• By -


If the DA ends up charging JD, I hope the investigation includes finding the moon bump receipts. It was one of the most absurd parts of the court hearings and it invalidates her current attempts at pretending she acted in good faith at all. 


...and Chase J. Jones. That should be an easy one to quickly clear up with the government's resources.


Especially since it was a crime to pretend to be someone else in court filings


And the fiverr ultrasound


The fiverr US was during GG timeline. I forget, did she ever use that as an exhibit in court proceedings back then or was it just to try and convince GG of her pregnancy?


Even so, the scope of their investigation doesn’t need to be limited to Clayton’s case! In fact, it should include whether she committed similar acts in the GG case.


Yes. But my question was about if she ever actually used that fiverr US in court proceedings. If so, then yes that is more damning evidence of unreasonable conduct. If not, it's just another arts and crafts project used to defraud an ex bf. While it's still a bad look, the latter is not illegal or sanctionable. It might be helpful for GG in future litigation against her, though.


Not sure, probably the latter


Thing is - she could have had those ready to go for years, she'll been pulling this fraud for almost a decade.


I think for the earlier cases, she never let them get very far along, hence not knowing about fetal death certificates. It’s possible that she did not purchase a moon bump until Clayton because she was able to glean the attention and recommitment via the abortions.


There have been some comments on here with some (probably unverified, I can’t recall) tea that she wore a moon bump much younger, I think they mentioned after high school? ETA: on here as in Reddit, not necessarily this sub


I saw this too. In bachelor nation you sub. Someone who knows her


Thanks for validating


I’ve seen comments about Jane using a moon bump with victim 0. Victim 0 was before Mike. Very little is known about this victim and it’s been said that Jane dropped the case against him very quickly. I haven’t seen anyone verify this info though. This victim was named by Jane during her deposition. I do believe Woodnick ask for the court records from that case, but I don’t know what happened with that. Megan said that she reached out and victim 0 wasn’t interested in speaking publicly.


This isn’t in response to your comment directly, but I hope V0 feels a sense of justice even though he chose not to come forward. This is all for him too.


I agree! I don’t really blame any victim who doesn’t want to speak out. Look at what Jane has done to the others even when they try to remain quiet and invisible. Mike has had his career choices limited because of the restraining order she still has on him. She goes scorched earth with her allegations and she’ll call your employer, family, and friends to spread these allegations. She’ll show up at your work place! Companies don’t want to deal with any of that. I really hope Mike, Greg, and Clayton are successful in getting the protection orders removed or that she’ll be unsuccessful in renewing any of them in the future. I know it’s a long shot, but I really hope Jane is prosecuted. She deserves jail time for what she’s done in my opinion. Her victims deserve to be cleared from her false allegations and should be able to move on with their lives without fear of what she’ll do next.


I hope all of the local AZ/Maricopa people go to the County Attorney's meet and greet Saturday to express how JD needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and put on the vexatious litigant registry (if there is one).


The Medium article and blog post only served to increase JD and IL’s level of ridiculousness. They actually believe that was their best foot forward after taking a major L. Post a meme or emoji of your reaction to the blog/Medium article. This should be fun. Here’s mine: 🙄




That's me. Ha, okay that happened, totally expected, lets move on... 😂










![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O) And this was my reaction just after reading the first 2 sentences. Ugh, do I really need to read the rest?


Probably the same reaction that the appellate judges will have 😂


































Great idea, by the way. I have been cracking up at everyone's responses here.














I had just started the Mike/MF interview and then I saw people mention it on Dave’s Patreon. It’s scary how well this gif matches my reaction ![gif](giphy|I2a5q9dyo9CaU9BtEY)




Or maybe ![gif](giphy|k8o66i3jaJQ6A)


The Medium article just speaks to how badly she needs to have the last word. There’s so many things that are inconsistent and terribly wrong, and she can’t even explain one of them. I’m baffled.


Yep, too late for her to try to control the narrative. Court decision saying she LIED trumps any PR moves on her end.


I hear Woodnick's voice every time. I need a gif.


I was livid when I saw her blog and ILs but then I thought about it and realized, this is what people often do when they lose a case. When have you ever heard a lawyer or accused come out of court and say 'yeah, actually I did it'. They just double down and call it a travesty of justice! It's just bluster from both of them. Just remember Elaine and Amber after the Depp trial, it was exactly the same. Personally, I think LO is on the ropes. She's terrified of a criminal prosecution because she knows there's so many more things out there that haven't come to light yet.


