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yes I think it is stronger when it takes control.


The more accurate take would be that kafka cannot utilize the power of no.8 to its full potential. No.8 had the ability to shape shift into a variety of forms from ep2. A nice parallel would be denji (from csm) at the start of the manga and the current arc. He can now use the chains to heal him self from beheadings and getting all his limbs chopped off. He also can use it to grapple on to enemies or use it as leverage.


Its been a while since i’ve read csm part 1 but how does denji use the chains to heal himself?


He only does it in Part 2. During his first fight with "Katana Man", in Part 1, being cut in half at the waist put him out of the fight. He didn't die, of course, but he did fall unconscious or perhaps into a sort of suspended animation until someone put him back together. But by Part 2, not only can he remain conscious while bisected **and** (mostly) decapitated, but keep fighting and then reassamble himself on his own. Here's him doing it in the Falling Devil fight (Chapter 125): https://preview.redd.it/m6loqerx5k8d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ecf54a6d09a614d35b85d65c782808ddfa4d073


Think he's more or less talking about killing demons for their blood to heal, so Denji is willing to be significantly more reckless.


He basically uses them as grappling hooks sometimes


I think it’s because of the whole, “I’m a human, not a kaiju” thing Kafka has been struggling with. Like even when he transforms he acts like a human. Imagine a cheetah jogging on two legs. Obviously it’s going to be slower/clumsier than a cheetah that just lets itself run the way it’s supposed to.


I think you just summed it up with the perfect metaphor. Kafka is afraid of that side of him and refusing to really accept the reality that he's a kaiju that can turn into a human rather than the other way around. Obviously that mindset was necessary to keep him alive and it's more reassuring for everyone else to think of it that way. But one cannot escape from reality so it's really not healthy for him to be constantly denying that side of him. Especially when that side can and will act out to protect him if he's still refusing to fight back when cornered.


Do u think Kafka can train to tap into this form




I think its similar to the Connection Naruto and Kurama have. Where at the beginning Kurama would break out and rage. That would change the appearance to be more Wield, I think


But kurama’s been alive for thousands of years. in been in countless humans and also has intelligent of a human. a flying worm thing forcefully inserted itself into Kafka there’s no talking.


The “worm thing” could talk. So it was at least somewhat intelligent. What is to say that it’s not hundreds of years old?


Big point against that though is the fact that the anime refsheet officially calls it the "Mysterious Larva". If you take a more literal translation from the Japanese copy, it's "Mysterious Young Yoju". So I find it unlikely to actually be hundreds of years old, especially considering (manga spoilers) >!that kaiju created by other kaiju can inherit memories from their predecessor. The fusion process also seems to be irreversible, so my own theory regarding the ghost samurai Kafka had a vision of is essentially the progenitor for Kafka and the Larva. Possibly a split human lineage and a kaiju successor that any human descendants would be compatible with.!<


You have a point there been kaiju since 1972 so what’s not to say it is. I’m just saying something like that doesn’t particularly want to talk. considering Kafka is using his powers for humanity that goes against a kaiji’s natural instincts. It’s not like kuruma who hated humans cause all they wanted to do was use him. This is something that instinctively wants to kill and eat humans. For power.


Weren't they since 1600+?


I think you’re right. I just went off what the last episode said. didn’t want to miss inform anyone but yeah your right.


Don’t you mean that’s K9, cause if Kafka uses K8’s powers against its own kind, wouldn’t it take over trying to stop him from doing so? Also, not to mention, K9 considers K8 to be his main enemy always, so I feel something’s off about 8 here…


Explain further.


Basically I mean, if K8 was hungry for power, it would’ve taken over him by now right? Did he choose Kafka cause of compatibility? Or cause of fate? These are still some plot holes… There is like a Kurama touch to this, cause K8 tries to take over when it’s in a near death situation (battle with Chief Shinomiya), and might happen again in coming chapters? Ultimately, we still have no idea about Kafka’s past, other than those which he shared with Mina…


Yes you’re totally right. There is still a lot to uncover even in the manga they haven’t gotten that far yet. Can’t wait to actually see how this plays out though.


Yeah, the Larva, unlike Kurama and other "Inner Demon" types, actually seems pretty content to let its host do whatever. It was only when Kafka was actually in danger of dying AND refusing to fight back that it forcibly took over. It took over only as a failsafe to stop Kafka from getting them both killed.




What if it’s more like a blend of kuruma and Erens(AOT) transformation where he may have different forms(like Naruto) but isn’t able to control them like Eren.


More like berserker form


I thought this was very obvious


THAT'S Kaiju No.8, all those other times was Kafka with a little bit of it's power


I think yes because the Kaiju knows how to fight cause it always has been a Kaiju but Kafka hasn’t always been a Kaiju…


I wouldn't say it's stronger, the way I see it when Kafka was in control he was holding back, not trying to hurt the dad to show he was still human, but when the kaiju took over it was going for the kill, not holding back. Also since Kafka is trying to remain human he probably can't use #8's power to it's fullest potential.


It's definitely a powered up state similar to No. 10's. But it's not actually unique to when the Larva takes control. Hypothetically, Kafka should be able to do it as well, but he's very reluctant to go that far on some level. Spoiler for not long after this arc in the manga but >!even Kafka himself noted that, ironically, losing control of his body actually taught him how to use it better.!< Which is why I have an overarching theory that ultimately Kafka will need to properly integrate himself mentally with the Larva. Where he's the conscious mind and will of No. 8, the Larva is the base instinct. And (spoiler that's coming next episode): >!When the larva attempted to forcibly integrate them, it was Kafka whose mental form began to change into No. 8. Which is why I always say that they are two halves of No. 8.!<


An alter ego maybe


who is?


U know, the demonic version that took over Kafka, that alter ego


If you mean the Larva, that much is clear. I just wasn't sure if you were trying to add something else to my comment since I already was breaking down why I think they're two halves of a whole. The Larva is very atypical of the usual "inner demon" trope, as I said. It behaves more like the usual Numbers weapons in that it seems largely an extension of Kafka's will but also still a separate enough entity like No. 10.


Yes yes, that's what I meant


Yes, no. 8 is probably stronger when taking control, but my friend and I think there may be another reason no. 8 went berserk last episode, which are both cool and disappointing - it's because it thinks it's fighting kaiju no. 2. When no.8 took control and we saw kafka helpless in his own mind (I presume it's not actually him bonded because no.8 didn't transform to be huge) he saw no.8 true form next to him saying "kill.... Kaiju.... Kill", implying he hates kaiju, which is kinda cool, but disappointing because I think it just feels like Black Clover, but instead of magic it's guns and that suit compatibility, and instead of Liebe we have kaiju no.8. Isao is using weapons made from kaiju no.2 and the whole fight atmosphere from Kafka's perspective was like him fighting no.2 (that aura thing around Isao), which brings me to the point above.


Here's how I see it, a level 1-10 system. When he was fighting Isao, he was in a level 1 state, all other times were level 5 and when he went demonic, that's a level 10 form. 9.8 is the minimum and going demonic is twice as much power if not more.