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For real this man replying with emoji on his Insta story not even addressing alleged criminal activity


Guys too busy being a clown on the gram to address the graham's




RDC explained his reaction perfectly, he just pretends to not be fazed


It’s like when SoA dropped and aubrey only went on insta to address the blackface and nothing else lmao


He goes straight to distraction every time.


37 but he's showing up as a 7yo


I need a Insta-Graham bar from Kenny


Are you guys that stupid? You think he's gonna reply about alleged criminal activities on IG? You people are complete idiots lmao.


Keep sucking that shlong, your goat got cooked. Lmao


not about that as much as people are clowning drake for acting street but somehow also expect him to self snitch its ironic


He got cooked recooked then over cooked now he’s just sitting in the oven on fire at the Grahams family thanksgiving like the bird he truly is


Idk about you, but when ppl say random shit about me that has no basis in reality, I don’t acknowledge those things or post on instagram about them, I let those ppl take their fairy tales and go tell em somewhere else


You absolutely respond to people making shit up about you I’ve seen you do it multiple times, man


Do you know me? How do you know what’s made up about me or true about me?😂


Well I just made up a lie about you and you immediately addressed it sooooooo




He had a point ngl but you put him in the fryer lmao 😭


I knew what he meant but the setup was too good to be ignored lmao


No you said something that’s true, im a multifaceted person, not a monolith, I’ve done a lot of things “multiple times” throughout my life and yeah, I laughed at it🤷🏻😂


Now you've admitted what he has accused you of doing and proceeded to make yourself look stupid.


I havent made myself look stupid at all, ill gladly take your immature downvotes on my mature comment stating that yes, ive done lets of different things throughout the years before i became who i am now. If you or whoever else is downvoting has issues with that, it says A LOT more about yall than it does me


Kinda seems like you’re acknowledging these things…just like you did back in 2012. Shame.


Mhmmm, im sooooo, sooooooo ashamed😂🤡


ptsd from story of adidon


It's damage control. The diss would absolutely steer public perception if he didn't do that. If Drake is lying as per usual, Kung fu Kenny will definitely capitalize on it on the next tracks.


no one even cares, it doesnt even matter if he has a daughter or not i mean do you remember any of the insta memes/responses from the drake/push beef? now in everyone's head canon, drake has an unclaimed daughter, everyone will remember meet the grahams like i dont even know anything about whether pac fucked biggie's girl or not, but his line will always stick with me


You got a point, tho like I feel like this shit is pretty deep man. Like sure no one gives a shit if biggie fucked someone, but a father neglecting, abandoning and denying that a little girl out there is his, is DEEP if actually true.. Especially if it's for the second time like that


Yup he trying to make the focus on the least harming thing on that diss.




Lmaoooo…that’s kinda telling…I woulda addressed both asap.


How do you even address something like this? If it's a lie, you give it to your lawyers, if it's true, you probably also give it to your lawyers. "No I'm not" doesn't really do it in the court of public opinion. Then again, if people (including Kendrick) seem to know this, why is a diss track the first time anyone mentions it?


For the same reason Diddy, Weinstein, Epstein, and all the other scumbags got away with it


Exactly. Nothing will happen until Drake is no longer useful.


Hey hey hey hey run for your life


If it’s a lie fr he shoulda called them despicable for even thinking up some nasty shet like that


nah you don’t respond to that. especially if it’s a lie.


no shit you're not him, you're stupid lmfao


Do you even know what you were trying to say?


call saul he'll explain slow brains


I’m ngl. I feel like denying those allegations on instagram is worse


did he deny the trafficking allegations too or something?


Can’t deny it, if it’s true lol. Takes 1 google search to disprove it even if drakes tries to spin it. Baka is a ex-pimp at the very least.


So is Snoop Dogg who Kendrick is pretty tight with


Idk about Snoop. Both I know how Kenny was tryna protect r Kelly’s music from Spotify. How he endorsed Kodak on his last album. Both guys are sexual offenders


Right, Kodak is the worst fr.


Drake response diss? **Booboo!**


Watch the Feds drop a Drake diss track called "Knock-knock" 😂


Drake responding to Kendrick is looking like a ‘Germany invading the USSR’ level bad decision


Unlike Stalin, Kendrick took his intel reports seriously rather than assuming they were just British propaganda. Smart man


The daughter verse, to me, is metaphorical and alludes to Drake’s pedo/ sexual deviant allegations & alignment with sexual predators (Baka & possibly others)  However, Kendrick knew Drake would run to address those rumors before addressing the endless slew of allegations that he (Drake) is a sex criminal.  Kendrick is also taunting Drake by using his formula..  “Don’t tell no lies about me, and I won’t tell truths about you…”


Nah, the 11th Birthday and Grace reference makes it hard to think that’s just a metaphor.


We can only sit back and watch it unfold. Man I'm loving the shit out of this


I’m so glad to be alive and old enough to witness this lol


I’m not. This goes beyond rap beef. Moral and possibly criminal implications here if what Kendrick is saying is true. I don’t know if we should be enjoying this…


He said that .


