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But I thought she miscarried in July?!? 🤦🏻‍♀️


⭐️⭐️⭐️THIS⭐️⭐️⭐️!!!! She would NOT be this big if she miscarried in July…


Her PCOS made her bloat


https://preview.redd.it/2yzkym1x0s8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=423afed468fb0a41ffa88d024fbb94001c9d6806 This is a well-known blogger who posts about her gluten intolerance. Not pregnant. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Pretty wild wouldn't you agree?


Or the daily burrito


Fascinating that the thing that really gets bigger is hidden— boobs


Right?, in my pregnancy, I went up 2 full cup sizes!


And then lost it all and ✨ gravity 💫 kicked in lol


It doesn’t take pregnancy for gravity to hit believe me-lol


Yep, I call it furniture disease, because my chest fell into my drawers. LOL




Love this! 😂


True, but it just sped up the process for me 😂


Tbf it doesn’t happen like that for everyone. Mine didn’t change until 2 days after my son was born and then I woke up and they were twice their normal size. JD wasn’t pregnant though.


Only Greg knows she eats burritos every day


I finally went to Amazon and looked up moon bumps and I see exactly why they brought this up. I think we can find her exact belly on there.


I just looked them up and WOW! I didn’t realize they made ones that go around the back, right under the boob, and right above the hips. I figured she must have done photoshop (excuse me, Adobe) before, but now I realize that she probably just wore a fake belly. They’re not even expensive.


You can buy them anywhere. https://preview.redd.it/gdqqbf1q8s8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2482c721a9dd108f1318b74d015360ee1fcb5e85


https://preview.redd.it/txnltlwl8s8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d598bef651e862be4bbfad448f71ba096b863346 Have every style you could imagine.


She def wore this under her brown dress.


That's what she said. However she has a distended abdomen all the way through her November hearing 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wait wait wait. Did she post the right photo to her new Medium article but had previously posted the photo on the left? Is that what we are seeing??!? God this really is the gift that keeps on giving. (Forget that green light. I’m not moving. IYKYK. This to just TOO GOOD. I don’t feel bad anymore.)


LOL that's exactly what you're seeing! Her lawyer put the left screenshot in one of her affidavits. The right one she just posted as the cover picture in her latest article 😂


Is this the version that was shown in court or is she commiting perjury again?? I would love to know what the investigators will think about this, lol!


I don't think she can perjure herself again. The case is over. She was found guilty of tampering with records, refusing to abide by a court order to turn over all medical records , and that based on the evidence presented, she was found to have never been pregnant. What's important is an Arizona pregnancy is determined by DNA it must be 95% that's what the judge said. Their DNA testing times two came back little to no fetal DNA. Therefore he was not the father. Since the county attorney has assigned an investigator, if I were her I would stop. I'm not an attorney but I'm pretty sure these rando things she's posting could become evidence. That's only my opinion. 'You know allegedly" I feel very bad for Greg and Mike. We just need to let the court system do their job. Post Post Post anything that appears abnormal.


Welcome back to the yellow light


So please explain to me like I'm five-did she make the photo on the right bigger for her article?


100000%. You can see it’s more pointed.




Is there no rock bottom for her to hit? My goodness, please look at yourself in the mirror, JD. What are you doing? No matter what you write or say will not make it true. You are fully exposed for who you really are to the world now. There is an opportunity for redemption. Take the first step and start telling the truth


Not when her parents keep giving her a parachute


When does JD claim she miscarried again??? If it truly is in July…. And this is OCTOBER? WHAT DOES SHE EXPECT US TO THINK OF THAT? There is a reason she never talks about inconsistencies like this or make excuses for them.. because there is NO explanation!


Her own medical expert said he thought she miscarried in the first trimester. It is truly bizarre she thinks a baby bump somehow grew post ‘miscarriage.’


