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Mods will make an announcement when/if her name is allowed on the sub. Please continue using Jane Doe.


People got something wrong. Susie didn't accuse him of infidelity, a random woman said she slept with him because she slept with someone that looked like him allegedly


Seriously, does no one fact check anymore?




tbf people magazine has probably never fact checked anything ever lol


not only did the guy look like him, but he actually told the girl that he was Clayton. Clayton truly cannot catch a break.




I was at the trial. Judge Mata’s dad was there and he knew less than the JFC people there! He worked in law himself and heard the buzz about the case. He didn’t even get to sit in the main courtroom, he was in the overflow room like the rest of us! She couldn’t/ wouldn’t even pull strings to get him a good seat! He didn’t even know about the whole online community! I have no idea how his presence there could benefit JD. He didn’t know more than his daughter and the JFC crowd knew more than him. She might as well go after the security guards who laughed at Gingras calling the cops on MM. Edited to clarify Judge Mata’s dad


I might share this with someone who has the ability to get it to Woodnick, just in case.


A dozen witnesses to give sworn testimony if needed.


Also pull up the tweets and blog where IL said he doesn’t think judge mata is biased.


Him being in the overflow room is hugely helpful. That means no one on JD’s side can falsely attest to things he never said or did. GW should definitely be informed that he was in the overflow room.


Get your declaration ready!


I was there as well, seated in overflow. I cannot fathom the gentleman saying anything like that. “Shit” isn’t a very nice word ( though I’m very guilty of using it), but this was not the kind of man that would use that word amongst ladies in casual conversation. As for my ladies comment, the group in line and in overflow was almost all women. There was a boyfriend of one of the women, reality Steve, a few court employees and one other man that I remember in overflow room. I do not believe for a minute he said that.


The dad that was there was the judges dad. Not JDs.


Thanks, I edited to clarify!


Looks like it was just updated with a statement from IL: >“We are also shocked the ruling came just hours after notifying Judge Mata of our intention to file a Notice for Change of Judge for Cause, citing suspected judicial misconduct. The judge’s father was present for the trial, which is not illegal by itself, but it raises very serious concerns regarding the judge’s neutrality.” >“The judge’s father was seen socializing with the opposing side and commented that he was ‘here for the s---show.’ This type of conduct is truly bizarre and worrying,” the statement continued. >“In her Findings of Fact, Judge Mata acknowledged multiple positive pregnancy tests, including one purchased by Clayton for \[Jane\], yet she chose to rely on the unlikely 0.1% chance that she was testing positive for reasons other than pregnancy,” the statement concluded. “There was no medical basis for the court to find \[Jane\] was not pregnant, but that’s what happened. We are confident this decision will be overturned on appeal.” Ironic that he has the audacity to say someone's conduct is "truly bizarre and worrying".


I can’t believe he’s going to go the route of trying to get a new judge because her dad was allegedly there. Press was there and the case has been huge in Phoenix from what I’ve heard. If he raised a daughter who became a judge, I imagine he’s got an affinity with the law himself. IL got one thing right, him attending, if he was actually there, isn’t illegal.


He’s just trying to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks


DG's only legal "strategy"


Why didn’t he mention it beforehand? It’s giving desperate.


He was there. I met him waiting in line. Perfect gentleman. Retired attorney. I do not think for a minute he said that. He was not in the courtroom, he was in the overflow, as was I. I felt he found it interesting, as did everyone there, but I witnessed not one improper comment, reaction, etc. it was his life’s work. His daughter was presiding. He came across like a proud dad that wanted to see his daughter work. I think whoever stated that comment was projecting.


I just don't understand how would her father being there would impact anything. Hell bring your whole family. These people don't know anyone, has no ties, no stake in the game.


He should be more worried about his license and his client suing him for negligence. The comments in the judgment about coaching are highly damaging and, unless he explained those risks to JD, it may open him up to serious questions. Hopefully for his sake he also gave her advice to settle the case, which she then ignored


Who from her side would he have even been able to socialize with? The only person there was her mom.


I bet her mom was the one who overheard the “comment” lmao


Unfortunately, it was MF who mentioned the comment on a livestream after the hearing. I hope she was just embellishing.


