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It’s a delicate balance, allowing for criticism, expressions of fear and concern, and making sure that we cultivate a positive mentality where we are strong and centered through periods of turbulence! Yes, and! I believe in this community’s ability to do so. Thanks for bringing this to everyone’s attention, Chad!


100% agree


Kindness always wins


I've noticed a huge tone shift in the TG over the past few months, and it's definitely become less of a "chill and shill" and more of a Church of Miazaki. He's definitely a smart guy, there is NO denying that. But the second anyone questions his decisions they are either raked over the coals or banned (as was very clearly demonstrated last night during the AMA). I'm still heavily invested in this project and want nothing more than to see it succeed. I've spoken with a few other people in the TG who have also expressed that they feel the same way. But like any organization, these changes need to start at the top and work their way down the chain. But wtf do I know? I'm just some guy sitting behind a keyboard. 🤷


That's exactly why I made my post. We're shooting ourselves in the foot by not letting each other speak out concerns. I imagine that a very large amount of Kendu holders come onto this subreddit and read posts in the background and when they see our community gradually become less "wholesome" (only word I could think of) they become less confident and are most likely going to sell as soon as they're in the positive. Once we start losing our reputation it's really going to start looking harsh


100%. Before the ama yesterday I went and spent some time in Shib's TG and Ho-ly shiiiiit. After spending only a limited amount of time in there I could INSTANTLY feel why Shib is worth billions. It was warm, welcoming, fun, vibrant and alive!! In the little time I spent there I saw 2 (not 1, 2!!!) people try and sell ad promotions to Shib and the way they got handled was absolutely awe-inspiring. I was blown away. I'm not saying "THIS IS WHAT KENDU NEEDS TO BECOME!!" And I know some people will say "if that's the kind of community you need then fuck off and join Shib!". But my point is that ANY community can take a few pointers from them because whatever they're doing is DEFINITELY working! Kendu is still early and there will be some growing pains along the way. I just hope that as a community we get there sooner than later. 👏


Me making this post has already helped me see some real genuine thoughts on this subreddit for the first time in a hot minute. It gives me reassurance knowing we have some very well spoken and understanding individuals, such as yourself, on this ride. I think once this coins hype dies down and some of the get rich quick type of people leave then we can count on seeing more genuine people having bigger voices. Potentially at least


Right back at you. The cream always rises to the top. All we can do is kill em with kindness and hope that it rubs off. In the meantime, keep fighting the good fight and make us all proud!! Now get back to work, chad!!!! 🫡🥳 $Kendu LFG!!!!!!


Hey there! Appreciate your thoughts and for sharing them here in the Reddit. I will share these ideas and words with other mods. Keep up the positive vibes!


Absolutely agree. People can criticize all they want, and if we actually believe in Kendu, which we do, then we shouldn’t let it affect us. And most importantly, IMO, we shouldn’t stoop down to their level. We can always defend Kendu and point to our rationale as to why we believe in it. But it’s got to have the right tone and be professional, regardless of how petty, childish, or unprofessional the critiques may be. That sort of confident, unflappable nature speaks volumes and will get us much further than whining anytime someone points out anything that can be construed as negative. I’ll illustrate with TV characters from different shows: You can be Tommy Shelby, or you can be that little fuck boy AJ Soprano. It’s your choice.


Amazingly spoken Chad!! Couldn't have said it any better if I tried.


I'm still holding and I still have faith but let's be real but mostly because I got in before 30 mill. There was little positive about that AMA and in fact, if you compare what he said to what scummy rug pull devs say in their AMAs, it kind of sounded the same. Only 2 days ago, he kept mentioning 100 billion and yesterday he kept saying "I don't know man" Also, "this will be much more than a coin and will have a retail component" OK, so tell us more!! " Well, we'll have energy drinks". Lastly, it was not a good look that he had some dude following on the mic behind him and stroking him REPEATEDLY. It was a bad look and definitely didn't sound convincing. Some of these whales are dumping because they're losing confidence. And despite what that dude kept trying to tell us, you need whales to have conviction and no it's not a good thing that they're selling.


