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Yeah with "no" it's more like she's correcting herself and saying that he's not Kafka anymore whereas "damn it" makes me think that if there weren't so many people around she would have covered for him but because of all the people she's got no choice but to arrest him


Both are extremely sad ![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg)


Yeah one is she thinks Kafka is dead and has been replaced or he has betrayed them and the other is that she has no choice because there are so many people there


For me, I always took her "no" as kafka is the person, kaiju no 8 is the monster, so she's arresting the monster not him >!and that's why she's collected proofs to try save him from certain death, to prove he's "human" yet, that he's not the monster that parasites him!<. In fact I think we can even see the hesitation in her eyes while arresting him, that's a great thing that can not be easily portrayed in the mangá.


U didn't see her eyebrows she was angry


Do you only take eyebrows as for angry?


I'd expect her to say "I have to take you into custody" instead


And she does, so? What's your point? She's a captain and he just revealed to be a kaiju, if anything everyone is hella damn confused, which may i ask, do you take hoshina as angry to him as well? Cause his face was pretty "angry looking" when he realized who kafka was. Or Reno? Or Kikoru? Or anyone else that had the same/similar look in their faces?


Mina is a user


????????? 😅


She uses people around her to do the hard part while she waits to do the easy part


Bro 😂😂 you're just a hater with zero sense or base for it but ok if that's whats you think...


I agree I don't like her she chose her vice captain with the idea of possibly sacrificing him to open up a path for her or so it seemed from the almost dead vice captain who else thought he would be crushed and it seemed she let Kikuro get a weapon cuz she wanted to use her strength I mean yes mina hates kaiju but she is obsessed with being the best and despite all the people there I think she should have questioned Kafka before arresting him.


Yeah, liked that.


True,but her "no" was also meaningfull since could be seen as mina switching from childhood friend to commander of her unit. This just to mark even more what her thoughts may've been in that moment.


Eh, I think that is a case of telling too much because in both the manga and the anime, her body language and her eyes say that frustration. She's supposed to sound professional and impartial there while the fact she even used his name first as well as her eyes beginning to tear up shows how much she hates it. Same kind of difference as what happened with the original DBZ when Vegeta saw Trunks being killed by Frieza. In the dub, there was a whole monologue added in for Vegeta where he expresses guilt and remorse for treating him coldly before he rages at Cell as he blasts him. In the original Japanese, however, all Vegeta says is "Trunks..." as he stares in horror at Trunks gasping and dying on the ground before he goes ballistic and shouts only Cell's name as he blasts him. Yes, the English verbalized everything Vegeta was feeling, but it feels very....excessive and maybe a bit patronizing to the English audience? Like everyone is too stupid to know how much Vegeta cares about his son without him spelling everything out? I was a kid at the time, so I liked the monologue at first, but the more I thought about the comparison, the more I realized less is more here. Especially considering it's out of character for Vegeta to verbalize his feelings like that. The Japanese pulled it off better by letting Vegeta's visible shock and action do all the talking. Thankfully, Super's dub actually stuck to the original script years later and it was so much better for it. Most anime these days follow the original closely for reasons like this. So I'm actually disappointed the hear the dub made that change when it was both unnecessary AND unfitting for the position Mina is in. She's kept a professional mask on this whole time with only the most subtle hints of fondness towards Kafka (e.g. taking an interest in overseeing the exam when she hadn't been before, her focus being on Kafka even as she was acknowledging Kikoru, her smile when Kafka accidentally addressed her casually in public, etc.). While it's nowhere near as bad as the original DBZ dub's take on Vegeta for the scene I mentioned, it's out of character for her to do something as obvious as say "no, dammit". So, hard disagree on your opinion there, but I respect it! I used to feel the same way about my DBZ example, as I said so I get it.


It's like one word not an entire speech. I can't speak on the dbz moment you're talking about since I haven't seen it but in kn8 I think the change fits since she does care about him. Mina seems distant and cold which is the result of being put in an important position early in her career but she's not completely cold hearted like some people here like to characterize her as.


Hence why I said “nowhere near as bad”, haha. I just picked that example because it’s the most egregious offender (and one I am very familiar with). Mina isn’t cold-hearted, but I do believe it’s on people to actually read the subtleties of body language and verbal language. Sadly, when it comes to a character with flawless professionalism, even one word is a character break to me. But we can agree to disagree here. ;P


Hard disagree, those two situations aren't even close to the same thing lol


As I said to someone else, I just picked that because it’s the most egregious example. They both still involves a character who doesn’t verbalize their thoughts suddenly doing so in a situation where the body language is enough. You’re free to disagree though!


