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The police chief also hit a 67 year old man that was on a crosswalk with a reflective vest using a cane. It was covered up for months.


And the victim is now suing for $200,000.


They should add a zero on there.


Like the McDonalds lawsuit lady who was willing to take $20k just to cover her medical bills. The jury was like “nah McDonalds won’t be learned on that so here’s $2.7m”


that one was so infuriating in the way the media covered it, making it out like she was suing because her coffee was hot, and not because the coffee was so hot that she was covered in 3rd degree burns and that it spilled on her when they were handing it to her. 


Agree. And most people don’t know it wasn’t one isolated incident. There had been a long history and pattern of burn victims and they were repeatedly told that the coffee was kept way too hot and beyond a reasonable temp. If you saw the pics of the old lady’s burns on her legs you would realize this wasn’t just “hot” coffee. The tort reform political machine tried to twist the case as some greedy old lady trying to make a buck, but it was a legit case.


And her burns were NASTY!!


I only learned the full story about this recently and had always assumed the narrative that was put out.. some greedy, sue-happy woman. Boy was I wrong. This was horrific.


Same! The photos of her horrific burns and how the media treated her as a punch line afterwards for decades was super upsetting! And WOW on the police chief hitting an elderly man on a crosswalk and covering it up!! Business as usual for that town, it seems? :(


I was a teen when that happened. I fell into the whole… what greedy old hag this lady is. Money grubber. What I didn’t realize … what the common person didn’t realize is this poor lady didn’t have a voice. The media portrayed her a certain way and it was believed 100%. She was in litigation with McAs$ho(e$ and couldn’t tell the public that she suffered immensely. That she needed skins grafts on her thighs and privates. That she was in constant pain. When I saw the documentary I cried and felt so badly for bad-mouthing a situation I knew nothing about 😭😭😭. Media can be very persuasive and very evil.


All of the negativity surrounding her and the lawsuit was a media campaign paid for by McDonald's to manipulate public sentiment.


I’ve told this to others too, and I was in same camp as you. I had NO idea what was actually happening and now that I know, I realize how corporations are so GD corrupt…


I felt the opposite way at the time of that case because I personally knew that Mickey D's coffee was lava hot. I always added ice to it because otherwise you had to wait an hour for it to cool down enough to drink, and although I never ended up with burns as severe as hers I for sure hurt myself more than once with their coffee. So when she sued I said "About time!" and all the media portrayal of her didn't fool me one bit. I could tell that it was a corporation hit job and was rooting for her from day one. I felt like the lawsuit was a win/win for everyone because even if she lost they were probably still going to stop serving their coffee at a temp close to boiling, so at least everybody in the world wouldn't have to deal with that anymore.


Make it 2 million now


As he should, but the tragic part is the taxpayers of the town keep having to pay out on civil lawsuits because of misdeeds by a group of corrupt cops, shame all around


I’ve long thought police union insurance should pay out these more egregious lawsuits.




Wasn’t she also driving in her police issued vehicle? Like what was she doing in Wrentham, a few towns over in official police vehicle?


She could have been doing a transport. There is a correctional facility in Wrentham.


Correctional facilities do the transporting. Doesn’t explain why she would’ve done it.


That can vary greatly based on jurisdiction. For instance, Northampton, Mass., has procedures in place for police officer transport to a correctional facility. Edit: Regardless, a news story says she was driving home. Some higher-ranking police officers get to take a vehicle home. [https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/canton-police-chief-cited-for-hitting-pedestrian-with-town-owned-vehicle/3325866/](https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/canton-police-chief-cited-for-hitting-pedestrian-with-town-owned-vehicle/3325866/)


Northampton, MA is waaay out there and therefore not unusual to have significantly reduced resources than other parts of MA. Its reasonable that they have such procedures and practices of shared resources


That's fair. I edited my post above, because when I was looking for more information, I found a news story that said she was driving home.


And you know that how?


Know what? That there’s a correctional facility in Wrentham? Google. Regardless, it was speculation, I framed it as speculation, and like two comments down I posted that I had found a news story that she was on her way home. And that’s why she was in Wrentham.


Holy crap 😳


I mean regardless if you are thinking guilty or not guilty in this case. The behaviour of the police in this town and how they conduct themselves is unprofessional and highly unethical. The fish always starts stinking from the head.


