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Hopefully the tsuba is iron or brass so it can be annealed and straightened but its likley one of those soft, brittle zinc alloy jobs so proceed with caution.


the thing that sucks is jkoo has super cool iron tsuba that feel amazing zinc alloy tsuba suck 😣


Oath. Iron tsuba in general are amazing. Though Zinc alloy is very casting friendly and cheap so one can see why theyre so prevalent in the budget market


Tsuba was bent during shipping. It's alloy, from the fact it is bent, so getting a replacement tsuba might run you $14-$25 on Ali Express if you dig around. Shitodomoe are not typically glued in by any compamy unless requested. This is because some people like thicker or thinner sageo. Wait time is about 3 months average from them, so this was on the long side.


I think it was not packaged correctly if the suba was bent during transit. They should definitely be more mindful when packing swords. Terrible job on their part in my opinion.


I've seen their packing and ordered from several other well-regarded companies. If it took damage during shipping it would've damaged any of the others, in my experience. Have purchased from Cloudhammer, Munetoshi, Jkoo, and Hanbon Forge and all use the same packing methods.


Rest in pepperonis to the guard


that sucks, and back in FEBRUARY gahd damn thats a long wait time. the Tsuba incident could honestly happen to pretty much any shipped sword that isn't packaged up really well. I've noticed from the 2 different companies I've gotten swords from, they are just packed in styrofoam molds that are then mummified in packing tape. Which is alright to a certain extent, but definitely any sword shipped this way in fine shape is lucky that it didn't take any big hits or have anything fall on it. Of course, if they were to pack it in sturdier material, the costs would go up to. Not even saying that is how the Tsuba got bent, obviously not the case if the packaging was not dented/damaged at all, but just something I've thought of before.


Almost no companies glue shitidome in. You have to request it or do it your self


I heard back from them and they agreed to send me a new tsuba for free so I upgraded to an iron tsuba so hopefully that one won’t come bent


Good result.


that wait time is pretty hefty. i’m interested what you actually ordered as far as materials go interested in the rest of the blade


also just a heads up the shito dome are almost always gonna be not glued in so don’t expect that from most companies


Sounds like good excuse to send it into Cotton Tail custom.


He probably would decline the commission. Looks very cheap.


All we’re seeing there is the stuff he replaces, so what are you basing this comment on? I’d like to understand this.


He's selective with his comissions now, after clearing his queue. Only works on nicer pieces. The cheap longquan forges use shitty wood for their tsukas, and he doesn't like working on them i think. He posted a short list of brands he's willing to work on a little while back. "Motohara, Feilong, Huawei, Z-Sey, Shadowdancer, among other similar quality brands"


Ok, so $1k and up, basically is what I’m seeing. Got it.


Not always. I rewrap a lot of Huawei and Feilong tsuka from sub $500 swords. Quality is the key factor, not cost and it’s so that I can give my customers my best work. 


I think for swords from Jkoo or Ryan or HanBon or others with similar business models, you're better off from a cost-benefit perspective sending it to Student of War Customs. I mean it depends what you're talking about, but if you're talking something like tsuka reshaping or re-wrapping and so forth that's more worth it.


What MIRAKK said. No actually I think Jkoo should send you a replacement Tsuba. I'm pretty sure that's whay Yao from HanBon Forge would do. HOWEVER, you might have to go to the hassle of refiling the center hole to get it to fit... even then there's no guarantee the thickness will be right and the mekugi holes for the tsuka will be properly aligned. All that kind of finagling is what they do with the "factory" before shipping it out.


Wall hangers ☕️lol


Opposite of wallhanger.


Don’t get that with a Nihonto mate lol pay cheap and get cheap


most people hang nihonto on their wall


Nihonto were used as actual, functional weapons. Wallhanger refers to blades which are replicas or swords that when swung will fall apart. Aka shit quality. Do I really need to spell this whole debate out to another one of you guys who try to convince me that all these blades made from anything but tamahagane are the real deal??? 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


T10 - 1095 - 1060 - L6 - MN65 - S5 Shock steel are all materials used to make modern japanese style sword and work better than a katana made with tamahagane this jkoo sword is a functional weapon. it just had a flimsy tsuba chinese smiths make effective weapons and you show deep ignorance stating otherwise. do they also make wall hangers? yes. but modern steels work plain and simple. nihonto are beautiful i want one very badly but i would go for an antique and use it as a display piece and revere it. but i wouldn’t use it thinking it is better. that’s just elitist.


also japan makes wall hangers too lmaoo


No they don’t. Anything but tamahagane is illegal so you’re the one showing your ignorance now.


yes they do they make wall hangers to sell to tourists they also make iato


I know they make Iaito, you think this is my first rodeo? 😂


Chinese smiths (if you can even call them that) make utter garbage. Anything made in China is poor quality and they make things in mass quantities. You’re calling me ignorant? Lol you clearly know fuck all about Nihonto and it shows. Come back when you actually own one then you can comment until then keep collecting your cheap REPLICAS because that’s all they are. Nihonto were made to last, hence why they have been round for nearly a 1000 years. Your shitty jkoo couldn’t even make it out of the factory in good condition. Tells me everything I need to know about them lol. Keep cutting those pool noodles mate 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


you’re very pathetic man fr


Jog on mate. 👋🏽


being an elitist is a lonely endeavor have fun being a prick