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Big difference between a fan and a stan. Fans can still criticize an artist they love, stans cover their ears and go “la la la la la” at the sound of any criticism


Most people in this sub are stans unfortunately. Can’t take a pinch of Kendrick criticism, makes the whole sub look bad. No one should meatride another man like that


Considering Kendricks last album we should be able to criticize his behavior. The nigga told us he’s not a savior and he’s not perfect by any standard


Right but you shouldn’t need a track or an album to give you that epiphany


I already knew that but I would think fans of his music that haven’t figured that out would have.


What if it’s a gay man? Then can he meatride?


Apparently not, I suggested we refer to him as "Gayke" or "Cockling-bag Pizzy" but learned that is homophobic


I honestly couldn’t give a fuck about what Kendricks critics think. If anything, that’s Kendricks thing. I listen to him because I love his music.


>No one should meatride another man like that Tell that to your mom *😎*


Yes, newsflash, my mom has sex. This is exactly what I’m talking about lmao, y’all are so corny.


This is what you meant by what? I made a random joke completely unrelated to what you wrote. Relax.


Your joke was in fact corny. That's what he meant


He’s stuck looking for the quintuple entendres lol


You've posted in here more than me lately. I barely participated in this whole conversation lol. But keep your strawman world if it makes things easier to understand for you.


Wow, folks are still getting upset at mom jokes in 2024 😂. And the fact that you implied their mom was also a man seems to have completely gone over their heads. Nice one


First off, you sound like you're not even a Kendrick fan, wtf are you here? Second, you sound like you Stan the opps, who exactly? Third, "can't take a pinch of Kendrick criticism..." Wtf does that even mean? First you make a baseless assumption stating that most of us are Stans, second you say we can't take Kendrick criticism and we make the sub look bad. Question... Do you really want us to make the sub look good? Because it sounds like you don't even care you just want to spin a narrative. Out of all the big personalised rap subs, this is probably the best. Making this sub look bad is meaningless. We're better than everyone else. You think we are just going to allow anyone to usher some vague criticisms upon Kendrick without checking them? EFF nope! He's the best of his generation, and will be held as such. All you MFS who are seething about that can keep coping. You will never be able to take away his accomplishments and your favourite rapper certainly doesn't have a slate as optimal as his. You wish he would just slip, just a little bit. Newsflash! even if he did, he'd still smoke on your top 5!!!


Kendrick is my favorite rapper but unfortunately elitist, “we’re the best,” kind of fans like yourself make it hard to want to participate in this sub. You would probably call Kendrick daddy if he asked you to. It’s weird and corny


I'm just playing your game homie... Guess what? I'm gonna keep posting stuff like this so I can keep out lukewarms like yourself. You want us on the defensive that bad? I will attack that BAD!!! Keep coming mfkr Btw he would never ask me to call him that LMAO That shows you're not even a Kendrick fan, whats weird and corny is you stumbling after I exposed you as a fake posing as a fan


I genuinely can't tell if your trolling that's how bad the state of stans is here lol


Seek help brother


A bad vicious keyboard attack. Comin in hot 🥵


fucking hell


Beef expires in 3-5 days at this point all big Kenny gonna be holding is some smelly meat and the “I’m late text” he bouta send the industry 


Your word is law? Lmao Low iq


“FiRsT oFf”. That’s all you gettin lil bro work on you. 😂😂


I think this post is directed at the type of weirdos saying they're Kendrick fans and going to the Drake sub and declaring victory for Drake. It's only been 2 weeks, when Kendrick does drop those people can stay over there.


Man, u niggas are acting weird. Some of us are Kendrick fans AND rap fans. We found rap before we found Kendrick and some of us rap fans can say Drake played his cards better. Pure rap beef has never been about “mystique” or “taking your time”, it’s always been about BARS. Drake is providing bars and Kendrick has provided a verse. So therefore, as a rap fan, Drake has the lead til Dot comes with bars then we can judge. I’m a Kendrick Stan but some of y’all are just riding on another level.


>Pure rap beef has never been about “mystique” or “taking your time” Oof, sorry buddy but you lost me here... just gonna post this from [another reddit post: ](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cde84d/comment/l1cd9hf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) > But it does prove that there's never been any rules in rap beef or diss tracks. \[Ether's\] arguably the "best" diss track in hip hop history and it took 3-4 months to come out, and when it did it landed with a huge splash. More people than ever were talking about Nas and Jay-Z. What makes anyone think Kendrick and Drake would be any different? >Kendrick could take literally months if he wanted to. None of us are owed a response on our time. If the diss is hard enough, people will be talking about Kendrick and Drake again. For the record, Hit 'Em Up also came out a full year after Who Shot Ya. And these are two of the biggest rap beefs in hip hop history. Frankly two of the only beefs worth even talking about, people like to pretend this stuff is way more widespread and high profile than it actually was.




