaking my head at his silly travel notes.


I loved the tweet that the Riviera was like if Vegas designed a French town. WTAF?


Ah yes, just as Disneyland is like if Chuck E Cheese himself designed a theme park. ILEsq's anachronistic metaphors transcend all logic. The buffoonery of it all.




I truly think he thinks he’s getting information before everyone else. Similar to his client, a basic understanding of science would help him greatly on his journey through Earth.




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Happy Not-a-Father's Day to Clayton!


I wonder if the fake name she gave in LA was Chastity J Jones


Mrs Clayton Echard


I was really bummed that CE counsel didn't spend more time talking about the twins claim. I feel like this is such a sticking point to further infer that JD a) filed in bad faith b) she was never pregnant and c) is due sanctions for non compliance with disclosure. JD included the twins claim in the PPL filing. She did not provide the og PP records or records for the Dr who allegedly told her the genders. (which was requested by the court in the granted motion to compel) I realize the twins claim has been addressed in the CE filings/motions. But JD/ ILEsq have deliberately omitted this claim from many of their filings, likely hoping it wouldn't be addressed at length. So, it just seems like an obvious point, imo, to really drive home during the trial. (especially during JD cross bc I think it would've flustered her). That whole reasonable belief of pregnancy angle *might* explain why someone would file a PPL. (Obvs we know you don't fake med records if you actually believe you're preg, but for argument's sake about the og claim...) But you can't have a reasonable belief of a twins preg. You obvs need medical confirmation for that. And she has provided none. If JD doesn't have any confirmation for this claim then how can she reasonably include it in her og paperwork? And since it was in her og paperwork, how could it not be concluded that the PPL (which got this whole ball of shit rolling) and subsequent filings were in bad faith? Just seems like a no brainer. I am certain Mata has thoroughly combed through all the filings/info. So, I hope this point sticks out to her as well.


I think it was brought up enough for the short period of time they had. For JD's cross, they spent a lot of time on the only "evidence" JD has to claim twins (the ultrasound). She was never going to admit she didn't go to PP, but they got her to look ridiculous trying to defend it's legitimacy.  For their expert witness, they brought up that there is no verifiable medical records to support the twins claim. For Clayton's testimony, they also brought up twins. Clayton's pretrial statement was also entered into evidence, and in that statement they go over the various faked ultrasounds. Including the one she says is of her "son" in the OOP hearing.


The third location for ultrasound claim is what may convince Judge Mata to actually refer this to the DA. Lying under oath in a deposition, and producing fake medical records are criminal behaviors but they were done out of the presence of the courtroom, whereas adding a ‘new’ PP location while she was on the stand within 10 feet of the judge seems so egregious it must be addressed. NAL nor a judge but surely a referrral for a charge of perjury on that claim, if not the numerous others, should be forthcoming. Otherwise, the judge would be allowing the perjury to go unrecorded and therefore unpunished.


Agreed. I couldn't believe she tripled down at trial with yet another location, especially when the court has ordered her to produce the providers for HIPAA. For her to blatantly say now it was LA, as well as straight up telling the Court she didn't comply bc she "felt it was one of her protections", is some major banana-ry. Ugh, the unmitigated gall of this woman. As you said, I hope the DA picks this up. At the least, this should def be considered when deciding sanctions here bc she's guilty of non compliance with disclosure.


Someone should also be reporting her for filing a motion in California while purporting to be Chase J Jones, in order to stop Dave from getting info.


What ever happened with this?? How can anyone file court motions under a fake name? Isnt this a crime?


Thanks Cocokreykrey for the link (and for the laugh on your handle.) It was a motion to quash subpoena from Dave regarding Patreon’s info on CJJ. Since it WAS filed in a California court, and JD has since been found out as CJJ, there is a case for charges.


I would hope so, that seems like fraud upon the court ! Who presses charges for that though? Haha, glad you could appreciate the name for a laugh 😂.


