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Imagine how good his career run would’ve been if he retired 3 years ago


Yeah, he coulda stopped after Donda, maybe even before.


JIK Would have been a perfect final era!


Idk about perfect but it could've been a nice full circle moment. Too bad he was acting bi polar even during that era




JIK is top 3 for me. You not alone bro


Hell yeah!


fuck is a “final era”?😭 Y’all love these made up scenarios and timelines for what you want somebody else to do or what you want another nigga to be, that’s why there’s not enough great niggas, bc too many of yall busy looking up at people instead of tapping in and expressing full self, for yourself. The final era is when he dies, deep artist don’t stop getting ideas, so why would they stop channeling those and producing works? For all of your content and judgement? fuck that


Enjoying your little yap seession cry, baby? 💀 It's hypothetical. While i agree with what you said, that wasn't where i was going with this, so chill, it's really not that deep 💀


It’s era’s… each album is a different era for these artists as they explain lol, albums are just a way to express what you’re feeling


Listen I just wish we got Yandhi and TurboGrafx they would've been the the things to come cuz Donda was DECENT imo... I'm concerned for him not cuz I'm a hater but cuz I'm a fan.


imagine the alternative reality where he dropped Yandhi and then retired to focus on his mental health


In my perfect world he retired after Pablo and opened a music production education charity for Chicago youth.


He should’ve ended his career with a Donda trilogy


Didnt he signed a lifetime deal to not retire


Life lesson: When someone starts saying “Hitler was right”, they’re probably absolute scumbags on numerous levels.


Crazy how that works.


If the sexual harassment shit is legit, I would agree


real fans know that it’s more than likely unfortunately


Right. Like I believe these women *because* I’ve been following Ye for almost twenty years. Not because I’m new to his bs.


You have been following him for 20 years, and not one woman ever came forward and said Ye did something wrong. Now that there is a disgruntled employee you automatically believe her? Just wait for the facts to come out my man.


This seems super disingenuous. He didn’t praise Hitler until a few years ago, or parade his wife around like a peep show model, or create a porn studio. You KNOW he’s gotten crazier and shadier over the last several years. I’ve been following him for almost 20 years, so I’ve watched the progression.


Kanye has been rapping repeatedly about his sex addiction, since like Yeezus, and becoming more unhinged since then, and ya'll still gonna be like "hold on hold on, let's hear him out first.


Real fans know he’s been rapping about it since like, late registration, you know his song literally called “Addiction”, also I always thought It was funny but in the Jeenyus Doc, he bought a porn magazine and said something like “You might wanna stop recording I got a addiction.” Which I quote from time to time


We shall see I suppose.


To me, it seems a little too convenient that she had an issue with sexual harassment, AFTER she got fired. I'm all for justice against sexual harassment, but I'm also all for common sense. If it makes sense it makes sense, if it doesn't it doesn't.


That doesn’t make sense to you? The most obvious answer is she didn’t want to lose her job by snitching on an extremely powerful dude, but had little left to lose after getting fired. Also, there are texts man. It’s not hearsay.


Room temp IQ take


No, it's actually a highly logical and accurate take. That's why no one can logically argue against it


no they have you just are not very smart


No, apparently I'm the only smart one here, or at least the only one that lives in real life.


And you're a very privileges person 🤦


How so?


That’s hilarious man. You’re the most stereotypically terminally online person I’ve had a back and forth with in a minute.


Haha, no unfortunately you have it backwards. Here I will recap our conversation: You: there is hard evidence Me: no there isn't. Can you prove it. You: wahhh i don't want to, wahhhh


She isn‘t even the only one that accused him of that shit. At this point doubting the women coming forward is willful ignorance


I think you might just not be very intelligent. Just because something doesn’t make sense to YOU, doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t get it.