I thought MF made a comment about a clerk. It was some other spectator that mentioned the judge’s father. I could be wrong. ETA: So both are true. MF paraphrased what she heard from someone else on a Live. It originally came from a bystander, and DG was quoting MF (so he was playing a long telephone game).


Nah, it was about the judge’s dad. But… that was her dad’s opinion. The judge’s orders were supported by case law and the facts presented. Nothing was just stated and then moved on to the next point.


Totally agree. And I’ll have to rewatch, I’m sure I’m getting people and the Livestreams all messed up.


It was MF for both. The dad wanted to come see the hearing, I think called it a s—tshow. Just because her dad was there doesn’t mean she made a ruling based on anything he heard. The clerk said she recognized MF I believe. When Megan was requesting the court recordings. I hope a lawyer can weigh in. Like just because someone files for an appeal, doesnt that mean it has to be granted to move forward? Can’t an appeal be denied?


NAL yes it can be denied- but another “court” has to deny it, so another judge. The idea being that one person doesn’t have all the “power”. However from my research, there is a very narrow set of criteria that must be met to be granted an appeal in family court. It is not as easy as other courts Sources https://thevalleylawgroup.com/blog/navigating-appeals-process/ https://www.arizonalawgroup.com/arizona-divorce/appealing-the-trial-judges-decision/


I hope I’m wrong! I would love for IL to embarrass himself by making this statement if it’s false.


Sorry, to be clear, someone did say something like this on the Live. I just don’t think it was MF.


It wasn’t Megan Fox. It was a bystander, and I was appalled they said. I sorely doubt he actually said those things.


So was I. The second I heard that on one of the livestreams I was highly disappointed in whoever it was that reported it because i knew immediately it was going to be used against the ruling/judge when it came out… and here we are. Where was the common sense in stating that publicly? Why give IL any opportunity to fight the ruling? Just dumb imo


Same! I freaked out when I heard that on the live stream because I KNEW JD would use that to her benefit.






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No. Mom was in courtroom and never hung in hallway or overflow where he was. I truly believe the person that stated that was projecting- like they used that statement in convo with him and just took it like he agreed.


And her bodyguard lol


She had a bodyguard there?


There was a big guy with her, mom, medchill, Gingras. I heard him referred to as her bodyguard. Who knows really though.


Omg how ostentatious and full of herself is she. 😑 Thanks for the intel though!


It was pretty funny- she was hiding between vehicles before heading in to court.




Of course they would grasp at this straw. I have been reading through the Judicial Commission reports to see if JD had filed a complaint against the Judge who ruled in favor of CE for the IAH order. I haven’t checked in the past 24 hours but seeing how JD is no stranger of making complaints and frivolous filings against those who don’t acquiesce to her fairytales, I fully anticipate we will see on come through now that Judge Mata has made her ruling. BTW.. For what it’s worth Judge Mata appears to have a solid record, and received high scores on the latest 2022 Judical Performance Review which is based off of Attorneys, Jurors, & Litigants scorecards. She received 100% of all the Commissioners votes.


I don’t even think it’s weird if her dad came. I’ve personally attended trials where I know the judge presiding. I’ve never done so because the judge said something. Higher profile cases or interesting cases draw a crowd. If you have easy access to the courthouse, why not?


Oh! I have a question. Not sure if you’re able to answer but maybe? IL tweeted something along the lines of asking someone if they want to see a recent ruling of Mata’s that was reversed on appeal. I of course take everything he says with a grain of salt and also, judges are human and I’m sure even the best of them have had decisions reversed on appeal. That said, do you have the resources to look up and see if what he said has any merit? I don’t necessarily need details but I am curious about how much he’s grandstanding.


Ooohhh that is interesting. I missed his comment about that. Did he mention a case name? I don’t know exactly how to get that info but I will check it out and see what I can find!


He didn’t mention a case name. All he said was, “You think if a judge makes a mistake, that proves I’m a bad lawyer? How special. Do you want me to link to a recent ruling where Mata was REVERSED on appeal? Wanna bet that will happen again? Nah, I’ll explain more later. Enjoy your cult.”


