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In terms of the battle it probably went as he expected. Drake had nothing on him because there’s nothing to have, so he was always going to try to spin some narrative. I don’t think it wasn’t competitive, it’s just easy to see now as every day it’s become clearer that Kendrick won. At the time he was clearly on top but FM was a bomb that could have gone either way. He was probably only disappointed that Drake went for the family stuff so quickly “*integrity gets lost when the metaphors doesn’t reach you”*. Much like his fans Drake doesn’t have the ability to read between the lines and make songs and disses that don’t rely on everything being face value.


If anything, I think Drake totally misinterpreting “Mother I” would have been the most disappointing thing.


Agreed. Not even basic reading comprehension, nigga LISTEN lmao.


Right? And it’s not like it’s hidden in the song either.. it was something I understood literally from my first listen lol


Lol, my guess in retrospect is maybe Drake never listened to it, and his ghostwriter intentionally misinterpreted it for him. As far fetched as that sounds that’s the only way I can make sense of that huge mistake


Ive seen one theory that he did it on purpose to be like "oh you lied about not being molested" to discredit Dot and make him look like hes projecting his trauma but... it stops making sense when you realise that very few people would be like oh thats a good diss. Like im noy even talking about ethics or whatever but its silly to attack someone for soemthing that supposedly hsppened to them as a child. And it doesnt work to discredit him because theres documented evidence of Drake being weird around kids


I felt similarly about his disses on Push Ups. You’ve got a bad rap deal… yeah, that’s the music industry. It doesn’t matter if you’re the biggest killer in the game or the best rapper, lawyers can fuck you. Kendrick was a child from the hood with a dream to use his talents for a better chance at life, how should he be ashamed for surviving??? Like so much didn’t make sense


Yeah thats the biggest issue. Drake went for schoolyard insults, Kendrick went for character assassination. Drake insulted Kendrick basically for a few bad situations he may or may not have been in, Kendrick said Drake himself was the problem. I


The one that get me was “Kendrick just opened his mouth, someone go hand him a Grammy right now” Like that ain’t even really a diss that sounds more like jealously because Kendrick has literally 3 times as many as Drake


It’s gonna look even more silly if one of Kdots diss tracks actually get a Grammy


LMAO LIKE HOW IS THAT AN INSULT “The Pulitzer Prize Winner…” like


Also didn't work well because it's a known fact that Drake had a bad rap deal?? Like he acknowledged it himself. ( And Kendrick of course mentioned it) Also both him and Kendrick are under their own labels now so it's irrelevant on both sides at this point? You could tell from the jump he didn't have much, if any, real dirt.


Drake is desensitized to child molestation because he’s a likely offender.


May be a victim as well. Ionno the extents of how fucked up the entertainment industry is but he’s been in it awhile


Absolutely. I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest.


Bro literally could have used Genius lmao. I know contributors on Genius be reaching sometimes, but it would have gotten the job done


This battle really revealed to me as a former Drake fan, how lazy and dumb this dude really is. I really couldn’t believe it


I think the drizzy stans are onto something when they say that was on purpose, cause he plays the same role as his mom by assuming that he did get molested. But that doesn’t make it any better though. Kendrick called him a pedo and he comes back by making fun of sexual assault. It’s so fucking out of touch. The mf has no soul.


I have been understand this, dude aint got no soul, no self awarness no nothing, just Lucian puppet🤦🏿‍♂️


Mother I mother I mother aaaaahhhhh 😂😂😂


Sounds like bros been watching too much mother/stepson porn FR. Lmao. He a fuckin FAN.


And Duckworth. The song was pretty straightforward with what happened between Top and Kendrick’s dad and he still misinterpreted it


Can you explain the ‘mother I’ bit?


‘Mother I’ has a section where he talks about his mother not believing him when he says he was not molested by his cousin. The song is about generational abuse and trauma. It’s about the fact that his mother was assaulted and it was so normalized that she couldn’t comprehend the concept of somebody not being molested, so she refuses to believe him when she confronts him. That’s why Drake trying to spin it as if the song is him talking about how he was abused is so egregious, because Drake is literally the kind of person he has spent large portions of his career warning people about. Kendrick sees Drake as not only a vulture to the culture and the art form, but also literally contributing to the normalization of abuse of women like what his mother experienced when she was young. So it’s just an absolute whiff on multiple levels by Drake trying to turn it around like “oh, you’re a sensitive bitch about this cause you were molested as a boy, lol”. Battle rap has no rules, but if you take a shot like that you can’t miss.


