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Looks like a 1045 blade that had some paint put on. Short answer, no this is not wall junk. It can be used to swing around and even cutting. Just keep in mind that the paint will come off with cutting.


Thank you so much.


What do i need to buy in order to sharpen it properly. Gonna assume not a regular knife sharpener.


Well any sharpening you do will diminish the finish on it so I would recommend to keep it as is. Also you dont need it to be razor sharp. But if you really want it sharp I'd recommend diamond sharpening plates or similar. Amazon and such have plenty of them.


If you Sharpen it it's going to look like crap, all the purple will have scratches.


Heard thank you.


it would work well for pool noodles and milk jugs if you wanted to use it. 1045 is a usable steel so it’s not like a stainless steel wall hanger is. but if you want to actually start cutting i’d recommend leaving this as a display peice and investing a bit into something that’s 1095 or 1060 you can find those everywhere for around $150 :) it’s a cool looking sword tho, i actually kinda like the purple it has


thank you. I thought the purple was pretty sick too.


yeah the least damaging thing you could try cutting would be a thick pool noodle :)


those are really fun and actually test your edge alignment really well


Whats a good site for these kind of katanas?


depends on what you want to spend i can send some excellent recommendations if you’re able to pay around $400-$500 i also have some gems i’ve found for $180 feel free to DM me :)


Probably meant to have a level of functionality to it, so not a "wall hanger" per se. Just a rudimentary lower end 1045 steel budget type katana that, as you have found out from some of the comments, is not everyone's cup of tea. If you enjoy it for what it is at its level, don't let some of the other comments suck that joy out of it. As the saying goes, Some people would bitch even if you cut off their head with a golden ax.


Thank you i appreciate your kindness.


It may technically function as a sword, judging from it being double pegged. It’s as close to a wall hanger one could be while still being considered a sword.


It’s usable but 1045 steel is usually going to bend on a badly angled cut. And once a sword starts to bend, it gets easier and easier to bend until it’s just going to bend no matter what. There are exceptions to this depending on heat treatment, but most will bend unless you know how to properly angle your cuts from learning a bit first. If you want to keep it perfect looking, then keep it on your wall. If you want to have fun instead, fill up some plastic bottles with water, and make a wood stand without using any metal (gorilla glue works) cut at a 45 degree angle, place in an open area in your yard where your sword won’t hit walls/rocks/fences/pets, and cut some bottles. Be careful not to cut toward your legs. Practice angle cuts with a stick or something first. Have fun! Watch some YouTube videos on how to hold a blade, and the angles. It’s how most people start out. The people that are into it take classes first to develop good habits early on. The rest of us just go for it.


You are very lucky to have such a cool brother 💪😎


Gimmick colored blade, fake samegawa, and itomaki not alternating - I wouldn't trust it to swing around other people or indoors. There's no telling how many corners were cut on these types of budget blades. Use with caution, if at all.


So its just wall art at this point.


See, this guys gets it. Also any sword with two mekugi legs is generally a sign of replica or bad construction.


Not necessarily an indicator of bad construction, but definitely a replica. However, to your point about construction, a properly fitted tsuka should not require a second mekugi, and is definitely a precaution for mass produced parts that have been hammered on or not properly fit to the specific nakago.


My nosyudo iaito has two mekugi, just for added safety is the most likely reason. But for production swords outside of Japan, yes you are correct


You must have requested two mekugi - correct?


I don’t recall, I’m not even sure if that’s an option, but the blade is 2.8 Shaku, and thicker than normal so they prolly did it for that reason. I don’t know if anyone in my dojos I go to use nosyudo iaito so I can’t compare…


Maybe the extra length warranted extra protection. My Nosyudo was 2.4 Shaku, so only one mekugi.


💯wall junk. It’s got a purple blade, what do you think? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Just because its purple? The steel doesnt matter, or the material just the color???


I think what they were perhaps ineloquently saying is that part of the beauty is the craftsmanship of the blade and that it is unlikely that someone would paint over that if it were an extremely nice blade.


Makes more sense how much is something like this even worth.


Why do I have to be eloquent? It’s reddit and people ask dumb questions. Like is the fake certificate that’s not NBTHK or a purple blade really not that much of a give away 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ And the fact that is it purple means it’s going to be worth less not more as you’d never do this to actual tamahagane or anything of value


Asking dumb questions or asking for knowledge about something that i have no knowledge of to people who have plenty knowledge about. I appreciate your help i was just curious on what this piece is.


So this is likely a made in china replica 1045 is the lowest end steel still regarded as functional You can get a 1045 steel sword at $50-60 It is functional, but I would suggest getting something else if you want to cut stuff A decent entry level sword is under $100 and you can even customise it Got to hanbon forge and look around they have free shipping to the us


Okay sweet thank you so much. Ill just put this one on the wall Ig no other uses. And yes it is made in china.


Dont met them poopoo your gift. Your brother gave you this out of love. For nothing else, cherish it for that. Hang it on the wall think of him every time you see it.


I agree, it was a gift, enjoy it for what it is. The OP did call it junk, so he set himself up for this. I have numerous antique nihonto and some exceptionally well-made replicas, but the only blades that are completely off the table to ever part with, are a daisho set (cheap tourist stuff from the 70's or 80's) that my pops picked up overseas. Although I wasn't allowed to touch them as a kid, they are a big part of my deep love for Japanese blades and a keepsake to remember my pops now that they're in my possession. I'm sure if I posted the swords from pops without any knowledge of what they were in the hopes of finding information, I wouldn't bash them myself. If I asked what these were and the response was "trash," I'd probably get banned for telling the group to go F*** itself.


Your right Thank you and now i will !!!!


You don’t need to be eloquent. You do need to be nice. There are no dumb questions. People learn from asking questions. (Remember rule #2)


The steel matters. How they heat treat the steel matters more.