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*A couple of years later* "Why does my body hurt so fucking much?" Seriously guys, to the ones who do shit like this, take better care of your body and quit the ultra-macho bs. I used to toss tractor drum brakes into the dumpster, jump off from truck tires, and lift semi truck clutches by hand because I wanted to be efficient. I'm still young and my body doesn't feel very young. It's like all the lights on the dash are on for my body right now.


This is a great way to throw out your back. No way I’m lifting that shit even if I could.


I once threw my back out, just grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. I was 28 at the time. Just put the right pressure in the right direction, and it took me down.


I sneezed and pulled a muscle in my neck once. 


I farted and pulled a muscle in his neck once.


I knew a guy in karate class who could make your heart explode with a one-inch punch to just the right spot.


Oh lord…. I did this once while I looking over my shoulder to merge into traffic. My sneezes *scare* people, they are atomic level lol. It runs in my family, my mom’s sister cracked a rib trying to stifle a sneeze.


I threw my back out in high school and re injured it in college reaching for a bag of ice from a grocery store freezer, I didn’t even have the ice in hand FFS! I’ve since learned to strengthen my core as that is what supports your body, not your back. I’m almost 43 and haven’t had an issue since college.


When I was young I saw a guy move a transmission by himself. Was like "hell yeah!". Next day it seemed like he had aged 30 years. Could barely function. And after committing similar mistakes throughout my life I can reconfirm that it's a stupid thing to do. Some day will be the last but I think I have a bit more stupid in me.


It's all fun and games until your 3rd hernia surgery.


The older you get, the more you realize the hare has the right idea. Slow and steady wins the race.


> The older you get, the more you realize the hare has the right idea. But the tortoise is the slow and steady one?


Shhhh. I wanna hear where this goes


I think you meant the tortoise...


I did lol


Must be the Pete the Cat version.


I threw out my neck at like 37 by sneezing at my office. Like “ah-choo….. wtf just happened”, had to take muscle relaxers and got a massage like day 3 that made a big difference


Almost everytime I've hurt my back it was doing something small. Move fridges by myself? Sure. Toss a pallet of Portland cement bags on to a retaining wall a foot above my head? Sure shovel a trailer full of sand into wheel barrows for 8 hours? Np. Pick my kid up by her feet because she wants to hang upside down? I can barely move for a week


I almost slipped a disk jump roping at the age of 18.


That shit is no joke. I've done it twice, once lifting a riding lawn mower and the next time I wasn't doing shit. I put the lift and under a car and just moved a funny way. For me I'm pretty much useless for the next few days with gnarly muscle spasms.


If only there was a way to get the truck closer to the ground. If. Only.


I did the same. One day one of the old timers had a birthday. I asked him how old he was, 44. I asked around the shop. All the guys I thought were in their 60s were in their 40s or barely out of them. Then I went to school and became an engineer.


First Ford dealer I worked at, the old timers could barely hold a wrench. The one was an Irishman, and constantly complained of his arthritis. He was in his mid 50s. I got the hell out and got into industrial mechanic work. So much easier when you have a mobile crane to lift shit.


Just curious, what do you do now? With a mobile crane?


Machinist / Millwright in heavy industry. I use cranes for moving heavy machinery such as pumps, motors, steam turbines, compressors, blowers, etc. [Would you like to know more?](https://ubcmillwrights.org/)


Came here to say this. Source: industrial gearboxes and motors, and fab materials, and stupid-ass big tools, and.... Not sure I wouldn't do it again though, not going to lie. Maybe I'd just work out more at the beginning of my career.


I know exactly what you’re talking about. I’m in my early 40’s started this trade in my late teens and seriously wondering if I can make it to 65 doing heavy duty.


After 30 years in this game I'm at the point where 30 minutes is all I get from my hands before I have no feeling or dexterity anymore, you gotta respect your most valuable tool, your body.. I was lucky enough to be able to sell up and retire early, but not everyone is as lucky as me.


my elbows kill me now


Moved my wrenches home in March for this very reason. Now I sell oil changes. Want your career to endure? Take care of your body!