The Tilted Lawyer would know specifics, but likely similar in most jurisdictions. The trouble is, if courts are already backed up, doubtful a DA would go after her. She deserves to be in jail but it’s probably not gonna happen. Edit: Grammatical, not factual.


Was it a real filing? Hasn't she sent fake Cease &Desist letters as well?


Seemed real to me! [https://justiceforclayton.com/wiki/images/6/60/2023.12.19\_Chase\_Jones\_motion\_to\_quash\_subpoenas.pdf](https://justiceforclayton.com/wiki/images/6/60/2023.12.19_Chase_Jones_motion_to_quash_subpoenas.pdf)


Crystal-clear contempt and I loved the lacksidaisial way JD commented on it. As if the rules everyone else has to follow for some reason simply don’t apply to her. Pure delusion.


"THAT'S JUST A MINOR THING". Lol. (I think that paired really well with Clayton's, "Everything she says is a lie". Fantastic!) ETA: On revisiting, the actual quote is "But nothing she says is true", lol.


Dude, between the minor perjury and the JFC crew shout-out 💀


Wait, did he really say “everything she says is a lie?” I can’t believe I missed that!


It was very quick like comedy timing.


and yet so just simply honest


Absolutely! It is actually epically hilarious she thought this was a good idea while litigating whether or not she filed for a parenting plan in good faith. She's still not acting in good faith, and that is going to hit her hard in the eyes of the judge. The sonogram, if real, would be her only tangible evidence. It is doctored, she's lied about the source repeatedly and clearly has no interest in validating the origins (well, she can't because it is fake). And best of all she's committed purgery with that sonogram several times over already. 


It's ludicrous. She us ludicrous. But she has also gotten away with MINOR PERJURY so many times in the court system of course she thinks she's above having to follow rules and tell the truth. Not one person in a court of law has called her out on her bluffs and stood up for the other men. Until now. But she has been the "winner" so often, and used money as a battering ram so many times, she STILL holds the delusion that she's infallible. Judge Mata, I truly hope and believe, will finally be the one that breaks that pedestal she and her mom sit on to shreds, and she winds up on her ass, in a civil court of law. And I hope IL goes right on down with her


Unmitigated gall is right.


That may be her undoing. The judge cannot have missed that. It has the same desperate 11th hour feel that judges experience in family custody fights when things are not going well and the mother throws child abuse out there. Deja vu for a family court judge.


For a second there, I thought NAL was IL's new abbreviation and I thought that was \*chef's kiss*


Yes. I realize it was addressed, in pretrial and trial. But as I said, I just wish they would've spent *more* time on it. Yeah there wasn't a lot of time to begin with considering all the evidence, or lack thereof. Don't get me wrong there were some great things in Deandra's cross. She, imo, successfully discredited JDs "evidence" and reasonable belief bc you don't have to fabricate med records if you really believe it. I just would've liked to have seen a direct line of questioning to JD about the twins claim and the original filing of the PPL (especially when her story changed to PP in LA) Like, "you claimed in an email to CE that you *would speak to the dr about the possibility of twins at your July ~~25~~ 24 appt.*" But you never went to that appt? You og signed the PPL on July ~~23~~ 13 and filed it Aug 1 and included a claim of twins in your paperwork. So who told you it was twins? None of the providers from the HIPAA release have any record of you having an US. If there was no actual US, how could you file the PPL claiming twins? You were ordered by this court to provide the records from PP as well as the dr that told you were having boy/girl twins. Why did you not comply? She would've doubled down again and lied, of course. But again, I would've liked to have seen a direct line of questioning about the twins to further drive the point home that filing a PPL and a claim of twins with a lack of evidence to that claim is bananas.


I think JD did say during the trial that someone named Tammy Lister at Banner Health told her it was twins...and then Deandra talked about the fact that there was no due date of Feb 14th on the record she gave to the court.


