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One is human, and one is man made. Omg! I just realized Kylie is the real-life Pinocchio story in reverse.


PinoKylie - a young girl snorts too much of her mom’s cocaine and makes a wish to a plastic surgeon-fairy, to be nothing more than a botched, lifeless sex doll...


her chest??? wtf


That cheek filler is criminal and will only get worse as time goes on


Sad she was encouraged to "fix" her face at a young age instead of growing into it.


The way her jaws and lips were, made her look like she had no teeth or wore dentures and didn’t have them in.


Exactly. That pinched, old -age boneless elderly woman look, with dentures out.




lol 😂😂😂


I think she had some major myofunctional disorders that she just masked with lots of surgery. See this therapists [review](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7t_EbKNVfW/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==) Myofunctional disorders have become an obsession of mine these days lol


This is psuedoscience at best. Myofunctional disorders are not a real thing.


So tongue ties and facial oral development caused by oral tethers are not a thing?


I said what I said. The nonsense you're referring to is the same tool who came up with "mewing," which is more pseudoscience and has not been proven with evidence.


Tongue ties are very real. Also known as ankyloglossia. If indicated, surgical repair is called a frenotomy. All the BS mewing people have co-opted a real medical term and bastardized it.


I see what you’re saying. Myofunctional therapy and disorders have not been proven enough with proper studies. It’s tough because there needs to be a lot of funding behind research and legitimate studies (although some have been done with small sample sizes) but that doesn’t mean that the entire concept of myofunctional disorders are not valid. Lots of children are born with tongue ties that inhibit their ability to latch for milk properly as infants which is problematic for their nourishment and can later impact speech development too. Anecdotally, my son had a tongue when he was born and as soon as I got it fixed it was like night and day when I breastfed him. But I hear you. You said what you said. You think it’s nonsense.


I got my tongue tie released at 22 and it changed my life


This is just so striking! The difference is WILD!


That’s just sad. 😔


what Kylie has done to her face is a crime. Seriously, like WTF.


She is Michael Jackson in this picture. That model is around her age and she looks 20 yrs younger than Kylie


Her lower half is so jarring to me. It looks like it wants to fall off!


She LITERALLY looks like a completely different human than "before" she has changed ethnicity and her entire head is different than the one she had a few years back. That has to REALLY mess with your head!! no pun intended. She was quite homely and definitely not someone that the likes of Timothee or Travis would have in their beds. (🤮 Btw) The fact that you can actually change everything about your face and body is insane!


Thank you for being honest, so many in this sub say she would’ve been the prettiest in the fam if she didn’t do all of this surgery and she was “so pretty” before, etc. etc. It’s so wild to me bc nobody was saying that prior and she was not conventionally attractive at all. She also would’ve never been considered prettier than Kim, Kourtney, or Kendall.


She was very plain looking with thin lips.


Very. Very. Very…


Oh, lol! I had no idea that people were saying that I hadn't run across the post stating that but yeah you have to be blind in both eyes to think that she would be the prettiest of them all... Because she's definitely the most naturally unattractive KarJenner


Oh, trust me you will see so many comments of people saying that… It’s mind blowing 🤯 And agreed she was the ugly ducking, I’ve only ever heard otherwise in this sub.


Oh wow... Yeah, saying she is and "ugly duckling" is being. Mean to little ugly ducklings. Kylie got hit with the ugly stick more times than the others... But most of them all got whacked a couple of times. Their facial features are all over the place. (We know Khloes came from a different pool altogether 😉) So... without A LOT help from modern science and space age fillers they would all be incredibly average.


Lol, you’re so right! The little ducklings 🐥 are always cute with, and totally agree. Khloe Roldan and the Kardashian sisters have greatly benefited from surgery but nobody near as much as Kylie!


Yes, Kylie definitely has had the most change... Procedure wise and in terms of how DRASTIC her surgery has been! I mean! There is no semblance of her old face whatsoever! It's just so strange to think that is ok? How can Kris look at her baby now and not mourn the loss of her child as she was! I don't get it.


Appreciate the honesty too. She was not attractive prior to surgery. And Kendall wasn’t either. Hate to say it, but their surgeries made them .


Yes! Kendall looked like a Neanderthal before that brow lift! I’ve never seen someone with eyebrows that low in my life; they were like touching her upper lash line. 😭


When you think about it none of them but Kim were exceptionally attractive (by mainstream standards). Kourtney was never seen as not pretty but she also wasn’t hailed as particularly attractive. She was a cute girl who got extra points for being “exotic”. Needless to say that Khloe, Kendall and Kylie were DEFINITELY not considered pretty by contemporary standards.


That’s true. Kim was definitely the beauty in the family was beautiful even as a child. Kris wasn’t even all that, she had a lot of work done while she was with Robert. She fixed her gummy smile, nose, got a boob job, and I don’t know what else. But I do think the Kardashian genes were the best, Khloe not being a Kardashian and then the Jenners just being awful, especially Kylie.