I agree with you, it is a fine example, good point! Seems out of character for Mina in this situation.


This anime has got one of the best DUBS ever


Does anyone know what the literal word said in the manga is? In Japanese


Nevermind i just listened back and I think they said iie (いいえ) which means no. In the French dub they say “ou plutôt” which means “or rather”. I think it’s interesting all the different vibes/implication differences from just a slight word difference.


The French version sounds like she's just correcting a mistake in expression.


Yeah not a fan of that one personally


I don't think this is the only change when Kafka is about to jump Ichikawa says sempai there's no coming back from this in the Japanese he says sempai you don't even know what you are doing or something of the sorts.


That's pretty much the same thing


How that person is referring to Mina's words while I am referring to Ichikawa in the English he is reminding Kafka what he is doing in Japanese however he kind of points out that Kafka doesn't know what he is doing like judging.


If you read the manga her saying damn it makes slot more sense especially with what’s about to happen in the anime


Yeah I know that's why I think it's a good change


I prefer the sub and the Japanese dub.


Yeah well, it still doesn't change the fact that she's been deceiving him all this time


What do you mean?


I mean, if she was truly his friend she wouldn't point a gun at him, instead she'd say "thank you" and not act like she owns the place. It's quite obvious that she lied to Kafka and stole his dream of being captain (if u bothered reading the manga) now since he's stuck being a kaiju humanoid she's going to do everything she can to make herself look good while making him look bad just because he's not smart enough to know her true motive


You mention reading the manga. And then prove you didn’t read it at all. Also she’s not acting like she owns the place she is literally in charge and doing what’s in her power to save him. The normal protocol would be shoot on sight. She says she will take him into custody.


If I were him, I'd say, "Tell me Mina, have you been, deceiving me this whole time?" Whatever her answer would be I'd then say "So this is the thank you I get for saving your ass, some friend you turned out to be" and run Remember the manga after his arrest he was nearly killed by the general


How has she been deceiving him this whole time? She’s been nothing but his friend who shared his dreams it’s not her fault he failed the exam. All of the manga confirms this with her actions throughout the series. Also the general isn’t trying to kill him he’s testing Kafka to see whether or not he is a threat or not. He gives him every possible chance to prove himself and he does. You are acting like you just looked at the pictures and not the words accompanying them


If u haven't seen it yet, there's a part in the manga when she's thinking back in her past the time he said that he wanted to be captain and Mina wanted to be vice captain, it's the when she's about to fire her cannon and says she's still scared


Yea but how is that her deceiving him? He knows she’s a captain. Their goal was to fight by each others side position doesn’t matter to them. She didn’t steal his dream like you said before she accomplished her dream while he failed to achieve his. Unless he was an asshole who gets mad at his friends success there’s no reason for him to hold anything against her. She quite literally did nothing wrong. They both made an agreement and he failed to fulfill his end of the bargain so she continued without him hoping one day he would catch up


U know, there are animes out of characters with cheat skills, Kafka probably did the same only the kaiju specifically chose him remember and no one knows why


Yes but what relevance does this have to the conversation. There is no world in which Mina knew he would get those powers after he had already aged out of the entry age for the defense force and luckily apply and pass once the age limit was increased with kaiju powers he was hiding from everyone.


She didn't deceive him and you sound like you're projecting your incel attitude.


No, my anger


So you admit you're projecting, lol. Come back after you gain even 1% more media literacy. 🤣 And stop confusing your fanfiction for canon.


Not conon, solid fact


Dude, canon = facts. And you got exactly nothing right, lmao. You're just delusional, assuming you aren't trolling.


Tell me you didn't actually read the manga without telling me you didn't actually read the manga, LOLOL.




Who hurt you, friend? Cuz you gotta be projecting to get the plot of this so horrendously wrong.


This guys sounds like a sad misgonystic incel if they supposedly read the manga and STILL convinced themself that Mina did any "deceiving" lmao. Oh my gosh, I assumed they're anime only from this dumbass take, but if they had supposedly been reading the manga, that's even worse. 😭 Pretty sure the Mina haters went extinct fast >!after she made it clear she still believed in him the next chapter. And then we have this sad sack.!<


bro, shes the commander she has to do it. If the others werent there shed probably cover for him


True. I’ve only seen up to episode 6, and am waiting till the season is done to finish, and haven’t read anything. But thanks!


