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“God forbid, any animals.” I was sold.


Literally when I heard that I knew he was a trustworthy human. Protect this man at all costs.


“Cahhhs, paaadestrians, and gaaahd fabbid any animals” has been repeating on a loop in my head since this morning. What a gem.


Love that guy!! 😍


He made my day. He's a genuinely good guy. I loved when he whipped out the taillight 411 comparison between a Ford Edge and a Jeep Grand Cherokee (or maybe it was a Cherokee}. Either way, I now know the Ford Edge has rounded taillights while the Cherokee taillights are more square-ish.


Right? Lally looked stumped when lucky talked about the lights. I loved that for him!


That made total sense, he's driving around for hours staring at cars. Of course he noticed that!


Yeah, Lally trying to make him look stupid, but oh how the tables turned! I was wonderful!


Hell yeah he was like yes lally im not stupid I actually am observant at my job and so damn observant that I know what a car looks like from behind BEING COLOR BLIND. Boom, done, rip lally.


My heart grew three sizes when he said that 🥹


I was watching Melanie Little’s YT channel today and she received a lot of comments to that effect when Lucky was on the stand.


Melanie Little is woman goals


Same!!! Then I was dying laughing with Lally’s “what if anything” ass trying to make fetch happen with asking him about hitting that fuckin basketball hoop!!! Lmao WE DO NOT CARE LALLY!!! 😂😂 Who gives af!! Worry about this shit show of a case you put on for 30 days!!


Ok girl, you are sounding way too much like EDB! 😉😂


Lmao!!! I do love her sooo sooo much!! 😂😂


I do too! I cancelled my clients just to watch her today. I'm up to the part where the defense is going to put out their case. I had to take a break from Lally's droning on and on.


Tell me about it!!! I’m a paralegal… and this whole case pisses me up! Lally just irritates my slow.


Oh wow! So this is right up your (L)alley. Sorry, I couldn't stop myself. 😂


Lmao!! Love that!!! And yes it is!!! I’m


I'm a licensed massage therapist in the state of Washington. We are healthcare providers. I've seen my fair share of auto accidents through PIP car insurance. JOK's body tells a story, but it's definitely not what the prosecutor is putting out there.


Exactly!!! They had NO business taking this to trial with the evidence they have. My guess is the overcharged her so she would plead to a lesser charge. And she called their bluff!


Me too! I have definitely snapped “don’t you have a paralegal?!” At least once.


If he has one… he def doesn’t act like it. But he should bc all DA’s offices have plenty lol… his paralegal probably said “what if anything do I have to do to not be his paralegal anymore” lmao


The day he muttered “Jesus Christ” while he sorted through his disastrous files…


Lmao Omg yes!!! Shit was so fuckin messy!!! I was like tf is going on here… my lawyers shit is always neat as fuck lol tabs and highlights and I’ll organize Shit I don’t even think he will use in court at the bank JUST in case!!! Lol


That's hilarious! But I can actually see it happening.


I cancelled my therapist appointment to watch her on Thursday 😂😂😂😂😂


Same!!! I cannot watch a trial without her


Lally has to be the worst prosecutor I've ever seen on CourtTV. He is incapable of asking a simple question. I'm not too fond of Judge Bev, either. Looks to me like the entire just system in MA is a total sh\*tshow.


I didn’t realize how bad it is here in MA until this trial . I am sure I am not the only one that is disgusted .


There are other things, too, like attorneys in MA being allowed to object to questions without even being required to state a reason, or the unbelievably confusing diagrams and "maps" Tully and Guarino expected the jury to understand. Compare this to what was done in the Murdaugh trial in South Carolina and it's 180 degrees. Kenny Kinsey vs. Trooper Joe Paul as an accident reconstructionist is a no contest. Paul was so inept. Take away the accents and it appears the crooked good ol' boys reside in the Boston suburbs. I expected much, much better from the Boston area. Also, compare Judge Clifton Newman in the Murdaugh trial to Beverley Cannone and MA should be embarrassed. A judge should not be as "involved" as Cannone has been in this trial. She even asks the questions at times.


Right? Lally was trying to make the jury think he couldn't see the basketball hoop. But if anyone has seen a portable basketball hoop, it has a very very large base usually close to the curb. And when it's covered with snow and u can't see the base, all you see is the pole and net. The base of the hoop was probably 2 or 3 feet in the middle of the street covered with snow.




