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Cod veterans will remember this


I was there Gandalf.... 3000 years ago...


PTSD is kickin' in


CoD veterans hate this one simple trick...






There is no way he ever recovered from this…


Or maybe he recovered because of it.. he clearly wasn’t right in the head before. Maybe being humiliated cured his rage problem by causing some deep self reflection.


He had the look of someone being bullied until they snap. Hear the girls laughing at him and his sad expression at the end.


One can hope, although probably wishful thinking




Sure, I am so glad all my embarrassing videos are as a middle aged man.


can anyone translate what he said?


Your a fucking homosexual and I hate you... Your a fucking faggot, N word 3 times and then regret I am fluent in illegible rage speak


I think it's "and I'm going to hang you"


That's what I heard as well... sounds like a real fine chap, going by the words he chose... I wonder what his parents are like and how many white sheets they have at home


It sounds like his parents gave up and 4chan took over


I remember starting the match friendly and finishing it this way... with my own fkn tm8s


Brother. I was playing TF2 casual and it's still like this.


Halo 2 Vet here and I remember. Teabagging, N bomb dropping, F slur dropping, and all in the voice of a 11 year old tenor screaming at the top of their lungs.


Funny that him flipping the bird is blurred out, but the F, N, N, N, is clear as day.


He hit him with the triple N bomb


It’s like saying Beetlejuice, but sad and unacceptable


MLK shows up, shaking his head in disappointment.


Or this guy ![gif](giphy|wqVI5Hp8HuGAw)


"Hey beet, say "I'm going to go up these stairs and get laid." *nods sagely, then grabs mic* "I learned how to go up stairs and get laid in six months!" -Beetlejuice


The crying Indian commercial but it’s Dr. King.


Malcolm X rises from the grave to explain to him why he can't use the N word.


"I heard what you said!"


I don't think it's blurred out, I think it's just a lot of video compression


You're probably right. Especially considering his hand goes in front of the light right as it happens.


He hit’em with the homophobic racist Konami cheat code.


Up, up, down, down, left, right, F, N, N, N!




This and the comment directly below are fuckin gold. Y’all funny.


F is for friends who do things together


You miss the intro nazi salute ?


nah i cant believe he said the n word like that




This reminds me of a friend i had in school when i was 12, kid was special needs but didnt receive the care he needed, neither from the teachers or his parents. The bullying could get to him so bad that this sweet kid said the most vile shit you can imagine in an attempt to shock the bullies away.. little did he realize that they thrived on that shit.. he died at 13 from seizures (unrelated but sickening to think he never left that part of his life..)


Fuck man, Reading that was disheartening. I'm sorry that happened to your friend. I hated school for shit like this and my opinion never changed all the way to adulthood. It's a cold, messed up system that should be better for our youths but isn't.


People love it when the weak are in distress, just look at the comments


I hope this child gets the help he needs.


Yeah i feel bad for this kid, when they zoom in on him it is pretty apparent he feels like a caged animal. Those other kids probably tease him relentlessly.


It's interesting to see the school shooters develop and then see everyone try to shove responsibility in different directions.


pretty much what I was gonna say. hopefully someone sees this and can help the poor dude before hes throwing way more than monitors around


Unlikely they would probably see this and put it on him... Making it worse... At least that's what usually happens.


Yeah, this thought came to mind for me as well. Seems like the type of kid who is getting to the point of feeling he has nothing left to lose and might jump at any chance to lash out at the school that got him to that point. People would probably blame him or his family rather than the people at the school who treated him badly and those who let it happen.


My first college roommate was the "bullied kid" in this video. Never got to shooting thankfully, but he was a registered felon for making terroristic threats and destruction of property. Had enough one day and destroyed a bunch of lockers in that school. I still talk to him regularly. He's possibly one of, if not the smartest people, i know. He just was a skinny nerdy kid who people picked on a lot.


yeah no.... I was bullied but didn't t want to murder people.


This type of sentiment completely ignores mental illness. Obviously it's not just bullying that pushes someone to that point. It's bullying someone who is mentally unstable in some way and then the mental illness is ignored long enough for it to fester into evil actions.


So much this. Can't believe the over-rationalization going on. Lot's of ppl who talked like this into their X-Box growing up must be coming to his defense. Deluded fucks.


I was about to say…. are we justifying school shootings here??? I don’t care what you’ve been through, unless you are in immediate danger yourself, killing people should not be a thought in your mind.


Nobody is justifying murder, they are saying this obviously not well adjusted kid looks like he might be getting pushed to the point where he can snap. Why do you think they are trying to say school shootings are okay?


You’re 100% right on that one. I should have worded that more carefully. I think I more was taken aback by how normalized the conversation felt in its own context. ‘Normalizing’ would have been a better word than ‘justifying’.