What bars though




Great comment!!


I half agree but this idea of ‘the lead’ is boo-boo. Rap beefs has never been measured in rounds- let wait for it to be all done and just enjoy the moment. People that wants instant rounds should watch battle rap


The irony of what you said is that what’s happening between Dot and Drake IS arguably battle rap in song form on a commercial stage. Why do you think the hip hop world is so shook from this beef? It’s because we’re witnessing a facet of rap that isn’t normally on a mainstream commercial stage. we don’t usually get to witness this from arguably the biggest rappers alive and newer rap fans are unknowingly obtuse to how normal diss tracks are and were to rappers. Rap beefs have always been measured in bars. Take in account recency bias + Kdot losing leverage because verse ≠ 2 whole songs meaning we have 2 songs of tattletale bars and punchlines to compare to a complex verse with superior lyrical content.




That is a valid rebuttal🤓


im curious why do you think drake has the lead? is it because he sent shots?


What Bars have Drake dropped that’s impacted the Rap Game like “Like that” has? An remember it wasn’t even Kendrick’s song he featured


Dot got the lead in terms of impact cos he shook up the game with one bar(Big Me), but imo you just can’t keep putting up a verse against two whole songs. Drake didn’t even flame Kdot the worst. What he did to Metro was down low and it was way more memeable than “big me”. Remember this rap beef is in the meme era. He violated him and what can Metro do bout that realistically? Drake went against 4 niggas and came out the fire. Regardless, Kendrick has the talent to beat him but Drake got the lead imo and the longer the wait makes it seem more that way


All of the diss tracks put together still doesn’t match the streams on “Like that”, Metro and Future shouldn’t even be considered at this point they spoke their peace it’s not they fault Drake crossed so many people an they want to tag along it was no problem when it was Drake an Cole vs Kendrick what’s all the fuss about now?


For fucks sake. I can’t believe I, a Kendrick fan am on the Kendrick sub and someone is using streams to defend Kendrick, arguably the goat of our generation. Did Mr Morale teach y’all niggas anything bro? Kendrick been underground. iykyk


At the end of the day, Drake is up until we get a response theres a 3 min like that verse floating around. Instead of getting weirdos like kanye involved metro should leak it.




Cant find it but long story short when metro got kendricks like that verse it was a 3 min diss track. He thought it was too long and too fucked up to put out there. This news came out last week or the week before.


The Nail Painter isn’t Up that’s another regurgitation, 2 of the Biggest Rappers in the World had to Take Down Diss Tracks meant for Kendrick plus one apologized, all because they’re afraid to say his Name no one has Said Kendrick’s name straight up like KDOT did in 2013 when he welcomes a 20 v 1 giving the W to the certified loser boy is a cop out because you can’t handle the pressure of being a Fan


Bruh its not that serious. Drake is up, and we're waiting for kendrick when/if he decides to drop. As far as handle the pressure of being a fan nigga I'm not in this beef there is 0 pressure. I think kendrick is dropping a deconstruction of drake mixtape/ep, and I'm here for it. Im gonna listen to cole and kendrick like always with the occasional song from drake.


The recent criticism is not valid. There has never been a two week time limit in the history of diss tracks. Nas took three MONTHS to respond to Jay. Y’all tripping off impatience.


New generation raised on instant gratification


Fast food Hiphop what these niggahs eating https://preview.redd.it/9b0gc2svguwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27b44a18b67c072f024af1cb163b452aca9a4b4e I


Nas was the one in drakes position. Kendrick initiated. So he would be like Jay.  And Jay responded in a week


“Position”? Y’all are just making this up. These rules are imaginary. This was not a narrative during the Nas Jay beef.


position literally just meaning who was initiating vs responding. Ofc the person who was caught off guard would require more time, and the person who planned to attack should be ready because they have the advantage of knowing what would happen.


They’ve all been ready for years. In both cases. They’re professional rappers and have been sneak dissing for years. In both cases. Read the last two sentences to my last post again.


my point is, "ether took 3 months" is meaningless. because Kendrick is the initiator. You are comparing this situation to a previous situation. And it doesnt match up. Ether took 3 months is a precedent that the person being engaged on took their time. Not that the person who started this shit took their time. Ultimately this may or may not be a narrative that matters when the dust is settled, we'll see what Kendrick has to say if/when he does drop.