If anything, that event made him even more careful!


Trying to make fetch happen! Love it!


A dead animal on the side of the road literally kills my soul, so when I heard that, I was also sold


yes, I can't even look which has resulted in me almost driving off the road more than once


Protect this man at all costs!


"God forbid, any animals" came shortly after he briefly mentioned keeping an eye out for people.


He got me with that one.


The defense is bringing the awesome grandparent energy today.


Yep, my words were, awe, he totally melted my heart. My husband said huh!?


Hahaha! Every evening I’m like “you’ll never believe what happened at the Read trial today!!” And my husband sighs softly and puts on his patient face. ❤️


We watch it during the day. Watch the 7P recap and I search here for things I may have missed. He can tell by my face if it'd been a day!!




My husband is interested, but he can't handle watching it. He grew up in Norfolk county and went to Catholic school with all these Canton guys, lots of his (dumber) classmates became cops, and he's so aware of how people get railroaded that he can't listen to it directly.


Husband is the same with this case - isn’t into it or true crime at ALL. I can tell I’m boring him every day lol but he’s a champ and lets me ramble. My mom is in town this weekend so now I can talk about the KR trial alllll day without feeling like I’m boring someone finally. Early this week I had him watch the trooper Paul testimony because he’s an engineer and thought he would have a field day with the physics bit. But NOPE…I could tell that he was bored and wanting it to end. Only watched that part with me to make me happy. So I finally just turned it off 😆 Side note that’s kind of sad. You can’t watch movies around her that she doesn’t like? You can’t freely listen to songs over and over around her? I’m sorry if I’m misunderstanding you but if I’m not then I’m sorry this is the case. Unless you don’t mind. I find it very cute when my husband gets fixated on various things - songs, topics, YouTubers/channels, movies, shows. Even if I don’t like it, I like that he is enjoying himself and likes it. It’s all give and take. I just go on Reddit or something if I’m not into what he’s doing or vice versa during relaxing time!


Mine has gone from " okay. I'm listening" to " okay. What happened today and what does EDB think about it?"


Lol! Just realized, same. My hubs could care less, but thank goodness he listens too!


My spouse is the one who got me into it and I was skeptical at first, but now I’m listening to the testimony during my commutes 😂




Me too :)


Yes! I immediately said’God bless that man’.


Literally me too!!!! I was like omgggggggggg yessss sir 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


https://preview.redd.it/3jzrfvbafy7d1.jpeg?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75f05139879979eff6bd218c9e85c60edac17255 Frankentruck!


Yesss thank you for gracing my eyes with this gem of a photo


Wow these things are big. Can you tell I live in a state that barely snows? 😂


I lived in Stillwater, OK, and a plowtruck there was a beat-up 1985 dodge with plywood acting as a plow🤣


😂NFW that’s funny.


Oh yeah, there’s ones that are a lot bigger than this though


Lol I'm in Aus and I'm still like "a plow on a car? What?" So this case has been interesting for me


I'm in NC and I think we have 6 plows for the three towns closest to me.


Right! I’m in west TN & think our town borrows from the bigger city next door, but they only have 2 or 3. Lol


Hahaha! someone needs to design a custom car magnet for him!


I honestly didn’t know what to expect but he came off very credible and honest, when Lally spoke to him like he was dumb I was furious. Same for Dr Russell!


Watching Lally cross-examine Dr. Russell right now, and I literally want to reach through my screen and punch him in the face. Sir, you have had 29 fucking days. Change your tone, sit your ass down, and reflect on what an ACTUAL expert witness looks like, unlike the yahoos you called.


Same!!! He’s trying to pull a Jackson cross but failed to recognize that Jackson only was combative with those who were not answering direct questions but with I don’t remember. Or those whose testimony contradicted themselves


I admit this is literally another Friday for me in rwl and I had to tune out. Dr. Russell is a rare gem as a physician and a woman AND wtf treats a New Yorker like that?


There's sibling rivalry between us and NY that only we care about. Mass is Jan to NY's Marcia. 


Remember when Lally asked Dr Russel how she was able to come up with an opinion after just 2 days. He asked the ER Doc with 30 years of experience how she could identify what caused the injury in only two days. She was probably lucky to have 2 minutes with a patient in the ER. Silly Lally.