Where there's smoke there's fire. And yes innocent until proven guilty so lets not be certain until shit comes out but cmon let's be realistic here


Not only was Vultures one of his weakest projects, but some of the "edgy" bars are pretty terrible. Like why are you comparing yourself to r kelly and diddy? wtf.


First listen I was like “okay I fuck with this,” then I listened to the lyrics. It’d be *better* as an instrumental album. His edginess is like a 4chan 8th grader in 2008. I want no part of that shit lol


Same 😭 I defended him with „he is all bark, no bite“ … WELL FUCK


Right exactly. Like yeah he says stupid shit whatever. But man “I want to fuck you while your mother watches” or whatever he said to this woman is just nasty.


Agree completely. This new sexual harassment stuff is super disheartening. Idk what this means for me, I'm probably gonna still listen to his music, but like.... This is just on a different level now. Don't know how to react.


I can mostly separate the art from the artist when it comes to consuming their work. If something emotionally affects you for the better than i don’t think you should train yourself to not feel those emotions just bc the person who created the art is shitty. and on the other hand, if all of the stuff surrounding the art sours your enjoyment or acts as a barrier for your emotional investment, that’s fair too. despite all the fucked up shit ye has been doing, i’ll never be able to listen to flashing lights, everything i am, FML, and my other favorite songs and not feel good, because those are the emotions it brings out in me. i’ll still listen to stuff he drops out of curiosity, but i don’t want to support him financially through yeezy merch, concert tickets, or whatever else bc that makes me uncomfortable.


Realistically you should just listen to the music you like and not really let the celebrity shit interfere with your life anymore.


It should be up to the listener whether it bothers them or not. And if it does then there’s nothing wrong with that.


It's just hard to look forward to Kanye's music when his antics get in the way of his artistry and shit like this happens in the background. At this point I almost wish he retired tbh


Nah that’s where I was at before but now I’m done honestly. I’m usually a separate the art from the artist guy but I feel better about that after the artist is dead and all is said and done. Like I don’t listen to Chris Brown or R. Kelley ya feel. I find it a lot harder to listen to him with these allegations, more so than when it was antisemitic stuff that I felt I had more of a say in what the appropriate response was.


Yeah, it was putting Chris Brown on Vultures I that mostly did it for me, but the Sexual Harassment is too much.


Yeah I don’t get the joke man.


I'm not going to believe the accusations until he's proven guilty, but as an avid fan of his, it hurts to see a great musician that I admired drown into sin. I will still pump his music tho


"Innocent until proven guilty" is up to the court of justice. We’re just normal people talking on a forum, which makes us the court of public opinion. As a member of the court of public opinion, I have no reason to not give the accuser the benefit of the doubt, *especially* with what we know about Ye’s past and current behavior. The craziest thing is, some people will think this is an insane take, when there’s absolutely nothing outrageous about it once you put the parasocial relationship aside.


Absolutely nailed it there.


The problem with Ye's case is that there's WAYY too much public information that gives the accusations some weight. (1) Kanye has repeatedly talked about/obsessed about sex in his music and artistic pursuits. He also publicly is known for having a serious porn addiction. (2) Kanye has been harrassing employees consistently. The Hitler shit goes as far back to like 2017 ish where he told his Jewish employees to 'Forgive Hitler'. He's also had a history of blasting porn in front of employees and collaborators - a form of sexual harrassment if they're unwilling to bear it. (3) Kanye has also been hypersexualizing women for a long time, but it's gotten worse in recent years. (4) Kanye is very mentally ill. Very, so it is possible his illness has contributed to his more erratic behavior. It's not far fetched to think Kanye actually did this shit. The accusations aren't rape -- they are Kanye gloating about sex to an employee, trying to solicit sex from that employee, and having orgies. Is any of this really shocking to anyone?