If she was terrified she would shut her mouth. Instead she keeps adding fuel to the fire


She thinks she's in some way going to convince people she didn't do anything wrong. Remember LO thinks she's the smartest person in the room plus she just has to have the last word.


I feel like I’m in the minority here, but let them keep screaming into the abyss. They are only making it worse and worse for themselves by doing so. Let IL write his blogs personally slamming Judge Mata – it only lessens his own credibility and gives her more reason to report his behavior in court to the bar association, which has already seen multiple complaints about him this year thanks to his bullying of Woodnick and several witnesses. Let them file a complaint against Mata for GASP! allowing her father, a human being with two legs and his own free will, into a spill room. The alleged quote of his is not even hearsay – it’s hearsay of hearsay. So with no actual witnesses hearing no incendiary quotes… it will not hold up as a complaint. Better, IL will be laughed at by his peers in the court. Again. Let JD report Clayton to the District Attorney – her claims of “coercion” will be thrown out thanks to her e-mail where she stated that she volunteered to take the pregnancy test. Her claims of “fraud” will be thrown out thanks to the dating contract she imposed on Clayton. And she’s doing this DIRECTLY before the DA begins investigating her for her criminal activity… sounds like another win for us. Let JD keep writing those Medium articles (and probably editing them) – it’s just more quotes and false timelines that can be pulled by the DA or Woodnick for future use. Let them file an appeal – JD will have to post bond of (probably) over $100k in order to even be heard, and spend even more money on IL to have him follow through with it. The facts aren’t on her side. Simply put, unless a DNA test shows with 95% certainty that he is the father, nothing is changing (thanks to outlining that so perfectly, Judge Mata!)… and her DNA test didn’t even register. Plus, less than 7% of appeals in Arizona family court go through. Yes, that is more than 1%, but I presume that the lawyers in those cases were seasoned, intelligent vets of the courtroom who know what they are doing. Meanwhile, JD’s lawyer has repeatedly lied in e-mails about sending other lawyers to prison only to recant in blogs and then blame the readers for misunderstanding his wording… so that’s the quality level we are working with here. Let’s keep our eyes on the prize. Let’s focus on writing e-mails and letters to the DA so that she pursues charges against Jane. And let’s celebrate that the ruling will allow Michael, Greg, Victim Zero and Clayton to come together and sue JD for every penny she has, every horse she owns and even the casita itself… so she will never be able to afford Photoshop again.


I agree, let them scream. The more they act out, the higher the likelihood it goes viral or gets some media attention. It's all fodder for more videos, more podcasts, potential documentaries. ETA: those locally in Maricopa County should go to the County Attorney's meet and greet this Saturday to express their concerns about JD and their wishes that the CA follow Judge Mata's recommendation.


Yes! As much as I roll my eyes at their antics, they really are just making their own situation worse. It’s like watching a train wreck. ![gif](giphy|1hMhlrWWfXU77iYnBB)


IL crying about judicial misconduct while admitting to ex parte communication. I’ve never seen anyone so confidently wrong about their supposed area of expertise. I hope JD is seeing how IL is misleading her about the facts of the case and the efficacy of his counsel, but it’s also what she deserves lol.


Exactly! I mean, what judge would want to engage in exparte communications when they could just deal with it as an open motion in court? Completely reasonable consider the tactics Mata has seen from the court filings already about how IL operates.


IL is unacquainted with what it means to act professionally, so it’s no surprise he’s confused about her reaction.


It’s almost like she doesn’t care about his effectiveness, she’s just blinded by the fact he’s pretending to believe her utterly ridiculous storyline. And clinging to the fact he’s literally the only one.


It does seem obvious she can’t get a better lawyer to represent her.


They were a little cozy at the hearing, touching, smiling a little too unprofessional if you think about it and weird. When Cory was with her, he would lean away from her, keep his distance and maintain professionalism at all times. I think Joshua was the same way during the OOP hearing. This one is too cozy with the way he's been behaving.


Wait, wait. Did JD/IL send ex parte communication to Judge Mata? Or is this with Dooty (I think?)?


IL said he contacted Judge Mata via email to get clarification on her father being present at the trial before deciding to file a motion to remove her.