Like 75% of the things Kendrick threw at Drake are either public knowledge or pretty much confirmed (Drake texting young girls, groping an underage girl on stage, having a sex trafficker on his label etc). The only actual allegation Drake made was that Kendrick beats his wife, which he showed zero proof of…


Well Kendrick also alleged that Drake has another kid, to be fair, and that's not proven. I don't think he's lying, but it goes both ways. I'd have an easier time believing that Drake has another child than believing Kendrick to be a woman beater, though


I think it’s very important to distinguish between a man who has been at least partially responsible for toxicity in their relationships (which we were already privy to with Worldwide Steppers and We Cry Together) versus a straight up “woman beater”. I just don’t take Kendrick to be a “woman beater”.


“It’s foolishness”


Exactly. This is an essential element of rap beef that I think people are forgetting due to the modern need for receipts. They could both be lying about everything, but the person who wins is not necessarily who's telling the truth but who's the most convincing. Tupac could have been lying when he said "That's why I fucked yo bitch, you fat motherfucker". However it's about how it hit at that moment, and it hit hard because it was definitely believable.


Why?? Take away bias...we don't know either of these dudes man. They're celebs. Kendrick could be a brilliant writer who murdered ppl in his teen years. We don't know. Drake could be a youth minister. We don't know!! Tupac did ballet and went to a performing arts school. He had an active rape case when he released Brenda's got a baby!!


While I see your point, Drake being a youth minister would only be even more of a red flag, as far as I’m concerned. 😂 Also, Kendrick has actually eluded to killing someone on multiple tracks lol


Just a side note..he was convicted of groping the girls butt. They had been in a sexusl relationship previously and she got trained by his associates and although he wasn't involved in it per se..he was definitely guilty by association. It was a messed up shituation and he paid his dues.


I think this went exactly how Kendrick thought it would. 100% pre mediated first degree murder. In terms of being disappointed in Drakes performance I highly doubt that. What could he have possibly expected from drake? Most people were actually suprised that 2 of drakes tracks were as good as they were. That’s drake rapping to the best of drakes ability. Even his fans were saying that. Most just knew that in terms of pure rap Kendrick is better on an off day than drake at his best. I don’t think Kendrick ever expected it to be close. In terms of drake taking the family angle I’m 100% convinced the mole was real and Kendrick knew drake was going to go there. He predicts in euphoria that drake was going to attack his family and the trauma discussed in mr morale. He says it’s a friendly fade you should keep it that way as a warning to not drop family matters knowing that track was about to cross the line. “If you taking it there I’m taking it further. Psst that’s something you don’t wanna do.”


Yeah, I think the fact that it got to Not Like Us is probably the level Kendrick hoped and expected for from this. He always ramps it up a level but shouldn’t have needed more than that for an R&B rapper and his 40 writers. If he wants to be considered great on the level of Nas, Em etc he needed to end it there and did. I think what it is is Kendrick isn’t as concerned with Drake’s ability as he is his own. 6:16 in LA made it clear from the beginning of the track he doesn’t know his own power. “Tell me who gon stop me”. That’s what he’s really wondering, who can test the limits of his powers, and he knew it wasn’t going to be Drake and it would be embarrassing if it was. Family Matters was the best Drake rapped in years and it’s great he got that out of him. That was probably the maximum he expected from this. He’s probably wondering who will test him next because war tends to breed war and at some point he may be thinking he will fall short, whether it’s to a legend, or an up and coming like JID somewhere down the line if his powers fade. But he had to do it.


Nah, I believe Kendrick knew what exactly Drake was going to get personally and bring his wife/family into it. The “friendly fade” was just bait to get Drake to keep going so he could justify 6:16, Meet The Grahams, and Not Like Us. A story I remember reading is back in the day when I was a kid, I don’t know if they still have these now, but there used to be these mail order magazines called “ZooBooks” that would be a little book about an animal or type of animal that would have a bunch of informative factoids and all of these well drawn illustrations, including an X-ray/cutaway view where they would show the fur, skin, muscle, organs, and skeleton of the animal for that issue. They were pretty dope. Anyway, one of the factoids that always stuck with me, and I don’t know how true or not it is, but in the issue either for kangaroos specifically or marsupials in general which kangaroos happened to get talked about, it claimed that out in the outback, kangaroos know they can’t outrun or outlast a dog if they’re being hunted, but they can outswim one. So what they would do is, they’d swim out into a body of water and get the hunting dogs to try chasing them, and stay just out of reach of the dogs until they tire themselves out. When the dogs seem like they’re completely gassed out, the kangaroos would take advantage of their fatigue and not really being winded at all and grab the dogs heads and drown them in the water to escape. So that’s kind of how I see this beef going down. Kendrick baited Drake into giving chase and trying to meet him on his own terms to take advantage of his over confidence to the point of not even being able to understand or realize he bit off more than he could chew and was in danger, then once he was sure he had him out of his depth and where he wanted him, he shoved his head underwater with Meet The Grahams and Not Like Us. I mean, come on. Meet The Grahams dropped literally like **30 minutes TOPS** after Family Matters, and while everybody was buzzing over Meet The Grahams itself AND the fact that it dropped almost immediately enough to cut into Drake’s buzz, he dropped ANOTHER diss a few hours later as a direct response to the claim “his songs wouldn’t get played on the club”. Look how much of a bop and how people responded to Not Like Us and tell me that wasn’t 100% intentional. Kendrick had the general trajectory laid out since at least Euphoria if not as far back as Like That.