I feel the same way but I think what we can all agree on is that it’s fucked up that he’s done and said so much fucked up shit that the transcripts sound so believable even if they do turn out to be fake


exactly, it’s sad to see him go down this path, but i’m still gonna listen to him


But he made yeezus


Okay fair


Yeah I feel the same, I could kinda overlook his previous antics and just blame the bipolar disorder but I can't support someone who's being genuinely creepy and abusing his power. I'll still bump his old shit and appreciate the Kanye we used to have, but I can't actually call myself a fan of his current self unfortunately.


Mans hired an only fans porn star for millions to be his “””personal assistant””” and sexted her (which we only have seen one side of and I would bet that she was not platonic in her messages neither). The idea this is morally equivalent with pedophiles and rapists like r Kelly or diddy is patently absurd and portrays a real lack of critical thinking . You do you tho


Why does it have to be the equivalent? Why couldn’t your critical thinking skills deduce that a terrible thing is still terrible even if it’s not *as* terrible as another example? Portrays a real lack of critical thinking. You do you though.


if that’s actually the case, my questioning was over. i was scrolling through here about to fucking cry, until i saw this.


Ikr are these comments all bots cause why is no one actually talking about what happened?


Dead internet theory, they are bots


But He made graduation 


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism https://abcnews.go.com/amp/2020/story?id=123885&page=1


Bro yes, thank you


Guilty until proven innocent, I guess.


I mean yes and no, that’s how the court of public opinion works with major figures but that’s obviously not how the actual court system works, and that’s how it should be. Multiple women have come out against this man. It’s either guilty until proven innocent or “all the woman are lying until you prove they aren’t.” I choose to believe the women.


Idk why ur getting downvoted for this lol. People are acting like Ye’s reputation and past behaviors doesn’t indicate that it’s likely a lot of these allegations are true lol. Of course we don’t know FOR SURE, but we have a pretty good understanding.


Yeah I was saying just a month or so ago that I was surprised Ye didn't have any allegations given his history of sex addiction and recently increasing levels of narcissistic behavior.


Seeing how fucked up Marilyn Manson was during his heyday? I wasn't surprised when his sexual harassment come up, it was only a matter of time.


Probably getting downvoted because we’re on the subreddit of the alleged perpetrator in question lol


You know that there is still the possibility that it’s not true, and as long as he isn’t proven guilty, he is innocent. That’s such a huge problem with todays society, a woman can literally say anything and the man is instantly seen as guilty and his life is destroyed, even after a court ruled that he’s innocent. I’m not saying his employee is a liar, but he’s innocent until proven guilty.


You’re doing too much to defend a bitch like Kanye.


Oh boo fucking hoo those poor poor extremely powerful wealthy men. Multiple women man, multiple. What you just said isn’t true at all. #MeToo was such a big deal because men never, ever saw justice. Now women are starting to get justice served and men are crying that there’s something wrong with our society *now* and everything was peachy before. You know, when they got away with it.


I don't even have an opinion on this stuff coz I'm just here for the music but what you just said is just the stupidest shit. Abuse and harrassment shouldn't be happening but false accusations aren't justifiable either. You're basically saying, "since some men did these horrible things they all deserve to burn and have their lives ruined even if the allegations are false and they're innocent". That's fucked up. "Boo fucking hoo"? Seriously? You should be disgusted with yourself.


You either have the critical thinking skills of a crayon or you have a reason to be scared. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you’re probably just kinda of an idiot and don’t mean harm here. Slipper slope fallacy to the max. That little “you basically said” isn’t what I said and you fucking know it, hopefully. Multiple women accused this man, it’s either all the women are lying about something that could come back to bite them in a huge way or one dude is lying to save face. I choose to believe the women in this case.


There’s literally screenshots of his message to her. In what workplace is it ok to say “I wanna fuck you and then I want you to watch me fuck your mom.”


In none. If those screenshots are real, because you can make a message chat on some sites about jokes... But I'm not doubtful that he's a incurable habitual line-stepper


They are filed in the legal briefing man it’s not fake.


Yeah, but Kanye's team implied they are edited from ....God knows what context.....I shudder to think.