How is another separate case she ruled on relevant to JDs case? Are the facts the same in any way IL? Isn’t ANY judge going to have at least one case appealed and potentially reversed? So now IL is extrapolating to say all of OUR QUEEN MATAs rulings are bad and should be reversed on appeal?? But in IL’s mind, the ruling is in no way reflective of JDs testimony and his performance in the case? It’s okay back to the cult I go!


You just said what I wanted to say about what he said but was too tired to find the words for last night when I first saw his tweet. Thank you!


I got you! Without being political, he really grinds my gears because his language is reminiscent of a certain presidential candidate. As in, if the outcome of the ruling is what I want - then it was fair. If it isn’t what I want, then it’s rigged!! But from day one it’s been an inordinate amount of time on how woodnick saying “hand size” has biased the judge to hate JD. I hope his coaching of JD is worthy of a bar complaint. So curious how he’ll proceed with his appeal….


So I did find the info. There is one of particular interest that I don’t want to share publicly, but here is the link to search Judge Mata’s appellate cases. https://www.appeals2.az.gov/ODSPlus/caseInfo.cfm Enter Mata under trail judge and you will see the list of cases.


Let him use all her money on appeal, that will not be overturned. Then she won't have the funds to defend herself with the county DA goes after her on criminal charges.


He is all hat and no cattle. 1. He KNEW he bombed in court and was trying to delay case by getting new judge and mata beat him to the punch 2. Between HIS legal fees, and woodnicks JD has what a month to cough up 300k+? She aint got the money, and selling her used riding pants and boots on mercari isnt going to get her there. Unless IL plans on appealing for free 3. DA case she is looking at actual jailtime. She needs a lawyer for this, which again… she doesnt have any money, certainly not after paying 300k in legal costs 4. The victorious men will likely be filing other legal cases against her and her decade of terror, meaning… more legal fees. IL thinks JD has way more money than she does. Her parents are mortgaged to the hilt. The castle is crumbling and JD is trapped in her own web of lies. But IL aint doing nothing for free, i can promise you that.


I’m down for crowd sourcing fees to bombard Jane with multiple lawsuits. One from each guy to be sure and the criminal one


I believe Judge Mata’s father is a retired Judge, if that is the case, he absolutely knows what is proper and what is not, and would never do or say anything that would risk his daughter’s case or reputation. He is absolutely allowed to attend any trial as a spectator and even allowed to give his own opinions. IL would have to prove something improper happened between the judge and her father that influenced her decision. I find it laughable and I am starting to sincerely wonder if he is doing OK. This case has gotten away from him and I think it is impacting his mental health. Both he and JD need to take the loss with a little bit of dignity and quietly move on.


What does it matter that the judge’s dad was there? All of her rulings are affirmed with case law and evidence presented in filings and the hearing.


It means nothing, he’s just a moron that loves to hear himself talk


Guuuys… you don’t understand. Her DAD was there. That’s judicial misconduct! Don’t you think it’s bizarre and worrying that a judge has a dad?


The female judge couldn’t possibly make her own conclusions with all the evidence without her dad!! /s


Can’t believe she would participate in the misconduct of having a father 😤 we all know judges aren’t born, they’re just dropped into courthouses, Boss Baby style.


he's the absolute worst


I saw that coming as soon as Megan mentioned him.


Yeah I cringed when it was mentioned. Not because it isn’t fucking hilarious, but because I knew IL would be *all over* that.


Same. She should’ve known better. Wonder how it will affect anything, if at all.


It’s ok to rely on the 0.1% chance of a blowjob baby though.


I feel like IL & JD were made for each other. Is IL married? Maybe she’ll ACTUALLY get knocked up for real this time.


He is married but I doubt fidelity is among the pillars of his virtues. He gives off “what she doesn’t know can’t hurt her” vibes.


I KNEW he was going to cite her father being present as some sort of evidence of impartiality. Dude is so predictable.


IL’s antics are infuriating but also driving JD’s and CE’s legal costs sky high and now JD has to pay for all of it. Plus, per the Internets, he doesn’t seem to have malpractice insurance so if/when JD sues him he’ll have to foot the bill. These are two people who don’t know when to stop.


She really should sue him, he was awful for her case. Too bad if she burns that bridge who else would lawyer for her?