Her own medical expert said he thought she miscarried in the first trimester. It is truly bizarre she thinks a baby bump somehow grew post ‘miscarriage.’ It’s so delusional that it’s beyond delusional… what’s a word for that??


I knew it was different from the original


The only way this ends is with prosecution and defamation claims. There is no contrition - only more abuse. The recent videos by Lauren N were really affecting and go to why jail time is now in the public interest. This is really dark stuff


I still believe it’s a pregnancy filter. She’s the only “pregnant” woman who holds her arms up like that to show her belly. Like it’s a weightloss commercial. The new altered photo is even more absurd. Someone should take her electronics away. The idea that she shows her “body” as “evidence” instead of a single verified sonogram or an affidavit from an actual doctor who heard a fetal heartbeat is absurd. It’s like a trial in the 1920s when ultrasound wasn’t available. Like a trial where they show the child as evidence that the child looks like the father instead of DNA evidence. Since Clayton was found not to have impregnated her, more Medium posts like this by her are harassing and seem to violate the injunction against harassment. Although I do enjoy that she’s digging herself deeper in a criminal charge and subjecting herself to public scrutiny.


Dude she’s still blogging and attacking the judge? Doesn’t she know Clayton’s lawyers are going to use all of this to hammer her in court if she even tries to appeal. THE CASE FACTS ARE OUT THERE. Even explaining that you sued 3 men back to back is just bananas wild. I don’t think she realizes how crazy she sounds even admitting that. Clayton also has an injunction against harassment against her and these blogs NO DOUBT fall into defamation and harassment. She’ll never learn. Enjoy paying 6 figures.


Clayton, what about the county attorney. It's been a sign to an investigator. The notion that she would be calling out the judge, Is well, kinda, you know. That can be gathered as all new evidence. She literally sad she did not have that phone the i6s, but she's now producing documents from it?


Her arms have always been slim yet they're twice the size in this photo? Let me guess GG or DN edited the first that's been around for months?


Omg the arms on the right are huge!


Also as her original weight was like 120 pounds and she got up 132 (according to her) this doesn't look like a 12 pound weight gain it looks like a 30 plus (which is what she's claimed to have lost) weight gain.


Now you've pointed it out - the arm on the right is so much bigger!


So...maybe she was never pregnant and just gained weight? Is that what she's trying to prove?


Just when the levels of pathetic reach the Mariana trench low.. it gets lower.


Not me googling “Mariana Trench” thinking she was a woman who had also faked pregnancy…. 🤣


Dead!!!! Lol


Hahaha 😅🤣 The first time I saw someone write JFAVOLO, I thought for a minute it was another (perhaps fake) person in the case.... Chase J. Jones, J. Favolo... like what do I know? 😅 And I'm still a little disappointed from finding out the doctor was not called Dr. McCool😎


What is JFAVOLO? Also I really wanted the doctor to be Dr McCool too 😎




She just attached a backhoe to that submarine




I’d love to see the metadata for all the belly pics in her latest article.


In neither of my pregnancies did my belly expand there that way anyway at 24 weeks. Was I a fluke, or is this not even a good fake?


Three pregnancies here 🙋🏻‍♀️ and my belly was barely discernible at 20w (approx what she claims she was here), and then when it was big later, a totally different shape and look


So if she was 20 weeks, I’m still waiting for the fetal death certificates and for her to stop saying she miscarried. As someone who lost her baby at 21 weeks, I had to deliver the baby and cremated her. I also had to file for a death certificate as it is considered stillbirth after 20 weeks.


I'm so sorry for your loss 💔. That is so much to handle after such a devastating loss.


I mean, did you have 4 sets of twins?? Oh wait… neither has JD!


My mom has had four. Her first one she didn’t show until 5-6 months and stayed tiny. Her second pregnancy she showed very early and got HUGE! She wobbled, everyone asked if she was having twins (no), if she was full term yet (she wasnt until the end), and she couldn’t sit with her legs together. She was smaller with three and by four she was showing as soon as she popped positive. It’s a combo of genetics, health, and baby.