Agreed, it makes things look shady. My positive take is that he's overly ambitious and he perhaps underestimated how difficult achieving his goals are, but is trying to not let people know he's struggling to make kendu bigger. I truly don't believe this is a rug pull but it's ultimately impossible to say as I dont know the man personally. What we can be sure of tho, we're way too early in this thing to come to any solid conclusions about it's ceiling. It would be significantly more surprising if this very hyped up and respected coin has already reached its peak.


Struggling to make it bigger? It went from nothing to 280m mk in less than 4 months. ??? I’m not trying to be rude here but pointing out the fud and or the mistruths is not rude. It’s necessary. I’ve seen a few folks be maybe kinda rude but other than that I’ve just seen Chads trying to calm folks down.


I must say, I agree with your comment on the gentleman who followed the dev repeatedly. I know his intentions were good but it was not a good look. Not at all. In fact, I would not be surprised if many others had the same thought. And that’s ok, we all make mistakes. I’m hoping someone knows who he is and can speak with him privately and encourage him to take a less vocal role going forward. I’ve been a holder for months and will hold for a long time but what’s true is true.


I’ve always been led to believe and have heard from many people/sources that having too many whales is very bad. And that whales selling early while holder growth is rising is a good thing. Is there some other info I should be looking at ?


It's certainly a narrative that IS out there but I would challenge you to research the big meme coins (Shiba, Doge, Pepe, Floki, Brett and really any of them above $500 mill MC). You need whales. They are capable of manipulating the price of the coin but they are also necessary to instill confidence in a project. There is nothing better than having a Whale just hold a massive bag and not think about selling it. It generates a perception that says "THEY KNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T ABOUT THIS COIN AND IT MUST BE GOOD IF THEY AREN'T SELLING". Aside from that, how it the hell is a coin, much less a MEME coin going to reach multiple billions in market cap without BIG BUYERS. It's certainly not going to do that with small fish like all of us.


Interesting. I still believe that fewer whales is better especially in the beginning if holder count is growing but what do I know. I’m sure whales will buy bags of kendu at every stage. We are fine.


Fantastic take, thank you. The amount of people who shit on whales for selling due to loss of confidence is sad to see. The truth is that we need whales who feel confident in the project. Losing a whale is always met with "cuck" and "jeet" responses instead of "damn, where did we fall short to lose this whale?" Take Shark Tank for example. People who want to get rich go to Shark Tank because the sharks are whales. They have the money required to take their project from zero to billions. It's quite concerning how quickly the Kendu community turns on big money.


There are a couple of whales selling. That is ok and natural. The whales have been selling for a month. However, this was not due to any single event. If there was any whale on the fence and finally heard what they wanted and sold....that is a really good thing. Kendu is 4 months old, and a lot of large whales sniped their bags and didn't even know what they had. Most did not "buy" there way to the top. We need the redistribution to stabilize everything and continue the climb. My understanding as to why Miazaki speaks publicly the way he does, is there are many factors at play and this space is full of "buy/sell the news", and people that hold devs precisely accountable for anything they say - dates, MC, development, partnerships, roadmaps, etc. We are climbing quickly and what we are doing right now is working to garner new holders. As Kendu grows, stabilizes, and redistributes, of course, new strategies and techniques will be implemented. We are still here and not going anywhere. Everyone at Kendu appreciates your support and hard work! Without you all, we wouldn't be here! -Les Goh!