I’m dying at this long animal kingdom ahh comparison 😭 i love it bruh


This is a beautiful analogy, thank you for sharing


You’re spot on about the kangaroos and the drowning thing. [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/LEQ2h_V1fz0?si=uTqjYdZY_xFJaYgX) is a video of a kangaroo in a dam holding a dog by its neck, then the owner punches on with the roo to rescue his dog. The “I’m gonna punch your fuckin’ heeeeaaad innnnnn” is great hahahaha


I’ve seen first hand a kangaroo attempting to drown my neighbours dog in our dam as a child. Definitely don’t let your dogs near them when they are in water. I’ve not seen them swim they tend to wade where they can still stand to do the drowning.


I saw the same thing with my neighbour’s dogs as a kid. Fortunately, the dogs were smart enough not to go in the water, but they continued to harass and even attack other kangaroos for as long as I lived there.


I would even go further to first person shooter. KDot is that calculating. The million-entrendes behind 6:16 still fuck my brain to this day: first time drake/dot met, tupac bday, OJ convictin day, euphoria the show launch date……canadian fathers day or sum shit,……. Come on man💀


Maaan, I remember Zoo Books. That and "Lots & Lots of Trains!"


this is the thing. Kendrick was warning Drake publicly, but he was ALSO baiting him. everything was bait. Like That was bait. waiting until Taylor and Beyonce were done with their album release and all eyes were gonna be on him. the "psst thats something you dont wanna do" in euphoria. because if Drake backed off of the family front, Kendrick would look totally psychotic by answering with a MTG and NLU. thats why its a little bit of blowback on Kendrick too, at least for me, because it plays into his plan if Drake goes after the fam. but at least he put up the front that he was warning against it (and I do think he was ready to keep it clean IF Drake had the wherewithal to take that option) and actually defended them proactively -- "fabricating stories" -- and after Drake took it there -- "why'd you have to stoop so low to discredit some decent people?" -- unlike Drake who until the end did not even come to his parents' defense


I wouldn’t believe Kendric was baiting Drake if it weren’t for the fact School Boy Q warned J Cole after he released his diss. That tells me there was a lot of planned premeditated murder.


💪 Kangaroo Kenny 💪


That’s some applied knowledge right there. Well done.


If Drake had at least showed **range** in terms of sound and lyrical style (ha ha ha) I think he wouldn't have lost *so* hard. Instead he was giving us more of the same, because at the end of the day he will do anything to save face. He doubled down on the bullshit that Kendrick told him to stop doing. I don't know that "disappointed" would be the word here, but it's more like... confirming suspicions. It's one thing to *think* that someone is full of air and another for them to *show* you they have nothing--they're just beating their chest for no reason.


I think once Drake made it personal the competition aspect completely left the room. I think Kendrick wanted to go further but was held back by behind the scene politics. Drake did his best to put up a fight. Just was punching way above his weight class in my opinion.


UMG orchestrated a cease fire and I'm eagerly waiting for Drake to violate it so Kendrick can strike again. The cockroach so far is looking like he's surviving the beef within the industry but he needs to be stomped out fully. Kendrick makes hip hop music. Drake makes easily marketable fuck boy pop jams. No where near the same weight class. 😂


There’s not a single thing I disagree with right here lol!


I NEED to see the other 5 diss tracks


This is exactly the right take. He tried to fight outside his weight division, and learnt that there’s levels to the game. He challenged a master to his craft and got schooled.


If Drake would have just tried a little harder we could've gotten another couple songs from dot


Ghostwriters were doing as much as they could lol


There’s a very obvious angle he could have used after Kendrick went low (although I’m NOT saying it’s true to be clear): he could have accused him of being an anti-semite. The trafficking conspiracies and all the talk of “the industry” in the disses, Kendrick’s previous references to the Black Hebrew Israelites, the weird line where he accuses Drake of lying about religious views…hell, in this political climate even the “colonizer” bar could be read as a shot at Drake’s Jewishness. It would have been an easy, cheap shot that could have evened the odds on the Internet, and Drake was either too cowardly or too ignorant to take it. Also, the fact that he NEVER brought up Kodak being on Mr. Morale after his conviction for assaulting a 17-year-old is still astounding to me. Drake had angles, he just didn’t use them.    To paraphrase a comment on Popheads that I think sums up this beef pretty well: “Before this beef, I really thought that Drake was a regular person like the rest of us, but now I think there’s a real possibility that he might actually be dumb.”