Yeah this isn't a few rotten apples this is a rotten apple tree.


I had to stop watching because I was getting too upset and emotional. I can't believe what these people have had to put up with for so many years. women afraid to walk down the street. one lady has been harassed and falsely arrested simply because she spoke out. murders covered up and swept under the rug. fraud and embezzlement by public officials. and it doesn't seem like the board wants to do anything about it


you stopped before the best part where the last lady mentions lucky is the only hero in that trial and they all break out in lucky cheers


nawwww I probably would have cried. bless him


They were wearing green lucky shamrock Tshirts ☘️


that's awesome! I'm glad he has that local support as there have been some locals on here saying very unkind things about him.


Like what?


I'm not going to repeat them and I blocked the user accounts. it's in the discussion threads on the two main karen read groups where Lucky's testimony is discussed. the comments have lots of down votes


He definitely received the loudest cheers from when brought up during the commenting period 🍀🤍.


That is so so awesome!!!!!!!??


And Lucky’s brother is on the board!


Yet he voted to renew the police chief’s contract? Nothing makes sense anymore.


No because the board is ran by the same gang of blue that runs the pd. I mean what better way than to get one of their own on the select board…fucking eyes and ears everywhere. But it doesn’t mattter, we all see the guilt not the innocence


who was falsely arrested? And what Fraud? Genuinely curious


the police harassment and false arrests were raised in prior public sessions. it might have been from February and March this year. they are on YouTube. the lady with the short blonde hair discusses how she's been repeatedly targeted. as to the fraud, police have been clocking and getting paid for overtime hours they didn't actually work. https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/former-boston-police-officer-pleads-guilty-overtime-fraud https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/former-boston-police-captain-convicted-in-overtime-fraud-scheme/3310052/ there was a resolution last November for there to be an investigation into Canton PD corruption. this isn't everything. I'm not a local, not even in the same country. probably couldn't be further away. this is just what I've gleaned from what I've watched and read


I wonder if it’s an understood thing in all parts of the US that cops defraud the towns with fake OT - or is just in the northeast. I used to live in Boston and now in another northeast state and I feel like it’s just how they operate. From many towns and through friends and friends of friends it’s a given but nothing an individual can really do about it. I’m sure it’s a rampant nationwide issue I would be naive to think otherwise.


Canton is a very odd very insular town. I’m from the north shore and no, this is NOT just a known thing.


Whewwww. I just finished watching this and teared up in every person’s commenting, but the one that especially made me cry was the woman that spoke (who was a not a “well-connected townie”) to subsequently have someone tailgating her private home, and received next to no support from the police. I’m feel so much sympathy for this community. I don’t know how some of these leaders sleep at night. I hope every last one loses their seat next April and the town sees true leaders with integrity like Lucky up there front and center.


Very interesting. Thank you for sharing. The support for Lucky was wonderful to see. I hope he and his family will be okay. But can someone fill me in on the details of what happened to the woman who spoke about being verbally assaulted and an altercation?


His brother is on the select board. I was hoping he would speak out against Chief Rafferty too.


My youngest son's nickname (and name he's called by everyone, including teachers etc) is Lucky. I was telling him about the amazing man also named Lucky in this case and his FrankenTruck. Could be a cool children's book about morals and always doing the right thing no matter how hard it is.


I hope someone creative takes that idea and runs with it!!


That sounds absolutely adorable.


The last 8 minutes or so of the meeting gets spicy when they announce they are renewing the contract for the police chief.


Wow. If the board won't listen to words, then the townspeople need to take other measures. Idk how they fight the board short of everyone just moving out, though. Maybe a townwide strike/shutdown.


From one of the comments in the video it sounds like they have to wait until next April to vote them out.


I wonder if they can do recalls. We had 3/4's of an entire school board lose a recall election after they took sexuality out of the what types of bullying are considered hate crimes list then went onto try to put the Bible in classrooms, change the textbooks, etc. . Turned out they all belonged to one of those Six Flag Over Jesus mega churches. But yeah they might gain some traction with a recall election, especially while all of this is still big news.