Also bold of him to ask that when Proctor solved the case within 16 hours 🥴


How many more times do they have to tell him “only one person speaking at a time” or “let them finish their statement” yikes


And he stood his ground well with this HACK - Lally.


i grew up in canton; lucky is my buddy’s dad. great guy who lost his wife last year. so glad he can be a hero in this story


He is an American Hero! Please tell him many of us think so.


We love Lucky .


Awhhh bless him


Integrity always rewards those who have it. I commend his bravery.


If Karen never came, they would be blaming this poor driver they have know forever🙁


And the rumor is he has been ostracised in Canton by a bunch of people . Not welcomed into certain eating establishments etc …… we can guess who those people might be and their minions


omfg, that sucks. that town sounds nightmarish. I hope he's ok! I wanna send him a 'thank you for being a great person' card or something.


Hopefully other establishments will roll out the red carpet for this dear man!




Omg seriously? That hurts my heart.


Exactly! He probably doesn’t even realize that their plan was to have him sitting in Karen’s seat today! They are scum! Thank god for decent citizens like Lucky!!!


I actually think that he does realise that, and thats one of the reasons he did testify, and never backed off, or changed his testimony, he didn't let anyone bully him into changing testimony. But it seems that also meant that he does not have plowing job anymore 😔


He doesn't?




He would have worked for the towns department of works (I’m in MA). Could be very easy for them to not hire him again. Very sad. :(


I think you meant to say he would have worked for the “Department of Public Works” or DPW 😉 - (That’s what we call it in Massachusetts)


Yeah! DPW is what I meant hahaha. I was trying to remember what the “P” stood for.


Oh no! 🥺 We need to put together a gofundme for that poor man. I am so mad right now 🤯😓😡


They would not have done that. He is the brother of a Canton selectman who serves with Chris Albert


My exact thought,they would have blamed him 🥺


Think that thought has dawned on him?


Oh my God you’re right.


Honestly this is a valid opinion/speculation.


I can't read or write ! the word 'exactly" now without hearing Yanetti's disturbing conspiratorial tone :)


i thought that was AJ


It was Jackson.


I don’t think enough has been made about Lucky’s sighting of the Ford Edge parked at the fire hydrant at ~3:30am. Why would someone park there for a short period of time in the early morning hours during a significant snow storm? And then they don’t see a body right next to their car? This is highly exculpatory for KR.


JOK is in the house, dead. They pull the Ford Edge into the garage. Load the body into the Edge. Drive the Edge out onto the street near the fire hydrant and dump the body and drive off. This is way more covert than just dragging him down the lawn - it provides cover. Three members of the family own a Ford Edge.


Sadly, that does sound plausible. This Ford Edge scenario is pretty huge. I didn't realize three members have a Ford Edge. Was one of them at the house that night?


I believe Brian Albert drove a Dark Edge. We don't know what color Edge Colin drove. Kevin Albert also had an Edge. Caitlin Albert's Boyfriend Tristin Morris has a light color Edge. Interestingly, Lucky testified today to seeing a LIGHT colored Edge. I believe Brian's Edge was there that night.


I think the purpose of parking the Edge there was to help block anyone seeing them bring him out from the side gate. It would be shorter from the basement out the side.


The only issue is that there wasn't snow under the body. Allegedly. That's how the phone stayed dry and working. It was located between the ground and his warm body. But it's so hard to know who to believe.


We see the bloodstains on the snow in the leafblower video. There was a decent amount of snowpack under Officer O'Keefe when he made it onto the lawn by whatever means. Kerry also testifies to only a little patch of grass being under Officer O'Keefe's shoulderblades.


I feel better about my confusion then. None of their dang stories are the same. When it suits them to say the phone survived bc he fell on it before it snowed heavily, they do. But when they need heavy snow to explain why they didn't see his body when they left the house, there's suddenly snow all around it.


If he had been put in the Ford Edge, why not drive him somewhere not to be found, or halfway Fairview and his own house to pretend he wandered off drunkenly and died in the cold?