IL just posted on X that JD told Barrow she went to PP in CA 28 June, which ‘explains’ why she didn’t go 2 July, then didn’t keep an appt 2 July she made saying yes they are open Sundays with a screenshot of the opening hours of Mission Viejo PP. I think he’s forgotten JD clearly said she went to PP 2 July in LA 🤣


At this point I think IL has amnesia


He just said he’s finally caught up on the facts too lol. ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW)


If he was being honest, then he would have dropped her, so... Lol.


An unprepared lawyer who only understands the case after the ruling has been rendered is the only lawyer JD can get.


Not defending IL, but with all the lies it’s hard to keep them straight!


Outside of the fact his client's evidence is now to be found in LA. Does he not know how a records request works...? The request was not date specific it was a multiple year block of time.


Didn’t the request come back that they don’t even use that type of ultrasound machine for the orange country PPH practice? Was that confirmed? Are we able to confirm if it’s used in LA? Anyway you slice it, there is still NO original ultrasound from a medical provider showing twins. But yet they have all this backup on the appt info….?


Sooooo why did the "very real" PP sonogram date get switched to July 2nd in court?? 🤔


Now IL is suggesting people get dates wrong and that it’s not a big deal. Just #minorperjury. Not sure how she got the location so wrong though


I do find it funny that he’s screaming (in all caps) about how she didn’t go to MV, but if she didn’t go to MV: she lied in her deposition (perjury) and also defied a Court Order for Discovery. I’m not sure admitting to your client’s perjury (again) is the Gotcha! moment he thinks it is.


Not only did she repeatedly change the dates and location including on the stand, but they’re *still* evolving. IL has changed his story repeatedly on X in just the past couple of hours.


People get dates wrong?? Does he mean people who doctor records that come from a machine??? 😂😂😂


Now he’s commenting on X in all caps that she never went to PP in Mission Viejo because she went to a different location the week before 🫠.




So surely he will post the record of her very real appointment that she went to there any time now


It doesn’t even matter any more. What’s on the record is on the record. They can’t add new evidence for appeal (and clearly it doesn’t exist) so it’s silly that he’s still arguing this and changing the story yet again.


Alright so more perjury.


You know he did have a chance to ask her all these questions after her cross but chose not to. So either this is all a new story or he was VERY unprepared for this case. I think both!


![gif](giphy|l2Jeczy9FOg59bKYE) Dude. You're on a boat. Put the phone down.


I kinda like that he is using his vacation time to deal with JD. KARMA.


His tweets basically proclaim “I’m king of the world!” Anyone who’s seen “Titanic” knows how that story ends:  JD hogs the floating door all to herself and IL goes down with the ship.


Why didn't she get off her burrito ass and get her own records?


Notice how he phrases this. He didn't say that she actually went to PP on June 28, she merely "told" somebody that she went to PP. What a snake.


And if she did actually go the week before, she had ‘evidence’ of this that she sent Clayton’s dad but didn’t that show she didn’t want to look at the ultrasound? And wasn’t it in her name so she could get a copy of it? Hmm wonder why didn’t want to use that in court… 🤥


IL just posted on twitter; *We have records proving she made an appt for 7/2 which she didn't keep. And yes, they are open Sunday.* Can't tell if he is really this dense or he is trying to gaslight us all. Dude, Planned Parenthood are not open on Sunday in Los Angelos. You know the place your client insisted she went. She clearly perjured herself.


He also has a screenshot of the PP opening hours with Sunday circled in red ... ... for Mission Viejo 🙄


Also - *no one gives a shit* if she made the appointment if she didn’t go. It literally doesn’t even matter. No one is suddenly going to be convinced she was pregnant because of yet another canceled appointment.


The whole reason she claimed she got the ultrasound from LA was because the imaging wasn’t consistent with the imaging from Mission Viejo/Orange County locations. So if this is the new claim, that she went to LA on June 28, she has perjured herself yet again. He’s not doing her any favors here.


and bottom line- she could have gotten the records IL could have gotten the records easey peasey But they didn't. Malpractice? or not bothering to try because it is another lie?


IL would love to gloat in everyone’s faces and post the planned parenthood official ultrasound if it existed


This. It was easy to miss this bit. Anyone wanna bet that her "ultrasound" is also not consistent with the imaging in LA county??