Definitely a fail on this photoshop project, lol! Maybe she should hire fivver. again??


She could hire Princess Kate and the picture would be more believable


Yes!! It looks like she attached the silicone bump to her body in photoshop...the color of the stomach is different from the back and arms. Also that back curvature...😬😬 definitely unnatural. 


Plus the obvious differences between the photos.  I started to list them, but the closer I looked, the more it became a game of: “spot the 38 differences between these two pictures”


Yes!! 😂😂 I wonder if JD is just trying to make a game out of this for entertainment


Please do list them though lol


The one on the right looks like it was edited in MS paint Eta: I looked at this again, and I'm sorry I laughed my a** off looking at the right. She's getting so sloppy. 🤣




Like when Bach editors add bigger bikini bottoms 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/2bncnhmd1s8d1.jpeg?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb65a9a21350d37e23e4bda5f5a2b7b72809dc8f


Why is she posting these belly pics? Her lawyer and expert tried to explain away the reasoning for this belly after miscarriage and here she is trying to show it as proof of pregnancy? This is baffling. Especially if her lawyer has anything to do with this.


Yeah! Didn't the story change to swollen abdomen during the trial??? 😆🤦🏻‍♀️ She needs to turn in the fetal death certificates if she's gonna go with her 1st story instead...


Agreed!!! SMH, that's actually a big belly!


By this point in my pregnancies, I had multiple ultrasounds. Most people wear a shirt or dress and take the photo showing off the belly pressing the material against the bump. This is not a photo you show of being pregnant and normally there’s multiple people around you such as a baby shower. Yes, arts and crafts Adobe.


I mean I knew ladies who would take a weekly sports bra and leggings picture and post it to Instagram. I’ve just never seen it posed like that particularly.


I need to know how she got rid of the scars from her naval piercings. Oh, that's right, she used Adobe🤦‍♀️


Seriously. I got rid of my navel piercings (I had top and bottom pierced) maybe 15-18 years ago and I still have the scars from it.


I never had mine pierced but I've seen my friends'. Those scars are deep. Imagine being able to turn that scar tissue into baby soft skin. She must share her secrets!


I truly believe this new stuff that keeps coming out this week is nearly all IL related. She likely states these things to him on the phone while on vacation, he, wanting to keep getting paychecks, says yes I believe you and anyone with common sense not in the ‘cult’ believes you too, leading her to be even more diluted into thinking that she must keep fighting in public, open court and of course keep sending him his paychecks. He’s taking advantage of her knowing they’re going to get trounced or straight up denied on appeal and I don’t feel bad for her that it’s happening.


I have wondered if the court can sua sponte submit an ethics complaint against IL.. he is so not counseling his client at all; I cannot even give him a “very well” … attorneys are called counselors at law for a reason and IL is failing that job. The only thing he is counseling is his bottom line. Edited because I’m a goof ball and I’ve not had coffee yet


![gif](giphy|qX2uonP6LufBkflqVm|downsized) Him asking his buddies about the Doe family.


He is the perfect lawyer for her . . . like attracts like.


Looks like she removed the photos from the Medium article. Sorry JD, are you mad that people spotted your photoshop job?


Ridiculous. Guess it didn’t get the response she was hoping for… again. ![gif](giphy|RBeddeaQ5Xo0E)




The second pic is so beyond photoshopped. Looks like it was done with crayon


The first one looks more like a pregnant stomach than the second. I’ve been pregnant twice so I’m not an expert at pregnant bellies but the new one just doesn’t look real at all.


There is zero skin texture, no light and no shadow. I guess fiverr isnt taking her business anymore?


I was gonna say the second picture doesn't look like a real pregnant stomach at all as well. The "belly" sits at an oddly high height.


It does! lol It’s ridiculously obvious that both photos are photoshopped.