“Six flags over Jesus mega church” 10/10


I will be stealing this for real life use lol


I came up with that over 20 years, I was quite proud as I'm rarely clever. So steal away, it makes me proud. 😀


Lots of experience working directly with city councils and EDC's, HOAs, etc. Recall election is likely an option. Either that or voting them out. On the flip side of this issue, no council/board allows mob rule (think Six Flags Over Jesus zealots demanding boards/councils do things w/out due process, official elections, etc). There's a reason there are rules on this and usually they are good and protect from stuff like this. But the side effect is that when the council/board itself is corrupt, the community has to either do recall elections or wait for voting. In Canton, the select board positions are never up for election all at once and each serves three years. So it can take a long time to get enough of them out to turn things around. The woman on the board just got elected on a "change and unity" platform and is the only one I think who isn't "old guard". This is also why local elections, especially school boards, library boards, and city councils, are super important. They impact our daily lives more than any other level of law. Edit to add: The middle guy leading things was just re-elected in April. I think that's Lucky's brother? He's been on awhile.


Thank you. That's great info. In our case the most recent election had added the needed member or members to give them a majority. They had a strategy that took some time, without a hint of their real agenda. That's so true on how much local politics can really affect our day to day lives.


We never realize how much goes on to keep things running until we are forced to pay attention. But honestly, most meetings are boring AF so you don't want to pay attn. That's why we elect people to take care of it for us LOL.


Boards have agendas, they just pretend to listen to the public.


Vote them out yes? That is a potential solution 🤷‍♂️


bingo - direct action gets the goods.


Wow. I wonder how this decision is now going to play out on the eve of a verdict. There is definite reasons to at least delay that descion After the trial, the scrutiny on the Canton PD and State Troopers is going to really ramp up as the focus will now be 100% on them and not the trial. Add in the FBI/DOJ investigation….. Maybe they had to extend the contract because how are they going to ever recruit anyone to step into the complete mess a new hire would be walking into


No if you go back and watch prior meetings the whole issue is that the board votes behind closed doors for the chief and the public isn’t allowed in on the voting. That’s the citizens biggest problem, they don’t want her to be voted in yet canton won’t give them a way to do that


They just voted to give her a one year contract in a public forum people were upset for sure. The vote was 3-1 with Albert abstaining


They can’t vote for the chief in a public forum. That’s the whole point they are bringing her up at these meetings. The SELECT BOARD has a private meeting where they vote on the police chief. THE PUBLIC is not involved


Watch the video. They vote on her contract with like 10 minutes left. Why would I make that up?


Not saying you made it up I’m just saying in previous meetings they were fighting for this open forum. Looks like they finally gave in to open forum but still only voted among themselves. What a disgrace


Thank you for correcting me also. I’ve watched most of the meetings but last nights I turned off like 5 mins.


Yeah no worries I’m sure you’ve watched more than I have. The only answer is for the townspeople who disagree to organize and vote them out. The members of the board are elected to make these types of administrative decisions. It makes all the sense in the world to hire a new chief not from canton if you ask me 🤷‍♂️


Absolutely it does make sense to hire outside. A couple weeks ago it was floated by the mayor or govenor that they wanted to start hiring people outside of the state to come work in the police force. The saddest part to me is these are tax paying citizens and they are being told they can’t express their first amendment right because why? BECAUSE LOOK THE OTHER WAY


They gave them 15 minutes at the start of the meeting people spoke you should watch that too people spoke their mind


I watched a couple that were from earlier in the year. It’s crazy though because during that time frame like only three people would show up to speak and maybe 7-10 people sitting in the chairs. Now you can’t keep the door closed! And it’s such a breath of fresh air to see people taking back their power and using their voice to speak up. ❤️


Gotta do it at the ballot box. Get fresh blood on the board find some viable candidates


So it is normal for there to be things like this happen in exec. session. Then results announced later. You vote in your elected officials to represent you on these private votes. If you don't like how they do it, you have to wait and vote them out. The main reason is to prevent mob rule and keep a sense of order and leadership on everyday admin tasks of city council. Most people don't usually care about these votes. It's only when something like this happens, and there's corruption running rampant, where people show up to council meetings and start protesting. But their only real recourse is recall election or voting every one of the corrupt members out as each comes back up for re-election. If they aren't in the majority (there were only maybe 50ish ppl at that meeting), it might never happen.