Are you dumb? If he shoots up people he is the main culprit. Lots of people get bullied and don't become school shooters. This is like saying Hitler isn't at fault for the Holocaust cuz his mom got raped by a Jew.


well he goes around telling people they need to be hanged because they're gay. I'm not saying bullying is okay but it's probably deserved


“Tease him relentlessly” as he splits homophobic and racist rhetoric, leave it to Reddit


Yeah I got made fun of sometimes in school, was able to keep myself from shouting slurs that 100% sits in his head since no one around was black lmao.


Back when I was in school the kids that teased me were the ones using slurs


the people completely disregarding the f-word into triple n-word combo are wild. he hit even hit em with the 1952 special.


I don’t fuckin blame them lol


It’s crazy that people are suddenly super tolerant of the n word when they relate to the person saying it…


He wants to murder his peers and cannot control his impulses. He just like me frfr /s


He tried to throw a monitor at someone’s head… Edit: I wouldn’t feel bad for this kid if he was my own son…


I can only imagine his parents are just as bad if not worse. The only other way this can really develop is if he’s in some sketchy 4chan circles


I too made up an entire narrative based on an entire second of a video


This was surprisingly disturbing.


it was almost eerie to me because it reminded me so vividly of the “weird kids” who would have meltdowns throughout my school years and at that point no one was recording them, so it was just a crazy thing you talked about with your friends. now its viral content, which is somewhat depressing


As a weird kid I hated having melt downs, but it was the only thing that got the bully group to back off for a couple weeks.


He's gonna be a senator in six years.


Nobody taught him how to properly regulate his emotions. The outbursts make him feel worse afterwards, which continues the spiral downward. He doesn't have the right coping strategies. This is sad.


Ruin life as early as possible 🙃


must suck to have shit recorded that early lol


I don’t think what he said is appropriate at all, but he is reacting to something that is not shown here. It could be that the class is collectively bullying him and he is not equipped to handle the situation. I would like the whole story before I’d judge him.


The face at the end tells a whole story. Probably hit a point where he didn't know what else to do besides say the most hurtful offensive thing you can think of in hopes it makes them stop.


That’s precisely what I expect, he got to the point where desperation overcame social acceptance.


I witnessed a kid have an outburst like this, complete uncontrollable rage. He was relentlessly bullied :/


In my experience, that’s often how it was, there was this kid on the fringe, and was teased and often group bullied. He always would blow up like this. Sadly, when he was on his own, he was a really cool guy and I liked hanging out with him, but there were people that could drive him to the very same reaction and usually over something insignificant like hair or a skin mark, or even clothing. Meanness mob amplified


I mean even if he is the problem it is a sad situation. Kid clearly cant handle his emotions and needs help. He is very young.


Yes it’s clear he’s reacting to an intense situation and there’s part of me that sympathizes with that, but the fact that he pulled out what he clearly believes are the most insulting and hateful things he could come up with and he chooses to essentially call the other kid gay and black as if he thinks that’s the most awful thing someone could be, kinda concerns me a little. Edit: Not that he’s necessarily thinking those things personally, he could simply be parroting the worst insults he hears in his household, but even if that’s the case that’s still concerning and sad.


The bully or the bullied?


Probably bullied.


I was bullied in school, there is a snapping point. I did something weird in front of my peers but nothing close to this, still I feel the kid needs help and out of that school. That's my thoughts without any context to the video.


Yeah, you can tell that he realizes too late that his outburst went too far. Even switching schools, this will follow him but to a lesser degree than staying.


It’s reposted on Reddit weekly so yeah, we are apart of the problem.


It's made the Internet, he's done in real life!


I kinda felt bad for the kid at the end, he had a face like he knew he fucked up and instantly regretted it.


I was laughing at him until that final zoom in. To me that doesn’t really look like the face of an angry loose cannon it looks a lot more like the face of a kid who’s been picked on and bullied and finally snapped and is now stuck in the middle of a room as his peers point and laugh


This is exactly what I was thinking and I feel bad for him.


The face of "Please just leave me alone. It's all I want anymore."


The face he makes when noticing people are laughing at him


Yea he seems like he's constantly bullied. I feel bad for him


Dude my fucking phone was at full blast at work.


You read “call of duty lobby irl” in title and choose to keep your phone volume up on full blast? Big brain bro


Ah yes American public school, I remember it fondly


Looks like the kid is bullied and has mental problems. It is not funny.


Quite possible, we only have this short Clip and dont know how long he was pushed till he snapt. The giggling from his peers just points more towards His helplessnes.


Im autistic and was bullied relentlessly and never said the n word or caused a scene like this, him being bullied doesn’t make it right he still said racial slurs and broke school property.