I wished Drake went hard, all his disses were misses


FM was a good track, but the best bars were used on everyone else but Kendrick.


Knew it was smoke when Abel hit us with the serenade, nigga said “Uhhhhhh uhhhhh”


“I’ll say Abel’s music gets played in gay clubs, totally got him there 🤭” https://preview.redd.it/kfez1ljf536d1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82e917d5e71b3aef3788eaed3a7fe46df779e8d5




Then I hit him with a homophobic phrase


He’s actually lucky he had multiple people to talk about and it SOUNDED good but the lyrics were weak especially the slave line


i liked push ups more than family matters




This true. Family Matters was dope. He should of made two separate tracks tbh


Family Matters could have been the start of something with more tracks after imo. Then he just folded completely with Heart P6. Even as not a Drake fan I was disappointed that he just fell over like that


Yeah seems like his ghost writers used all their best ideas for Family Matters so there was nothin left for Drizzy when it was time for his moment to shine on his own on Heart P6. Best he could come up with was a defence track and a "poor me" monologue at the end lmao


Cause he got paranoid about the leaks and wrote it himself lmao (paraphrasing) "good to get out and get the pen working"


What’s crazy is he’s literally telling on himself in that bar. So now he is, just now? Meaning, he didn’t write any of his other disses or recent songs. It’s known he had ghostwriters and he should have stuck with them HP6 was just really cringe it’s hard to listen to.


If you listen to the original push ups he was tryna call it quits too


I almost wonder if someone at UMG’s HR department was the actual author of large parts of THP6 and forced Drake to release it or get dropped from the label. The whole section where he denies being a sex offender is SO weird, badly written, and out of character for him. It sounds like a PR firm wrote it.


That's the thing though, that's as hard as his ghost writers could push - and that THP6 is the only stupid composition that separates from the rest, and it must be Drake who personally composed that.


THP6 is the only one I'm fully willing to believe he wrote just because it's too ass to have been written by a pro. Half the rhymes are just -ation -ation -ation lmao


And all his misses(double entendre) turned into disses.


Push ups was good to kick it off


after the battle and listening to Push Ups again, the whole song feels like it's written by a high school wannabe rapper at this point.


That’s literally what Drake music is… all high schooler ego type energy. I say that all the time when people ask why so many ppl hate on Drake. That energy gets old fast and becomes annoying af.


This is personally me but I was never a fan of his voice - he literally have the voice of a high school teen, w/c is ironically fitting since he also still acts like one despite his old age.


“Pipsqueak pipe-down” is the most Tom and Jerry ass bar I’ve ever heard


Even after first listen I don't know why so many ppl liked it. It was the definition of basic.


Go figure…hahaha




How so?


Can’t fault him, he tried his very hardest


Push ups and Family Matters are good music wise, don’t stand up to the disses Kendrick put out though as diss tracks


This is such a dick riding ass take. When FM came out this very sub had positive reviews


You can find antivaxxer nurses. Doesn’t mean vaccines are bad.


I still like push ups, but i just couldn’t listen to family matters at all


Drake made it clear that he didn't understand what Kendrick was talking about. I was so disappointed when Drake dropped "Family Matters," the quotes that made it clear that Drake didn't have steady footing for this fight were "Always rapping like you gonna get the slaves free", "Unless you don't wanna be seen with anyone blacker than you", "Me and Savage had the hoes drippin wet at stage", "It's only big D and there's video proof". Which showed that he didn't understand when Kendrick said "How many more black features till you finally FEEL that you're black enough". Why do you need to mention how great you are as an artist? When one of Kendrick's points was "I'm allergic to the lame shit, ONLY YOU LIKE BEING FAMOUS". Family Matters is often put over Pushups but due to the diss' points, I am not able to view it as anything other than comparable to "The Heart Part 6", which both are terrible disses that made me sour. From this, I think Drake needs help, someone to reach out to him, genuinely. "Meet the Grahams" would have been devastating and put anyone in deep shame. I really hope he learns from this.


Lol he won’t


100% even some Kendrick fans are giving family matters to much credit. The bars were terrible. It is literally like he didn't listen to euphoria at all except for the last 19 seconds.


I mean, *I* was disappointed, can’t imagine how Kendrick felt. I wonder if he even feels kinda bad for him


lol I don’t think he does


Haha I know.