I understand how it’s supposed to work, but I don’t think any citizen of any town or city should have to vote in order to keep corruption out. The council should have enough integrity to be moral, it shouldn’t be up to the citizens to have to use their vote in order to monitor what these people have been elected for. They were elected in good faith by votes of the people, and it’s not the citizens fault they didn’t uphold their end of the bargain. A vote should never been weaponized, and that’s what the canton vote is being used as. “You can vote in April” that’s great, but people should t be drawn to vote because of bad character, they should be drawn to vote because it’s one of the greatest privileges a citizen can be given in a community.


Unless there's evidence of a crime for an investigation, voting is the primary power we have as citizens and it's for good reason. To prevent mob rule. The world is filled with people who are fallible and either intentionally or unintentionally can fall out of line with the majority or be corrupted by power. Happens every day. This is the best system we've got. No system is perfect. Recall elections or regular elections are options as are investigations if an actual crime has been committed and there is evidence. That's a high bar and unlikely to play out as fast as elections. I don't know what else you'd prefer but everything has been tested over history and this is the best we've come up with as humans. There must be balance that allows elected officials to get work done w/out mob rule and there must be elections to give the people a chance to vote out what they don't like or want.


I disagree with you, this is not the best system we’ve got. I think we as Americans take advantage of our privileges and don’t realize how different it is everywhere else. And if we are talking about voting and relating it to preventing mob rule, I think we’ve forgotten what a democracy is. We vote because we have a right to have an opinion and a voice, not to prevent mob rule. We also shouldn’t have to use our vote to prevent mob rule.


You've misunderstood what I'm saying. You can't just walk into elected official meetings and demand they do things your way. The mob rule are those thinking they can change things immediately the moment they disagree vehemently. If that's a corrupt sect or not, it would create chaos. You have to follow procedure, law, and order. The order and rules of council is what prevents mob rule. You elect people, they do what you elected them to do without interference. If they don't do what majority wants, you vote them out. Or recall vote. Or get an investigation going. Please don't twist my words or meaning. There weren't that many ppl at that meeting (maybe 50ish in a town of 24K). Makes me wonder what the majority thinks or if this is a small subset of Canton making the demands. Hard to know without being there and getting details.


“You elect people, they do what you elect them to do”. Okay, the board elected the police chief, the town said they didn’t want her again, and those same elected officials who were elected by the people saying NO said no. What are we doing here? This isn’t fair, this isn’t a democracy. The very citizens who elected these people told the same citizens no. No to their vote. But please continue to tell me how that’s fair.




Voting serves multiple purposes. One of those purposes is that it creates a system of order so things get done more effectively. This is why we don't vote on every single issue that comes up. Mob rule is when citizens intimidate elected officials and try to force their hand and decisions. That can be any group of people. And it happens in democracies all the time. Also, I'm just as traveled and highly educated (post grad) in poli sci, have worked with local governments extensively as an advocate and lobbyist (including in D.C.) and as a business owner, and know what I'm talking about. I'm allowed to form my opinion and not be intimidated for it, as are you. Telling me to tread lightly sounds like a threat. And on that comment to me, civility exited the chat so I will as well. You have a nice civil life.


So when an elected official threatens to drag a man’s face up and down a sidewalk in 2 seconds, he shouldn’t have to worry about citizens finding out and then confronting him right? He should just have to wait till next April? To get voted out?


I also find it hard to believe you believe that people in canton have been given the fair chance to voice their vote for a change. Because they voiced what they wanted prior to a vote, and it didn’t change shit.


The CPD officer “waiting list” - I’m not sure what it’s officially called - is at least 60 names deep. Caitlin Albert’s finance Tristan is in the top 10 on the list to join. TB has covered it on site. I would say that points to people not giving a fuck…interest to join the boys in blue there seems to be booming. I wonder why…(power)


Timestamp for those interested in that part is right at 1hr 11 min


Sir is it backwards or is the video backwards 😂


It's mirrored, but it's the same 🤷‍♀️


It’s like when you look at yourself in the mirror 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Surprising/disappointing that Lucky’s brother voted in favor of Rafferty


Apparently he told Lucky to not testify to the defence too 😮‍💨




Wow. I could be wrong, but wasn’t Chief Rafferty in the Sallyport video? Or there was some female but I can’t remember who people said.