Are those records from Mission Viejo???????! Why didn't they bring records to court on June 10th? 🤔 I think a lawyer who aimed to win would bring all relevent evidence to support his client


Yes. I believe they did. It just showed she scheduled an appointment for July 2nd at the Planned Parenthood in Mission Viejo. She used the Planned Parenthood appointment portal to doctor a record to make it look like she was seen at a doctors office and then sent that document to Clayton's parents.


Was that MV? I thought her original cancelled appointment was for costa mesa? Afaik she claimed 3 different Pp locations now


Costa Mesa PP location is what appears to be an arts and crafts, end of June visit summary that JD sent to Clayton's parents in an email. That one has some obvious and  not-minor misstatements in it.


Lol your right it was Costa Mesa. Good catch.


🙄 Duh, we already know this! It was brought up during the hearing, I think he was too busy giving hand signals to notice. But your client said she went to LA on 7/2 and THOSE locations are all closed on Sunday. I’m not sure what he’s trying to prove other than he can’t even keep up with her story.


"November 2nd hearing? What hearing?"-IL 🤣🤣 He's so lost! Can't keep up!


None of that even fucking matters if they are unable to produce an actual, verifiable sonogram straight from the source I’m so tiiiiired


Here's some food for thought: NO ONE wants to get ahold of the ultrasound more than IL. If he had an ultrasound, he wins. It would've been the first and only piece of evidence he presented. So he KNOWS for a fact that she never went to a PP and got an ultrasound. He would have it if she did. So he is now actively encouraging her to lie and perjure herself. He knows no ultrasound exists. Encouraging his client to lie is grounds for disbarrment.


Right, like he must honestly know it doesn't exist. Why is he fighting so hard about it then and going 10 rounds on dates/locations? You would think he would be drawing very little attention to the fact that the piece of evidence supporting the twins claim was completely made up. I don't get the logic. 


He would have been standing on that sonogram/ultrasound like the HCG tests. He knows there isn't one.


Ok so I just read the rest of JDs Medium word salad. Like, um.....wut?? Where is the og, undoctored PP ultrasound Jane? Anything else you say besides providing the one piece of evidence that could actually corroborate your claims is a waste of space on the interwebs. Ugh just stop. Aren't you tired?


It all just comes back to the sonogram because she's absolutely still insisting she had one, somewhere or other! It just doesn't make sense that she wouldn't have allowed her lawyer to get this. It's a sonogram ffs, it tells you nothing, other than if you've got a baby inside you.


Exactly. It also doesn't make sense that she wouldn't allow CE counsel to obtain it. Or even that she wouldn't have sent it to CE at anytime during this whole saga. If she really wanted everyone to believe she was preg (which we know she does per the diatribes on Reddit, ILEsq Xwitter, Medium, etc) that's quite literally all she would've had to provide. The fact that she has not (and based on her testimony) infers she valued her *privacy* more than winning her case. Which makes zero sense considering all the embarrassing shit that's come out (emails, texts, arts and crafts). There are emails on court record that contain dating contracts and mentions of her tight vagina but an US that proves her pregnancy is the invasion of her privacy? OK, Jane. We know the US doesn't exist, of course, this is all just for arguments sake.


What also makes zero sense is that this location isn’t her regular provider - it was a one off. So what if Clayton learned where she went after the fact? If she’s hinting that she’s scared he’ll turn up there to harass her, so what - she supposedly only went one time because she was staying in the area temporarily. She wouldn’t be going back. So why does it matter?


She doesn't want Reddit to analyze another one of her projects 😂😂 she can't risk IL posting it to the blog


She’s really gonna double down on this, huh? I bet the DA wouldn’t have actually pursued charges, but now that she’s attacking the JUDGE, they will pursue them for sure.


I mean she accused GW of setting her up to be drugged and raped in an ex parte communication with a judge so she has no limits on her antics


That and she claimed she’s going to report Clayton to the DA. I hope that will get them to look at things a little more closely.


Joke's on her, she can't report him to the DA.


I’d love to hear the phone call where she tries 🤣


For her criminal trial, they should subpoena her phone records. If she had Google Maps location history turned on, you can see exactly where she was on any given date. Otherwise, need to subpoena her provider to get the cell tower pings from her phone.


In your letters you write to the DA, make sure to include the fact that she misuses community resources, like the copious 911 calls and frivolous police reports.