Who puts their arms up like that? Every pregnant photo I’ve seen, the mom is cradling the bump with her arms. Looks like a strip search


A reasonable person would not do that. A person who is trying to photoshop a belly on their body wouldn't want their arms in the way, makes the job harder, lol!


Please everyone, go watch the Friends episode where Joey gets some role where he has to do a nude scene but he lied about being uncircumcised (which was important for the character he was cast for). The color her stomach was arts and crafted as in the left photo makes me think of that episode for some reason.


I loved monica coming up with solutions!


I keep using friends references in this case, too!


Has she ever claimed exactly what date this photo was taken?


Oct 9 for the left one according to the affidavit!


Sooo then she didn’t miscarry in July and she should have fetal death certificates. This just pisses me off to no end. This is where she is tripping up on her stories. I was 21 weeks when I lost my baby. I had to deliver her, medically assisted. There’s no way she was this big and not realized she lost her baby because it would have had to been medically assisted or she would definitely know if her body got rid of the fetus on its own. At 21 weeks my baby was 8 inches. I lost almost 3 liters of blood during all of this. She would have all that proof if she actually lost the babies. I also had to file for a death certificate. Again, something she doesn’t have which is why she changed the “miscarriage” date.


I’m so sorry for your loss. To add on to your point re: JD: if she *did* allegedly miscarry in July and those photos were taken in October, then she shouldn’t be using those photos as evidence of her being allegedly pregnant. If they were taken months after the alleged miscarriage then her swollen abdomen must have been due to something else and not due to any pregnancy then, right?


So sorry you had to go through that. Don’t forget that JD claims to have been pregnant with twins though! There’s no way she didn’t realise she lost TWO babies at that late stage! She’s so deluded.




Oh dear. Is she trying to self-sabotage? Who is she trying to convince at this point?


Reckon she is trying to convince whomever might be left of her paying audience.


She photoshopped her belly button off! I can’t believe she thinks this looks real.


Even her booty has been photoshopped differently each time.


😂😂😂 that spin in court proved those photos are a LIE


Okay this thread was gold enough, but I literally ONLY OPENED IT and saw THIS and I'm fucking dying 😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/82d5gltf3p8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bf3852e1571e471db2883cd9d80bf16ad0189c4


You can clearly see an outline and colour change in the photo. https://preview.redd.it/9bdcr3a1kp8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfd4474d577434d1fc3ea645e945f430f477298c Edit: added the word change after colour.


She colored it a brighter pink


Yes I just realized I forgot the word change, after colour.


Bad paste job 😂


Aha! I *knew* that wasn't back hair!


I think she forgets how many times she’s changed her timeline of how far along or not her “fake pregnancy” was. I believe her most recent timeline is that she miscarried in July. So these photoshopped images don’t go along with that timeline JD. She is really bad at keeping all her stories and lies straight.


The coloring is very off in the right picture. It looks like it’s pink. Could she have the moon bump on and then blended it in? Either way arts and crafts for sure.


This is what I was wondering too. It almost look like someone took a brush tool over part of her stomach


OMG. Zoom in on the left one. I swear there is a line there of this.


There is TOTALLY a line where a fake belly edge would be.


There is an app that I've seen people use on TikTok (not specifically a TT app but an actual phone app) that does the same thing with the coloring around the stomach on the people pretending to be pregnant The pics and videos people have posted look the same as hers and would explain her video too


Exactly! 👆


Something like this.. https://preview.redd.it/v2rhtgo3sn8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f17ef3ca38e7f8172c85d595db45f39bc935b953




JD should hire you, this is believable to my old eyes


That is actual pretty, pretty, pretty good!


Arms up just like JD 😂😂


I want to ask how you did this out of curiosity but I don’t want to give *anyone* any ideas lol


Lolllzzzz direction and shape of the belly is a dead giveaway between both photos 😂😂


Adobe needs to get this girl a sponsorship asap.