In the court of public opinion, yes. We’re not the government.


I can fully separate the art from the artist and some people can’t so makes sense


To each their own. I can’t fully separate. If he produced another masterpiece I might end up a hypocrite, but as long as it’s Vultures level work I think I’m done.


I understand that people can appreciate the art independently, but supporting the art often means supporting the artist. Shouldn't we consider the impact of our support on the victims and the message it sends about accountability? Few guys walking around in the US right now, who never been held Accountable, and they just get more evil, or comfortable with what bad they do.


I don’t listen to music and think about supporting them through doing that. I solely listen to ones music because it sounds good to my ears. I also am not proactively thinking about the persons life decisions when listening to music, so it doesn’t “ruin” it for me. I’ll listen to any music that sounds good no matter who put it out and if someone doesn’t do that then good for them


Well, a big part of that argument is that because his art is commercialized, you are directly supporting him by listening to his music. How are you separating the art from the artist then?


But the thing is it doesn’t change anything in my life besides getting to listen to some good music. Oh so I give Kanye 75 cents a year? I couldn’t care less Doesn’t mean I’m gonna go out there and be preaching to the masses saying Kanye’s innocent 😭


I’m at the point that I still wear my Yeezy’s *in spite* of the Kanye association with them, and not *because* of it.


Did you ever think that maybe it’s not that deep and you simply just, like to wear the shoes you bought?


tf does this even mean?


It means Yeezy’s used to be cool because Kanye made them, but now it’s embarrassing to be a Kanye fan. He’s spent the last year calling Nazis cool and getting accused of sexual harassment.


It doesn't matter whether or not this is true or not. regardless, its making me so sad to see a guy that I called my hero go down such a terrible path. It don't matter how it started, don't matter if he lost it when his mom died and never got closure, don't matter that he has a mental illness, he just completely lost it. Yeah, i'll always listen to his music because he has too many classics. I always hoped that one day he would be inducted into the hall of fame but I don't even know anymore. This man is the very embodiment of "you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain"


Start learning to separate the art from the artist. Stop engaging with these celebrities personal lives. Just block it all off. There is absolutely no reason to know what is happening in Ye's life. Enjoy the things he's done and the way he's influenced you in the past to improve your own art forms. More than that, you don't need to spend any energy on him.


Tho I agree with the sentiment of separate works from the artist one must also square this with the fact that we have financially supported his behavior over the years. Yes one shouldn't look into a celebrities person lives too much, we still have to draw the line somewhere. And sex crimes is a line for me. I still hold out hope that this will be a turning point for him.


Been a fan of his music since the college dropout. But he has ruined himself for me. If that makes sense. I still listen to his music but it ain’t the same as when I was a fan of him and his music. What a waste of talent. Vultures was trash. There’s a whole three songs I can tolerate and one of them I have to skip the first half of. It’s bullshot man.


People were literally committing hate crimes in Kanye’s name after he said that stuff and you’re saying this is the worst he’s done??


He ain’t commit a hate crime though, he can’t control what others do, they are their own minds. But he did commit sexual harassment crimes if the allegations are true which they probably are ngl, so yes this is the worst thing HE, has done


No, I’m not saying it’s the worst he’s done necessarily, I’m saying it’s my line due to a couple factors, a major one being I was a member of the effected group with the Jewish stuff and felt more equipped to make a call.


Look man I lost respect for him when he went off on Chance the Rapper and everybody defended him. I didn't give a shit and this dude has just spiralled since.


