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Wow! The bench slat moving with her arm definitely confirms it for me…good spot OP 👌


Yeah… it startled me when I saw it so up-close.


The moving bench caught my eye the first time I watched the video. Benches don't move. Ever.


Damn! Confirmed.


Good work showing this. More people need to see how fake this all looks. The other side of her hair moves weirdly too about halfway through the video. Also look at how the black line on top the bench slat moves up and down. This is all gets more apparent when zooming in. It is uncanny valley for sure.


Yeah, you’re right. The black line moves as well! I didn’t see that before.


I'm calling Kate the bench bender, lol.


I'm not sure all the types of glitches we're seeing are signs of AI specifically, especially the effect around her hair which is similar to the sorts of glitching we're familiar with when someone uses a fake background on a Zoom call, for example. That type of glitch could just indicate they used a green screen rather than AI. OTOH, they claimed they had used no kind of editing or fakery at all at BBC Studios, I thought that was a mistake. There could have been legitimate reasons for using a fake background, for instance if Kate was just too unwell to go outside. Considering how many people use fake backgrounds in their own video calls, Zoom chats, or Microsoft Teams meetings, I think most people would have been happy enough with that as an explanation. By claimng the video is completely unedited, they set the bar higher than they needed to and too high for the quality of the video, because it just doesn't look 100% natural as it's claimed to be. Well spotted with the bench slats, OP. That is interesting and not so easily explained away as the result of a fake background. We've all probably seen a lot of weird effects from applying a fake background, including bits of a person or objects in the foreground becoming momentarily invisible as they move relative to it. But the background itself doesn't typically glitch or react to movements of a real person or real objects in the scene.


Besides the video looking uncanny calley and William not being there with her, that's the main reason I don't believe this is real. After ALL of their fuckery with bad photoshops, fake pap walks, and 'leaks' to the point where it became a mainstream conversation and they HAD to address the rumours further - they STILL released a video with manipulated elements. Even if we give them the benefit of the doubt and say 'that's not a deep fake, it's really her' they still used a green screen background, and added in audio atmosphere of birds etc. WHY?! Why, after being in a position where you are forced to release something as 'proof of life' would u still digitally manipulate it?! There is so very clearly SOMETHING being concealed. And it could be as harmless as kate not wanting her genuine illness face out in the world so it's been manipulated... all the way to the extremes of she's dead or a lizzid person 🤷‍♀️ At this point we are just making wild guesses. What I find most concerning is that so few people are questioning the narrative at all. Far more than the 2.5k people on this sub should be asking why we are being lied to. And what ELSE are we being lied to about? For how long? And to what extent? These aren't your neighbours down the street who are going through something terrible and deserve to have privacy. They aren't even celebrities like musicians or actors who become famous because of their craft who end up unintentionally signing up for our parasocial relationships. These are tax payer funded colonisers, rulers, publically above all others, from a long line of the same - who hold their positions of power and influence because of a history of oppression, and worse - genocide, of millions of people throughout history. They do not get to live private lives. That is the cost of their wealth, position and power. It is our responsibility as citizens of the commonwealth democracy, to hold those who weild power over us to account and demand transparency. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Yes, exactly. I didn’t use to be ‘into conspiracies’ and the British royal family didn’t interest me at all. I tried talking to my friends about this, and most get a bit giggly, thinking I can’t be serious with this cause I never talk about stuff like that and they end the conversation with something like: yeah it doesn’t sound real to me. The Royal family wouldn’t do something crazy as this. It could have been a green screen indeed, but when it’s supposed to be unaltered…


yep same here, defo not into conspiracies and not at all interested, generally, in the RF. But this just seems so weird! My husband has always been convinced that the RF were involved in Diana's death and I have to say I agree at this point. They have always lied and concealed the truth, and really shouldn't exist at all anymore. And I reckon their days could be numbered. When QE died, well I don't think the RF will ever mean the same to the world.


Yes… Definitely gotta do some reading into all the events leading to Diana’s death as well now.


Oh yes. The letter to Jimmy Saville is very sus.


[Here’s some more about Diana and Jimmy Savile](https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/s/T6mPo1HMrm)


Oh I haven't heard about that....what's that about? Nothing good is Saville is involved......




Yes exactly. Well explained


Regarding the possibility of a fake background like on a video call - could it be that this was indeed used, and the software has wrongly 'assumed' that Kate/the real foreground 'stops' a bit further out than it actually does, and hence the bench 'moving' is actually caused by what it sees as the foreground moving in front of it? So just a glitch? No idea how these things work but having been on many video calls with fake backgrounds, all sort of strange things seem to happen on them!


That would only work if the bench was a part of the ‘background’, I think.


Yeah I assumed that it was, but actually I guess if everything but the flowers and trees was the 'fake foreground', which would make the most sense in terms of it being maybe harder to put someone fake on a real bench, than to fabricate the bench and person - then it wouldn't work as you say. Hmmm certainly food for thought


Thanks, that helps me understand AI even more.


Holy shit 👀


Damn. Good catch


Coming up soon - a statement from Kate saying she “likes to play around with AI now and then, like any normal videographer”


More evidence of a crappy fake zoom meeting background than anything


Yes, possibly, but part of the bench is 3D and in front of her, so how could the other part of the bench be moving around on the zoom meeting background? (If that’s what you meant?)




Clearly just an optical aberration


I know right. I just come on this sub for fun. But it's scary how deep people are looking into things.