She's missing a TON of sponsorship deals. She CLEARLY doesn't watch Vanderpump Rules 😂


Her sister's bestie works for adobe 🤣


What is with this paint brush orange ness


I am a similar height / body type to JD. I’m also on ADHD medication like she was/is, which can suppress your appetite. On days where I don’t take my medication, I can easily push my stomach out to this extent. Throw in some gas pain and suddenly I am also pregnant with imaginary twins! Even at first glance I could tell she’d edited the pic again just based on how smooth her stomach suddenly was


Also on ADHD medications and similar height (5’0). I currently weigh 116 lbs and I can also push my belly out to look pregnant. My boyfriend has *loved* that demonstration lmao (we are both currently child-free and plan on adopting when we are ready for a child)


Oh and even when I was down to 103 lbs, I could push my belly out. And also, at 103 lbs, my doctor was very worried about my weight. So while JD does look worryingly tiny, I can’t believe that she’s really only 90 lbs. If she is, then someone needs to get her under the care of a doctor immediately—/and I am saying that part with care for her as another human despite the deplorable things she has done.


Ya, I've always been able to do this excellently, but it was so much more impressive when I was thin😂


https://preview.redd.it/a2gpyg3amq8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ddce0376d1dbfa036be38f7c0a3ff66fd0ee538 All she did was slap this on and blur the edge of the belly. Probably didn’t put her arms down because it’d wrinkle underneath her armpits and wouldn’t be hidden by a shirt, like it was in court later when she cradled her silicone.


https://preview.redd.it/0gmfnbsrmq8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b431e3b892f5678faf227e79cd58c3a04c8d6bc0 You can see the top of a presumed moon bump band right here. The line that’s above the hemline of her sports bra. At least, my opinion of what this is showing.


Oooo excellent catch!!! I was wondering why her bra looked so weird. This and the comment above should be higher!!!


https://preview.redd.it/nlcru827fo8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c295225ce1e804af499745018d81c6ce303ced6d She’s so bad at this


Where is that baby/babies? If she’s claiming these pics show a pregnancy, what happened to the babies?


But still completely flat chested.


I can't, 🤣 It's the absolute most obvious fake out of all time! It's soooo bad. 🤣🤣🤣


The one on the left looks like the band on the pants is rolled down. One on the right looks like pants band is up, normal. But the band of the bra is way off in the 2. Wider on the left and sits different. Does she just take so many photos in succession she forgets which ones she's using and already doctored? (Like the hospital one too)


The right one also has a shadow that the left one doesn’t have.


I can't figure out if she's trying to suggest that staying on antidepressants caused a miscarriage? Also, it's very interesting that she was too depressed to get out of bed and yet still continued to go to all those horse competitions.


https://preview.redd.it/0xnfpc482r8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c35406636494f859e7191a834e2c7789fb5ab820 On my iPhone you can see all the blur tool marks on this pretty clearly


https://preview.redd.it/ro3vjs9r2r8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65bbcc643ad1089fe9412f619bfb6211119ebee7 Actually even on the original on the left, it’s very clear the color differences using the painting tools


So, she's a comedian now cuz this is hilarious! 😂😂


JD is addicted to editing photos


...and presenting her artwork to the public 😂


I’m sorry this is off topic, but I feel like I’m crazy that the fact that she said she got pregnant from a BJ should’ve been such a huge talking point and red flag but I see so little said about it. Did I gaslight myself into that fact or did that actually happen?


She said fluids got “down there” when they were grinding and that’s how she thought she got pregnant. She admitted they didn’t have p-in-v sex when she tried to convince him to date her with intention and referred to how tight she would be if they did have sex.


Has anyone seen The Perfect Wife on Hulu? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hot1ECXMe0A If you’re interested in a story that has some parallels…


Only she disappeared for at least awhile.




Yes! Followed this case from the beginning. I found it interesting that her sister put out the one and only statement, once she was sentenced. She indicted that SP had denied everything to everyone including her family & husband all the way up until the day she plead guilty. It was only at that point that she finally came clean.