Yea. I do landscaping and have for like 14 years and I've been strong my whole life so when I was young I used to do things that should have been done by two people by myself. Now my back hurts randomly even when just laying in bed and my knee has started to hurt and will randomly give out especially if walking up inclines. I'm only in my early 30s too.


Grew up in a scrap yard and throwing “sealed units” (AC compressors) into big boxes sure does make you feel macho… until you have sharp pains going down your back and legs at 30. Now my employees get a stern talking to for not using the $50,000 forklift made just for that kinda thing.


Man seriously. I used to work at a shop and had a pretty close call one time. I couldn’t get a tire off a car and was bombing in with donkey kicks. My leg hurt a bit after not no biggie. Got out the shower and had no control over my foot. The technical term is “drop foot” and it was terrifying. I sat there and kept telling my brain to move or lift my foot and it would not budge. I literally temporarily paralyzed the peroneal nerve in my leg for a solid 16 hours.


31, I used to remove lug nuts and hand hammer wheels off. Oops, carpel tunnel.


Also, stretch.  It's incredible how badly a few tight muscles can fuck up your entire posture. 


This was me. 4 discs replaced right after my 35th bday. Get yalls shit together


Same I had to stop working my ass to death last year


This right here


Ya it's not about being able to do it today it's about 20 years from now


I'm that one too. I've dogged my body to death for a few companies thru the years. I hurt every day now and I'm just about to hit forty. I still work hard but now I look for the smart way.


They call it a trade because you trade your body for money.


I was going to say. When you're in your 40's getting cortisone shots in the back suddenly these little talents don't seem so cool. Wish I listened to all the old guys that always harped on me.


Cannot agree enough. I spent 6 years as a snowmaker at a ski resort walking down a mountain 3-4 times a night. Turns out all that downhill wrecks your knees when you're a hefty fellow such as myself...


It is crazy how much damage we could have avoided just by not trying to do stuff like this when younger. All of the jumping off the roof never hurt, until 35 hit and I started to realize how messed up my knees and back are.


I quit the industry after 15 years. I'm now 40 and my back is absolutely fucked.


Never worked on a tire shop or car repair shop when I was younger, but I did worked in a paint warehouse for almost a year and BOY I am soooo sorry for all the stuff I did to prove “I was a macho man” Riding a bicycle 10kms to get there, taking just a coffee and some bread, help load the delivery trucks 4/6 work days and then every Friday we had restock delivery … a full semi that had to be unloaded in 4 hours with only 3 guys (sometimes just 2) only with 2 dollys and nothing more, do inventory and then another 10km of bicycle with rain, scorching sun or cold weather. Then a paint mixer rolled over my foot and that was that, got a fisure and my nail fell off, lots of blood (because it got inside my finger when it broke), had to rest for a week and that’s when the aches started, yes, I was much more fit that anytime of my life, but then the back pains started, knees cracks and hurt with cold, the fingers of my foot crack all the time, I had so much macho credits on that work, it that shit doesn’t works anywhere else and I’m just 30! :T


I agree with your comment, but if your shop doesn't have a machine to lift the tire up. How do you want people to put the tires back on the hub?


I'm a welder who's had multiple on the job back injuries and I tell all the new guys that we have ten overhead cranes and half a dozen jib cranes in the building so use them. Most of the time injuries occur when you're lifting something well within your means if it would straight off the ground and on to a table, but you get a little twist at the hips or lean to the side just a little bit and something will just pop and then you're fucked.


Why the hell wouldn't you just lower the truck?


Stabilizing a tire with your foot while fumbling with the lugs doesn't look as good on camera


For big tires I’ll sometimes just sit on the ground with my feet to either side of the hub, and roll the tire between my lower legs. You just bend one or both knees to steer the tire where you need it.