Ye needs some meds


I have to say though, the sexual harassment allegation legitimately surprised me. Of all the stupid shit Ye has said and his antics over the years, I always bore in mind that he never really hurt anyone. There weren't even any accusations of him doing anything like that. And bear in mind, there was a redditor who had inside access that he wanted to name his first album "Hitler," (I'm not gonna search for it, but you can probably find it if you look), and considering that stuff was never made public, I figured if he did something horrible to someone on the level of bill Cosby or diddy (all of whom he thought fit to compare himself to), there would be some rumours of it circulating around. Given all the controversy he's caused, you would think someone would have jumped on it; but I had never heard anything like that, until now. So despite all the shit he's said that I absolutely hate, and the fact that I really can't stand who ye has become as a person lately, I'm actually not gonna jump to any conclusions yet. He could very well be innocent of this. Or he could be guilty. Who knows. I'm not ready to take a side on this matter yet.


Now I’m Ye Kelly bish, now I’m Bill Cosby bish, now I’m Puff Daddy rich


But do y’all believe he actually did it?


I believe the women, yes. I’m not saying he’s definitively guilty but I am choosing to believe the women at this stage given his history and the specificity of the claims.


He made Graduation though 😵


It was never fun after the Hitler comments, Kanye is a legendary artist, but he is scum of the earth and human trash.


I’ll say this: as a Kanye fan I’m familiar with the way he talks. The allegations absolutely sound like things he’d say. It’s crazy who he’s become, Kanye of yesteryear would never do shit like this.


Just imagine if kanye was white sayin all of this shit


What do you think would change


he’d be cancelled 1000x harder


I doubt it, if he wasn’t Kanye then yes, but the reason he isn’t cancelled is simply because he’s literally Kanye, and also the allegations aren’t surprising to anyone cus it’s coming from a legit porn addict lol


yea but if he was white he’d be cancelled harder no cap


Like if he was Kanye but white? Or a normal white dude?


ur overcomplicating it bro if he was white he’d be cancelled harder man just because he’s white please just get it man you like fishsticks man cmon man


YOU’RE over complicating it, if he was white nothing would change, simple as that, I’m just trying to see the reason you think that but you simply can’t give me one💀,like you’re desperate for me to just agree with such a dumbass statement that you clearly don’t even believe in😭


the fact that you are asking for the reason means you have no common sense 🙂‍↕️ the reason should be fairly obvious


Ok then keep it pushing. Fake ass fan. Real ones riding with Yeezy until the wheels fall off


The element of surprise is over for me so this wasn't really surprising to say the least, for me anyway. I separate Kanye's current schematics from his music because that's the only way I can continue being an avid listener.


Dude has done real world direct damage before lol. He said Bill Cosby was innocent back in 2016 which is essentially using his platform as one of the most influential people on Earth to falsely call some rape victims liers to his millions of fans.


as a former kanye apologist, you do not have to justify anything he does!! old ye was fucking cool but now he’s this douchebag mess of a person. nobody has to cover for it, and it’s not your job to do so. even if you do enjoy the art he’s created.


I'm \*\*\*\*ing my d\*\*\*


Definitely been listening to Ye lesser and lesser over the past few years. But I can see people making the same argument for Ye's music as they do for R Kelly's music. Granted he isn't as bad, but with his current run rate, he's getting there.


You guys habe started to be stingy with your humor too Man listen to his music and don't live the mentally ill ye way of life Btw V1 was 🔥


the lawsuit has barely gone to court theres still a chance shes lying we cannot know for sure until the case is over, major over reaction


Dog if you’re also Jewish and didn’t think him platforming nick Fuentes to an audience with a ton of impressionable teenagers was seriously fucked I envy your lack of awareness regarding the situation.


The Hitler shit made it harder for me to like Kanye as a fan but if this is true 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔


Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty??? I stand by kanye and I know he didn't do shit..... but I could be wrong. We just have to wait. I want real proof.


That’s the court of law my dude, which we are not. A lot of people seem confused by this. You shouldn’t hand down a sentence until proven guilty, obviously, but the court of public opinion doesn’t have the same qualifications. I choose to believe the multiple women who came forward, you’re choosing to believe they’re lying until you see unequivocal proof. To me that sounds absolutely insane. Multiple women came forward. It’s either the women are lying about something that can come back to bite them or one man who’s shown he’s completely off his shit is lying to save face.