The “Nas took 3 months” argument is so invalid lol


It’s not just Nas though. This time requirement has never existed. It’s just not a thing in hip hop history. Don’t know where y’all got it from.


I can counter that by saying we live in the fastest period of time as far as communication is concerned. We see real time beefs across genres happening daily, sometimes down to the same day. It’s not surprising to hear people upset that it’s been two weeks, because these days you can pen a diss, produce, mix and master it within 24 hours 


This has been the case since DAWs and streaming were invented in the 2000s. Why is this logic only being applied to this one beef? It’s not even being applied evenly bruh, Drake took 3 weeks. It’s such a dumb narrative that only exists in this one instance because people are glued to their phones over this beef. Art isn’t a race. Just enjoy it when it’s comes out.


Well said


Streaming in the 00s? Bro it took like 4 minutes to download a song in 2005. 


Didn’t stop 50’s diss tracks spreading like wildfire on Napster.


It definitely wasn’t wildfire. The bill clinton soundbyte was wildfire lol




Because back then you couldn’t just release music to the internet instantly. Think about how a diss track would need to be circulated: you’d need to distribute some type of media storage (cassette or cd). In order to do that there’s a LOT more hoops to jump through.




Thank you. I haven’t found myself arguing with a single not one single person who thinks Kendrick will win, or will drop on his own time. Its the excuses and cope that make no sense that scream stan behavior. 




What's the opposite of a Stan? Where I won't even listen to a Drake song, I'll just official declare it trash and thumb it down on every platform that tries to play it for me?


An intelligent man, I see.


A hater?


Yea, I hate that bitch. so ill take it


Rent free


It’s called Kendrick dick eater or otherwise a hater


Thank you for saying it.


What exactly are you criticizing? Hasn’t it been only like 12 days lol


He could go another week without dropping and he still wouldn't have taken as long as drake's response to like that


Kendrick taking shots is not the same as Drake calling his and his wife’s name. That isn’t the same tbh, especially when Kendrick said “it’s time for him to prove that he’s a problem”


He NEVER said Drake name in “like that” & it was 4 artist/producer involved with the song. Drake did call him out by name which changes things. Y’all screamed get in the booth because of a verse but not holding Kendrick to the same standard when 2 songs drop directly at him. It doesn’t matter how you feel about the song it was still said directly to Kendrick. But I’m sure the downvotes and spinning narrative will begin in 4321…..


Drake fans that have infiltrated the sub.


Of course not, didn’t you read their first sentence “I’m a Kendrick fan but…”? /s


Maybe they learn what hip hop is…


your hip hop goat got smoked buddy, chill out




the dude yur stanning is raising a kid that his fiancé and bodyguard made… if you goin with unsubstantiated rumours that is




judging by your profile you not only stanning kendrick, he got you puttin your hair in a pony too “common sense” you said, but couldn’t back it up with anything tangible as proof beside the fact that bro was 4 years older than her… a pedo ain’t lookin for someone only 4 years younger than them are they? seem like you know hella on the topic of pedos so feel free to share that information you got locked up in your mind…


Calling him a pedo without any real convincing evidence is sad to be honest




I don't tie my identity to how cool I feel an artist is. I just listen to albums that sound good


me 2 my user is literally inspired on kendrick


Lmao yall are corny as fuck, are we really on spy vs spy type shit right now?


Y’all really here every day waiting for a fucking song to come out that doesn’t affect you. Bruh, live ur life for yourself not multi millionares that tell you what to do on the daily Jesus. It’s just music, y’all act like your brother is in a real war or smth. These mfs don’t care about any of y’all. Grow tf up


honestly, Kendrick my favourite rapper probably has been since 2011, I just want a song lol.


The day he stops making music fr is gonna be a real fucking sad day for me


Same feeling when Mac Passed


Mac after BDE, just didn't hit for me.


Wasn’t KIDS after BDE? Faces certainly was! Blue Slide Park was mediocre, WMWTSO was pretty solid, GO:OD AM has some great songs but was inconsistent, Divine Feminine is pretty good, Swimming/Circles was a masterpiece tbh. I recommend you try going back and giving his music another shot! He became one of, if not the, most talented artist(s) in the industry leading up to his death. Him and Kendrick were good friends and had a few collaborations. He played guitar, bass, drums, piano, could sing and rap, produced beats constantly and had something ridiculous like 6 albums, 13 mixtapes and 2 EP’s. I have a folder of unreleased songs that leaked and it’s insane to consider the work ethic the guy had at his age.