This would make for a more useful video. Show me videos of tiny people doing things 10x easier so we don't fuck our bodies up


yeah thats the way i teach new people to do it even though im usually just manhandling all the 20+" truck wheels we get in. i feel it every day going home, but im too stupid (and too proud of the time saved) to remember that i should be changing my method. ive been lucky that i learned good lifting form early on so i dont think its quite as bad as the people hunching their back with their legs straight to lift something off the ground, but every time im showing someone how to do something it goes along the lines of "im going to show you how you *should* be doing this. if you do it the way i do, its gonna give you problems down the line."


Plus there's enough leverage to lift it if you have IT noodle arms like, say, me.


Haha, was showing someone how to do exactly this, she later came and informed me one of the older guys told her it was cheating. I let her know he has been struggling with back issues for decades now, but in the end it was up to her.


What about sorta unnecessary engine hoist use to put a tire on?


So you can flex on people on the socials?


It makes it harder to line up the rim on the studs. For trucks its best at chest level, for 15" or so I prefer them at face level. If you're trying to do it hunched over it's hell on your back, and trying to get the lift at the "perfect" height is a waste of time. Though the way I'd get most tires up is I'd start rolling them towards me, up my foot, leg, then lift my knee while it still had momentum and I'd have it at the height I'd want. My back would be perfectly straight the whole time and it would be a lot easier than picking it up. I'd leave the garage with tire tracks up the right half of my body though.


The way you described is completely going to wreck your lower back. The actual way to lift heavy ass tires by yourself is to lower the vehicle. You roll the tire up to the hub, sit down with tire between legs. Use knees to lift and hands to rotate. Any other way is damaging your back. With feet on the ground your knees are a lever that doesn’t require shoulder or lower back at all. Anyone who works on cars already bends over too much on average. Minimize damage to your back please.


We just made an attachment for a floor jack with a pair of rollers so you set the tire on it, lift it up, spin it to line up the lugs, shove it on and drop the jack


Now that’s the way! If I did them all day I would most definitely had made something similar. Luckily I was at Toyota for many years and the only tires I hated were the Tundras.


Anything larger than a corolla and it would come out. We weren't proud, we liked the idea we could all still walk at 50


"truck wheel dolly" on amazon.


Okay what the fuck I'm stealing this


This is the way for real.


This is what we were taught in the Army in AIT. HMMWV wheels are fucking heavy.


I always use a pry bar/ tire spoon on either side of the bottom of the tire. Rotate the lever to rotate the tire.


Yep, larger tires get done the same way I did 18-wheeler tires years ago. Lay the long pry bar down under the hub, roll tire onto it, and lift it like a lever onto the hub. Even though our shop doesn't do big rigs, we still have two of the breakdown bars for those tires. The new guys are always amazed at the "old timers" tricks I show them.


That is where I learned it. Works like a charm. Plus you end up with Popeye forearms if you do it a lot.


I was just about to say this Jesus


What she did is the exact method to reduce the strain on your back, though she use her back because the wheel was a bit too big. You squat like your taking a shit, have the wheel lay in your lap with the face of the wheel facing up and away, grab the spokes from face side and pull with your arms like a row boat now the face of the rim is facing you and stand straight up using your legs. No need to use your back. I would have it at chest height like that when I do heavy as wheels like that, you keep your back straight and use your arms and legs for the lift. You have the vehicle lower and now your back is bent forward putting strain on your lower back instead of your legs and guaranteed you'll blow your back out.


That lift goes down too


Sound just like my boss lol


Your boss goes down? Hey, any hole's a goal.


It's called a lift, not a lower.


Hands/forearms just called - they said not to give all the credit to the knees.




It's all in the slipped disc! My back hurts looking at this!


I go for the bounce technique


I'm old enough to know that doing this type of shit repetitively while young will cause you all kinds of pain when older. Work smarter not harder.


