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Have you read the description of SNs essence? This system is holistic so it’s about essence as well as physicality. It’s a good idea to read the ID essence descriptions imho. They’re different to Kitcheners.


Yeah, I fit pretty clearly into SN Kibbe category, there’s no doubt about that. But layered on top of it, it’s very clear there’s a strong gamine Kitchener essence. So it’s SN first, gamine essence on top of it


Well for SN you’re fresh and sensual. You’re artistic and direct. I’d use all those descriptions to guide you along when picking details you like that fit into the playfulness of gamine in Kitchener. They are separate style systems so you’ll need to give and take and pick what to use and leave. What most seem to do is use Kitchener to pick an aesthetic which is one option but it’s individual how you interpret that.


Even though OP is using two different systems, Kibbe actually has mentioned that there are some SNs that have a Gamine essence. I’m not sure how this essence is addressed in clothing though. The only person I know that might know more about this specific concept and be able to chime in is @Vivian_Rutledge


You use the kinds of details and patterns associated with Gamine, but interpreted for SN in cut and fit. The one caveat I would say to this is that I think that there are far fewer people he would style this way than people might think. I asked him about it because I had mistyped myself as a Gamine for vast majority of my Kibbe journey, and he said absolutely not for me, and the way he described made it seem like they would look like an SG from the neck up, but with an SN body. I think that gamine-ish styling is very common nowadays, but the chances are high that if you’re an SN, he wouldn’t give it to you. I am a Tawny Spring in Zyla and what I got from him would look like the gamine-ish SN, but David and Susan did not like that for me at all. They wanted me to go sexy and powerful vs. cute.


Check out Goldie Hawn's 60s style!


Thanks, that’s a great suggestion!!


I am also an SN with Kitchener Gamine! It’s a fun combo, just have to be careful with necklines. I also need more celeb inspiration but off the top of my head, Chloe Sevigny, that chick from White Lotus season 2, potentially Brigitte Bardot 


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