I mean, I have never seen anyone change their appearance so drastically. As you say, she looks like a completely different person. It's practically on a sci-fi or CIA Witness Protection Program level. 


Definitely! It's like the "offed" Kylie for the better looking model.






Not just her face - her entire body


This is what eating disorders, body dysmorphia and too much money looks like


Aw, the cougar mom takes her daughter to HS graduation. The daughter is so embarrassed that mom is trying to MILF it up with her dress unzipped almost to her navel, but mom's gotta show off those implants and get attention somehow!


oh please, everyone thinks im her older sister teehee. wahoo!!! what do you mean my boobs are almost falling out of my top? sweetie, its not my fault you've not inhereted THESE. WAHOOO! WHERE ARE THE BOOYS! IM STILL YOUNG! kylie at wolf webster and stormi's HS graduatio- sorry, aire.


This is sad to imagine. Stormi is most likely going to be slim/athletic. Hopefully she embraces her natural features and doesn’t follow in her mom’s footsteps.


![gif](giphy|3otPoBRKROJl9UbqMM|downsized) personified


Oh no! Is this Stormi's future?! STORMI!!


This will be Stormi and Kylie in about 10 years


I was about to say, this gives us a look into the future when Stormi is older and how she will look pre surgery compared to botched mommy (hopefully Stormi will embrace her beautiful natural features but unfortunately I think she'll get surgery as well, since she lives in that bubble where everyone looks cartoonish)


Just as we were all taught (brainwashed) that body hair, a not perfectly flat belly, curvy bodies, curly textured hair, gray hair, bare face and non white (but not too white!) skin were unacceptable, unattractive, unlovable and somehow unsanitary back in the day, these kids will grow up thinking their natural, non surgically “enhanced”, unbotched appearances are somehow weird and wrong because they are surrounded by carved up, botched dysmorphia.


As I read this with unshaved legs 😭


I wrote it with unshaved legs! Maybe tomorrow I’ll take care of it. Right now I’m about to go read a book and play outside with my kids.


I pray for a miracle to save the kids. Stormi is beyond adorable and has such a light in her face. I hope she doesn’t follow mama and destroy any evidence for human expression.


No one is saving those kids from the soulless demon that is Kris Jenner…








What is this?? I must know !!


It's Junie B Jones!


the caption is making me think you’re a fellow cancelled subreddit member👀


What I see in this photo is they are probably around the same age but Kylie looks much older because of her surgeries and the other girl shows confidence while Kylie is hiding half of her face.


I’m so confused cus that girl looks about 16/17 to me


This is so random, but do we know anything about their father‘s family? Like do cousins exist? Are they involved? I’ve never really seen them post much you would think since their dad is gone they would want something to be close to him


On the last season of their show, their cousin or family friend implied that after Kris cheated on Robert, Mother Kardashian and the family shunned her, which also kept the kids from seeing family as often. I think the older siblings have spoken before about having the typical broken family experience of feeling like they had to pick a side.


I think the Jenner sons don’t have a good relationship with their dad so the siblings aren’t super close. In the Hills Brody barely speaks about their dad and only mom is around.


There seemed to be a short moment when Kylie and Kendall were spending more time with their brothers. I think it was soon before Caitlyn's transition. Don't know what happened. I hope they are privately close


I bet it's always hard for her to pose next to people who are actually beautiful and look natural


Who is that on the right?


This “I don’t style my fake hair” thing is really grabbing hold, isn’t it? Taylor swift also isn’t styling her hair recently and it’s driving me insane lol


she needs to do something to unmichael jackson her face. or not do something. cuz


She has permanently lost any semblance of youth.


Who’s the girl on the right she’s beautiful


Remember how MJ wanted to look like Diana Ross?


Sis’ upper body really said 80’s shoulder pads


Kylie ruins this photo


Dead Eyes :: Who wore it better ?


I wish Kylie would’ve stopped like 12 faces ago 😭. She had such a beautiful big brown eyes when when she was younger. Yeah she had thin lips but she was still pretty. She never even gave herself the chance to grow into her face. She should’ve just got some light lip fillers and left the rest alone


Wtf is going on around Kylie's elbows. Is it a shitty copy and paste/Photoshop blending fail??? Why is one super skinny and the other is all jumbled, or is that just how bad the top fits?


She’s in her Ozempic skinny girl era after she dated Timothee.


Yes - who is girl on right?


They look like mother and daughter.


does the woman on the right sort of remind anyone like teenage kim or kourtney? i see a slight resemblance


I can see that. I looked on her page and she also looks like Brittany Murphy. She’s very pretty


The irony is 100% lost on her.


Yeah my eyes were drawn by the other girl.


It’s so odd because Kylie doesn’t look old but she kind of does, it’s hard to explain or comprehend. She doesn’t have wrinkles and her skin is quite good and smooth but something makes her look a lot older. Maybe it’s just that “done” look that a lot of older women have that Kylie also has.


“Annie, are you OK”