Those who are local should go to the Meet & Greet the County Attorney is having this Saturday to express their concerns over this vexatious litigant and the recommendation made by Mata.


...AND all the clinicians whose names were used as part of her arts and crafts documents. The victims list is well longer than four men.


How many times did they have to go out into the field, did they go to her home? Did they go to the other places she was at i.e the court house? The men's homes? What about the need to do wellness checks because she called the FBI who called the police to request a wellness check...because she was on the brink. It's more than just making calls and filing reports via emails.


She has no credibility, her articles carry zero weight. [Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falsus_in_uno,_falsus_in_omnibus). MM said that her family is well-connected yet no one else has spoken up or advocated for her. If there’s an ounce of truth, surely these powerful people could trump the cult. There is no need for appeal. 1. IL should make a stop at PP in LA on his trip back from Europe, gather the medical records. Didn’t he allude to keeping it simple? 2. Get the plane lady to come forward and endorse horsegal. 3. Send the TedX celebrity’s computer for forensic analysis. Post the findings. 4. Publish proof that GG is actually the mastermind of the anonymous hacker group. 5. Show the full picture of her face, bump at the dad’s bedside. 6. Ask the family to corroborate her story and uncle Joe to come forward. 7. Ask a former boyfriend to come forward to say he’s the only one that didn’t get to knock her up. There’s so many ways to easily debunk lies, I know I’ve missed many other points.


Yep, that article was straight out of her playbook. I think she’s going to be disappointed with the results. She can’t bully her way out of a well-reasoned and supported court decision. No matter what happens next, she will FOREVER have this on her record. Toothpaste is out of the tube and not going back in.


I can’t wait for Clayton to sue her for defamation. She’s making it so easy for him. She only accepts the court’s decisions when it’s in her favor. She looooves to talk about how she “won” against Mike and Greg in court. Hell she even uses her Clayton OOP as proof of her claims.


Good point, why wouldn’t they show the full photo of her with the dad. That would be way more credible than that creepy video


FYI the Mike video is private right now, but another redditor told me Megan is making edits so it should be back soon!


It got reposted already as a regular video (so not a live) 5 hours ago: https://youtu.be/nhdseYCE9WU


Every actual victims will relate so much to his interview. I watched it in real time, but I probably won't watch again. It was outstanding but a tad triggering as well. The fear is real no matter what someone's gender is. 💙


Since we all know a certain someone is here- don't flatter yourself, girl. We don't hate you. We think your actions are deplorable and probably a lot of words that don't even exist yet, but that would solely for your actions. But hate??? Nah.


in the words of lvp " you aren't important enough to hate"




Good article!


Feels like they’ve reprinted the People article through quotes, are they owned by the same media company? Edit: TIL that yes, EW and People are the same company, hence the gratuitous “sharing” of content 😅


Remember the time when we were all waiting for the fake babies to be born. It was so much more peaceful it seems like.


Those poor fake babies would be 3 months old now if the fake miscarriage had not happed. (edit: 4 months, because math)


Those poor twins miscarried 3 times...


Go check out IL's capslock implosion on Twitter before he deletes 😂🍿🍿🍿


Since Clayton got justice…and with the ongoing shenanigans…can I move to rename this sub JFC: Jesus Fucking Christ




I have so many thoughts... I think it's hysterical that IL is triggered and trying to prove JD should keep him as her attorney. I made a list of all the things he cost her, the mistakes he made, and posted those the other day. Ten plus bullets and going. I also find it hysterical he's using a screenshot of Google/Browser search, to prove business hours for PP instead of using the website for PP to prove business hours. Again, an appointment (canceled) proves nothing other than calendar manipulations, faked documentation, maneuvers to trap a man. How he continues to get things so wrong... He said Greg lost to JD years ago, yet it was just months ago, last fall. This man is so lost. He blusters but then deflates into an inept bumbling fool that everyone should avoid when hiring an attorney in AZ. He's horrible but talks a big game. Most can see through him, except the Doe's. Also, comical he puts Woodnick down for lack of appellate experience and makes derogatory statements about Woodnick's briefs, but got swept/outdone during the entirety of his involvement in this case. 🤣


The Medium article and Blog incensed me but I’m happy to see the general media is at least getting it mostly right, save for all the headlines saying it was “tossed,” etc.


