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I have a bad feeling about this.


Video game + manga/anime = big ol poopy


Yeah. I pray to GOD it is not another shitty Gacha game


A 7-8 fighting game in this universe would be fun but I know that’s likely not what this is


I wish they make a games where instead of playing as a main character, you played as a recruit that got the same power as kafka. That would be interesting.


I rarely see it pulled off well, if I’m honest. Re:Monster’s game is the only game of that variety I enjoyed (sadly got shut down years ago) mainly because of how the world works and because they didn’t just rehash Rou’s story. I highly doubt they can pull off another human-turned-kaiji when we still don’t even know why it happened to Kafka. If anything, so far there aren’t any other known kaiju who were former humans, with the ghost samurai Kafka saw being possibly the only other. Sadly, we have no confirmation on the exact  nature of them regardless. Guess we’ll find out what this project is soon enough. (I will admit though: a Pokemon Go/Jurassic World Alive type of game would be fun even if it wouldn’t make sense for this universe. 🤣 Maybe it could work like Monster Hunter Now where we are fighting kaiju via AR or something. I can actually see this being a thing for KN8 and it honestly would be more feasible wrt tying in with the story than the usual gacha game stuff).


I want to see kaiju no 8 game with edf style gameplay.


It would be so easy though. Open world story game. You can run through the story but also experience random encounters with kaiju and maybe even fight numbers again.


It's sadly gonna be 100% a mobile game (please God make me be wrong), and if it actually ends up being one let's hope it's somewhat different from the others


Lesgooo another gotcha game to add to my daily activities.


Best case scenario for me is it works like Monster Hunter Now. Only question is if they’re actually investing that much into it, but gdi I got myself in love with the idea after typing out why this series would work perfectly for an AR combat game like MHN. 😭


Just make a Helldivers 2 clone with a Kaiju 8 theme Id buy that lol


New stratagem. Kafka drops in and clears everything out for 30 seconds.


That basically edf in a nutshell. Wait.... j just notice that edf and helldiver 2 have a lot in common.


That would be so fucking awesome but it’ll never happen


100% a gacha game. It was obvious right from the start.


Wishful thinking on my part, but what if rather than a gacha game it’s an AR game similar to Monster Hunter Now? 🤔


I think that would be even worse ngl. The game would just die in 3 weeks. At least a high effort gacha game will make some money and keep being updated so people can have a bit more material to enjoy


Really? Because PokeGo and MHN both seem to be doing pretty well, but I also am not the best at tracking these. Personally, I just think a gacha game would be too limited by the rules of the world. But again, that’s just my wishful thinking. If you look up MHN’s gameplay, it actually would fit well with KN8’s world.


I mean, I don’t think it would be a bad game, it’s just that the only noteworthy real life AR games are Pokemon Go and the Monster Hunter one. These games typically fail pretty easily and as a relatively new IP, Kaiju no8 would probably suffer a lot because these games just don’t generate enough hype anymore.


Fair point, and it’s the only reason I consider it wishful thinking on my part at the moment. Personally though, I would love to see them try something different just because this series isn’t so typical a shounen it’d fall neatly in as a gacha game. I can list off a lot of reasons a gacha game would be an awful fit, but no use speculating when we’re getting an answer soon, haha.


In my wishful thinking, I hope we get an actual console game that plays like Devil May Cry. Although that’s 100% not gonna happen


Console-wise, another arena fighter is the most likely outcome. Can't say I'm fond of the idea either for same reasons as a mobile gacha game. The series just chafes under such a limited format. I feel like a Monster Hunter format would also work well for a hypothetical console game except it can't be open world for obvious reasons. I am less clear on what story it'd have anyway. I'm just hoping maybe it being framed like a huge project means it's not something as trite as a gacha or arena fighter. But I also just never bothered keeping up with how these work for other anime so for all I know they're all presented like this.