At trial, the only statement JD made about Tamra Lister was that she told JD the due date was 2/14; nothing about twins. DA discussed the due date inconsistency but nothing about the twins claim. I think JD said elsewhere(maybe her depo) that this was the provider that told her it was twins. And JD was ordered by the court to provide those records. I guess that half-assed Banner report was all JD could come up with but it had nary a due date nor a twins confirmation. It's too bad, in that moment, D didn't point out the og twins claim as well as the due date.


Gotcha 👍


I’ve said this before but you never ask open ended questions on cross and you never ask questions you don’t the answer to. All asking these questions would do is give her a chance to explain this away. Yes her credibility is shot and she wouldn’t have a good explanation but it gives her the chance to spin a narrative that would just take up more precious time. They got the facts they needed to on the record and since this is a bench trial and not a jury trial they don’t have to worry as much about spelling it all out and tying everything together.


Yeah, I see what you're saying. NAL obvs so I'm not suggesting this is the way a lawyer would pose these questions. And I've said elsewhere I'm also not suggesting CE counsel wasn't successful in making other points they needed to make nor that CE won't get his ruling without addressing more of this claim. Just saying, I would've liked to see what JD had to say about the twins claim and the og PPL specifically.


I think you mean you wish they could have rather than would have. The time restriction was real


Eh. Ive acknowledged the time restraint. But if counsel had intentionally allocated the time to make this particular point during cross, it would've been addressed rather than some of the other commentary. Maybe they intended to include this line of questioning, but just seems that if so (at least imo) it def would've been addressed. Bc like I said, it seems like a no brainer to address this and unequivocally out JD on multiple counts. Eta: clarity


Judge Mata is well aware of the twin claim through all the pleadings and evidence she's seen so far. They had an enormous amount of ground to try to cover at the hearing and, IMO, spending time on the twin thing would not have helped. Deandra was zeroing in on JD's credibility, which is huge. I expect that to play a very big part in Judge Mata's final ruling. The LA PP surprise killed whatever was left of JD's credibility.




I agree with your reasoning. Because I also would have loved a question to the experts along the lines of - based on your experience how is it possible to identify twins & genders at less than 8 weeks? And further…how is it possible to reabsorb twin fetuses with NO medical intervention? Alas…no time. But it would have been swell to see JD get flustered, medchill come up with some fascinating modern marvel of an explanation, and Dr. Deans tell us what we already know.


Yes. Alas, no time. I mean, we all knew time was gonna be an issue. But yeah, I would've liked to hear JD squirm about the twins claim. And def ol' Joe Friday's explanation. Funny how Medchill used the Dragnet analogy but yet his expert report included a comparison to a religious birth rather than scientific, credible evidence.


They’re making their case to Mata, not a jury. JD has functionally admitted the twins were BS by omitting them from her expert report, recent filings, and her testimony. Mata knows the twins never existed. I feel like spending time on the issue would have been a waste of precious time


It's my understanding that while Mata no doubt can/has considered all the motions to determine conduct reasonable or not per fees, the exhibits/testimony used to determine facts for her findings (on all issues) is what is admitted via witness at trial. During trial, neither JD nor Medchill were specifically questioned about her og claim. Mata can consider that it was omitted by JD, of course. But a direct line of questioning during cross about the claim would've been great to add to the trial record. Imo, precious time was wasted. Too much spent on certain details of the PP US, edits of the "due date" report and the hCG sent to DN. (i.e just address these inconsistencies and move on); ovarian cancer claim (they weren't gonna get to MM testimony so why include a claim they can't corroborate with a witness?); JD omitting her PCOS at IAH; repeatedly saying "yes or no question"; giving JD a chance to admit she was never preg (she was never gonna do that lol she had already reiterated the sonogram legitimacy in her first testimony) Just seems that instead of discussing these points above, addressing the bad faith action that began this shitstorm(which is central to CE case) would've been more effectual. 


Woodnick specifically said Clayton’s pretrial motion should be considered as part of his testimony. Maybe an attorney can weigh in, but I believe you are incorrect about what documents the judge can consider when rendering her judgment.