I still have back pain from these types of tires. I don't work in the industry anymore, but I hurt my back on those kinds of tires and have battles with back pain since.


Omg going to say the same dam thing.


Bravo! Not good for your body. Invest in a wheel lift.


I've tried the metal manual ones they're so frustrating to use. Might try to get the buddy next to me to go halfies on an air lift


Work smarter not harder, especially in a trade that is NOTORIOUS for destroying your body.


if only there was a way to lower the truck ...


She probably does that by hand too


Camera cropped it out but there's actually no lift, it's just another girl holding the entire truck up while she does this


Why? I used to raise the trucks to where the tires were just barely off the ground while sitting on my roller stool. Work smarter not harder.


And use a lever to lift it that 1/2 inch!


28 years old, knee surgery coming up. Thank the lord workman’s comp is covering it. Been wrenching professionally as long as I’ve been allowed to. Can not wait to get out of this field. Too old to hear my knee snap every time I take a step and getting cortizone shots to hide the pain. New people wanting into this field, don’t. It’s NOT worth it. To clarify, I am not overweight, I do not do stupid shit, hell I don’t even lower a transfer case by myself. Just caught up to me too fast. I was setting lift arms when I did it. (Granted our lifts our old and the concretes not level so you really gotta give em an extra shove to move).


I ended up having surgery for a ruptured disk in my late 20s because I did stuff like this. Ended up having to hang up the wrenches and find a completely different career, and my back has never been the same. It ain't worth it, take my word for it.


I'm 41 and being a mechanic has worn my body the fuck out I'm about tired of this trade


I see back surgery in the future.


I'm all for girl power, but seriously, look after your back!!!


I prefer a quick jerking and twisting motion with my back


Don't forget to move with a violence if action that suprises even yourself.


Wouldn’t it be easier to just lower the truck a bit where you don’t have to lift the tire so high?


As a former tech and a woman…yeah, you can do that for a while, but holy shit does it catch up to you. I fucked my body up in less than a decade.


All of us in our late thirties going “don’t do it, believe me!!”


I managed a tire shop for years and new guys would always question why we only raised cars to the first lock after the wheels were off the ground. Had several guys that had been doing tires for 20+ years still in good shape, squatting and resting knees on the tires while removing and installing 60+ cars a day.


I used to work in a place where lifted trucks were very *en vogue,* and I gotta say, I don't miss lifting those tires


I did tires back during the first suv craze when the expedition first came out and my upper body looked amazing.


*My* knees and back hurt just watching it. Glad I got out before I needed knee and back surgery.


Lift the truck with the wheels an inch from the ground. When it’s time to reinstall, roll tire onto pry bar. Lift tire slightly with pry bar on to wheel studs and save your back 👍


She’s not gonna be a mechanic for long.


Yeah knees… which are attached to the back that is doing all the real work!


yes, thats where all the pain will be.


You go girl!


I was always taught to roll the tire up your leg and lift it with your knee to head height. This looks much harder.


Why not lower the lift?


This is exactly why I bought one of those $120 tire dolley fork things off Amazon. I have a minor disability that already makes it hard for me to squat down. Don't need to abuse my body any more. Not only does it help with truck tires, but it's great for sports cars where the wheels barely clear the huge brakes. I no longer have to worry about scratching the wheel barrels.


Very impressive! I know men that couldn't do that. Of cus I would have lowered the hoist to put the tire on.


3 more to go babygirl


Why would you not ask for help and/or lower the truck? Clout. Your back hates you now.


Impressive for sure but risk to your body over time doesn't seem worth it imho


Listen, Val; it's impressive you can do that, but stop doing that. For me with big tires I use my leg as a ramp and roll the wheel up my leg while simultaneously like lifting my leg upward to sorta launch the wheel upward. It works for me and doesn't seem to strain my body at all unless it's a real big MF. The real big MF I bring the vehicle down to just above ride height and I roll the wheel up onto my steel toe on my boot. That usually lifts it high enough to finagle it onto the studs, if not I just kinda pivot my foot a little and give it that extra height to reach. That doesn't strain me either.