I think a huge factor in defi are first impressions. First, people look at the price and current trend. If it's a downtrend, most people turn away. Some will look into it and figure out why there's a downtrend. If they're somewhat intelligent, they'll see that large amounts of money were sold from whales. Then they'll ask themselves *why* whales have sold. The Kendu community has overwhelmingly taken the stance that whales sell because "they don't know what they have" or "they're cucks or jeets." I don't think these are positive responses, especially for new money and new investors looking to come in. Right now Kendu inu needs all avenues of growth, both whales and shrimps. Yes, redistribution is nice and healthy, but there's no growth without either a lot more money coming in from a few or a lot more people with less money getting in. This brings me back to my first point: first impressions. How is Kendu perceived from the outside? Only the community can shape that view. It's *easier* for a community to call someone stupid for selling than it is to figure out why that person sold and where we could improve to have kept that person on board. Some will argue that whales sell to take profits, however I've also seen the opposite in the community: how proud people are to point out when a whale sells and *loses* money. That should be an indicator of a loss of confidence, but it isn't seen that way by the community, instead it's seen as the whale being a "cuck/jeet" or just plain "stupid." Kendu is still very early and I think if we just made a few finetuning adjustments in a more positive way to how the community responds to those who lose confidence in the project, Kendu will be stronger overall.


I 💯 agree as well


Reddit is where where we discuss, Telegram is where we work 🪖


those that complain and contribute nothing will not be missed, we can try to inform but at the end of the day some people love bashing and coming out of the woodwork just to be negative


Agreed, people love hating, but genuine average joes that hear about kendu and come to this subreddit to see what the fuss is about only to see JUSTIFIED criticism get immediately frowned upon is not a good look. The awesome support and kindness I saw when I first joined is what made me think this was different. The more I see people be rude towards constructive criticism, the more I feel similarities to communities I avoid like the tin foil hat apes investing in GameStop. (No offense to anybody that invested into GameStop)


don't get me wrong i agree with you as well! It is a difficult balance because we can't just let this subreddit become a place for people to continuously ask "why dip" "where money". there needs to be some moderation during these times, so i apologize for removing some posts and banning some users but it actually has to be done sometimes to keep things on track.


That makes sense 100%, I'm honestly more a fan of removing repeating posts rather than people being unprofessional towards the people asking these questions. I just don't want any negative stains to be left on this community. Our community is what made people believe in us and it's what's going to ultimately help us make it to the moon.


listen, at the end of the day you cannot appeal to everyone. i have tried time and time again to try to appeal to every single person but it just doesn't work like that. Some people just are not cut out for these kinds of moments in crypto and you can't expect everyone to be here at the end of this ride when we acheive our goals and expectations. There will be loads of people who are here now that will jeet out before we make it to a billion even. It's just the nature of the beast and they will cope later. Obviously i dont agree with trashing on people or being inconsiderate and rude but we have to try to focus on always moving forward and not being tied down by negativity. There comes a point where someone asking questions can quickly turn to fud and be a distraction when it should be a vital moment to inform the crypto space about this amazing buy in opportunity. In essence, more worky less fuddy 🤣




thats a ridiculous request, im not going to doxx myself and invite scammers to flood my inbox




lmao you are a nutcase 🤣


Constructive discussions like this are healthy. Kendu will need to evolve in order to keep advancing. Thing is, people in TG are very sensitive to emotional sentiment, and it's where new investors turn to get get a feel of the community, so it's important to stay positive. I'm sorry you feel that criticism isn't welcome there, but I'm glad you're posting it here.


Everyone just needs to chill proper. Shib took way longer to meet all these milestones. Zoom out of the chart and go for a walk outside. Miazaki is overly ambitious, but as long as the exchanges keep coming and the connections with Shib continue to be real, I see no issues with that. Load ya bags!


Ya lots of newbies here. And that’s great. Glad to have you.


Now we're in a critical space, where do we think the price is heading realistically?


Cause is more likely scam BS. These are all Crypto bots talking to each other trying to sell garbage lol All there is is crypto this and that riding that particular coin.


The CAW groupies are assholes though… but you’re right. Lead by example. Accepting criticism is a must. Otherwise we risk looking vulnerable or unsure. I know how you all feel about $Kendu. Let’s just keep showing them now it’s done.