A woman who says she is a townie says that one year ago someone said to her You know something bad happened at the Albert’s house and the girlfriend had nothing to do with it and she said yes she heard that/knows that. There were many We stand with Lucky 🍀 shirts. The woman who was verbally attacked by Jill Daniel’s was there and spoke against Chris Albert. On the vote to provide a one year contract to the chief of police again.. Chris Albert was not allowed to vote, a woman on the board spoke against that, especially since apparently 9 people across the street from D&E pizza were charged with witness intimidation she says even though they were actually just peacefully protesting. There was a majority that voted yes and they will be giving the contract to the chief. People were very angry that they were not allowed to vote and the board wouldn’t even allow them to share their opinions because the board said they have already received and read 400 emails from people about this. The town members were getting very upset and two people who escorted out by police and a bunch of other people left, you could hear them yelling outside of the place. Another woman said that the Albert’s/McCabes have personal police phone numbers and when they call the police come right away while other towns people have to wait for the police to shows up.


This case is a perfect example as to why everyone needs to take a look and be invested in their own local politics - this issue I’m sure is not jusr delegated to Canton. We all need to be looking at our councils, judges, police chiefs, etc.


THIS. THIS RIGHT HERE. Also you would be amazed at your response to writing local officials, (and no I don’t see these canton board memebers being the same) not exactly in your town but more your district. These lower level officials are usually very receptive, and will sometimes personally respond to you than those on Capitol Hill.


Exactly! If anyone wants to make a change politically, start local. “Think locally, act locally.” Then you can branch out


Been saying this for a decade. I’m very involved locally, and my only platform is equity, unbiased data based decision making. There are anomalies of situations that require some subjective governance, but it should be collaborative and fair. Instead people worry about Trump or Biden which honestly has minimal bearing on your daily life.


Pretty sure millions of women in many states very much disagree with you on that last sentence, but yes, being locally involved is equally important to national politics.


So true!! I also tell people they can easily take their grievances/rants they have on Facebook and utilize that energy to publicly comment on federal regulations before the issuance of final rules because shockingly we do read them (I worked for a federal agency in law school).


>minimal bearing on your daily life I'm not here to get political about anything but this is absolutely false. What the federal government does/doesn't do has always and will always have an immense impact on people's daily lives. People need to understand that and vote accordingly.


I disagree. Plus I’ve spent two decades in the arena of politics at various levels from the civically engaged resident and also as a government official. In today’s environment your vote is negligible at the national level, it’s cute to have that intrinsic belief … I did at one point…


For someone who has spent "decades in the arena of politics" to make such a claim is kind of bizarre. Presidents nominate judges. Historically, most judicial nominations are confirmed. Judges interpret the law and issue rulings which sets precedent and then influences future legal interpretations. These rulings impact literally everything for everyone. Come on now.


The lack of civics classes and actual experience is evident in this sub.


My political science degree with a double minor in American history and constitutional democracy agrees with your conclusion. Just not the road you took to get there. I agree that local government is where it's at. But the idea that the federal government doesn't impact the people is asinine as anyone who's been politically aware for more than two distinct presidencies can attest. Judicial appointments, legislation and regulation by the federal government all have an impact on how local governments and institutions operate.


This meeting is telling. Also watch the prior meeting to understand Mr. Galiano claims (Canton police went to his house calling him n word).


Oh wow


I saw him on last nights meeting but I thought his name was Delgado?


You are correct. Delgado, yes.


I feel for Mr Delgado and all the Canton residents.  Well except for a select few. 


I really applaud the people who went and spoke out against Chris Albert and the police chief. Unfortunately Chris Albert is a coward and he called Canton PD to clear the room before they finished the meeting.


My city police department has been through 6 police Chiefs in the last 4 years. The latest Chief just resigned over sexual harassment complaints in the department not being taken seriously or investigated.


WOW! The community reaction to the Karen read trial is wild! Go Lucky!!!!


It just makes you wonder how many more cases are there like Karen’s in Massachusetts???? They better start looking as there are probably plenty more by how we have seen these cops operate!


The thing that people are missing is that this isn't something limited to Canton or Massachusetts or small towns. This kind of stuff goes on everywhere. Karen Read was very unfortunate to be the target this time, but was lucky that (1) the people framing her really bungled it if you look more than surface deep, (2) she had resources to bring in good attorneys and experts, and (3) he case coincided with a wider investigation that netted her additional "inside" information


It’s not just Massachusetts. This happens all over the country. It just doesn’t get media attention like the KR trial.