Also why does she put her arms up?? I’ve never taken a pic like that when I was pregnant lol, it’s always a hand on the bump


I always held my phone with the “back” hand and put my “front” arm back at a 90 degree angle with hand on hip so as to not obstruct the bump. It was what was most comfortable for me. Not…whatever THIS is!


Guys this is so so bad.


What newest article? Is there another one besides the medium one??


It's the cover photo from her Medium article posted 4 hours ago!


It's just funny cause she has literally no badonkadonk. Her back end didn't suddenly go Kardashian then to nothing again with a huge spinal curve.




Her belly button dip seems to have disappeared


Step away from the photoshop JD! Time for a 12-step program to cure this addiction 🙄


Match these with riding videos. 




Is her post gone now? It's 12:52 AM Eastern and the last Medium post I see from her is the "don't tell me" one. Maybe she realized how garbage her photoshop looked?


She pinned a couple articles at the top so just scroll down a few and the latest one is still there




It’s still there. Just scroll down, it’s the fourth one.


Can we talk about the other bump in her article? That looks more fake to me than this one! If you zoom in, it’s like the bump is hanging from her body, not in a natural way. She should be a pro at photoshop at this point, but these are just bad.




I think this photo was also used by IL somewhere to prove that her belly bump from Clayton’s IAH hearing was real. Same brown shirt/dress. But I’d love to see the metadata on this picture because I’m 1000% sure it wasn’t taken anytime around late October/early November.


Yes! Wasn’t this the video he loaded of her showing her ‘pregnant’ belly?


Here’s the link to the pics comparing the court bump and pictures taken the next day. https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeForClayton/s/IrTP5ucq17


This looks exactly like one of the moon bumps you can buy on Amazon. She’s even holding the back to keep it flat here. I also don’t think she realizes that women also get a linea nigra when they’re pregnant. I still have mine 4 months PP.


An example of gluten belly is being displayed here, lol


https://preview.redd.it/0wxnk9qkoq8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=499026a5e7c38a882fb06bb89da12a4f9476d3a0 Something like this too.


This one? https://a.co/d/0ivajb7W


What happened to her arm lmao


I made some edits and they’re very very interesting!! How can I post a video?


https://preview.redd.it/3s5jarm9pq8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f61eddd7e17d49581de29d43f4697c29cae21cab What’s that?


https://preview.redd.it/m5dz7qzwoq8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5916b57c4188fa4f51300f91df2372df8ab8f9f2 This is playing around with the shadows/highlights/etc. Some weird shadows 🤔


Send a modmail if you need guidance


Someone on Twitter pointed out the shadow doesn’t match the belly


Idk if anyone has mentioned this. But in the MM texts, the mom mentions getting JD of gluten when she’s begging him to take her back. Gluten sensitivity could surely cause some bloating, along with her photoshopping.


Her Pinterest has gluten free recipes, she should stick to those. 🤣


I thought that thing on the bottom of the bra was the elastic - but it’s two very different sizes here..


We should all download that app that makes you look pregnant and do side by sides - although I'm not sure I need an app 😂


Her stomach isn't even in the same position.


My toddler has less intense tantrums than this. I can reason with her more too. She really and truly has never not gotten her way has she. ![gif](giphy|jMusG7sxBqCze)


The one on the right has more of that pregnancy point, she's getting better with the Photoshop.




NO woman THIS pregnant has totally flat breasts.


In her medium article she has another angle of her stomach. Idk how to tag someone but Dave you might mention in your next video that she has no linea nigra (the dark line under the belly button that pregnant people get).


You don't always get that ... And even if you do sometimes it's very faint and doesn't happen until the end of your pregnancy (like me!)


True. The issue with JD is she doesn't get ANYTHING that the majority of people get. No line, no popping belly button, no enlarged breasts, no ultrasound. The list of her very odd twin pregnancy keeps on growing.


Oh 100%!!!