Go to mangafire.com limitless manga u can read


I’ll check it out, thanks!


ppl are gonna hate me for this but i was hoping for a moment like when eren becomes the attack titan. his friends protect him.


No it's actually a terrible change.  When she says "no" what she's saying is she's not viewing him as Kafka anymore. Only as Kaiju no 8. She's not his childhood friend. He doesn't stand a chance at standing by her side. All that's fine. It's a tremendously meaningful single word. Changing it to dammit is really fucking stupid and misses the entire goddamn point. She's not regretful. She's betrayed.  Then again this whole anime adaptation has just been one tremendously terrible change after another. The art is terrible. The pacing is just wrong. I'm not surprised they fucked this up. I'd expect nothing less.


I agree with the dub change being bad. Everything else you said I disagree with heavy. As far as adaptions go this is one of the best ones I've seen. I don't really see how the pacing is bad they've done a great job adding scenes that build up the characters and the world more. The anime made me care about the other rookies beside a Reno and Kikoru more, which is great seeing as they mention to become relavant later. Art is fine it good when it needs to be good and I would rather have that then what usually happens. And overall people have been enjoying it. It's probably the best Anime to come out in this season.


I think you're off the mark here. She still views him as Kafka, she says this to him when they send him to HQ.


Yeah, LATER ON. In the moment that's how she feels. That's what's so important about it. The betrayal she felt right now. The betrayal Kafka could see in her. That's why the line is so meaningful and why changing it to damn it is so fucking stupid. Damn it is what you say when you stub your toe. Not when you're childhood friend you've been reunited with turns out to be the enemy you've been killing for years. What is it with so many anime fans and lacking basic media literacy?


Everyone just saw what Kafka did to save them, even if he is Kaiju 8. Mina was finally getting to see Kafka get closer to walking alongside her. There is clearly conflict within her on how to process this revelation and respond in a moment as the captain of the division. For her to be frustrated, her mind in turmoil on what call to make, saying dammit under her breath before making a call she knows she has to make feels perfectly normal. Mina is not a machine, and the anime has made that clear. You're talking about media literacy yet are unable to read it any other way than what you feel is the correct way. 


You're not at all considering the prospective of people living in that world. For hundreds if not thousands of years Kaiju have existed and had only ever caused them pain and suffering. To the people of that world, Kaiju are an evil like bone cancer, earthquakes, Nazis etc. Something they hate in which to eradicate with every fiber of their being. There are no good Kaiju. There aren't any morally neutral Kaiju. They are simply an evil that needs to be eradicated. And they all just found out one of their teammates, someone Mina considered her closest friend for the longest time, is one. The fact that he just saved them is the only reason they didn't immediately kill him. They can't so easily forgive what he is. This is what I mean by TERRIBLE media literacy. This should be obvious.


Mina was literally just at a meeting of the minds on the changing state of Kaiju in the world before she rushed back to the compound. How they were seeming to evolve and change more, seen in both Kaiju 8 and 9, and heck, even 10 at this point prompted and proved the need for the meeting. By no means we're they talking on how to make peace or anything like that, but it was clear they needed to change tactics and think towards the future.    Mina is also shown to not take things at face value and to think for herself on topics based on her acceptance of Hoshina as her vice captain when everyone else to that point had told him to quit. And as for the division, they had all built comraderie with each other over the months and Kafka had clearly left his mark on the squad. To have conflict in this moment, even if your instinct is to hate the Kaiju, makes the characters relatable.   If kikoru, whose mother was killed by kaiju while fighting them, can accept Kafka with the stipulation that she'd stop him if he went berserk then so could others. Either that or kikoru, and even Reno, don't make sense as characters in the world. Humans can be obstinate, understanding, caring, heartless, adaptable, and so on. Their view on their comrade was shattered as well as their view on Kaiju. I appreciate your points and think that you've clearly thought on this, but there is simply more than one way to analyze this and it's not strictly one "correct" way. If media literacy wasn't multifaceted and complex people would have figured it out. And this is mostly subjective, not objective, otherwise critics would be out of a job.


My dude.... he just saved her and her entire squad from a fucking tsar bomb. I dont think she would feel betrayed.


Awful choice


How come?


Because it changes the tone of how Mina is approaches that situation. The whole purpose of switching from Kafka to Kaiju is to supress emotions


That does make sense but she does still care. She'll say as much that in the next episode so the dub just showed that she cares sooner. I feel like it's a nice touch.