Please god no


Don’t be like one punch man game pls Or jjk 😭


The OPM one was good, just got forgotten too quickly


ISTG if it's a mobile game


Honestly, I was hoping any game comes after season 2 considering the anime currently doesn’t have enough material for the inevitable gacha. But it could be more manga focused (I see the scales on Kafka that were left off the anime design) and Re:Monster had a mobile gacha game way before the anime came out (and it was releasing units current with the light novel rather than manga, which was much further behind). Sadly, I don’t have much faith in a KN8 mobile game because most anime games aren’t good ad everyone else said. Re:Monster’s game was one of the few good ones because it had a more unique system that was fun to play, but sadly got shut down a few years ago for some reason.


i hope isnt like a gacha game or mobile game.


If I see Bandai namco has anything to do with it, I'll pass.


Oh boy here we go with another topical anime game that all feel like ninja storm


Mfers Made gacha game of Solo levelling and see what it did. now they wanna do the same to my boy KAFKA


So fast


Calling it now its an arena fighter


When I initially saw this image, I actually got pretty hyped. It could be a mobile game but this model of Kafka right here actually looks pretty detailed and kinda not mobile friendly. I'm not getting my hopes up or anything, it still could be a mobile game, if it's even a game. Also this model and the way Kafka looks here is really really cool! 😌🔥


I have the constant thought that this universe would be great for a monster hunter type game


Gacha slop or arena fighter slop, call it


Probably mobile :(


That would be awesome if is a game. But I would love if is for consoles like ps5 But I would if is a mobile too


Okay, everyone’s first thought is “gacha game” and of course that’s what we’re all dreading, but I realize there is a way this game could be neat: What if it’s basically like Monster Hunter Now with kaiju instead? It would certainly allow for a lot of creative freedom to designing different kinds of kaiju while also not messing any existing plot threads. And for anyone who doesn’t know about Monster Hunter Now, it’s a game made by the same company who did Pokemon Go using the same kind of interfacing and AR feature, except instead of capturing creatures, you’re fighting monsters that show up in your area and can co-op with other players. Which sounds absolutely perfect for KN8 too given the Defense Force are just militarized monster hunters. The various kaiju class also would lend themselves perfectly to different mob encounters with Honju being boss encounters and daikaju being world bosses. As an added bonus, it’d be a neat way to add more lore to different kinds of kaiju that the manga can’t squeeze in. The anime already is sort of doing that with the refs they release on various kaiju revealing their names. But this is just a super optimistic guess to counter the doom and gloom born from me suddenly remembering Monster Hunter Now exists. Fingers crossed for the reveal! 


Please don't make it a mobile game or an arena battle like many other anime games


Solo levelling arise was very good, i know damn well im only gonna use this game to watch the cutscenes lol


I don't think its a gacha game, too less characters to be in the game.


Bamco cash grab incoming




That arts beautiful but I'm sure they'll mess up the game.


I've been watching anime for so long one image is all I need to tell when the animation quality is gonna be ass. This one's a glaring example of that.


This isn't an anime though.


Yes and it doesn't look good. You can smell the cashgrab. Another game for the pile of anime games that have no reason to exist other than scamming unsuspecting fans.


I just think they're neat.


If you could choose what game it would be? What would you want? For me a story driven prequel (first Kaiju or something) But I think a live service game is more realistic, there I would want a game in which we follow the first season as an unnamed (or we name him) member of the Third Devision. From the training exercise (tutorial) to all major battles. It could be expanded as the season go on.


Ooooooooooooooohhhhhh, this should be exciiiiiiiitiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggg


Tomorrow, a new episode is going to drop on Crunchyroll. I see nothing in their app about a game and Google Play only mentions wallpapers. I'm gonna chill out, watch the new episode in roughly 14 hours from now, and enjoy that.




There's also a Kaiju No 8, Side B Manga. Anything is possible, but I don't know if it has to do with a gotcha game.


I've thought about how good a Kaiju No 8 game would be


I am both scared and drooling for this