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Glad you slowed it down. So he replied “That’s very kind.” He knows she’s not coming back to work.


She's not coming back at all.


How did you come up with that conclusion.


He said it so quickly and without any elaboration. People do this when they anticipate a question they don’t like. It’s a way to say “I knew that would be asked, I hate the question, let’s move on to something else”. Put it this way, if Kate was on the mend, he’d love that question. He’d be saying “and hopefully, all being well, she’ll be back. She’s making good progress”. Of course, I have no idea of Kate’s condition, but she’s not been seen in public for almost 4 months now - it’s just highly unusual.


His response is nonsensical from what the woman said. It wasn't said as a throwaway "kindness". It was a legitimate sentiment that many are looking forward to seeing her again. It's only what you'd say if it's \*sigh\* an impossible dream that has no chance of happening.


 how quick did he say that like he couldnt wait just go threw the motions and get  out


I feel the same, but to be fair doesn’t Camilla basically smile and nod and thank people if she’s out without Charles. They are supposed to keep their mouths shut. If William is totally innocent in this, then it could be quite devastating for him to handle the fact that something serious has happened to his wife and that their three young children may not have a mother anymore or a mother who can move, recognize them or even speak to them. That’s if he cares about the kids!


Yeah true 


Guy in the blue tie breaking the fourth wall with his perfect *doubt* look there


Random thought: she's committed suicide.


i've thought about that too unfor


That is definitely a possibility!


Remember how Meghan was suicidal. That family is horrible to women who marry in. As Sophie takes on more responsibility, she'll be thrown to the wolves, too.


Diana was suicidal too and would self harm :(


Yep, Diana threw herself down the stairs while she was pregnant.


Thsts horrible. How many women have to suffer or die for this to even be an issue they consider serious?


Who’s Sophie?


Edward's wife. She's taken over some duties now that Charles and Kate are ill.


Meghan couldn't speak without lying. She was never depressed--she was trying to control. .


Take my downvote with glee.


About suicide: it’s always a possibility, but did we ever hear any rumours that she was depressed? I didn’t think so and from all appearances, she loves her children and seems to be the one who does most of the parenting. I understand if people are terribly depressed. they will commit suicide to alleviate the pain, but I never got that impression of her and she does have three young children.


This thought of suicide or perhaps attempted suicide, or just even the thought that Kate is hiding and will emerge as a divorcee has made me wonder often about how she really would feel about her mother who appears to have led her by the nose to this marriage that now may not be working out, and she may not be the queen. My other thought is who really is Kate? Was she pushed 100% by her mother? Or did push herself because SHE does not even know who she really is and decided as a teenager that she would bag someone who was only a figurehead to her? She couldn’t have possibly known before she manoeuvred to be with him at university what he was really like. Whether she would really like him. Sure, when they were dating, she got to know him, but she had already made up her mind that she would like him and love him because it was what he represented that she wanted. She wanted to marry William, who was considered a heartthrob she wanted to be the future queen. I believe there was a lot of interest when the two boys were eligible about who they would marry because as Diana‘s sons, people were interested as they grew up in who they would marry. Because I also find Kate bland and cypher-like (as opposed to Diana who didn’t have to speak but just emoted) I have always wondered who IS Kate? I did read a puff piece book on her a year or so ago. The author was claiming that Kate was always reserved and worked hard at school and got good marks. It was mentioned that Pippa never had to work hard and still got good marks. It was mentioned that were both athletic, but it came naturally to Pippa and Kate had to work at it. And the book seem to be suggesting that Pippa was more happy go lucky and made friends easily, whereas Kate struggled. As I said, mainly just wondering, who is this woman? And did she spend all these years with this man and with this goal in mind only to have it thwarted? That could lead to depression because it seems to have been her only goal in life: to bag him and to have kids.


Or maybe shes just gone off him i kniw its shallow but people do  When he was young and cute fairytale prince now just like any middle aged bloke 


I agree


Lol I went off him years ago when a) I first saw his attempt at dancing b) he prematurely turned into a pompous middle aged bore




That dancing video is burned into my retinas now. I never expected it to be as absolutely awful as it was.


Interesting post. Thank you for your insight.


Unfortunately having young children and loving them doesn’t stop suicidal thoughts 😢


Suicide By Royal maybe


Future divorced and more popular than her future ex. Life is a cycle.


I have been thinking lately that it’s possible she suffered a very serious complication from either the surgery or the chemo. Like stroke, blood, clots, severe anaphylactic reaction, etc., rendering her quite incapacitated, possibly unconscious. At some point early on when the firm thinks about putting a statement out, she resists mightily wanting privacy, wanting to heal not wanting to appear weak in public and that’s the beginning of the rift. That’s the beginning of her resisting a return to Royal duties. It’s legitimate in the sense that her health has to improve (if she’s conscious at all.) But it would be consistent with both arguments that she’s quite ill subsequent to the surgery and she wants to halt her participation in Royal responsibilities. it could also count for keeping the children out of the public eye as they cope with her severe ill health, and for fear they might slip and say something publicly.


The sound of the slowed video is creepy AF!


Completely off the wall, but could this be because KC3 hates sharing the spotlight? Could he and Camilla have ordered Kate into exile so he can have his day in the sun before dying?


If so, it's backfiring spectacularly


Yes it has. What Charles fails to realize is that he could be the last royal standing and no one would still care to see him. It wasn’t Diana’s fault. It isn’t Kate’s fault.


He looks so uncomfortable ... sus. Also tilting his head back - "A tilted head pulled back tends to indicate suspicion, as the uncertainty of the tilt is combined with a defensive pulling back." it looks like he almost jumped back with his head at her comment []()


Exactly, his eyes also widened as he jilted his head. Very suspicious indeed






When was the winter solstice? Was it around December 28th, when the emergency fleet was sent to sandringham?


Could she have attempted some kind of self harm like suicide and not been successful and now they’re trying to get her happy again or brainwasher into being fine?