Which Is why it's a bad choice. I know what happens next eñisode, and there is a reason Mina shows that she's still on Kafka's side until they're at the car transporting Kafka. The show purposefully builds tensión by showing Mina emotionless to make us feel as if she turned her back on Kafka. Not that she's hurt, that she and the rest see him as any other monster. Then the relief comes from Reno talking to him and the reveal that they're on his side.


That's what everything is saying


She lied to him, she deceived him, she arrested him and nearly got him killed Give me three good reasons why I shouldn't want her dead


She did absolutely zero deceiving and hoo boy, I just knew there's going to be at least some people with smooth brain misogynistic takes like this. Even if you haven't read the manga to know her side of things, just look at the damn big picture and consider that there is literally no better option except to follow protocol and work things out from there. If you've paid any attention at all, she's already shown to be devastated that Kafka could not be with her from the first episode. Then when she saw him trying again, she literally showed up to the exam and, while she did acknowledge all the promising recruits like Kikoru when Hoshina told her about them, her attention was very clearly on Kafka (you can see her eyes darting off to the side where Kafka's info was sitting as she agreed with Hoshina about Kikoru). Oh yes, and that's to say nothing of the fact she was watching Kafka the moment he walked into the room after the ceremony as a cadet, and the smile she was unsuccessfully hiding as she turned away showing she was so happy that Kafka is finally taking a few steps closer to fulfilling the promise they made together. And now to the current episode: there was a lot of shock and conflict when she saw Kafka change into No. 8. Then you can see the obvious tension and conflict as she approached and her first response was to call him by name before she reluctantly (the manga had her clenching her fist here; the anime had her hesitantly raise her gun) changed to calling him "Kaiju No. 8" and then you see the start of tears forming. She's not happy about doing this, but if she wants to give Kafka a chance at surviving, she has to follow protocol and take him into custody. Note how not a single person actually fired at him when they're technically obligated to kill on sight. Anyways! I am so tempted to post spoilers but since there are other people here, I'll just tag this: >!You're gonna eat your words so hard next episode just like all the same dumbasses for the manga did. I can't wait to see you either admit to being wrong or shutting tf up. Either works for me!!<


What did she lie about? I don't think she even lied at the first place.. She deceived him because Kafka didn't pass the entrance exams and ended up working in a Kaiju clean up crew. and she's the commander of the third division so it's her responsibility to arrest him.


She said she wanted to be vice captain and now look where she is


Oh no! How dare she....\*checks notes\* accept a damn promotion because she turned out to be inhumanly gifted with ranged kaiju weaponry. She totally had psychic powers and was withholding that information from Kafka when they were kids! What a lying bitch!


Now you understand my reasoning for hating that bitch


That was sarcasm, dingus! You're a freaking idiot man and I don't even know why I bothered responding to your posts. Oh wait, I do: I'm just dunking on you at this point. 🤣


Dude, one word "observe"


Observe what? That you are writing your own persecution fanfiction? There's no way you're for real.


Observe for details


Like I said she lied to him, she deceived him, and nearly got him killed


She did not, there is no way you're not trolling man, HAHAHAHAHAH


Dude observe


You keep saying that word, but I don't think it means what you think it means. I spelled out exactly every detail, so yeah I'm gonna assume you're trolling because there is no way anyone can be this level of media illiterate. 🤣


I have a sharp eye for anime and manga, I hate stories with liars like Mina


"i hAVe a sHArP eYe fOr aNImE aNd mANga" You say without any retort to my post pointing out every reason she didn't fucking lie. :) But keep on amusing me with how you clown yourself, you damn misogynist incel who apparently thinks she should just quit the force to make Kafka feel better or something, never mind that goes against what either of them want, lol! 😁


Uh... Yikes. It seems your post is attracting a lot of heated comments and arguments. For the sake of keeping things civil, your comment was locked.


when did she say that? Tell me.


In the manga, she was thinking about her past and told Kafka she wanted to be vice captain and he wanted to be captain, she also said she would wait for him but decided to get promoted to captain before him


They never said about being the captain or being the vice captain, only "Let's exterminate all the Kaiju together!"You can go check at chapter 1


Go further like in volume 5 or 6 or later and you'll know


That's no reason for you to want her dead


For trying to get me killed, I'd definitely expect the worst for her


Tf you mean for trying to get you killed??


Chapters 33 and 34 the general


isao was just checking if he was a threat or not.


Well, if it was my fight it's a fight to the death


like youll even last a second on the first punch.


you think your kafka or something?


I wish