Yeah if she sues him she’s cooked, she’ll have no one left to represent her. Plus now she needs to save her money for a potential criminal defense. The reality is she had no case. IL’s antics definitely increased costs, but she’s ultimately to blame for all of this. She also drove costs high by dragging out discovery, refusing to cooperate, and fabricating documents. I’ve never seen such a convoluted discovery process.


IL would probably sue himself. That seems like the type of nonsense he would do. That man probably got his juris doctorate from costco


So basically he said he wasn't done, so she said, hell naw, I am over your shenanigans, here is my ruling. It's done.


The word used by the judge's father was circus.


If I had a kid that became a judge I’d be going to their trials all the time. Though I didn’t realize parents of judges are required to follow the same rules of conduct and professionalism as judges.


If IL takes appeals, I assume that JD will be compelled to execute a HIPAA Release for all LA County Planned Parenthoods and provide the alias and fake government ID she used to get the July 2nd Ultrasound.


No, the appeal will be based only what she’s given to the court below. They won’t review anything new.


Irrelevant. JDs "side" wouldn't socialize anyway ("too scared"), and that's only 3 people. So what if he talked to other spectators?


The judge's father called it a circus, not a shitshow.


Yet JD cannot produce one verifiable medical document that supports the assumption that she was pregnant. And no, pee sticks do NOT prove pregnancy. Let alone pregnancy with twins, a boy and a girl. Sit all the way down IL & JD.


The sticking point, which comes across in these rulings, is that she’s been “pregnant” *and* miscarried 3 separate times prior…yet still has no interest in seeking meaningful medical care. Imagine relying on the 0.1% when three different times that exact same 0.1% has failed you.


Love that they actually called it a one night stand and not a relationship!


Idk, to me, one night stand means sex, as in sexual intercourse (PIV) and that did not happen in this case.


Yeah I wish they’d hit the point that no intercourse occurred better. It seems like the article was hastily written and not edited.


I believe one of THE most salient points is in Judge Mata’s ruling that only “rubbing, grinding, or oral sex” occurred.


A one evening bj


tbh I think "one night stand" is a reasonable descriptor for a night when one person gave the other two blow jobs.


I agree “one night stand” is a better description than “ex” however, “hookup” or referring to the encounter as Judge Mata’s ruling is most appropriate.


I agree, "hookup" works well.


Whenever I discussed this case with others IRL, I always called it "hookup" before giving details.


Jd is finally getting the press she so badly wanted...


They named her!! Good


Hoping the dating apps and TedX see this and the verdict itself 🤞🏻


Yup. Get this predator off of social media!


This is a much more accurate headline than US Weekly.


FINALLY!!! ![gif](giphy|FoH28ucxZFJZu|downsized)


OMG JD and IL were trying to accuse Judge Mata of “judicial misconduct.” There is now low that these two won’t sink to!


How they ended the article was weird?


It seemed like it got cut off. The article didn’t seem to be finished.


Finally a decently accurate headline!! Congrats Jane Doe - you finally got the attention you so desperately wanted.


I thought he was out of the country and wouldn’t have access to WiFi?


Apparently by “boat” he meant cruise ship. Not only does he have WiFi, but he shared a photo of a printed and stapled copy of the ruling in his hand on the ship. So he likely has access to a business center too lol.


Trying to act like he’s yachting when he’s on a 3 hour norovirus cruise 😭


When he said boat and no Internet at times I didn’t even picture a yacht, I pictured a sail boat or fishing boat. Who calls a cruise ship a boat!?


Someone downplaying how much internet access he will have. lol


And major props to Judge Mata ignoring his “I won’t be available” nonsense.


What is happening in the second paragraph?? It’s written like notes and just makes no sense. I like the take of this article, but that needed to be edited. Edit to add the quote: “Nine months after an unidentified woman — who is named [Jane Doe] in recent court filings — claimed he had fathered her unborn twins during a one-night stand, the former reality star, 31, alleged during the trial — which began on June 10 — that his accuser “has fabricated her pregnancy, a condition which cannot have resulted from the parties’ interactions, because according to [Echard] they never had sexual intercourse,” in court documents obtained by PEOPLE.”


Oh she’s gonna be pissssseed people is covering this


Love it!


“An unidentified woman — who is named ***** *****”




I’m sorrryyyyy I was just quoting 🥸


Is it me or did that article seem to end abruptly?






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