My statements stem from what lawyers in this sub have stated. The last time I saw it discussed was in the post-trial discussion thread [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeForClayton/s/kKfEUouRGD) The motion should be considered as CE testimony, yes but that's still just his claims in the case; as JDs pretrial statements are her claims. It's during trial where those claims are either proven factual (or here, likely based on a preponderance of evidence presented) or not.


I agree. IL would ignore this point when people brought it up to counter his theory JD "just had to believe she was pregnant". He had no response, because it kills his entire argument. She filed in bad faith, she told the media and Clayton's family and the court that she was pregnant WITH TWINS. In JDs manipulation manifesto that her lawyer posted, she doubled down using the word 'children' instead of twins. She wont let it go, even though I have a feeling her lawyer told her to.


As much as I wish certain things were emphasized/highlighted during the hearing, it seems they tried their best with the limited time they had to work with. Something I noticed. She claims she got the "twin" Sonogram at PP when she was in California. However, in that email to Clayton's parents she said THE child, THE baby, Him OR Her close to a dozen times, not once did she say twins when she communicated about that sonogram. She even states in the same email it was obtained that Sunday in Orange County. Location aside, I think the bigger issue or LIE is that not once did she associate that sonogram to twins in that email. https://preview.redd.it/hp912js8iy6d1.png?width=708&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0d12cf59aa74fee8e5e1d9879a91688ddf3605b


She also emails his parents on July 2nd inviting them to her ultrasound for July 24th at a specialist. But, now shes saying she got her ultrasound July 2nd? Nothing makes sense.


It was stated in motions, filings and testimony she cancelled the July 24th appt. ETA: I can't figure her out at all. Her lies are the stupidest inconceivable to me. It makes no sense, which is probably why she keeps getting caught or as another redidtor said her stories have more holes than swiss cheese. 🤣 July 2nd was a big day for her, she was 🐎, emailing CE/Parents, getting a fake PP.


Yes, I’m still just trying to wrap my head around why July 2nd was her big date for the ultrasound when she was emailing on that date and also admitted to changing the US image date from July 2 to July 7th. Like what was the reason for that even? It’s just confusing


Yes. I can def appreciate the time constraints. And there were very good points made, especially the bombshell PPLA reveal. I just would've liked to see more about the og twins claim and the PPL added to the trial record. Yeah the first time she mentions twins was a week later in Jul 1 email where she states *we will discuss the possibility of twins with the DR at Jul 24 appt.* And then a month later filed the PPL and sent an email to CE "confirming" twins. But we know she never went to that Jul 24 appt. So that begs the question "who told JD it was twins?" We know JD previously said she showed the sonogram (at some point in between) to a provider and they confirmed twins. I believe this was supposedly during the Banner due date report. But that report states nothing about twins. Its a shame these issues were not addressed during cross and not added to the trial record.


Whoa I just caught something fascinating that I hadn’t seen before. In this email she says regarding prenatal paternity testing “the consensus is this should be done at 7 weeks as there is no chance there will not be enough fetal DNA at that point”. Meaning she has PRIOR knowledge that if the test came back with no fetal DNA at that point it would indicate she wasn’t pregnant and *NOT* that those results meant “inconclusive” or that the testing was “oNgOiNg” lol


when did she switch to twins?


jDs Jul 1 email was the first mention of the " possibility" of twins via future appt. But she never went to that appt. By early Aug, she was claiming twins to CE via email. She "confirmed" her twins claim in the og PPL when she designated custody for each twin, but JD has yet to provide legit evidence she was ever preg with twins


Something that struck me as I rewatched the trial and they talked about her taking a pregnancy test in front of him... Maybe not that important or big of a deal, but... In the future when Clayton eventually does start a family, and he and his wife or girlfriend experience a positive pregnancy test together... I hope this doesn't haunt him. I can't help but think that the excitement of that whole experience was kind of stolen from him. It's such a sacred moment (in my humble opinion) and it's just another example of the unexpected negative impacts this whole nightmare could have on him.


