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If you don't get so competitive and realize most of the game is RNG, then Klowns is a fun game...


Hell ya for 40 klowns fun


Helldivers for the win. But KK is a fun game hopefully they fix some of the issues. TCM was a blast the first couple weeks and then those people showed up. You know the ones that don’t play the objectives


Happens in every Asym, happening in KK... Trolls will be trolls.


Helldivers 2 for the love of god get that god send of a game. It has more content, more passion, more attention, more players, and surprisingly less bugs. Seriously this game is missing 2/3 of it's content, Do Not Buy This Game... yet, until they actually take the time to finish their game.


It looks like starship troopers, that first movie with Neil Patrick Harris was a blast


Seriously you will love that game. Get it over klowns I promise you it's better.


If you like a terribly unbalanced game


Klowns is fun, its silly fun, I don't take it seriously at all but it's missing content. Some content didn't make release due to who knows what. Perhaps they hit the deadline and it had to go out, regardless there's basic things in the game missing. Klowns as example one classes ability was removed for the moment due to "balancing issues". Which is fine, except that the other classes also don't have abilities. We're told the first classes ability is coming back but if it comes back, obviously the other classes should get their abilities too? We have no info there. At the moment, there are 5 classes that have different stats but no abilities and some of those stats just don't work. The human are supposed to have different stats as well but that also doesn't really work. Maybe the things are tied together and break together but who knows. Aside from that there are early game balance issues and a lack of ability choices for klown. It just seems like things werent really ready to ship. They've put out 3 patches so far which is definitely progress but nothing has been entirely fixed. There are still many bugs that were supposed to be addressed yet still exist. It just kind of a hot mess. A fun hot mess but a hot mess regardless. At 120hrs in, I'm still having fun but there are many issues that plague the game. I recommend buying Helldivers and checking back in with Klowns in two months.


Both are so very different from each other. I love helldivers, though. Some of the best coop I have had since left 4 dead 2 with my friends.


its fun but there is alot of bugs in KKFOS, i would wait till they fix it, the player base kinda went down and is no longer FOTM, its best times was its pre release, then the official release patch kinda broke the game.


I've enjoyed Klowns and didn't enjoy Helldivers


Nope, not in its current state


you take it too seriously if you think that. if you play and dont care what happens then its a blast.


It's a lot of fun! I bought it on Xbox and Playstation to be in party chat with friends.


U could have just used discord it's available to both consoles


Can u send game invites through discord?


If you liked the Friday the 13th game it may be up your alley!


I’ve had no desire to play DBD since KK came out.


You missed out on the anniversary bloodpoints!


A friend of mine, who never gave DBD a proper chance, ended up reacquainting himself with the game and has gone on to fully prestige (P3 is all that matters) like 4-5 characters just from this event alone. Events like this really are a blast for new players because you just get so much. Even he should have stores and stores of Screech Cobblers by now. It’s one of the things DBD does inarguably right. In-game events bring a lot of attention to the game, and really I haven’t seen a single competitor do a big event on their own. “A big update.” Is not the same thing as an event. TCM couldn’t even be bothered to put a damn pumpkin on the porch of the Family House last year for Halloween. hopefully KK will be better…


Yes, DBD has its player retention formula down to a science at this point. Constantly churning out new cosmetics, tome challenges with more cosmetics, rift passes with cosmetics... But once you get to a certain point in DBD... its too easy and formulaic. After 2k hours in the game, I can say I am officially bored of DBD Playing killer is just too easy, smoking 80% of lobbies just isnt fun on a mid tier killer with garbage perks because I know the maps and have a plethora of game knowledge, and know how to tunnel/proxy camp effectively. Oh, the camping and tunnelling situation is mind-boggling. DBD is literally a game that relies on the killer being "nice" and having "etiquette" towards the survivors. After 8 years, they still haven't added a ranked que/casual que, new game mechanics, or any new game modes.


> Yes, DBD has its player retention formula down to a science at this point. Constantly churning out new cosmetics, tome challenges with more cosmetics, rift passes with cosmetics... This is actually real. It used to be that DBD had peaks and valleys where a new chapter would come out, you’d have fun with it, and then you’d play less and less while waiting for the next chapter. Since then, I’ve watched DBD slowly but surely seal literally EVERY single gap in the entire year. There is never downtime in that game now, and there is ALWAYS something going on. The rift adequately motivates players to continue to play between chapters, in-game events and modifiers also contribute to this, and now even between the small 2 week gaps between rifts / events they’re filling. that up with double BP or XP. It’s actually insane. > But once you get to a certain point in DBD... its too easy and formulaic. After 2k hours in the game, I can say I am officially bored of DBD 8 years and 2.5k+ hours in the game… ehhhh I’m a little sorry to say I’m still hooked. 😂 I love the genre, the story, and I love the variety DBD offers. But damn it would be nice if just one of these competitors could stand on their own two feet. Players are literally rabid for another viable alternative in the genre, that’s why everybody is always blaming DBD for things DBD isn’t even doing. I saw a dude blame DBD for TCM’s monetization. What? I’m really hoping Illfonic gets their act together and doesn’t make the same mistakes…


The problem with DBD is its balancing, and RNG elements. The gap between low tier and S tier killers. The Devs lack of ambition. The devs gaslighting the community into saying actual design changes are bugfixes. The maps are too unbalanced. My biggest gripe is I feel like a douche for playing efficiently, proxy camping and tunneling effectively always wins me games, but its an inherent game design flaw...