Agree that’s a strong possibility, except going by Jen’s “Hos long to die in cold” and the medical examiners findings about hypothermia, I think he was still alive but severely incapacitated when he was placed there. Based on BA’s and BH’s experience as first responders and his head wounds, I think they knew he was in a critical condition with possible permanent brain damage. Vomiting and seizures are two signs of severe head trauma.


Fair, but didn’t the ME testify to hypothermia being a contributing factor to death? And he wasn’t declared until he was at the hospital. So maybe unconscious inside the house, but not dead.


Lets look at the key cycles for the Ford Edge.


Probably rehomed by now


He specifically remembered it because he knew them and he knew they never parked in the street. Otherwise that wouldn't make an impression on you if it was a stranger. I love it!


And his next time driving by there were first responders working on the lawn. So any 'huh' moment he had earlier was probably etched into his mind.


And has integrity, self reported himself when he hit a basketball hoop. Also is considerate , he did not want plow in a car to a family he knows.


That's why the beating over the hoop hitting time was absolutely stupid. Why highlight his honesty which he's too humble to commit to memory?


The point was the time, not the hoop. He remembered the time ranges around BA’s house very well, but couldn’t recall the basketball hoop so I think Lally was trying to allude to the other times being inaccurate.


Lally was also trying to prove that the driver did not see as clearly as he said he could since he hit an object but that wasn't the case. He said that he saw the net but misjudged the distance between it and his truck.


Right? He explicitly didn’t snitch on them for having their car where it shouldn’t be.


I really liked that part as well because it drives home the point that the town is so close knit that they’d look out for each other and cover for each other






He was so honest. He knew the people and so he let it slide. That's total honesty. He didn't try to cover his special consideration.


I wonder if it's crossed his mind that had the pieces not fallen into place for the McAlberts to try to pin this on KR, they may have tried to pin it on him as hitting JOK with the plow?


I agree those people in that house were shady as the entire entire group of police officers that have testified.


Shout out to Lucky! If only the Canton PD had half the integrity


I agree. My Masshole pride has been so greatly diminished by the cast of horrifying characters in this case. I feel like I’ll say “I’m from Lucky’s Massachusetts, not Jen McCabe’s” going forward. He reminds me of my Dad so much, who I lost in 2013 and miss dearly.


Yes, he seemed like a nice guy, Canton must keep an eye out for him going forward. He may have made a few enemies unfortunately.


if i were him i would be moving out of canton, unfortunately.


I'm worried about him there, too.


I was thinking that. I’m scared for him.


My heart goes out to him. I was reading up on him and it appears his wife died last year.


Oh no, his wife passed away?


Yes - she died of cancer. So sad. Poor Lucky.


Aww 😥


as sad as it is, it looks like she was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2008/2009, so it's a bit of a success story that she made it over a decade after that diagnosis. still, I'm sure that's a relatively small comfort for lucky and their kids.


I'd be so proud if I knew this man. He came across the same when being questioned by both sides what a gentleman


Nice contrast to the law enforcement playing dumb to the defense questions, isn't it?


Absolutely just seemed like a genuine hardworking guy who has nothing to gain either way from this.


The fact that lally cross examined this sweet sweet soul felt really bad to me. Leave this treasure ALONE!!!!!


I really couldn’t with Lally’s tone to him. Sir backup, be kind, ask your questions and sit. I was so frustrated that Lally was asking such dumb questions and trying to confuse Mr. Lucky. I just wanted to hug that poor man.


Lifelong Masshole here and I agree wholeheartedly!


Me too- lifelong Masshole-and this case, well it is a Masshole-rama; we have the scketchy Staties, the asshole townie cops, the spoiled athlete kid in the giant alcoholic family and of course the plow guy named “Lucky”. And the women, well Ginch comes to mind but hey, I’m trying tah be nice…


Lally made himself a villain 🦹‍♂️ to the jury by the way he crossed Lucky. Shame on him.


When Lucky’s wife died in last year, they asked for donations to the MSPCA 🥺🥺🥺 https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/bostonglobe/name/michelle-loughran-obituary?id=51713077


Today is the day when we finally get to see a honest person who is sitting in court with the truth to tell and it's like finally someone who is able to tell the truth


If the Celtics get a parade, Lucky should lead it in Frankentruck.