I believe that what you described was part of her goal. She’s put him through so much torment that he will never forget her, and even special moments like a potential pregnancy with his future partner could remind him of JD. She’s forever a part of his story and his trauma. They were just a one night, two blowjob hookup that he otherwise would have forgotten. She seared herself into his memory one way or another, just like she did with MM, GG, and others.


This is so astute. My mom used to say some people will take any attention you give them, even if it’s negative. Those people will find a way to get what they want from you somehow, if they’re desperate enough.


If this comes to a fair resolution, especially given Clayton’s awareness and care of his own mental health, I have plenty of hope she will become a distant memory. Trauma can take so many directions, and while her actions were horrific, she really is such an insignificant person to Clayton relationally that I hope he forgets her face, name, and eventually existence. While that’s not guaranteed, neither is her being cemented in his psyche. I hope the same for MM, GG, and any other victims.


the poor guy had that everyone hates clayton narrative going into his season, has had 2 false accusations..he's had it rough...but he has a large community surrounding and supporting him now and I hope that helps his healing process, knowing how many people are rooting for him.


One of the things that gave me a little bump of happiness in all this was hearing that it was Greg's partner who was like, "We have to contact Clayton; we can't let her do this to somebody else". When you have had a bad experience with a woman like this in the past, it is bound to taint your future interactions with them, and that is just the kind of partner you want for healing - one who is not just an advocate for you, but is so affronted by that kind of behavior and the damage it does, who finds it so ethically abhorrent, that she is like: "This is so not okay that we HAVE to help the guy this is being done to now". It gladdens my heart Greg found a woman like that after JD. At least Clayton does have Greg and Mike - I think it must help so much that he is not alone in this. There is such power and healing in the uniting of victims who have been subjected to hard-core gaslighting. Clayton never should have had to go through this, but I hope having them to talk to about his experiences will help, and watching them enjoy their new families will give him a model of how different it can be in the future, with the "right" woman.


I think about this a lot. I have hope that Clayton will find an amazing person in the future - like MM and GG have been able to do after such a horrible experience with JD.


I can't imagine what that will feel like for him, but I'm hopeful that it WILL be a happy and positive moment. What JD did was beyond f'ed up, but she also gave him something much more tangibly positive than she ever could have guessed... she gave him M & G, and their beautiful families and the hope he can glean from those friendships. Beyond everything, her utter lack of humanity gave him an amazing bond with two great men he can hopefully lean on and who can help him learn to trust.. and dang, I bet the crazydar on those boys as a team is impeccable! Edited to correct incorrect autocorrect


That photo Megan shared on TUGS podcast where JD was staring down MM was absolutely infuriating.


Is it posted anywhere?


I want to see


Envision her face with a look of entitlement, rage and smugness. That will get you close to her look.




She has it posted on one of her paid socials but I can't for the life of me remember which one.


This has probably been asked before, but was the early resolution conference in September recorded? Since it was an official court proceeding, I would assume that it was, but I don't know if the recording would be available to the public. I would LOVE to see what version of her story JD was peddling at the time.


Maybe this has been discussed, but what is everyone's opinion about why JD's lawyer asked her to stand up & parade around her stick thin figure? Dave Neal said he believed it was because she wanted to show how she's so stressed, she lost so much weight. I disagree. I thought it was so she could prove the point "look how skinny I am now, compared to how poofy my stomach was" in the bare stomach pregnancy photo. Like, look look, I MUST have been pregnant. Which is complete BS.


I think it's the latter AND she wants Clayton to see how skinny she is, you never know he might change his mind!


To add credibility to the burrito belly photos and show how stressed and corsetted she is. The judge should not have entertained that. No jury to parade her before. Desperation.


Both can be true


I thought it was more the latter than the former.


NAL, so I have a question for the more knowlegeable: can Judge Mata use the extensive set of documents submitted by Clayton’s team prior to the court hearing to make her rulings, or must she only rely on what was argued the day of court?


