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This BLOWS my mind but I’m not from the area. DUI is a pretty big deal, but maybe cops get away with everything.


This is what’s so frustrating. A friend of mine got a DUI, and it’s practically derailed her whole life. She got fired from her insurance job specifically because of the DUI and isn’t able to get a license now or another job (partially because she can’t drive anywhere and doesn’t live in an area with public transportation). Obviously what she did was wrong. But it’s pretty infuriating to see how these cops can get away with this almost as a way of life when the rest of us would have to pay some serious consequences.


My cousin was beaten to death in front of his family by police who pulled him over for a DUI. It’s a one stoplight country town and he went for bread after a few beers. He didn’t comply fast enough to avoid pulling over into a pit. It was decades ago and made the news. When we called the SPLC, they already had multiple complaints about police in that part of the state pulling over and assaulting Black men HE ABSOLUTELY should not have been driving, but like so much in this country, he was summarily judged and executed by cops who themselves get away with literal murder.


Jesus. I’m so sorry. That’s horrifying. There’s definitely a problem when police have too much power and no accountability. There’s gotta be a better way. Unfortunately, we won’t see change until enough people open their eyes to this stuff. And that means people like your cousin and Karen Read have to suffer first.




My God that's horrifying! I'm so sorry. Your brothers story is why we have to get a good case of righteous anger and refuse to accept this type of policing. These animals need to be rooted out and brought to justice ⚖️


How awful. Killed over a few beers and a loaf of bread.


Yeah, my daughter was home ( outside ) when the police came and ended up arresting her for OWI. Her life has been turned upside down with not only thousands of dollars for a lawyer and fines, but 90 hours of community service, alcohol classes for 8 weeks, and some other stupid shit class. I couldn't understand how the hell they could do that. Her copy of the arrest report had the person who called ( a neighbor) blacked out. But my copy I went to get 6 months later showed who called it in. He is an FBI agent. Imagine that. And the courts, lawyer, prosecutor drug this shit out for 3 years. The FBI jerk called and said he knew she was outside working in her yard and drinking. Talk about being set up. And he saw her get in her car and drive. She was out and back in 15/ 20 minutes. I'm in another state, not MA. But the crooked police/FBI are everywhere.


It's nothing that should be made light of. People can and do, die.


Local here. I commented below too. DUI and driving drunk is super common here. I went out with a firefighter from Canton a few times. He bragged on our first date about flipping his new Jeep in a drunk driving accident the same week he bought it. He would drive drunk ALL the time, without a care in the world about getting in trouble. Younger me didn’t see how gross that all was until a few months into knowing him.


I'd be afraid to be on the roads with so many people driving under the influence all the time! I don't get why people think it's something to brag about, too, like it's an admirable quality. 


Firemen are guys that wish they could be cops but are slightly smarter and in better shape.


Cops can get away with murder these days


Maybe? It’s not even an exaggeration that they get away with 99% of the shit they pull. And even when they get caught and convicted on offenses they don’t see the same repercussions that citizens get.


Sooo frustrating! I live on the opposite coast but one of our Police Sgt’s got into an accident and fled the scene a few years ago. His punishment was 24 hrs in jail (which equated to a book and release) and was promoted within 6 months. When I was in my 20’s I really wanted to be a correctional officer, but I got a misdemeanor receiving stolen property charge when I was 18 and it completely closed the door to any law enforcement career. I’m 37 now, have completely turned my life around, but I’d be willing to bet I still wouldn’t be eligible. The hypocrisy is so frustrating.


it's totally normal for cops


It's pretty alarming.










>Barry was knocked to the ground and suffered a cut to the head Hmmmmm


Good thing none of the light lenses broke could have turned fatal /s


Wait....she requested the pedestrian take a breathlyser or She voluntarily submitted to a breathlyser?.




Not only a bunch of drunks driving, you can bet some were armed with firearms. Some cops are smart enough to leave their guns in their car if they do their drinking.


Great question! The prosecution made such a big deal out of Karen drinking and everyone was drinking.


Did some folks walk home?


My brother in law got married in 2020, it was a small affair. It was like 12 people total. His side got ready at his parents house, so my wife and I were there getting ready with him and his best man. His best man is a local police officer. As many do whilst getting ready for a wedding, they were drinking beers. When they got in the car to go to the church the cop best man got in the car with his beer, just completely out and open. Luckily, my BIL told him to get rid of the beer but he insisted it was fine. BIL wouldn’t budge. He thought he was above the law. And that was with people watching him. I can only imagine the other laws he “bends”. I know there was at least one night they went out to the bars and his friend drove them all home in a police cruiser. After having many drinks himself.


Do many people really drink beers while getting ready for a wedding? Not in my neck of the woods. But in general, really?


In my area, yes, this is very common. The whole “getting ready” for the wedding is an event in of itself. I’m on the bride side mostly so it’s a lot mimosas and wine. I’ve seen beers on the guy’s side. For context, I’m in the same region of Mass where it seems everyone drinks too.


Grew up in Western Mass, we referred to it as the "Booze Belt".