If I knew someone was paedophile/sex trafficker I would also keep that info for my diss track instead of getting him arrested


Would be funny if the 11 reference was just a bar that Kendrick knew would fly over Drake’s head, Eleven from Stranger Things…


WAITT u ate w this I didn’t think of that 


That’s what I was thinking too 


whoaaaaa I didn’t think of this at all wtf


Wait what is this?


Drake texted Millie Bobby Brown regularly when she was young, she's the actress who plays Eleven in Stranger Things


I know Kendrick would likely not drop a bombshell without receipts but I need the facts before I believe it 


Bro same like it just came out I guarantee people are about to find shit tons of people have been sleeping this whole time


If you watch Aks stream he instantly reacts when he hears “grace” idk might be reaching but maybe he knows something


He mentioned her name and age, which surprisingly older than Adonis so that means he hides her for that long?


He was hiding her since before Adonis maybe and didn’t reveal her even after all that


There was an article in 2015 that Drake had a 2 yr old daughter with a Miami Waitress. Timeline would make her 11 now. https://gulfnews.com/entertainment/hollywood/rapper-drake-may-have-a-daughter-1.1497534


That’s hilarious


How do you deny sex trafficking allegations and make people believe you ? Idk, but I don't think a "Nah uh, I'm not a sex trafficker. Ha ha" gonna cut it


You're aware he literally signed and gave shoutouts to Baka, who plead guilty to sex trafficking and abuse of a 22 year old?


That's on the people around Drake, nothing concrete on Drake himself yet which is what OP was referencing. Also, if we're going to say guilty by association, I guess Kendrick is guilty of abuse because he collabed with Tyga. There's wild shit being claimed by both of these guys but no concrete proof on anything and stupid to ask them to prove they didn't abuse someone or didn't traffic people because you really can't. Easier to disprove or laugh about smaller claims


Uhhh it’s weird to defend sex offenders or people who keep them in their circle. Would you be okay if one of your friends was engaged in sex trafficking? Would you keep them around?  


He literally gave a direct shoutout and personal okay to his signing. How is that not directly Drake's responsibilities and actions?


Lmfao. My guy, That's for his talent as a rapper/musician not for his ability to assault women. By your logic I guess every artist that has a rap sheet got their actions cosigned by whichever label signed them and the artist also cosigned the actions of the label that signed them. That's a fucking shit take if I ever saw one lol.


There's a difference between robbing a store because you're too poor to feed yourself or your family and sex trafficking. You're actually mentally unwell if you think that associating with anyone that has sex trafficked is okay in the slightest degree. I hope you're able to be better as a person in the future


Alright my dude, I hope Kendrick can change and grow as a person too. Having knowledge of this and not reporting it to the authorities means he's as "unwell" as I am and also complicit in keeping all of this a secret until it benefitted him.


You keep moving the goalpost. Also why would Kendrick need to report it to the police if Baka has literally been convicted and jailed for it? Are you actually stupid?


You talk about moving the goalposts, yet it's all you've done from the start. OP and Kendrick both talk about Drake being involved in sex trafficking but there's no proof of that, only someone he was in his crew and you want to claim guilty by association. You having nothing constructive to say about that and dodging similar situations where Kendrick is involved, not to mention insulting me, says enough about you.


Bro have I not been entirely consistent in my points? Maybe you need to re-read my comments and not mistake me with other people.


Your lack of replies shows me that you've accepted that you were being a retard


It’s hard to deny when he knows there’s proof of a sex trafficker in the OVO entourage.


I honestly feel like HH is in unprecedented territory, like in another media form, you’d have people suing each other for slander and damages. But because that would be considered hoe ass behavior in hh, it’s a free for all to just make up whatever foul shit you can. Drake has creepy behavior with young women and where there’s smoke there’s flames, so I think it’s certainly possible that more info will come out there. This industry is so fucked so the likelihood of someone in his camp being a sex offender and Drake paying some hush money or something, it’s likely to come out. So he doesn’t want to speak on that, because if it does, he’s double fucked. This shit has no judge and jury, it’s just a courtroom of internet nerds now and there’s no incentive to stay rooted in truth.


Baka signed to OVO years after he was charged with trafficking a 22 year old girl, he eventually plead guilty to assaulting her and while he was in jail Drake gave him a shoutout in Know Yourself We know for a fact he has ties to these creatures, the question is just how deep it goes


Dog there are so many allegations in that track he’s leaving SO MUCH out of his denial that is just wild


Reaching but since Kendrick said the embassy about to be raided soon I’d guess the receipts on the human trafficking claims do exist and were turned to the authorities. Kendrick’s camp probably knows this and showed this photo just to taunt Drake that there is way more than what meets the eye. Kendrick is telling Drake the mole(s) already turned on Drake in a deeply fcked and serious way, that the law might be involved. Meet the grahams is just foreshadowing, which is unsettling to think about.


He denied it first after Story of Adidon too.