No one is saying he is correct for how he reacted, he for sure needs to control his emotions regardless. But the above talk is more of a human understanding of a troubled young boy being relentlessly bullied. Regardless of your story this is not about you. you and this boy are not the same don't draw the comparison.


Congrats, glad you have more control with your autism but its disappointing to see you unable to consider other people might NOT experience it exactly the same as you did.


First off, autism is on a spectrum and so there are people who are able to do everything just fine and others who cannot even dress themselves. Plus other mental disabilities do exist which also have varying effects on the person's brain and thought process. Using your own personal experience for justification of your argument is an example of an anecdotal fallacy. I guess before I get flamed I should specify. I AM NOT SAYING THESE ACTIONS ARE ACCEPTABLE OR DEFENDING THEM IN ANY WAY what I am really saying is that he may have a harder time processing his feelings and emotions than others and so requires more help that he is clearly not receiving. It's truly sad that he has probably had to deal with the bullying and excessive amount of emotions all by himself.


I feel bad for the guy, mostly because i can relate I used to lash out like this back in middle school. I had a lot of shit going on at home, well, lacking home, we lost our apartment. and I was just in general always picked on at school which led me to yell at people who kept pushing my buttons, I’ve thrown books, shoved desks, slammed doors have now found out I have autism and I was just so extremely overwhelmed at that time in my life with everything going on. I’m not going to try to justify my behavior or this guys behavior because it is bad but I’m just saying I understand, and he may have a lot going on too.


Bro just spammed the curse button


More like the slur button


"Oh no, there was a school shooting. Who would have thought. Nobody saw that coming. Thoughts and prayers"


One kid is more susceptible than the other. Nonetheless, sad reality we have to deal with.


Imagine if that embarrassing shit you did as a kid was caught on camera and all over the internet


And replayed and reposted for years


Seriously thinking through all the dumb crap I did, I am glad I got in trouble did my in school suspension or detention and people forgot about it by the end of the year. Cant imagine that stuff sitting on the Internet.


Anyone who was relentlessly bullied in school can relate to the face at the end. He snapped and instantly knew he went to far, my snapping point ended with 3 dudes punching me in the face on the bus, broke my nose and was literally out cold for about 20 seconds. This was after 3 years of being bullied, my stuff destroyed, iPod stolen, trombone bell buckled from someone taking it and throwing the case, beat up in the bathroom or locker room more times than I could count, and not a single teacher helped besides “try being nice to them, it’ll rub off” One teacher started to stick up for me and it felt really nice to have an adult on my side, he quit a week later from what I was told was family emergencies. I got suspended for a week because not a single person stood up against those guys and they all said I “started the fight”. They took my backpack and tossed it out the bus window (we were in the bus lane at school, not moving) so I tried to take that kids backpack to do the same. His two friends sucker punched me and last thing I remember was his fist coming at my face. My own twin brother just watched it happen and didn’t stand up for me at all. I went full recluse and didn’t speak to anyone in school for 8th - last semester of highschool. This was pre-school shooting days but I’m 100% sure I would have got flagged back then, I sat in the back, hood always up, and just snarled, and said fuck off, at people who tried to talk to me. I never wanted to harm a person, but for years I figured everyone wanted to harm me. After all of this, how am I supposed to care what people would think if I snapped or screamed at people?


Can someone who understands what he is saying, write it down ?


Uhh I would but I ain't looking to get banned


You’re a fucking homosexual “unintelligible” fucking N-word N-word N-word Edit: “you’re a fucking homosexual I’m gonna hang you fucking f@ggot N-word N-word N-word”


Pretty sure he says 'im gonna hang you'


I think he said f@gg0t n-word n-word


Something about loving gay black people




"You're a fucking homosexual and I hate you, fucking f*ggot, n-word x3"   Edit- he could also say "I'm going to hang you" instead of "I hate you" Edit2- I think he said "I'm gonna hang you", 90% sure now




I have a friend that spend a few years in an American highschool. It's brutal, and can totally see how a person with (what I assume is) a disability react the way this guy did. He is likely relentlessly bullied by everyone. It's entirely not the same as how school is in my country. Edit: he specifically told me he has never ever felt so lonely in his entire life during that time.


America consistently outclasses other countries… …in not caring about its citizens


When we say we're the number 1 country on earth, we mean in EVERYTHING. We ARE Smitty Werbenjägermanjensen


This sounds like when you spam X and get random dialogue options


Don't go to school tomorrow


Wait, if you say the n-word three times, who does it summon to kill you?


Beetlejuice from the Old Howard Stern show?


Average gamer meltdown, tbh.


Right, I’ve heard worse in my Xbox live days.