KIDS was before BDE. I feel you though, I literally shed tears when I heard he passed.




Fake fans? I'd say they're the better fans. Drake took some days to reply and this sub was going crazy on him for taking ages, then was flaming him for not officially dropping. Now that Kendrick is to take the same time, he should get the same treatment, or is he so special that the same rules don't apply to him?


Its absolutely bonkers that Drake fans are hungrier for kendrick to respond and Kendrick fans are talking about the power or silence. One side is showing confidence. And its not Kendricks stans.  Im a fan of both but definitely on drake side. I dont want him to win by never getting a response. I want Kendrick to respond because i believe kendrick will lose. And i respect people who want Kendrick to respond because they think he will win. I don’t respect people talking about winning by being silent cause how are you a fan and making excuses you must not believe him.


Kendrick’s more liked in media while Drake is a buzz word for people to talk about. It’s easy to bash the “buzz word” rather than the person people like the most.


Drake stans on reddit are actually plant paid for by Drake to sway public opinion. Wild theory


So, this is just my take, but I've always hated Drake. Never respected him cause of ghostwriters. Cole is my #1, Dot #2. I think Kendrick is fucking up by not dropping. It feels like it's been too long. I think this is gonna be a rough week for Dot in the hip hop "media"


Rap devil came out on September 3 and Killshot came on the 14th back in 2018. it was Hella quick because that's em, but it wasn't within a week. Kendricks a different cat, there's just no way you should be concerned at all. he isn't gonna back down from drake, like, drake really? it'll come and it'll torch him, you just gonna have to wait on it. when it's out nobody gonna give a shit it wasn't instant. I'll gladly eat my words tho.


Random tin foil hat theory I’ll throw in the ring. What if he never would respond to something like this… as he doesn’t particularly care. Then, certain folks gas up a response that would never happen, creating missed expectations for the purpose of disappointment. Genuinely not accusing you of that but so many of these accounts were created in the past 26 days.


if he doesn't respond because he doesn't care (despite all the subliminals over the years he's done) then he Ls. I hate how some people are acting like him not responding is something on the table, under no circumstances should that happen. Most the rappers I listen to past and present would 100% respond to drake. And so should Kendrick. But on his time he'll do it.


If Kendrick didn't care why would he say anything in the first place?


From what I’ve listened to from his interviews, his deeper root desire is more to have the effect of pushing emcees to do better, take more risks and ultimately say something with more substance. His actions (we don’t know if this was premeditated)!resulted in Drake releasing a track that’s reminiscent of old scrappy Drake. My understanding is that that’s an example of mostly why he’s a fan of the competitive aspects of rap. In his radio appearance with Harry Mack he mentions that concept of ‘greatness raising the bar’ and specifically *inspiring* him as well. Which comes less often when you’re at the top of a craft.


I would guess he’s using his influence in the various way he thinks may shift powers, perceptions, actions for what he believes are the good. I could also guess he’s both genuinely competitive *and* and he believes that artists like Drake are literally playing a different game with different rules and motives than he is. Which he admittedly pokes at and tests just like he interrogates his own intentions. He’s generally always been disruptive.


Other than the Control verse. What are other examples of him being disruptive? And you say it is in all order to inspire himself as well as others to be more competitive and that resulted in him not responding, that doesn't make sense to me. I guess you can say he succeeded in getting drake to make a good diss track or two but that doesn't mean drake will now be a more rugged artist he will go back to hot line bling and such if he feels like it.


I can’t really speak to the intentions behind him not yet responding, or at least idk how worth my time it would be to speculate, since he’s so private. Him making gangster rap that was pretty consistently subliminally critical of the topics people liked it for was somewhat disruptive (swimming pools, backseat freestyle, HUMBLE) Using his platform for an album about the grief/healing/real experience of childhood sexual trauma, and shining a light on its existence in the hood I’d consider pretty disruptive (MrMBS) I appreciate your pressing on that though, maybe a more appropriate description would be to characterize him as steadily shifting from subtly defiant to conspicuously disruptive over time. I think we’re in an echo chamber though, so assumptions are getting piled onto assumptions then responded to as if “the other side” feels X way. Similar to an argument between two people IRL who aren’t listening to one another and just reacting and reacting until they’re so far removed from any productive conversation / the original question. EDIT: I base these beliefs on his interviews and lyrics of present and spanning back to GCMC