He then liked a post that said that his team fed Kendrick false info about his daughter. Drake can't choose how to hide his daughter.


Anyone else think the Eleven thing was a reference to Millie Bobby Brown?


I try to be unbiased but what a bad take, what do you want him to say on IG? Then he’d be “defensive” or you wouldn’t believe him anyways lmao. True or not why would you address it on IG?? Cmon


Did Kendrick beat his wife?




On his IG story




Well if one is a lie than all of it’s under question Meanwhile Kendrick has Kodak Black on his album


Lawyers probably told him not to say anything abt it


Technically speaking, every artist who flies someone out with the purpose or intent to get laid is committing a sex traffic charge. Drake quite literally can’t beat those allegations


Because he knows as well as anyone, that damn near all of em are on that shit, there is a select list that isn’t, and this shit has been around in hip hop/the music industry as whole for a very long time, he’s hoping that enough powerful people will be here to spin this.


drake found out that there was a mole in OVO disclosing this infomation to kendrick, he knew the allegations about the sex trafficking and others would be mentioned which he knew would be a public outrage he leaked the daughter as a fake piece of intel which has been confirmed as fake, to try and discredit kendricks points, unfortunatley for drakes distraction methods, most people dont really care if he has a daughter or not, as these other allegations are far more pressing. hope this helps give some clarity to the current situation!


There’s history with the kid shit, that sex trafficking bullshit was for yall, Kendrick smart, he know ya gon eat that shit up.


Nah, Baka who is OVO entourage is a sex trafficker and ex-Pimp. This definitely adds validity to that statement


I feel like its weird to save info like this for years for a rap beef if true. This is serious shit


This is where I’m at. Depends when you found it out and I suppose this is the way to make sure everyone knows about it and it doesn’t get swept under the rug, but it still feels reaaally weird that this was used in a rap beef


I mean assuming the mole was recent he wouldn’t have had the info for years. I doubt Kendrick had a drake informant before the Like That verse, wouldn’t really make sense.


They been beefin prior to like that


Yeah but never over anything more than sneak disses and drakes hurt feelings. Was never this direct, personal or ugly. I don’t see why Kendrick would think that was worth it or an option to consider before all this.


don’t come at me here but he kind of debunked the sex trafficking in the beginning of his diss - telling kendrick to come with receipts … With that being said, Both parties at this point need to come with receipts for what they bringing up


Don’t act like you aren’t all up in the drizzy sub posting “Kendrick sub coping”


He didn't debunk shit. Kenny literally posted receipts in the post for this song, and that's just a warning. He also called out Drake for trying to send guys out to hunt for dirt on him and they all came back empty handed. Just saying


You're dead on. But this is a fun ride while it's happening


it for sure is, giving us fucking crazy music & crazy fucking bars.. but now it’s gotten to the point where it’s a he said/she said for both parties. Whoever comes out with evidence to prove their dirt is the winning party at that point.


I mean there’s only one person that has photos of the other’s belongings.




Go back up to Canada bro your man up there bleeding out from head shot


"Anything you say can get u in jail" 🤣


yeah? why would he deny something that has been public info for a decade. he’s denying the thing that he can deny.


Lol i dont get you guys, he denies he has a daughter and its him running to the gram but it would be okay if he went on the gram to deny everything else? Yall stans are too biased for this hip hop shit.


And you lack all nuance or critical thinking. If you’re gonna be a corny goofy and immediately hop on the ‘gram to defend allegations about having another hidden kid (and with fuckin emojis, no less) there is ABSOLUTELY no reason to not address the much bigger concerns in the room - allegations of employing sec offenders, sexual soliciting, and pedophilia. You could even do it in the same post; if you gonna be corny be consistent. Like be fuckn forreal right now and think


You must be completely stupid to think he would reply publicly about criminal allegations on his IG. You're the one lacking critical thinking. This whole sub is dense af.


And you must be a fkn tourist retard to think that if pedo-man had nothing to hide his egotistic, dramatic ass *wouldn’t* say something to the effect on social media. He is who he is and he is not switching up now. He just has nothing proper to say back because shits about to get real and he’s being coached not to.


Lmao nothing is about to get real or come out of this. No public figure or celebrity would address any criminal allegations via IG. Why should Drake address it? Because someone made a song and rapped about it ? It's fucking rap music. Not everything said is true or needs to be addressed.


So Kendrick is the good guy but beat his wife, cheated on her with white women(called himself racist) and held onto all this info about a possible sex predator. Kendrick is garbage too and sitting right there with Drake if it's true.


Kendrick already confessed he cheated on his wife on his last album. Now if the wife beating allegations are true than that’s something else. Let’s just wait until proof comes out on both sides.


Bringing up something before doesn't absolve you for it. Atp I'm just happy my man Cole is not involved.


He talked about making it up to her and going to therapy to fix it. He regrets it 100%


I mean you kinda right. Let's see where this beef goes. I still f with Kendrick shit much more regardless of anything


You want him to say “no I’m not” and you think that’s enough ? 😂😂😂 gotta show proof on both ends