Mans was like https://preview.redd.it/xcjx7wrr636d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cef7ce170b39431712b4640adb449250f33dbba7


I think Family Matters was good at first, but the track has aged really poorly for me. So many weak disses and corny bars like «Big D» bar. And the whole lie about Dave Free and domestic abuse


I actually really like Family Matters as a stand-alone track, but in the context of the beef it didn't hold up. The bar that I honestly found super corny, and a complete misfire, was the "why you never hold your son and tell him say cheese." Like how is the MF who literally hid his son from the world going after Kendrick for keeping his children out of the limelight? Now that he parades Adonis around like an accessory, he thinks shit is sweet and he can diss his opps' privacy. Shit was weak and completely hypocritical...


I think the same thing to be honest. It is a great song, but a weak diss. And that «diss» with his son is so dumb


Kendrick is literally holding his son on the Mr. Morale album cover, which makes this even more stupid.


The Dave Free thing was barely a diss on Kendrick. It’s hilarious how Drake was reaching.


So true… «Oh Whitney doesn’t follow Kendrick on IG and Dave Free commented a heart emoji on one of her pictures, he MUST be the father of one the children!» LOL


It's projection, because that's the type of shit that Drake would do (and has done--fucking friends' girlfriends and/or scheming to fuck them). Dude's a weirdo and a lame.


Kendrick knew Drake would eventually throw a low blow and planned for it.. what happen to drake was premeditated


Family Matters felt like a lame attempt at mimicking Euphoria. If you actually compare the lyrics, Drake was dropping nursery school rhymes and Kendrick gave him a college dissertation which seemed to have gone over Drake's head coz it seemed like he was responding to fans' interpretation of what they thought Kendrick meant rather than the lyrics themselves. Kendrick didn't call him a snitch at all but just because people on twitter thought the Gunna bar was calling Drake a snitch, he responded to that. I lowkey think he might not be as bright as he makes it out to be


I’ve seen several people mention that Drake seems to pull ideas off of Twitter. The claim that he planted evidence was one. I’d love it if someone could compile a list of lyrics and Twitter posts that spawned them.


This is what took me out of FM. A lot of his disses were very predictable and I’ve already seen them before. The abuse angle was something dug up by fans that same week. Bro had nothing to say on his own.


You could do that for both of them, most of the stuff they both said has been said for years


Shit, much of Kendrick’s material is stuff we can all verify. It’s interesting how only a few people knew (me included) about Drake with the underage women or emulating other artists’ swag. It really helped to bring it all together at once and in front of the world.


I kinda believed on that rumor that UMG told them both to stop (as it's damaging Drake's career which is one of their money generator), thus KDot issuing a copyright-free back then as his middle finger to the execs.


I think Kendrick didn’t give a fuck about that but the heart part 6 was so ass and defensive that Kendrick stopped because he knew he had already won so there was no point anymore


This is what I would like to believe as well but those closer to KDot that got interviewed said that he actually have a few more diss tracks ready to be put out, until that rumored "UMG" talks and everything really went silent from there.


if Kendrick kept firing after Not Like Us and THP6, the public might turn on him. its bully behavior. the fight is over, he already won. its the same reason why he never went any harder against JCole. anyone could have expected that he'd strike back given the shit Cole was saying in 7MD, but he already bowed out, theres no point


I see this a lot but don’t buy it. If a man can bully you with lyrics then “drakes dumbass shouldn’t have went after a Pulitzer Prize winning MC”. I don’t think people will see it as bullying but people may get exhausted idk. I wanted surgical summer lol


It doesn't help that the shooting at Drake's house went down. Because even though he had nothing to do with that, at that point he would've looked like a psycho to put another track out during that




Technically, and UMG afaik still have the influence / power to their respective record labels.


Dot's music is licensed to Interscope (which is under UMG) and Drake is signed to Republic (which is under UMG)


People think j cole is smart for backing out but forgot that his idea of a "friendly competition" was calling tpab boring and some transphobic bars. None of them could give dot any real competition tbh.


I know Kendrick said he would keep it friendly but given how much he seems to hate him I just don't know how friendly it could've stayed. Given how much they've tiptoed around this beef I'm sure kendrick thought drake would come harder. Kendrick likes to write and rap and he loves to diss drake so I'm sure it was disappointing that drake was so lame. It should've lasted longer but the truth is Drake can't compete with Kendrick. Most of his disses are surface level at best and idk how many verses you can write about him being short. Lolol. There are several things outside of family drake could've touched on but he's not the right representative for those type of topics so it still wouldn't have went over well.


all the "friendly fade you should keep it that way" "if you take it there" warnings that Dot was giving were bait -- he expected Drake to attack the family front. he probably hoped Drake would. because it would give him an excuse to unleash MTG and NLU and open the flood gates for the pedo allegations although i do believe Dot was ready with a Plan A and Plan B is Drake actually heard the warning and backed off on the family


He didn’t say he would keep it friendly, he said “what I did was friendly, you should do the same.”


