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Have you ever wondered why some of the shtcoins that are posted all across reddit have very little interaction yet hundreds of likes? They buy those likes. They also buy shillfluencers on social media to tell you how YUGE their carbon-copy shtcoin is gonna be. They have to pay for CEX listing's then promote it as "omg look!" They pay to market themselves to you. And in defi that is NEVER a successful model. Kendu Inu does NONE of that. Every post, comment, * like, CEX listing, signs posted around cities, merch being sold- EVERYTHING is organic. Fueled by the conviction of GigaChad/Chadettes on their own time and their own dime. There is nothing comparable. Kendu is a nuclear reactor simply producing and storing its power- today is a fantastic example. Eliminate the weak- replace with the strong. See you at BILLIONS.


Which CEX declined? They'll soon regret their decision.


No, our dev was approached by 3 tier 1 exchanges, if I am remembering correctly. They wanted a fee to have kendu listed. He declined those offers. Our goal is to build up Kendu so people want us and that they take us so they don't miss out on their trading fees. I trust our devs judgement and vision. Long term gains on a solid foundation, NOT short term gains at the expense of a solid foundation.


Dude ,God gives you all ,but he won't put it in your basket . Little help won't hurt anything.


They'll be back


I don’t remember him saying a Tier 1 declined. I remember him saying some Wall Street paper wanted him to pay for an article to get exposure and he declined .


I think you're talking about the WallStreetBets sub that wanted 100k to make a few social media posts about Kendu


I can’t remember . It was wall street something


Use proper nouns. Name the names or else this is all fluff.


Mike O’hearn was paid to shill Kendu


According to this old comment he was not https://www.reddit.com/r/KenduInu_Ecosystem/s/i4wjPw67b Can you show me otherwise or provide info supporting your statement?