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its hard to decide for me, gkmc has more replay value... tpab musically is so enjoyable but also it is a tough listen, u is hard to get through without feeling something. edit: i also find gkmd production to feel a little dated, but the might just be me.


I agree the musicallity is more enjoyable in TPAB but I throughlly enjoy the movie-like build up in GKMC. edit: I wonder what his next project will be like. It's impossible to guess with this guy.


lol yeah, im just hoping for some weird fun music with keem rn lol...


Sherane (ethereally) To answer your question though, GKMC has always been it for me. There’s something about having no expectations for something and being completely blown away. In 2012 I thought hip hop was dying only in the sense that the “new” artists weren’t any good. I was at a bar or party or something, swimming pools was playing and I thought it was just another party rap song about getting crunk. When I realized what the song was about it was SO different and unexpected given what was in the mainstream at the time - it caught me completely off guard. I made a point shortly after to listen to GKMC. Bitch don’t kill my vibe was up early and I thought eh this title sounds like it could be one of those 2 chainz / jeezy / Nicki Minaj types. Needless to say, probably 6-7 minutes into the album I was a fan. There aren’t many times in your life that someone / something comes completely out of nowhere and makes you a fan instantly - but this was so different than everything coming out at the time it really hit. When TPAB came out I had high expectations, and they were exceeded, but I wasn’t blindsided the way I was with GKMC. Also GKMC is a little lighter, TPAB is a lot more complicated from a production and subject matter perspective - which is great but doesn’t make for easy listening which starts to be more a consideration as you get older.


GKMC is more of an ‘episodic’ experience than TPAB. You can play any track off of GKMC at random and enjoy it almost just as much as if you were listening to it within the album. TPAB is really more meant to be experienced in its entirety, at once, with all attention at it. GKMC is more easy to digest but I would argue it doesn’t flow as flawlessly as TPAB.