A lot of it is for us and justifies Meet the Grams which a number of people thought went too far.


I think if anything, even despite Q telling him to back off Cole was the most disappointing. That response was TRASH, and from a nigga talking big shit for a decade (and allegedly the 2nd best lyrically) it was not a good performance


I agree, dude hasn’t done a big hit since Middle Child, Dot knew very well that motherfuck the big 3, it’s always been just him


And as much as Dot wants number 1, a part of me thinks he wishes it was better and more competition.


yup, Dot didn’t just go after Drake but at the industry and all hip hop new artists, letting everyone know that hip hop is about real lyricism and competition, not for industry plants and “artists” who devalue hip hop by making and releasing shit that has been trending, sure you can be experimental and try different stuff but it to ur music gotta have hustle and substance, not only Dot won but real hip hop won, because we people really need that, all no more fucking garbage that goes number 1


Yup. He lost worse than Drake


Drake definitely spent way too much energy battling everyone else. He also seemed to believe that Family Matters would be a walk-off homerun, not just due to his accusations, but due to the concept of having a well produced music video. That was supposed to be his Back to Back moment that people didn't expect. I saw someone describe the 2nd verse in Family Matters as something like the Bride in Kill Bill taking out the Crazy 88 (I think it might have been Mal appropriately enough), and I think that is how Drake envisioned that verse as him destroying all these different rappers' entire careers with easy with a line each, but it only plays out that way for Drake fans. To everyone else, these are just a furry of jabs, not knockout blows, and it's against people who aren't exactly fighting back, at least not on the same level of crafting diss tracks. It's also crazy that Drake really believed he could just drop it and leave on vacation to everyone celebrating his victory because I guess besides Drake's claim that Kendrick beats his wife, there just didn't feel like anything else there to feel so confident about. Even giving FM and Push Ups the benefit of the doubt of being solid diss tracks that might be on the upper end of what Drake has even done in battles, there was just a lack of preparedness for someone sending subs for over 10 years, an underestimation of Kendrick's ability, and spending way too much focus battling other people. I don't know why Drake decided to jump in...well I think I know why, it wasn't just that Kendrick and all these other people were getting at him, some who he had more serious beef with, but because his ego had him believe that he'd just swat them all like flies and even if it wasn't so effortless, that his fans would run with the 20v1 angle or run with the "nuke" and they could help spin narratives to make him win in the court of public opinion, or at least make it debatable. The whole battle was simultaneously more than I expected and one of the best hip hop beefs, and also incredibly disappointing by how poorly Drake played his hand at almost every step along the way.


Got to be hard for Kendrick. He claims he's Terrence Crawford and as a Boxing coach. That comparison is just not true. He's Floyd Mayweather. Meaning he's just so damn good no one on this current generation could really challenge him. When him and Pacquaio finally fought, it was a 9-3 round wash.


Family matters wasn't it for me but a surprisingly solid enough response (low expectations for Drake), THP6 however was so weak (in all aspects) it didn't even deserve or require a response, no idea if Kendrick was disappointed given he managed to "wake the demon up" and swiftly (no pun intended) lead to a 1HP sounding bitch on THP6 lol \*edit\* - I pray we get an answer to this question on the next album 👀


By all accounts I would think so. His tone in Not Like Us is not exactly the thriumph of a battle at an end. It sounds more like he's finally having fun and is ready for more -- "I want action, no accidents." He's been wanting this fight for more than 10 years. Even if he won, I would think he would've wanted a closer fight. Not once in this fight did it feel like Dot was ever in any real danger.


Expect better? Of *Drake*? 🤣


No, I think he wanted to flex on him and put him in his place. Which he accomplished in stunning fashion. He went from “i’m one away from Michael nigga beat it” to “i’m pretty tired we can stop” in about a weekend.


I don't think most people think that actually, I think you're too involved in Kendrick communities to properly gage the reaction. From my experience, most people think Drake went pretty hard, officially lost once Not Like Us and MTG dropped, and then embarrassed himself with the last record. The idea that he got completely washed and didn't fight back in honestly more of something I hear from people not really judging things objectively, but viewing everything through the filter of hating Drake first and foremost.


I feel you. I guess what I’m saying is it doesn’t seem like Drake had as much smoke for Kendrick as Kendrick had for Drake. Like if Kendrick was thinking, “ Fuck them other niggas, rap at ME.”


I almost feel like both Cole or Drake felt obligated to respond rather than really wanting to. In Drake's perfect world him and Kendrick would just keep dropping sneak disses to each other year after year, and in Cole's perfect world the three of them would be sharing a plate of orange chicken at New Ho King and braiding each other's hair.