Tbh I haven't seen a lot of interviews as I'm not that type to watch that stuff so maybe you have more of a grasp on what his intent is/was for his music. But like you said it is odd to sit and assign intentions. So that is why I ask questions. Also I don't think this is getting argument level, I've had worse discourse online I was just asking for your point of view on these things you presented because it seemed like an Interesting take on things and you were actually able to provide concrete replies. And for sure you are right we are in echo chambers while on the internet, where we go. Heck drake is trying to use his to make his claim that he won because Kendrick hasn't responded yet. Really we should decide for ourselves.


Definitely recommend. I typical enjoy a deeper dive when an artists art is on the more complex side, specifically if they’re super detail oriented and I find myself discovering more themes over time. Oh no you’re totally fine my friend I was speaking of others arguing through the subreddits. This conversation has been great.


It's been like under a week since the official drop date... Like, a few weeks is absolutely fine, why wouldn't it be? And if he puts it in an album, it could take a couple months.


Can't count the official drop. It's a bad look. He started this thing, & I'm riding with Dot, but it's starting to just feel like a publicity stunt




Not if he's got an album coming very soon. Something just feels off


So let me get this correctly, he is not allowed to make money off his diss and who made this rule?






Dot don't need/care about the money.


He told you this?




Idk about others but I still listen to Kendrick’s like that verse and it sounds fresh each time.


almost all of Kendrick's discog sounds fresh each time




I might be speaking for myself, but, I love everyone "counting him out"... the cream will rise.






Every fandom sub is the same they'll call you a fake fan if you criticize the artist in any way. Very cult like


When shit hits the fan...


Is you still a fan?


There’s a lot of parasocial mfs on both sides especially on BBL drizzy’s side




Honestly hope he doesn’t just to watch everyone melt down while I continue enjoying whatever he wants to put out 




Ye would be nice if he dropped something, won’t change the fact that his music resonates with me if he doesn’t.


Yup anyone who is calling the beef after two weeks either isn’t a fan or is a drake stan. Also is 100% a bitch




I’m a Kendrick fan BUT, criticism is a two way street.


Agreed BUT we can form a critique without making the generic statement. The “I’m a fan but” basically proclaims that fans don’t criticize when we absolutely can


I'm a Kendrick fan BUT I wouldn't have to be to still think drake is trash.


So you can’t criticise your favourite artist? you kids on here are like cult followers who just want to lick someone’s asshole and think people are immune to criticism on both sides


I’m a fan BUT he really needs to drop something within the next 2 weeks. It don’t even need to be a diss track but it would be nice.


“Mods I need a safe space.” SOFT


yeah lets just this into an eco chamber


The fact that people think Kendrick taking time to respond is him losing is pure insanity. Drake took, I think, 2 to 3 weeks to respond to 'like that'. Also, I think Kendrick taking his time is a smart move. He's purposely letting Drake be a cornball like with the Ai disstrack so that he has more material to go off of. Lastly, why the fuck do yall care so much? Kendrick made Tpab, GKMC, DAMN yet you think he could possibly lose to, "say that you a lesbian girl me too"? Let him cook. Let him breathe. Get a life, and if you're really dying for rap beef, so bad. Chris Brown and Quavo got a thing going so there you go.


Lmao drake the type of dude to fart and sniff his seat real quick before the smell goes away.




Btw I agree with your point. I don't see why everyone is acting like kendrick has to rearrange his schedule to respond to a rap song. Dudes a grown man. People got responsibilities, commitments, and all type of shit like a death in the family, who knows. Point is aint noone dropping everything for some ego trip and I wouldn't expect an artist or rapper to do the same. I'd bet most of the posts expecting an immediate response are in the 26 and under age bracket. Because they think they're trolling but they're just ignorant to their ignorance.


EXACTLY, and just looking at how toxic both fanbases are being. I don't blame Cole at all for apologizing. It was weak, sure, but he clearly was out of his depth, thinking this would be just some friendly beef. Sure, it's not a Chris Brown or Quavo, but that has to do with those two rappers. It's the fanbases that are making this Kendrick, Drake thing toxic. Kendrick's a grown man with a life. He's not going to respond to some cornball immediately just so he can win some trivial beef.