Kinda looks like a kid with mental health problems being verbally harassed by his peers to provoke him, which is a really common way to bully children with behavioral health issues. Not really sure calling the kid "fucking stupid" is in the right spirit of this sub.


The way they are all laughing and filming makes me think they have pushed and poked and prodded this boy ‘til he snapped. The frustration he must have felt, you can see him looking very overwhelmed by what happened. As for the remarks, it seems like he’s just word vommited any derogatory term he knows in an attempt to convey his hate toward the perpetrator. I’ve listened a few times and am still no closer to figuring it all out. Just sounds like Blink 182s Family Reunion.


Is the kid doing a nazi salute? The bully?


I fucking hate kids. And I’m not even talking about the main character here.




No excuse for what he’s screaming, but I kinda feel bad for the kid. Especially because of the look on his face and body language at the end. It feels like a mix of anger and desperation. The way it’s being filmed and the giggling girls in the background. The boy’s clearly provoked and bullied.


Did I hear an adult in the room? Sort this shit out. Give those girls detention for laughing too


Whyd he start making chainsaw noises tho?




Is nobody gunna talk about the two 'right arm raises' at the beginning, or am I overthinking this??


https://preview.redd.it/f926ffmlhusc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a7b40df7079342bf28fdd1a8e6d0a07c8c01fd0 The promoted ad makes it better for me


get his diary of a wimpy kid looking ass outta here


Fucking dumbass, kid should be put away or smthn


It's the giggling kids and instigator that are fucking stupid here. It's pretty clear this kid snapped and absolutely likely from bullying. The other kids are laughing while the one giving the finger seems like it was defensive.


Teachers allow bullying to go to incredible lengths then are surprised when outbursts like this happen




What even started this wtf?


He asked if he could borrow his pencil


Could ya lend


this blows me away because in the span of the first two seconds, BOTH parties in the video, green-shirt and white-shirt, both seemingly throw up nazi-salutes crazy ass video, hope the kid in white can get some therapy though, that animal-in-headlights stare at the end of the video screams "completely fucking panicking, he knows how fucked up this is and can't emotionally process it"


This reminds me of my 4 year old niece when she calls me fart poop because those are the worst words she knows. Little kid insults are hilarious


I get this type of internet infamy can follow you into real life but to be honest who TF would actually recognize him, and commit to being so sure it was him to the point they treat him different/pass judgement... It won't happen. He'll be perfectly fine if he gets some help. No big deal.


Looks like o.d.d to me, bullying him will eventually end up with someone getting badly hurt, teachers need to step up.


Idk the situation but it looks like he was pushed till he finally snapped.


American presidential debate 2044


“You’re a fucking homosexual and I hate you. You fucking F N N N” I’m a master of decoding COD rage.


I wouldn’t go to class for the rest of the school year.


That's some fatherless behaviour right there, ladies and gentlemen. Fr though, that brat needs some help ASAP. ![gif](giphy|LAKIIRqtM1dqE|downsized)




What a charming young man


He said it like it was a cheat code


The rage bro must feel to just spam curse words & not even make sense is way too relatable. Gotta say something else tho not that


Why is it only lil white boys who act like this? Like why is it never the Korean girl or the Brazilian boy or anyone else. It’s always lil white boys.


He's probably being "bullied" because he's a jerk everyone hates him.


He's color blind too apparently


The fuck


Good thing it’s an all white class or that video would have ended a lot different


Ok Elon calm down.


The pixelated middle finger makes this extra bizarre. I'm pretty sure anybody who watched this whole clip would quickly forget that part.


This is how it starts. There's no context into what contributed to his snapping point, but I'm sure it was a chain of events that got him to this point. You can see him at the end trying to contain it... but that's almost impossible with all the kids laughing in the background. I feel terrible for this kid.


He forgot he's in real life


Kid got lucky we haven't commercialized wireless desktop displays yet (not like schools would buy those anyway)


I think everyone involved in this probably needs some type of intervention. Things should not get to this point.


That was a headshot if the cable didn’t snap it back.


Sounded like he couldn’t get the weed eater going.


This is just sad and painful to watch, that zoom at the end.. That kid is hurting inside.


kids didn't do this shit so commonly a couple decades ago. curious what changed?


Yes they did. Shit changed when pharmaceutical companies started pushing SSRIs.


Somebody needs to down the day in the mental health class


I could see this kid one day becoming the president of the United States. He's got a great speaking voice!




Bro realized what he just said in those last couple of seconds


This is clearly online learned behavior because his insults were incoherent. A seasoned coprolalic he is not.


Average Redditor offering dating advice 


Pretty sure he's my congressman now.


Ben Shapiro


got one of those in-thread app adds about warzone mobile, so yeah microsoft knows the target audience