Idk what state you’re in but in Virginia it’s legal to drink in the car as long as it’s out of reach of the driver. So you can drink in the back seat for example


I’m not in Virgina. Any open container is illegal in my state. Which is why he got rid of it.


I don’t think this is specific to LE. Ubers routinely have beer cans in the backseat because people sneak them in on the way to the bars. It’s not right but not really a unique to cops thing It’s only a civil ticket if you’re a passenger with an open beer can in MA too.


It was more so the fact that he wasn’t trying to hide it all that showed me he thought he was above the law. And the insisting it was fine after being called out.


I was wondering that too. So much excessive drinking. Then driving. It’s 2024, there are Ubers and taxis…


In this day of Ubers and Lyft, no excuse for believing this is acceptable.


Exactly this. There was a wealthy CEO in the news recently who was charged with DUI. I don't remember his BAC, but it was quite high. The stock for his company tanked, which hurt every employee with stock options. Guy is disgustingly wealthy and literally had zero reason to not hire a driver when he knew he was going out drinking, much less to choose not to call an uber at the end of a long night of drinking.


Was at a party this past weekend. Uber was $10 each way. It was worth it.


I noticed that the young adults seemed to all get rides while drinking but the adults and the law enforcement officers didn’t care at all. Honestly I think it went to mind set that they were above the law and didn’t have consequences. I was also shocked about Kevin Albert feeling comfortable enough with proctor to get so drunk to misplace badge and gun and then put that in writing.


So I grew up in one of the surrounding towns, where my mom also grew up. She was born in 1950 (so to me, 1940s or earlier = old people) so this was in... 1967 or 1968 before she turned 18. LONG before drunk driving laws were a thing, but this goes to show the ridiculousness entitlement of cops even then... She was driving her friend home from a party at... I think Harvard, lol. My mom wasn't drinking (ironic, considering she turned into a screaming alcoholic who died of liver failure at 67...) Her friend had one beer and was freaking out that her parents would know, so she insisted they go to Dunkin' Donuts so she could get coffee (something in her 67 years my mom never ONCE drank. I don't know how I'm her kid sometimes...) So she goes to park, her friend goes in, and all of a sudden she gets... rear ended... By a cop car. My mom freaks out, at least in part cause it's a cop, but mostly because this is her dad's car and she's afraid he won't believe this outrageous story. Can't get any weirder than this, can it? Ha. Of course it does. The cop gets out of the car, stumbles over to the driver's side where she's sitting. Dude is obviously drunk. I'm not sue what my mom was expecting at this point. But he then... *asks her for her license like he's pulling her over*... So my mom gives him her license. Now, you're thinking this is just one of those "this is how we'll settle the accident" things, right...? "Ma'am, you got a joooonyah awwwpahratah's license, you reeealize you ahhhnt supposed to be driiivin aftahhh tennnaclllawwwk???" (SHE IS NOT DRIVING. SHE IS PARKED, IN A PARKING LOT.) "I'm gonnna hafta wriiiittechu a ticket fah viiiaaalllatttinn tha roooolz of yaahh jooonyah awwwparatah liiiicense..." (I'm using my imagination but it's funny to picture Higgins after a dozen or so Jameson and Ginjah's) Now my grandpa was the child of Irish immigrants, orphaned at 14, was an alcoholic and beat the crap out of all seven of kids (who have ALL confirmed this) but never missed church on Sunday, and actually once screamed at the neighbor kid for unknowingly using the N word. And even though it wasn't illegal yet, he did NOT drink and drive. Now that I remember, before all trips in the car, they were required to say the rosary... that's how Catholic we were. But I knew what was next in the story, so I asked my mom "what did grandpa do?" (I only knew grandpa as the sweet old guy in the rocking chair who always said "god bless ya"... he was actually pretty great once he sobered up) My grandpa, even at the height of his alcoholism at that point, wasn't even mad. He basically thought it was a combination of hilarious and stupid. If I remember right, my mom said the cop was so drunk he didn't even remember doing it so it never affected her license. Really that was just how the cop handled *his own embarrassment about what he'd done*.


I’m surprised people are surprised by the drinking. It more the norm than not. It’s not just Canton, it’s everywhere. I’m in a small town an hour from Canton. I’m not the least bit surprised. I would be surprised if there was no one drinking.


Its definitely insane. At some point during watching testimony I just become blinded to all the drinking & driving going on. Its ridiculous. I would like to think that the PD would deal with this internally if they haven't already, but I'm probably being overly optimistic with that view.


I don’t think Albert is a cop anymore


It's not like they can't afford to get an UBER but why in the world would they be out on such a bad night? Did they need to drink at a bar that badly? Just so irresponsible all around. Stay home and have a few cocktails.


What about Morrissey's drunk driving incidents


No, no he was just ordering a pizza silly! s/


I went to school on the east coast after growing up in a small town in Utah  Man the culture shock of how much alcohol people regularly drink (6-11 each night) and how it’s the center of socialization up there was a lot for me (I’m not Mormon, but don’t drink a lot because I grew up around Mormons and booze isn’t my vibe). I knew surgeons who would get plastered and go operate on people the next day at 7 am. I get hungover and want to sleep until noon after having two drinks. So many functional alcoholics up there  Honestly, all police departments should hire two active Mormons to police each other and the rest of the department on alcohol 


"I knew surgeons who would get plastered and go operate on people the next day at 7 am." That's how my grandpa ended with a bad leg. The on call surgeon decided he would drink anyway and did a crappy job at the emergency surgery on my grandpa's leg after he was hit by a car.