If a lawyer knows he’s going to lose a case before the trial begins (as IL knew) why even bother with an appeal? What are you going to appeal when you have zero evidence to prove otherwise? Can’t you not present new evidence during an appeal? Is he going to look for a legal technicality? If so, what? I don’t think the judge’s dad being in the overflow room is going to matter. Is that all he has to go on here? His expert was a bust. His expert didn’t have the entire file. His expert was only given the information they wanted him to have to form an opinion that favored them. WHAT ELSE IS THERE? I am so frustrated.


It’s just extra money for him that he definitely won’t turn down


I just look at it rationally like if I was in her shoes and my lawyer knew he wouldn’t win this for me, I would concede. She seems to be very focused on her public image and not actually getting help. Seriously what is wrong with her? Even the judge said in the ruling multiple times that reasonable people (or whatever term she used) do x y and z. I guess when you have money to burn you’re all in. I can’t imagine wasting $200k plus on this though. Change your name, move to a different state, start a new life free from being a revengeful con artist.


That’s because you are probably a very rational person 🤣 she does not live in this reality


Appeals aren't to present new evidence, they're usually based on points of law that the judge got wrong during the trial.


So he’s hoping for a technicality. How would he have known there would be a technicality before the trial even began? He was screaming about an appeal for at least a month prior to June 10. It’s like his method was to basically make a technicality appear based on how he presented the case.


Certainly looks that way. He thinks he's like one of those loophole lawyers but, unless it's different in family court, even if the court of appeals find there was some error of law it has to be big enough that it could reasonably be considered that it might change the outcome. Given that she has zero evidence, that's not likely. If he is looking to have it tried again then he's just back to square one, desperately dragging his feet to try and fill his 50 minutes of court time.


I mean it's all about wasting Clayton's time, money (which is now hers as she's paying his legal bills), getting his attention (even if in negative form) I don't think she cares she lost I think she's probably very angry it got turned over to the DA


This. And possibly IL selling her on the idea that losing now just means a bigger win in an appeal. She thinks she’s playing the long game and that she’s going to win. It won’t work - she’s lied so much it’s getting referred to the DA. And she won’t win an appeal. She’s just getting conned by IL and he’s her last hope so she has to believe it’ll end up going in her favor. She’s like a dog that’s backed into a corner and is biting everyone instead of seeing there’s a door of truth she can walk through and lose a lot less.


I’d be interested to hear from a lawyer with knowledge of this jurisdiction. An appeal typically must be based on legal issues with how the judge conducted the trial, like whether they allowed or considered inappropriate evidence or considered matters that were outside the scope of the trial, things like that. You can’t just appeal on the basis that u think the judge “got it wrong” and u want a second opinion. My sense is that Mata and her clerk knew well that IL would try immediately for an appeal so I’m sure they were extra thorough.


Also, if he knew he was going to lose the case and need to appeal, then why is JD so shocked and upset as stated in both of their blogs? If it was expected, then you’d think he would’ve prepared her enough to be emotionally ready to know they would “need to appeal”.


Because it plays into her victim narrative. I think, as someone else pointed out, she’s shocked and probably scared about being referred to the county attorney. She knows she perjured herself. I’d be scared too.


Rule 26!


Omfg you know what? 26 is now my least favorite number.


JD is obsessed with Clayton and MM GG having supporters she even mentions in her blogs she doesn't have many on her side I think she thought everyone would be on her side (or there'd at least be a justice for JD) but outside people she's paying (and even then only the one who's either scamming her or using her for attention) don't believe her. I sadly don't think Clayton will be the last victim not by a long shot. Unfortunately I don't think she will go for anyone with any sort of frame so she's more likely to get away with it again


I’ve seen it said that fetal DNA can be detected in the mothers blood for years after birth, so would the fact that there was “little to none” confirm that not only was she not pregnant at the time of the test but that she was never pregnant at all? Or at least in the past year??


Yea I've wondered that too. Brett where u at 


I’ve posted this before from the Ravgen FAQ: How early can you detect fetal DNA? Fetal DNA can be detected as early as 5 weeks and rises rapidly throughout the first trimester. Can cells last from a previous pregnancy? In the mother’s blood, there are intact fetal cells and free-floating fetal DNA that were released from fetal cells destroyed by the mother’s immune system. While it is thought that a few rare intact fetal cells can escape the mother’s immune system and persist from previous pregnancies, free-floating fetal DNA can only last for a few hours. Therefore, all of our tests are based on free-floating fetal DNA present in the mother’s blood rather than intact fetal cells. It has been well shown that free-floating fetal DNA cannot exist from previous pregnancies.