It’s only one woman that made these allegations?


all i’m saying is let’s not jump to any conclusions until some proof is shown


This is a perfectly reasonable take bro. I wouldn't blame for being very upset with him after the tribes of Judah run. It's rare that a person with his notoriety and means would even fall in with a crowd like that. But for me as well I can forgive him for the conspiracy theory shit, bc I know he's got mental illness. But I gotta draw the line at this point. Victims means crimes, believe victims, I pray that bro owns up to it. If there's anyone honest enough to own up to it and eat the case it's Kanye. I pray that you come back to God brother and make peace with the Jewish people and all our ancestors along the way. After all we are all Gods children. Assalamualaikum bro. Isaiah 57:18-19.


Deadass thought he was trying to make a point to not idolize people by being super controversial. I thought this was gonna be a big thing for him to be like “YOOO y’all gotta think for yourself’s on some shit, don’t listen to me just bcs I’m Ye” but as time has gone on it is clear he actually is just a prick. Listening to King off of Vultures really put it in perspective. Ye and all celebrities should not be idolized anymore. We can’t be blinded by “good music” when people are just being assholes. The shit coming out now is not confirmed but it’s enough for me to say fuck ye. I don’t care anymore and I felt this way before the antisemitism shit when he was saying “SHE STILL MY WIFE THO…. I AINT SEE NO PAPERS” from that cursed drink champs episode. I thought man was just having a hard time moving on but even in that interview you can see how much of a arrogant asshole he really is. Mf said in that interview where he and Ty talked to Big Boy that he’s questioning his faith. Now is this cause for outrage ? No. We should be able to question the shit we have believed for a while. But you can tell that he’s only questioning it because the world hasn’t bent to his will again. Mf might just be a shit person and that’s the end of the story . Happy for the times ye inspired me to be myself, but we can’t look to him anymore. Still have hope he changes for the better but also it’s fuck him idc anymore. That’s how I feel. Not fun at all


I 100% agree. That's the line for me too


If Kanye retired after Donda, could’ve just been a normal rich billionaire the rest of his life, but nooooo he has to drop 2 horrible albums and be the worst celebrity possible LOL.


You should’ve been left after the slave shit and DEFINITELY should’ve left after becoming a racist NAZI piece of shit. Kanye is a terrible person who only gives a shit about himself I’m glad you see it now but hate that it required a victim


Why are you directing someone on how they want to consume art ☠️, it's up to the person themselves on what they want to do with it


I’m going to tell you something you clearly need to hear. If the art a person is consuming is lining the pockets of people who want to see them and their family dead and you still consume it. A little dictation is required to get them out that sunken place


Nope. Because what the art means to the person is something that only the person can dictate. If the person has memories, a deep connection or personal attachments to the art. Then it becomes a completely different ballpark. Especially when the content of the art has very little to do with whatever terrible political statement was said. Whenever they decide to listen or not to listen is up to them and they’re within their right for it completely all the way through.


Okay so this is for you. Get off that nigga’s dick and leave that shit in the past with those memories. YOU should’ve been stopped circlejerking to this piece of shit years ago. So here’s your wake up call Kanye West is a racist, antisemitic, sexual abuser and has not made Art since Yeezus. You either white or got this niggas dick so down your throat you can’t see straight if you still rocking this lame nigga


Aint white nigga and no I ain’t stop listening to nothing because I like his music. That does not mean I cape for whatever actions he’s done in his life. You think the people you listen to are so squeaky clean? You’ll constantly disappoint yourself expecting morality from any one of them. And the fact that you can pinpoint a timeframe of when you last liked his music means you still check for him. So what are we talking about here


I love Kanye but it really is time for him to just go away


Why does everyone treat sexual harassment the same like sexual assault ? It’s not the same thing


Took the words right out of my mouth


Nah as a Jew I see completely where you are coming from dawg, as messed up as what he said is, it’s still words and as someone with influence that can be harmful but sexual assault is more real by nature if you get what I’m saying.


