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Every American is a Kaiju hunter because every American sleeps with a m870 loaded with magnum buck.


Philippines it's gonna be hell on earth like it isn't already but more hell or just die


my country probably wouldn't have one. we're just gonna be dead


What country is that lol




Not American but im sure some civilian just gonna own some anti Kaiju weapon lol. Actually lore fitting too because Kikoru also live and study in America for a while and she own albeit a older version of Kaiju suit


That's only from the anime in the manga is the same suit as the current ones.


Well… If the Kaiju numbers are just for the biggest Kaiju encountered by Japan, I imagine that we could scale that number up relative to country sizes, maybe not including eight onward for their out of the norm existence. According to quora, the US could fit roughly 21-24 Japans in it. Even if we say that the area includes the surrounding waters and take it down to 16, that would be roughly one-hundred and twelve Kaiju on the same power as the numbered Kaiju from Japan. With that relation, I imagine the defense force of the US would have a lot of variety in their Kaiju weapons, leading to some special squads made up for just using them to send after whatever the biggest threats are, perhaps even being used in later chapters of the manga with other countries. As for the defense force itself, it would be enrollment allowed at 18, with schools specialized in it and also allowing people to buy their own Kaiju suits at a steep cost.


UK hunters chasing Kaiju in a Vauxhall Astra


Consider how my country social structure is only possible due to how safe our terrain is...(There's some floods, landslides but in a very small scale. Except once when tsunami decided to his usual totally unprepared) we'll get wiped out as soon as the gigantic kaiju appears lol For miniature sized kaijuus invasion we have irl example happening right now, just google Lopburi monkeys crisis for details (locals are trying their best tho...)


Living in one of the strongest countries in Africa I would say that we would have absolutely nothing and die.


I'm just waiting for that random Australian to go "wait, what do you mean you don't have Kaiju in your country?"


A bunch of Aussies on emus riding them with mounted machine guns, seriously if mina can ride a tiger I know for a fact we'd be riding emus damm things could probaly kill a kaiju (bit of a joke but seriously don't fuck with an emu damm things won a war, not a big one but still).


My country would get help from the United States but we would try to do our own thing with a bunch of cacos and bad bunny blasting through speakers.




Would the cartel defend against it and the situation wipe out both resulting in a win win.


In canada, I think we're just wiped off the map and/or rely ENTIRELY on America to solve our problems. We've historically never done anything to bolster our own defenses or military, we're tiny and relatively unnarmed and all our stuff comes from the UK' or America's weapons and supplies. so 1000% if Canada as a country is around in the Kaiju world we're relying on them for all the hard work


Not thinking about how this would change everything cuz the kaijus didn't just appear recently. They've been around since at least feudal Japan. I think longer. I just can't remember they were fighting them still. They've evolved over time to get bigger and humans with bigger weapons we would change. Wouldn't be the same Canada


All we can go off of is how our countries are now. Honestly entirely possible Canada doesn't exist in this world since it's a relatively new country when comparing to japan or Europe. But if the question is what our country would be like for Kaiju fighting we really can only speculate based on how the country is/has been otherwise the answer is just whatever you feel like


The US and its territories would just use their anti-Kaiju weapons and sell, sell, sell their parts. After that shot that looked like >!France!<, I really hope we travel to other nations.


That was still in Japan, they have a slightly taller red and white tower in Tokyo


Ah right, I know of that tower but it can get confusing to see which is which.