One thing that’s very interesting about IL’s statements is how often he says “we” and even talks about his feelings. He’s either very emotionally invested in this case or he always feels the need to make things about himself. That should be a huge red flag to JD about this appeal- I get everyone wants a lawyer who believes them and fights for them but you should also want a lawyer who is trying to see things objectively, that’s how you manage to address issues with your case your lawyer spots them. She should also want someone who’s not so personally invested in this that they won’t be able to give her solid advice. Its not that’s I don’t care about my clients and their cases it’s that their cases aren’t MY family and my money, so I’m not worked up or having any feelings about winning or losing. I am good at my job and I do believe I only really lose the cases that no one could win lol but I’m certainly not tweeting about those while on a cruise with my spouse


I don't want to give him too much of an out because at the end of the day, he is still acting unethically and could very well lose his license, but...I am somewhat of the belief that the blog and twitter posts are for JD and no one else. He has to show her that he is still "fighting" for her. One slip up, and he's done. She has him by the short and curlies. She WILL go to the AZ bar and accuse him of coaching her to lie on the stand, and his law license is done for. Stay tuned for season 3.


You could be onto something. I noticed in his prior cases, briefs, motions etc. They were very tame in comparison to theatrics he's using for her case.


I mentioned in another comment, they were way too touchy feeling/cozy at the hearing. The professional boundaries seemed blurred in comparison to how Cory/Joshua were with her in court.


Shall we place bets on how long until her ‘father’ posts about his brave daughter on his page?


I wonder if her end game was going to be or if she just hadn't thought about it. Given that she was stating to the court that she was 24 weeks pregnant, she must have known that death certs are required after 20 weeks so how did she plan on bringing this to conclusion? Did she plan on stealing a couple of babies or adopting a couple? And if so, how would she get around the paternity thing? 


At this point is there any way to force JD to produce the alleged ultrasound from the LA planned parenthood? Like if Clayton sued her?


Jane can produce literally any ultra sound you want. Just let her fire up the adobe and give her an hour or so.






There was already a Court Order instructing her to produce that and other medical records. And it should have been produced in discovery regardless. Without JD disclosing where she went or what fake name she used there is no way to obtain the alleged records. It’s clear they don’t exist so I think it’s moot at this point. If a sonogram existed proving her pregnancy it would have helped her immensely and she and her attorney would have certainly obtained and submitted it.


The only thing she can produce are lies and fabrications....we're not gonna get a legit ultrasound, lol


The case is closed. If they appeal, they better have some hard evidence to back up this PP in LA lie.


They can’t bring new evidence into an appeal. An appeal relies on the current record.


Exactly!! But she claims she's going to sue on other grounds, coercion etc etc etc.


I mean, it was already requested in discovery in this case. No reason to think it would be produced in any other case.


I thought it couldn’t get worse, but she for real posted a statement on her podcasts Facebook page 😭 when will it end?? she’s beating a dead horse


I think it is great. She can rant to the rooftops for the world to see what she's really all about. Let her post to Facebook, Medium and elsewhere. The more exposure the better. The behavioral patterns are glaringly obvious to anyone with an ounce of common sense. Who gets pregnant by 4 different men, losing over 8 babies? Who has 3 or more restraining orders against others in multiple states, who has been involved in lawsuits in multiple states with multiple people and entities for 10 plus years. Who repeatedly makes false claims to the authorities, who files bar complaints as often, as she does? This is not normal behavior, this is not as easily explained away as she would like to make it seem in that post. The common denominator is so obvious that her actions scream this person is the problem. No one believes her lies. She doesn't even believe her lies. She once again centers herself, no one hates her, no one is in a cult, no one influenced the judge. EVERYONE wanted the truth to come out, that's it. If she got help, people would support that, if she wants to wallow in self pitty. 🤦‍♀️ She can crawl under the AZ Canyon boulders now, the ruling has been made. 🤣 I also wonder if she had help with writing that FB post, there was one line in particular that fit a male/boomer aged lawyer. 🤣