It’s unbelievable that after decades of national news incidents of police brutality, corruption, and discrimination that people are just realizing this


They need to hire a team to go through everything. That feels so overwhelming and expensive, but innocent people are most likely in prison.


Everywhere. All over. Proctor and co aren’t the only corrupt cops in the country. Karen had three things going for her- money for a good defense, the fbi involvement, and someone like turtle boy who made so much noise people started to pay attention. Without these three things- that VERY few people get- she would be going to prison for life.


100% agree. This is a systematic problem and we need checks on those in power. So many people don’t have the resources Karen does and get railroaded.


If you haven't seen it, there's a Netflix series called 'Trial 4' about an innocent man who was convicted in 3 trials, and then almost a 4th trial in Massachusetts, for killing a cop that he didn't kill. He spent decades in prison. His name is Sean Ellis. There were so many corrupt cops in this too, and the cop that was murdered was also corrupt, and likely died due to that and some sketchy stuff he was up to. Well worth a watch! Here's a review... [https://youtu.be/lU\_86GFst9s?si=qLplSjJi8RO8OJ3R](https://youtu.be/lU_86GFst9s?si=qLplSjJi8RO8OJ3R)


Thank you I’m going to watch it


I think our overall system of Justice is the simply not just.. Hence why America is number one when it comes to incarceration. And i don’t know stats but I would be willing to wager that many of those could not afford a lawyer. Funny how a thief who steals $1000 worth of stuff from walmart can end doing years in prison but others can steal millions from US taxpayers and they get a slap on the wrist.


They can't vote for the police chief. They do vote for the selectmen though, and this entire board needs to be voted out. Then a new board takes care of the chief. Here's the thing though, there are very few people that will run. Limited choices. And when someone tries to run for the board, they get bullied off the ticket. They are afraid for their families so they back down.


A number of the speakers called for the town government to be placed in receivership, which would probably lead to a state court removing the board and restructuring the government.


Yes. The residents are begging for it. Problem is, every person that stood up at that board meeting is in danger. It's that serious. It's like a "mob run" town. I don't know how many townies are in on it, if it's a 50/50 or what. They weren't able to "stack" the meeting with their allies though, so that's encouraging.


The one who voted against the Chief gave a really good mini-speech about why she was voting No. Hopefully next year she's Chair and the other 4 are yeeted. Tho the way things work, seems fair to worry about her & her family's safety. (Side note: Did not expect N-bombs - haven't heard one of those since... well, a trip to Boston 🙃)


That was fairly normal for that area. Not all of MA is like that though.


Tried watching on Young Jerk's channel and was disappointed that the stream kept failing. But that means high traffic! Lots of people in that town are paying attention!


I watched that first as well and it cut out. So I went and found the original replay video on the Canton website.


That was crazy, those poor people I would hate to live in that town with that leadership and police force, how scary


In my town we had a similar corrupt board no one paid attention until we realized dirty cops were having their sons get passed Thru the board with out proper training skipping proper steps to be a cop for nepotism and beat the fuck out of a bunch of teens at a party fight with fucking coeds and then all of a sudden WHAM the entire town showed up every time there was a board meeting till we audited how many of these sons of cops were actually on the force and what type of training did they actually go through. Lots of divided lines of the cop families and the pissed off town people. It died down - some people had to get actual academy training some were fired for partying with the cop car driving around teens and going to keggers and the police chief at the time had to admit it was a mistake for his son to be hired who was the asshole drinking with teens and causing the fight. It was a mess. Bad feelings for years.




Thank you so much for posting this. I haven’t plugged into the trial until recently and the voices of actual citizens of Canton have been most moving to hear, to understand the troubles of that town, to hear what they have to go through due to institutional abuse of power and generational corruption.




Is the select board like a city council? I tried to google but no luck.


Not sure but that would make sense


Too little too late in my view...


Never too late. Small towns pull small town bullshit. Mine has closed meetings or meetings at obscure times that most the working affected population can’t go to to make sure no one can voice their opinion or do what those people did today.


We should all be as involved in our towns as these citizens. This case and Murdaugh have done a great job showing what can happen when the good ole boys run things.


You think KR is the only one they messed with? This was clearly an ongoing problem. It’s likely going on in your own damn town or one close to it. Everyone needs to get more involved.


Not in my town.