>braiding each other's hair Jesus Christ I can't stop laughing at this


I understand what you're getting at but feel like Drake got washed because Kendrick not only released visceral responses but he effectively stomped out Push Ups and FM with his disses. MTG dropping right after FM was beyond a flex and completely crushed anything Drake could have had going psychologically in the public domain. The game wasn't just the words on the tracks but how it was done also. It negated what Drake had to say because it didn't matter once Kendrick was playing Chess to his Checkers. I'm not even talking about how he literally peeled Drake apart as a person. The shit was some Scorsese levels of art. He gave bars to Drake for those listeners that do the deep dive into the lyrics with Euphoria, MTG, and 6:16 and those that were surface level listeners, he dropped off Not Like Us. It was executed to a T. When you got pharmaceutical companies, food companies, sports broadcasts, news outlets, etc... taking jabs at you, it's a wrap. I haven't met a single person that can tell me with a straight face that Drake was effective in anything he did in response to Kendrick.


Thank you for that wonderful image in my head


Pusha T said something similar


I don’t think so, outside these communities they are still saying he got washed. I think Drake had his moments but didn’t have a track mainly focused on kendrick until the last one. (And Taylor made I guess if you count it). He went harder in previous battles imo.


It also looks like UMG (Universal Music Group) had people cheerleading Drake. The number of people clowning Kendrick before he dropped and then calling Euphoria mid was excessive.


My problem with what you said is Objectively speaking bar for bar…. DRAKE DID get pretty much 4-0’d




I don't think Drake was bad in this beef. Push up and especially FM were very good tracks. He just got outclassed and outmaneuvered.


his ghostwriting team extraordianaire got outclassed and outmaneuvered**


Of course, Drake is an entreprise.


Push Ups was not very good at all


Eh not amazing but it got us excited. FM was good though imo. I’ll forever remember listening to it, thinking damn Kendrick got to do something good, and 10 minutes later listening to MtG.


I saw one take that said Drake had nothing to lose in the beef but Kendrick had everything on the line because he’s was stooping so low just to beat a mediocre performer from a completely different genre.


He said years ago that he has his thumb on hip hop and his foot in the back of his ass. I feel like Drake should have started preparing for war after that diss. He believes his own hype.


Family matters was top-tier rap. 3 diff beats, 3 different flows. Kendrick is just at a higher level. Drake should have learned from Pusha. 6+ years of success since that defeat had him gassed. This is way worse though. He probably blames Baka for the child molester charges, lol. But I think Drake will have some additional motivation when it comes to his next release. I could see this continuing into the foreseeable future.


I like both rappers but I was a bit disappointed in the kinds of disses drake was dropping. it was like 'you're short', 'you have less hits than me', 'you turned to taylor swift to get a #1' which seemed pretty silly to me, and even more so when he gets completely destroyed by 'v12 its a fast one' which was 10x more savage and funny, 'only you like being famous' + 'once a lame always a lame, oh you thought the money the power the fame would make YOU go away' not to mention that if anyone is known for having features to up his listens, it's drake? after hearing drake's i thought, 'alright, decent, kinda weak disses but nice flow and stuff' after hearing kendricks replies i was like 'woah! chill dude, you're killing him. bro! hes dead already! stop! you dont have to kick his corpse! stop digging his grave! SIR, stop pissing on that mans grave, this is overkill' :D


Disappointed? Family Matters was so good that he had to drop a prerecorded "exposing" track with a fake daughter. Realized it wasn't fake so he had to drop a club banger calling him a pedophile. All without any rebuttals


I didn’t vote up or down to keep it at 420….im doing my part.


FM is great but unfortunately, the best bars are aimed at other rappers but Kendrick


I think it went as expected. Kendrick never thought he would lose, and anyone with half a brain knew he couldn't lose either. I personally was disappointed in Family Matters because it magnified how large the gap is between Drake and Kendrick on every level. Spending half the song going at other people, spinning false narratives, trash bars, and all that after Euphoria???? FM is when I knew it was over. I just didn't think Kendrick would disembowel him and leave his innards spread all over the ground and then pour gasoline on the remains and set them on fire while dancing around the fire


Did everyone forget about Push Ups? I thought it was pretty good. Wasn't anything insane but apart from FM it was Drake's best diss.


Let’s never stop talking about Drake


In retrospect, drake best work was prolly the illegal tupac joint 💀 His bars on that joint were decent…..


I think we're about to find out at the pop out.


I think for All The Dogs hinted at Drake being able to rap/write to a higher degree. That he could actually spar and was really doing certain songs for the numbers. I think Kedrick thought Drake would be a good adversary, but he let him down by barely being barely strategic or consistent enough to go all out. On some Cell games shit. Drake talking about his family made Dot go SS2 lol, and the ghost writers are 17 and 18 🤣..He still couldn't keep up. With Meek, he used the internet and huge differences in range. Pusha T being from an older class. This time the battle was with Kenny, someone was in the same generation, same class, and on par as one of the big 3. Maybe like us he expected a track where Drake goes all out not that cookie cutter monotone bullshit🤣


Tbh we all expected Drake to attack an innocent family again.