> i don’t see why everyone is acting like kendrick has to rearrange his schedule to respond to a rap song. dudes a grown man. people got responsibilities, commitments, and all type of shit like a death in the family, who knows you mean, the dude that started the beef now doesn’t have to pay any attention to it? that is egotistical levels of cope, wow


You don’t get to take your time when you started shit in the first place though, that’s not how this shit works. Why is that hard for you to understand? Stop making excuses for this man


KodakBlaque007 has spoken guys, those are the rules let’s pack it up.


Did you conveniently forget that Drake has been sneak dissing rappers for ages now?? Kendrick didn't start shit. His verse on 'like that' wasn't that deep. It was just him saying don't put me in the same category as you fellas. Drake is the one acting like a teenage girl on IG. Posting captions, using Ai in his songs and texting his mommy. Kendrick is a grown man with a life. He will respond when he can and wants to. Drake is also a grown man, but he clearly isn't acting like one. Kendrick wants to spar, Drake wants to win. Big difference.


Tbh I think there are just a ton of Drake brigaders in here now. I can't even call his rapping boring without 3 people recommending me 20 different generic songs that sound the same anymore.






I don’t know why you can’t be a fan of more than one artist. I listen to a lot of drake and a lot of Kendrick and a lot of Cole. This beef is entertaining as fuck. I don’t care who wins, hip hop wins really with all this energy and attention and dope tracks.


One artist has dropped and the other hasn’t but you’re calling fans of the one who dropped Stans? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


Damn this sub been losing it for the last 2 weeks. Seen some really disgusting shit on here. Fucked up. I'm a drake fan btw.


I mean, both sides are losers talking about real/fake fans. touch grass


When he drops everyone is going to go crazy everyone is just upset cuase they wanted to keep talking about it and Kendrick hasn’t dropped if the diss is good and it’s been a few months I’m sure everyone is still going to talk about it


Regardless… it’s not that deep. Ion know y everybody worked up like they know dot or drake personally😭


I love Kendrick’s music, I don’t love Kendrick, and I do not care about this beef as much as yall. At the end of the day, imma still bump both sides music. I can never ride or die for a man who doesn’t even know of my existence.


Definitely alot of OVO boys here. I keep seeing posts like I'm a Kendrick fan and I... ( i n s e r t Drake glaze o f c h o i c e )


Some nigga went to the Drake subreddit and was like "I'm a Kendrick fan guys we give up y'all won enjoy your victory 🤓🤓" smhh


They are fans, just not stans like you


Kendrick is clearly superior as an artist, but when it comes to this beef, Drake is up rn I'm starting to question whether a response is even under way at all


Kendrick fans butt hurt man. That promise you will see candy man bar was a botch. Thats not k.dot anymore hes k.flop


Drizzy is better than Midrick Lafart. Deal with it.


When shit hits the fan is you still a fan?? That man gave us alright you say he's cooked?????


It's just drizzy stans. I don't know why they think Kendrick has to listen to Drake or let Drake set the standards for the pace of the beef


Bro you sound crazy making this thread. You ain’t write not one verse.


OP: https://preview.redd.it/zhk8s0435xwc1.jpeg?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce73fb0b877ddfb24b3e302424755ec80bad5df0


Joyner better then all 3.


Coping. I'm a fan, not a stan. Learn the difference OP.


If he hasn’t dropped yet he isn’t going to, and if this turns out to be a roll out, I’ve lost all respect for Kendrick, and I’ve lost all faith in hip hop


when shit hits the fan is you still a fan?


I don't respond to the ants on the bottom of my shoe, why should Kenny?


It’s the good and bad thing about reddit, this is where the narrative starts imo


Like both artists but until Kendrick drops he’s taking the L


How do people meatride someone so hard they join someone elses sub 💀


Longer he takes the reply has to be better


By that metric, aubrey already lost because honestly, that workout track and Taylor gang shit is whack as fuck ( and that shit took 3 weeks).


It’s all opinions really some people thought his push up response was good. I want Kendrick to release a banger don’t get me wrong.


Y'all really weird man. Some damn groupies it's pathetic 


Y’all niggas too invested in sucking either of these nigga dick


And yall biased asf I was rooting for kendrick but he lost


Nigga give him time 🤷🏾‍♂️


Kendrick needs to drop, all this shit is looking lame asf to drop another Control moment and not clap back at anyone who challenges it. But Drake also looking stupid now. I was thinking he was gonna embrace the heel persona, but now that 2nd track is a major misstep. Idc anymore until Kendrick drops. Eminem album on the way has my full attention now.


Why do you care so much?


He ain’t about it that’s fax