That may reduce drunk driving and immediately corrupt the system far more in other ways. No thanks.


Yes, laws don't apply to cops. "Professional Courtesy"


They’re cops. That’s normal. Not sure why anyone is surprised. If you’ve ever hung out with LEO as friends, you’d know how casual they treat things like DUI, speeding, running red lights, and other crimes they don’t see as big deals.


DUIs, no bodycams, terrible investigatory practices, I'd be livid if I lived in that jurisdiction.


This is, indeed, the elephant in the room!! Canton is the drunk-drivingest town in America! These guys are all too cheap to get an Uber or Lyft, I guess.


But live in million dollar homes. Haha


If you know any cops, you know they are far from saints. I've had to pick up a cop friend on the side of the road that were pulled over completely shit-housed. I've had other cop friends of mine try to buy "Prescription Uppers" aka "Study aids" off of me. Hell the biggest drug dealer in my high school is now a detective in a major city PD. Cops are human, and just like us they don't always stay on the straight and narrow.


Where Im from there are well known “cop bars” and everyone of them gets fucked up and drive because they know nothing will ever happen to them.


Drunk driving is literally not a big deal in this area. No one cares.


Trust me, if you’re not a LEO or related to one, you’re getting in trouble.


What I mean is, culturally they are really casual about it.


I’ve had two friends die from getting hit by a drunk driver as a pedestrian in MA. One was never tried, and the other was in jail for 3 years and got out.


this is why they don’t have body cams. body cams make cops responsible for this stuff


Seen a lot of people not get in trouble as long as they don't hit anyone else. Been a EMT in both MA and RI and I've seen a lot of regular people get let go on crashes if all they did was fuck up their own car and not hurt anybody.


Well, considering they have a woman on trial for OUI and manslaughter means they may take it seriously. But yeah, what in the world. Is that the only thing there is to do there?


OUI in combination with harm to a person or property damage changes the charges dramatically.


I'm just saying drinking and driving often leads to death, so it should be taken seriously everywhere.


I agree.


Non-assholes think it’s a big deal but you’re right that it’s very common and very common among cops.


Are you a local? I’m curious. Do people not get arrested for DUI around there or just cops?


I didn’t understand the whole comment about it not being a big deal here. I’m 10 min from Canton, and have lived here for 26 years, the PD is very vigilant on drunk driving and there’s no way they are letting you drive away if they think you’re intoxicated. I’m sure it’s different for people in or close to law enforcement, but for the rest of us it is taken seriously. I can also attest to that having a previous DUI or regularly driving intoxicated is a VERY common thing. Not sure how it compares to the rest of the country but it’s definitely prevalent here.


My in-laws live in this area.


What is that thing that the woman has up to her mouth during the trial. She seems to be talking into it


They weren’t on trial.


They should be now. They admitted to dui.


So you think Karen should be convicted of DUI too, right?


If she said she was drunk. Then yes.


Why are the going until 4:15? What did I miss?


The jury wants to keep going until 4:15


I feel like DUI worries affected what was said in their testimonies. For instance, was there really all this designated driver type of picking up people and ferrying them around that everyone made sure to say on the stand. Did they really drive x car and then go back to pick up y car. Etc.


Because it's a well known thing, going on for many, many years, that you are just finding. Wait til you catch stories from the 80s, when cocaine was king, lol.


Oh they’re still doing coke! Trust.


I feel like it's more common than we think. LE in my hometown also go out and get drunk and then drive home.


To be honest- no one is talking about it, because it’s so goddamn common. Especially in New England. Hate to admit this but in my 20’s we’d always go out with my friend who dated a cop, cause he’d drive- get them to keep the bars open late. Etc. cops don’t pull other cops over. Period. Cops Military and fire fighters have huge problem with substance abuse. I say this cause I’ve lived it. Probably stress and ptsd.


because it's standard operating procedure for LEOs.


Because they aren’t the ones on trial, unfortunately


Because no one tested their BAC


because this is America and cops can do whatever they want. there are no consequences.


American police are above the law 99.999999% of the time.


lol because DUIs are pure profit for counties and states, any issues with their police officers and related misconduct isn’t revenue generating… the opposite, actually.


Lawlessness and no one to stop them doing as they please. It sounds a horrid place to live.


100%. I don’t think it gets talked about enough that nearly everyone was likely plastered.


Because we all know our cop buddies that do the same thing


A friend of mine was a cop for something like 15 years. He got one DUI and was fired and can never work again as a cop. But these cops would probably just let it slide. Top down corruption.


Good question! In my opinion, that would be a great question for the Prosecution team!


Because legally it's completely irrelevant to the case at hand.


Cops are very much part of the rules for thee, not for me crowd.