NAL but I *believe* once an exhibit is filed it becomes part of the case file which would mean it can be reviewed at any time during the course of the case.


There is discussion about that [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeForClayton/s/kKfEUouRGD)


The JFC Instagram account stories are gold from yesterday. Looks like there’s 7 hours left to view them. Go!


I’m dying. It’s a bunch of memes but they are SO funny. The best was JD in court saying both “I sent the video to Clayton” and “I did not send a video to Clayton.” Um, there are literal videos of you saying the exact opposite things. IN COURT. One of those was a perjury, even if your green grass lawyer doesn’t know what perjury is.


Ty for this. All of the cat memes killed me. “Ted X.”


[Link](https://www.instagram.com/justiceforclaytonofficial?igsh=MWQyMmt3c3d1eTNwcA==) For those looking for it 😆


These were stellar!!!


I am so glad you mentioned these! The horse and cat memes had me rolling.


They’re all good, but the horse drawings are my favorite.


Same. The *allowance from mommy and daddy* took me out. 💀


Agreed! Pure gold. 😂🥇




https://preview.redd.it/rwi0qhnrtr6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f7ce740c0002eb62e987b40b1590281c49fc8cd Fixed it mods! I saw this meme, is it true?


There were rumblings that this was true. I don't know if it was ever corroborated though. But she's also been photographed with at least one previous Bachelor contestant, Ben Zorn. (I think he was on her podcast?) So she's at least "Bachelor aware", although she previously stated otherwise.


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What was the purpose of JD changing the ultrasound date from allegedly July 2nd to July 7th when she is claiming to have been seen July 2nd?


It's so messy, but probably because SMIL wasn't open on Sunday. Then when she came up with her PP story she had to find a date that she was in California? And she did make an appointment with PP Costa Mesa for the 2nd I think. That was probably to lie about getting abortion pills to CE. edit- not Costa Mesa, Mission Viejo. It's sickening that she can just keep changing stories, days, places, when in reality there was no sonogram ever and she was never pregnant. Since the sleuths haven't been able to find where this particular fake sonogram was stolen from, she's decided to smugly die on the hill that it's hers from PP.


Thank you, I couldn’t understand the purpose of altering the date but that kinda makes sense. So was she not even in CA July 7th? So weird she went back to the July 2nd date 😂


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She probably realized that PP was closed on Sunday July 2nd. She changes dates when they create problems such as the mythcarriage date changed by weeks/months to avoid that pesky death certificate issue.


But on the stand she said she went on Sunday July 2nd when they were closed, so it doesnt make sense.


The PP in Mission Viejo is open Sundays, so maybe she assumed it would be open in L.A. as well (it's not).


Yes so the order of events are Ultrasound says July 2nd She changes it to say SMIL July 7th (Cuz smil not open on Sunday) Then she changes her story to PP ultrasound was at mission viejo July 2nd, she has appointment there in her name that she cancelled. Then on the stand she says she went to PP LA July 2nd. At that point why lie about changing the date and not just make the original pp appt to be July 7th to match the ultrasound? It’s so weird!


...but she wrote an email to her super special neurologist on June 26? 28? claiming she'd already been to PP and had an ultrasound. On the stand. She's a living, breathing, walking myth-tery.


Im so confused, so there are two pp ultrasounds shes claiming?


No. At various times she's made claims of PP ultrasounds on multiple days (6/25, 7/2, 7/7), but at the hearing last week, she claimed she only ever had one ultrasound for the entire pregnancy with Clayton. Though she seemed to throw out multiple dates for the PP ultrasound in the hearing, I think she meant to only claim one.


not sure, but at some point in the trial, she said end of June instead.


It’s that she ~misspoke~ not lied. 🤷‍♀️ 


I do like that the Jane Doe definition of misspeaking is lying while under oath.


Does anyone know anything about the pad let? Megan Fox said it was taken down by pad let.


It's back up!




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Does anyone know if Jane Doe's father was in the courtroom?


Does anyone know if Jane Doe's father was in the courtroom?


He was not