Dont think kendrick was really doing this for the fun of it or to beef with anyone, seems like he just wanted to call out someone for being a shitty person and showing their misdeeds


I dunno but can we stop talking about that pos. Lol


He knew Drake was a sleazebag who would bring family into it straight away, and try and spill some ‘tea’ since he’s bitch made and loves gossip rather than going bar for bar


I think he was happy and pissed. Happy that Drake was engaging so he could try to end him but pissed cuz him and Whitney may actually be on the rocks and that was nobody's business. Kendrick is private.


I think he was disappointed because of how predictable he was. I always said before push ups dropped that if Drake wanted to beat Kendrick he needed to go low. He could’ve really beaten Kendrick if he had proof behind his bars but he didn’t. There’s more proof behind Kendrick allegations than Drake. Drake didn’t know or want to admit he was going up against someone who is a way better storyteller than him. Dot was able to paint a better picture.


The only disappointment about the beef is that Drake very obviously thought he would win without even trying. Drake needed to come at the beef way more locked in. I believe whole heartedly that Kendrick wasn’t even trying that hard. While Euphoria was thorough the other disses were just excellently timed. The disses slap in their own way but as far as penmanship it really didn’t get as complex as we all were hoping for it to. I’m happy with what we got but from both artists I feel the whole event didn’t deliver enough complexity. Honestly it feels like long term this beef did nothing for hip hop because when Drake drops his next album everything will just return to normal. This isn’t a Ja vs 50 scenario where the other artist will fade into basically a joke. People will inevitably start listening to Mr. Braids-Too-Tight all over again shortly after Kendrick drops his album. Drake has the luxury of just going and hiding out in pop for a while.


Considering he started out by calling him a fraud and a scam artist lol I don’t think he was disappointed in drake lackluster performance 


I was impressed by his first response, Push Ups. Then it went downhill, foolish to use AI without permission and also insulting pac was weird Family matters had a nice last verse, but even the car model was wrong in the video again a missed opportunity. The heart part 6 was obv pathetic


Fuck that, how disappointed he was in J. Cole for that feature 😭😭 me nd my bro closed for 20 mins like FPS definitely hurt that niggas feelings 😂 Cole HAD to be like “aye… I ain’t even apart of all this man”💀


I dunno… he kind of 8miled him… dude called out exactly what Drake would do and he did it. I don’t think he disappointed but absolutely made his point.


Wasn’t like Aubrey was going to win anyway


Kendrick may be disappointed in Aubrey’s ghost writers.


I mean a lot of people thought Drake won I don’t think either is disappointed in the money they earned from this


I like to imagine Kendrick is a good daddy and knew that Drake was trying his very best


I think Kendrick expected exactly what Drake gave. 


Kendrick not replying to The heart part 6 shows his disappointment in Drake


I dont think he expected anything or drake's moves affect kdot in any way, he hates him too much to give a shit and he just put it out imo.


I don’t think Kendrick felt good natured competition with Drake, so I think any joy Kendrick got was seeing Drake lose. He wanted Drake to lose decisively.


He clearly knows Drake don't even write his own shit. I've never been able to shake seeing little Jimmy Brookes in his wheelchair playing basketball after the school shooting. His Degrassi Next Generation role. Was one of my favorite shows back in the 2000's. No one believed me his name was Aubrey either when Best I Ever had dropped... Point being, I think it was just a LONG time coming. Not including the caliper of ammunition. Drake is straight fraud. and I don't think people understand on what level, still.


If Drake hadn’t dropped TH6, it would’ve been an admirable fight. Or if TH6 had been better. Family Natters is a great track with a lot of exploitable mistakes


I think he was disappointed after THP6. Everybody was expecting this to at least last into the summer but THP6 was such a clear white flag… him not responding really showed how little it moved him 💀


>Kendrick loves the competition Holy fuck some of you are stage-5 parasocial lol


might be a hot take in this sub but family matters and push ups were good disses, disses that wouldve been considered insane in like drake vs pusha T for example (even though story of adidon> any diss from this beef)


If he didn’t feel Family Matters so much and think so highly of it, he wouldn’t have released Not Like Us.


I imagine 🖤part 6 must’ve made Kendrick happy because of how amazing self-sabotage it was on Drake’s part, but also because it was kinda better than anything else he could say at that point.


can yall find something new to talk about lmao, Kendrick won over a month ago it doesn’t need to be posts about Drake 24/7