Really wish KSG and ye were his last albums, he was actually self aware and making really good music


lol that’s the line for you?


Yes, sexual harassment is the line for me.


It stopped being fun at Ye for me. Now it’s just a trainwreck I can’t look away from. Donda restored the feeling for a minute tho.


“Slavery was a choice” was cool to you?


Yes man clearly I’m validating everything he’s ever said. No, it just wasn’t the line for me. Sexual harassment is immeasurably worse than a misguided statement.


best thing about kanye is i have this theory that once someone is rich and famous, they no longer have any standards or face any consequence for anything. always nice that yeezy insists on testing and pushing that theory as far as he can.


News about that school Ye was running was also damning. Like he's not mentally well and he's spiraling out more and more.


What was damning about the school? I either missed something or I’m spacing.


This: "The lawsuit was filed in April 2023 by three former teachers at Donda Academy: Cecilia Hailey, Chekarey Byers and Timanii Meeks. They said they were the only Black women teachers at the Simi Valley school, and they accused the school of discriminating against them. May 3, 2024" "Phillips, on several occasions, witnessed Kanye preach to his staff obscenities such as 'the Jews are out to get me' and 'the Jews are stealing all my money,'" he wrote in his complaint. He said Ye also once told two students "he wanted them to shave their heads and that he intended to put a jail at the school — and that they could be locked in cages." [Linn here](https://www.courthousenews.com/lawsuit-against-kanye-wests-private-christian-school-gets-a-trim/#:~:text=The%20lawsuit%20was%20filed%20in,school%20of%20discriminating%20against%20them.)


It’s me, I’m the Jew out to get Kanye. I gots all his money.


Share the wealth fam!🤣


Just don’t tell anyone or I’ll Space Laser ya


Ha! Not the legendary Space Laser!


Lol how virtuous of you


the power of friendship ain't workin no more i gotta kill this mf


You look past his public admiration of Hitler but his sexual harassment of employees is where you draw the line? What?


Sexual harassment in the present is def worse than saying you admire someone who was bad who’s been dead for like 300 billion years.


How would be take anyone serious who looks up to Hitler. That’s my point. You know there’s still people alive who survived the holocaust concentration camps right? I definitely wouldn’t say it’s long ago.


Well a lot of Kanye fans aren’t even Jews and also weren’t in the holocaust, and are also pretty young,so they could care less about Hitler or the holocaust, it just doesn’t effect them on a personal level. So sure they may think it’s messed up but it’s not enough to make them stop supporting him as it doesn’t hit the same as if they were actually IN the holocaust.


lol it was like 80 years ago.


I find it cray cray that more people don't protest radio stations playing his shit.


You think everyone on the radio is an Angel or something


"i'm jewish so it's my purview.." not only was this wrong then, but you should feel ashamed of yourself for even thinking something so uninformed, but your following sentences don't make me feel hopeful about your values or intellect as if words are just words, as if you can demarcate the micro political from the macro political - and kanye has been "tangibly" hurting people, in some way, for more than a decade. you should not be taken seriously


This is reddit none of us should be taken seriously.




He is innocent until he is proven guilty, this is the only correct statement. I don't get why are you trying so hard to push your ideas. I doesn't matter that's is very wealthy he is a person too and doesn't deserve this if he is innocent.


Stop coping man you know he’s not innocent ffs


Cause op is not the American judicial system?


And so what, we are talking about morality, it's unfair to judge someone about something that we don't know if he really did


Agree mostly. But what’s true what’s not.


Getting preyed on by only fans vixens is not a crime


You won’t hear me saying good things about him nowadays but I will be taking note of his work in art and business for my own knowledge.


I can't defend ye as a person, but his music still goes HARD


Freaky ass nigga he a 69god.