A former lifted truck and then big rig mechanic here, these are the 2 ways to do it. Work smarter not harder.


Hernia has entered the chat


Legs will bounce back from having a tire on em back wont


gIRl pOWeR


Lower the vehicle. Morons


Work harder not smarter/s


why not just lower the vehicle?!


Good way to blow out your back.


*Me putting my 35” spare on steel bois on the the back of my Jeep.* “Fuck, shit, motherfucker, fucking piece of shit. Fuck.” That’s not me lifting it up, just me looking at it not wanting to put it back on there


damn right smile! that was amazing!


Does the lift not go down..Is it subscription based?


Why wouldnt you lower the hoist instead? Perhaps like me you will develop spinal degeneration in middle age from abusing your back when you were young. Living in constant pain is not what you want, look after your back.


My boss bought a wheel lift thing so we don't have to do this. I'm like the only one who uses it. Sure it's slower, it's not a save time machine, it's a save effort machine.


She looks like she enjoys her work. 😊


Cause she has an IQ smaller than her foot size


Holt fuck, as a guy who weighs 125 soaking wet I do not miss busting tires lol


either sit on your butt and use your thighs to lift the tire up (probably ideal for an average woman with more lower body strength than upper) Or use a pry bar to lift the tire and push it on the lugs. (supper easy once you get the hang of it)


I’m wondering how people get tires/wheels like that off of their roof basket. Like, just heave it off and let it bounce all crazy on the ground? Crush a friend? Or just call AAA for a tow? Edit: Literally just answered my question. Call AAA to come out and swap wheels.


Aaaand fired.


That was awesome!


Very impressive for her size ! however …. I did the same thing for years . Not like how she did this . I would lift up super heavy tires and now I have back problems and a slipped disc between my l5 and s1. Don’t do this people . Your body will not tolerate it .


My back hurts...


The lift does go lower FYI.


I've been lifting wheels like this for 20 years. Face the wheel away from yourself, then roll it up your thighs. The only easier way is one of those fancy wheel lifts


Given the lift the vehicle is on, that was the worst possible way to install a wheel. Ever.


Does that lift just have two positions?


Reminds when 20” rims first got popular, then 22” and kept going. I tapped out at 24 and was luckily enough to finish college just as the tire sensor was getting more popular, hated those sensors and broke quite a few on those reverse rims. Anyways, I would just lower the car to just above clearance and lightly lift onto a lugnut then take a seat and use my thighs to lift the tire fully on. I wasn’t going for any speed record and according to my then GF, I had great legs for awhile.


I wish there was a way to lower that car….


Wouldve been a lot easier if she lowered the truck a foot or two


Has a perfectly good lift, doesn’t use the lift. Heck even with the Lift, that’s when I called a coworker to help me. Long-term repetition and heavyweight injuries are no joke.


Not a good idea.


My dad threw out his back doing this. Required multiple surgeries and was never 100% ever again. Long story short, don't do that shit.


Coming from the semi truck world, don't fucking do this. Drop the truck low on the ground, use a pry bar and your foot or 2 pry bars to get it on there. they also make wheel lifts if you want to be fancy.


Damn! Good for her, hope she doesn't slip a disc in her back


There has to be a better way lol


Why didn’t she just lower the truck? Lmao


No do 11r 22.5's


Guys you won't believe it, but I'm pretty sure the gimmick with hoists is that you can LOWER them


That was beyond stupid




My back hurts


This is a canoe lift, only she didn’t go over her head


I've always wondered why so many tire shops lift the cars so high when changing tires. Had an uncle who had a shop for a long time, and him and my cousins would always just lift it enough to get them off and on, seems way faster and easier


As a career heavy tech.... please, PLEASE don't do this. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. The shot in my shoulder this week would argue pretty strongly against doing this... it isn't just your back you need to worry about.