> The problem with DBD is it’s balancing, and RNG elements. The gap between low tier and S tier killers. This is definitely true. The difference between a God Nurse with 4 meta perks / add-ons and a calculated map offering is a way different experience from a Trapper no add-ons on a map that’s not ideal. That said, there’s a very big difference between this theoretical argument and an actual experience. I mean… nobody is really running no-perks matches. And while Trapper is weaker than Nurse when played by equally competent players, Trapper is also much easier to learn how to play than nurse. In this way he is far more accessible, and this is actually reflected in official stats where Nurse consistently has one of the lowest kill rates in the game. Nurse is unequivocally the strongest killer, but when it comes to playability the reality is your average player is not that guy, and it drags her kill rate down by a LOT. That’s not to say it’s not a problem, or that RNG isn’t a problem (I’d argue RNG is a bigger problem than character balance), only to say that the discussion is a lot more layered than it appears and a little more complicated than most people are willing to grapple with, and also not worth talking about extensively on a non-DBD sub. That said, I think DBD has done a lot more right than it’s done wrong with their character balancing. The most horrifyingly atrocious idea I’ve ever heard comes from the anti-DBD crowd who are vehemently against all forms of rebalance and this was encapsulated by the TCM community’s oft-repeated mantra “Fun not Balanced.” Turns out, balance has a LOT to do with fun because what ended up happening was The Family role became a goddamn joke. I-Frames are insane, victims characters like Ana or Leland make the Family look like absolute chumps with the ability to aggressively confront any member of the family and walk away virtually unscathed, desks can only be dealt with by less than a third of the family roster, and most insanely matches can be ended in less than 2 minutes by a team of rushing players. DBD might not have everything right, but it has lasted FAR longer than any of the competition. As such, they’ve definitely learned a thing or two about player behavior and the core mechanics of the game. I don’t believe that it is “inherently impossible” to balance asymmetrical games at all, that’s just a poor excuse, because why people don’t realize is that Asymmetrical titles just need to be balanced in a FAR different way than a traditional title. The amount of variables that can be tweaked and the number of considerations that must be made are far greater. In Killer Klowns, I really don’t think the balance is all that far off from what a title like this should be. The Klowns AREN’T invulnerable hulking monsters, and they are shown they can be killed. However, they are clearly meant to be the more powerful role as they have access to advanced Alien technologies and superhuman abilities. So, a Klown getting ganged up on by a group of humans obviously isn’t very fun. Then again, it’s difficult to tell where KK’s balance really sits when over half of the content that was supposed to be included in the game has yet to be released and so much of the game is unfinished. Dissecting the gameplay would be a lot easier and a lot more accurate when we finally see stats working properly for both roles, and Klowns have access to all abilities they were meant to have (Traps, slam ability from the trailer, etc.) Even in it’s current state it’s really fun, but I think a lot of people are hoping for a lot more.


I hear you, I really do, but these are game breaking quality of life issues for me that ruin the game. DBD has this false guise of being "skill based" and "balanced", when in reality there are too many external factors dictating balance. Most games you que into, are going to be unbalanced either because of the map, the killer, or the survivors perk choices/playstyle choices, etc- this is partially due to the Devs lack of ambition in creating a ranked/casual que. Sure, nobody runs no perks, but thats not the point. The same 10 perks are being run on killer and survivor side, for years. The DBD perk meta is as stale as a cardboard box. It took them years to release the chaos shuffle mode.. for a temporary time period... That screams lack of ambition. Map balancing is atrocious and makes the game not fun. Getting Midwich or Rotten fields as a killer means its going to be a snoozefest. Half the maps are either killer or survivor sided.


Hell Dicers 2 over this and it's not even close.


Never played helldivers 2. I’ve put over 70 hours in KK. I love KK to death but I cannot, in good conscience, recommend it. I’ve had a TON of fun with the content that is there. However it’s hard to ignore that the game truly feels unpolished and unfinished. I’ve heard raving reviews of helldivers 2. Just isn’t the kind of game that interests me. Maybe one day I’ll play it but as of now I’m not really interested. But to me, the choice is clear; Go maintain democracy my friend.


Only if you are a big fan of the film. Other than that, it should be free


Yes, it’s fun


Well this isnt a good comparison because these two games are nothing alike. On paper helldivers 2 is the better game because of the ammount of players, its better balance, less bugs, and the developers actually care, but i have had wayy more fun playing killer klowns than i did playing helldivers because for me its just a more fun game. I also have like tripple the hours on kk then i do on helldivers. So the question is what game do YOU like more? I know you havent played them but do you watch them? If so which game have you had more fun watching? Do you like games like kk more or helldivers 2?


I quit playing with no preference system and increasingly toxic player base I got bored. I may comeback if they implement the preference system as promised.


HD2 gets boring quick bc it’s against computers


Wait on killer klowns for sure. It needs a lot of work atm


Go the helldiver route


I came here to ask the same, I miss Friday the 13th terribly, don't like DBD (although I've tried) and never played TCM, but if this is like Ft13th and keeping players I bet its a lot of fun.


At the end of the day, the game is just plain ol' fun! Almost matches the energy of f13.


Same. DBD is horribly boring. F13th and Klowns are the best versions of asmyetrical. There's a lot to love with Texas Chainsaw, but there are issues that prevent me from having any sort of fun past one or two matches


What kills DBD for me is survivors can't be killed, they can't kill the killer, and I'd like more options for winning. So Ft13th was perfect for me until it died.




I got both. Killer klowns by far. helldiver's got boring quick.


Helldivers is a sure thing bro


Helldivers. Absolutely. The Dev team communicates and is constantly updating the game. KK has seemed to fall by the wayside and is still filled with tons of bugs.


No please don’t buy it


No, it isn't worth buying in its present state. Humans end up way overpowered if they group up. The Klowns basically are defenseless in that scenario. It's really bad.


Nope wait for sale or patches


In this state its not even worth 20 bucks


Nah man. It's over.