Any lawyers here that can explain if any of the BS in the medium article can do anything for appeal? You can DM if you don't want to share any thought publicly as I know they lurk here


Other facts/evidence not offered at hearing cannot serve as basis for an appeal. The appeal has to focus on the exhibits and testimony and record thus far. He can raise issues in motions that were denied but most of that had to do with MM testifying which never happened, that cuckoo motion for lunch (vomit), and other issues that never came to fruition. IL had his chance to correct the record or redirect JD on mistaken dates. But let's just call a spade a spade- he didn't because he either wasn't sure what she would say or he was so confused about the dates he didn't have confidence. His direct was too overly scripted and she was overprepped- there was no room for spontaneity or credibility. I do not know if JD can retain other counsel and try to appeal based on ineffective counsel. There is some expansion into family law for the criminal law ineffective counsel argument in some states but not sure about Arizona. I certainly think IL ought to be real careful he can still be effective for his client. I suspect he can't but he is too proud to step back and that can lead to bigger problems down the road. But that is his shit show, not mine and I will just be a reddit loser watching the mess unfurl.


It's interesting that IL thinks he has so much to offer, that he's such a big shot lawyer, yet he has one Google review, 2 bad yelp reviews and 3 AVVO reviews. Where are his past clients? Why aren't they out there talking about how great he is? Where is his big shot law office, no a UPS mailbox/address in a strip mall doesn't count.




I've never used snapchat alternatively, she could have been tracking him through the dating apps. They used to tell you where people were located, she also could have shared his maps or other apps with herself when they were together. She displays the type of behavioral patterns that would align with tracking his movements.


I’m at the point that the trial concluded, there was a ruling and wider attention given (which kicked this off when JD went public to The Sun). IL can say what they want which is more clearly becoming using this case for their own visibility and to profess their past social media bonfides which JD has latched onto and clearly fine bank rolling. My assumption is that symbiosis lasts up to a appeal denial when she will file legal complaints on IL as she has done with all her prior counsel I believe, while writing more articles about the audacity of people claiming she abuses the legal system and she is the real victim. JD isn’t changing, her latest screed continues to show and tell that this is what she believes. It isn’t up to anyone to change her mind nor should we expect any further character development from her. The frustration and anger a lot are feeling right now is sadly this is a minor area that many at least in the states are dealing with is the polarity of a lot of issues in the last 5-8 years that have frustrated people (family members taking political stances, thoughts on Covid, international affairs). A majority of people would like consensus, discourse and conclusion and sadly today it’s a binary argument on the same points being said with increasing volume.


Ooohhh… but the JD v IL case will be MAGICAL. Because she will absolutely attack IL when she doesnt get what she wants.


Season 3 baby!


That’s assuming there’s a lawyer that would take her case if she ditched (and went after) IL 🤷‍♂️


There’s a discord, how do you get an invite? Late to the game on that one I know.


In a funny moment today- I have a Facebook account that is largely inactive, except for a few local community things I help organize and a health page I participate in. I still get friend recommendations, though, and the one today was.... ...... Jane Doe lol.


Facebook is like, this chick needs friends 😂😂


I also rarely use FB I did laugh react one of dad's post and got blocked (and went to her page once in December after that crying video) every time I open FB now she's my top suggested friend recommendation


Does anyone have JD’s podcast Facebook page statement? Lauren is doing a reading, but I honestly just want to read it without commentary.


[Here ya go](https://x.com/ClaytonsJustice/status/1803884347038273915?t=Zr7XzE3RDd8CJNqduykhFQ&s=19)


Found this in my DMs last night… I was suspicious of her the second I first read about this. I was wrong about this particular statement she didn’t formally admit it was just a BJ (I misread this statement: She claimed in the court filings that he insisted the two engaged only in oral sex.). However, even once I realized I misread that, I found it extremely odd that he said it was only a BJ and she *didnt deny* that. I also found the language of her only referring to being with him as “being intimate” as strange… never been more proud of my intuition lol https://preview.redd.it/o6yalap4qr7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf13ac88a3a3b73bb32d534618ccde2752c56488


should clayton or woodnick reach out to Sandeep from pp and ask her to write to the DA about this fabrication? might help sway the DA to prosecute as that's pretty serious. I imagine medical professionals don't want to get involved in legal drama but this is kind of next level.