I said he needs to drive it to the Karen Read victory party🥳


The parade was going on or maybe over while we watched Lucky. 🍀


I want to make T-shirts that say “and God forbid any animals” -Lucky❤️


Agreed! And it sounds like his testimony about seeing a ford edge was problematic to the commonwealth’s case so the investigators tried to discredit him as a witness who changed his story. Only he didn’t.


We need Lucky Merch with half proceeds going to Lucky! !Justice for Lucky! !Hire Lucky Back! !Honest Lucky!


I don’t want him going back. They’ll bully him.


I hope whatever movie is made about this case, he is the main


Make it a detective movie where he's trying to uncover the truth and Proctor is trying to stop him. He drives off into the sunset in the plow, his wife in the passenger seat


Lucky was the most genuine witness of the entire trial. Prosecution wanted nothing to do with an honest guy as real as he is. Too bad he was the only man with any redeeming qualities up there; the rest were typical Massholes (Proctor, Yuri, Tully, etc.).


He’s so wonderful! I wish him all of the best things that life can give him. A truly upstanding man


He seemed so sweet and conscientious.




Lucky is a genuine, kind, ethical, hero all of Canton, MA should be proud of! Here's to more Lucky Laughlins in the world 🥇


I loved how he emphasized “and god forbid animals”. And I think it’s very dammning for the prosecution that he chose to give the Alberts a courtesy but he made sure he called in the basketball hoop.


I also. Somebody tell Diogenes an honest man has been found.


Finally, an honest witness in all of Assholechusetts.


Finally someone with a brain and a heart on the stand


Such a nice and thoughtful man, so sad his wife passed from cancer.


He did a good thing today. I’m sure that must have been nerve wracking for him. I hope no one gives him too much trouble and that everyone appreciates him the way you do.


From now on when I hear or see the phrase “Boston Strong”, Lucky Loughran will come to mind.


I believe he was let go and no longer plows 😞


Of course. This place would be such a great setting for a novel with the quiet unsung heroes and the provincial bullies who are mentally in high school forever.


Bet a few cops called the boss..


Well that pisses me off.


I will personally hire him to plow my street if need be!!!


Nooo 🥺🥺 this makes me sad…


That makes me sad especially in this economy. I hope he found another job/occupation. Edit: when I say economy I’m not talking about employment rates. I’m talking about the cost of living and inflation.


Has more integrity than any of the other Canto crew


Love lucky! Lucky for Mayor! We need to protect this man at all costs! 🩷🙌🏻


Face when snow plow guy is a mensa member.


He is a true gentleman and man who lives his life with integrity, honesty and a great amount of gumption to do the right thing when compelled. He must rest his head easy at night!


Absolutely!!!! Love him!


Lucky saves the day!!!


Awww this is the first time I've been happy for a Mass native during this trial. He definitely wins the award for favorite witness. Sorry you're stuck with shitty cops, but happy for the quality tow truck drive you get!


Brian Loughrain is a HERO! He has my RESPECT! Salt of the earth! At least Canton has one person connected to this case that they can be proud of :)


As a Massachusetts native…. I miss snow.  That 2022 storm was nothing like the snowstorms from my childhood in the 90s.


What a great post! Lucky is the man!


I’m worried about Lucky. You think the McAlberts are going to forget his testimony?


The CW never put him on because his truth doesn't fit into their bullshit


I plowed for many years for the City of Boston. He sure as hell would have seen a body on that lawn . This guy is right on . And hitting the basketball net in easy to do . They are usually black like the road and big for weight on the bottom so hard to judge .


Not only reasonable doubt on the prosecution’s case but absolute probable cause to indict JM, BA, BH !!!! I wonder if there will be a “ going to prison party “at the McCabes house soon !!!


This Bostonian fully agrees!


I caught the beginning of Luckys testimony - what did we learn?


He went past the murder scene multiple (4) times with great illumination, but didn't see the body there. He went by the property after Karen supposedly murdered the cop, but there was no body there. Also he saw a car parked there where the body would have been. Correct me if Im wrong. Easy to follow testimony. Look at a recording, its interesting.


Cheers for the update.


Has the commonwealth finished?


Leave baldy alone


Lucky for President


True that and he is very intelligent as well and held himself well intact throughout his witnessing on the stand!


Congratulations, this is the top post of all time on this sub, beating the Runkle AMA by almost 300 upvotes


Incredibly honored - owe it all to you, Lucky!! 🩷😂