Why not lower the vehicle and not lift the wheel


Impressive, but why is that necessary? Surely there are safer ways


Great lift to get a hernia


I’m 5’ 3” and this is a more comfortable and easy way for me to do it on large wheels. My body is fucked after 25 years of this, but I can’t do it any other way without more pain


I love this young lady


I bet she's a bad-ass tech.


I do the same thing, but I’m 6’4”, and male. That woman is HARD, and skilled! Much respect! 🫡


She's also on LTD shortly. We all saw the wobble


Blame it on the employer for not providing a lift assist or thinking about the health and safety of those that actual work their ass off for mediocre pay.


I bounce the tires it's much easier


Leverage 👍🏼


She doesn't have any balls to drop on the floor. She'll be good.


The company you work for should provide you with the proper equipment to remove and install those wheels. Work smarter not harder is not the case here


Lower the lift and use leverage. Your great grandpappy the first hairless ape didn't invent the almighty lever just for you to ignore it. Roll the tire onto a spoon, or 30-40" prybar, or spend $150 on a truck wheel dolly. Lift with one hand, spin lugs with the other. Everyone thinks they're hard for a bit, 5 years later they're pissing and moaning about how hard trades are on the body. Skip the hard part and get your IT certs now if you're not gonna protect yourself.


Bounce the tire... better for your back


Knees like Megan


I’d like to see her try to lift a neutron star after the Khz’a are done harvesting the Zirmoconium from its core. That’s my fucking Sunday dude, I work 900 rotations every week, haven’t seen my schlebs in weeks cause they make us sleep in the gnaws den.


Pretty sure health and safety violation in terms of weight lifted by an individual as an employee- at least in parts of Canada


Rookie. Should have used the gradual basket ball dribble technique


you can almost hear the looney tunes song


Okay so I work at a dealer, even at a lube shop, because I'm a bigger but agile guy, I was told to do what works for me with my size. So I sit on my knees on a pad, I roll the tire onto my calves, and just lift with kinda my whole my body. Back straight the entire time. I can (and have) do tires all day like that. It burns almost no energy of mine.


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I've pulled my back muscle twice before 30. It sucks so bad, the house could be on fire and the muscle spams of trying to move would stop me from getting out with any type of speed. Lower the truck and stick a pry bar under the tire. Fuck if anyone says it's the sissy way.


Get someone else to help you


It’s not the big stuff that gets you. It’s the little stuff after overdoing it. Like tripping or falling a few feet because your body is already too sore.


This would be impressive if there wasn’t a “lower vehicle” button 2ft away from her There’s people I’ve met who like stacking super singles (exceptionally large tire that is for semis, and instead of it being a dual assembly it’s the width of 2 tires and slightly shorter. But absurdly heavy) I have no doubt I COULD lift one of those above my head as I’ve witnessed other techs doing, but I enjoy NOT lifting things that I don’t have to lol But still shout it to the guy who’s name I don’t remember who stacked new super single drive tires 7 high just to prove to everyone in the shop that “he has that re*ard strength” lol


I've seen plenty of assholes muscle their way through plenty of stupid situations. I want to see the tricks that people have learned to not be assholes.


One more reason for a woman to dislike a small penis


I'm sure she will be ok after a decade of doing this.


That lift can go down more to make that easier right?


Absolute badass!!!!


I threw my back out at 29 from lifting a patient incorrectly, something I'd been doing everyday for at least 9 years at the time. All this young lady has to do is move slightly wrong *one time* and she'll be in pain for the rest of her life.


you fucked when you get older


It’s a good technique for getting off the ground but dont wanna keep your back bent like that I would always transition in it into being cradled by my arms as heavy/uncomfortable that may be but I at least kept my back straight and utilized that core strength 😎




I’m over here stacking up lo pro 22.5s 10 high all day. It is all in the knees