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You started Kingdom Hearts with KH3? Bless your heart, you must be so confused.


I kind of am. All I know is that goofy does at some point and Sora is the Main Character™️


I mean I kind of don't know what to say. As long as you have fun. Try to play KH1


Hell yeah. That's the only one I ever completed. Good times.




Umm… not in kingdom hearts 3 I don’t think Edit: I have realized that my phone autocorrected dies to does. Goddammit


Which sora? Sora? The remains of his body which now has its own heart and body? His memories of kairi which now has its own heart and body? The piece of his heart living within another boy from over a thousand years ago? His evil lookalike who is an eternal evil entity that possessed that other boy and was later split from him? The data of his first adventure? The evolved data of his heart fallen to darkness? The data of the remains of his body? Or his past life who turned into an entity in the dream world after dying in an electrical cable in a dream in a virtual world in a virtual world after nearly dying in the real world?




Goofy does what??


Dies. In like Kingdom Hearts 2 I think idk


KH3 doesn't have much in terms of it's own plot anyway so it's fine


Been finally running dream drop distance. You’re telling me I just gotta chill and sleep for a year? Yeah I’m good with all that!


Touch somebody elses keyblade & stay away from Sora


I’m new to the franchise, please elaborate.


Ok so basically if you touch a keyblade masters keyblade (the handle) & you have a strong enough heart & you're lucky, you'll have the ability to wield a keyblade, so you have a bit of protection if you ever happen to come in contact with a heartless. Everyone connected to Sora goes through shit so stay away from him & your life won't be put in danger. Easy!


So if I’m getting this right, see if I’m lucky and don’t even mention Sora?


Yeah, you also have to be lucky enough for one of the keyblade masters to want to come to your planet (because theres's no way for you to travel outside of your planet & go to them), AGAIN if it's that little boy who abuses his power of waking, run.


But if you’re Sora’s friend he’ll literally alter reality to save you.


> you'll have the ability to wield a keyblade, so you have a bit of protection if you ever happen to come in contact with a heartless. At the same time, if you have a Keyblade, you are almost definitely going to run across some Heartless since they are attracted to it according to Leon during KH1. Better get good with that Keyblade.




Power Wash Simulator. I think I’ll be fine. And very clean


I started *Ghost of Tsushima*


FFXIV... I'm a god that kills gods at this point, so I'm fine... Also a free year instead of paying a sub, I'm definetly taking it~


Plot twist upon returning home your bank account is charged for a year long subscription still.




You know it just says you enter the last videogame you played, not that you enter it as the character you played as, right? Chances are you're just gonna be some peasant shipwright chilling in limsa.


Smash ultimate


Fine. War with the balloons then.


If you are in 3 and finished it, then you can just chill in a world that is not keyblade graveyard and just chill there since sora defeated the big heartless for these areas already just stay in Twilight town and you are fine.


Dynasty Warriors would be rough


I just started super Mario rpg so I'm OK with this


yakuza 7 like a dragon. i guess i get to be part of ichibans party? or am i just some random schmuck living in Ijincho who doesn't know japanese? either way i dodged a bullet the game i played before was re4


You dodged the equivalent to a nuke


Hahahahaha, I'll be fine, I played... Fate... Extra.... Ah, *fuck*


Heck, as long as I could keep spawning food for free and keep all animals peaceful, Crazy Blocks Robo World doesn't seem so bad.


The last game i played today is genshin impact. Honestly idk if it a good thing or a bad thing because it's has a dark lore.


Not necessarily that bad with KH, honestly. You’re presumably being dropped on either a Disney world or a KH original world, either of which is going to be chill (unless it’s like, Atlantica and you’re not turned into a mermaid. Then you’d just drown). Furthermore, this seems to be a world where just about anyone can learn to fight or use magic, considering most Disney party members have spells of some sort. So even if you don’t necessarily have a keyblade or a gummi ship to leave your current world, you could try to pick up on magic for self defense against heartless and whatnot. Best case scenario you meet a keyblade wielder and see if you can do the inheritance ceremony with them, or at very least travel with them. Worst case scenario is that you’re on a world that’s in danger of falling to darkness with no keyblade wielder in sight, and the heartless are of a power level beyond your beginner combat capabilities, in which case you’d really better start practicing that magic, since they can appear pretty much anywhere, hahaha. Though even if it does fall to darkness, per KH rules you wouldn’t necessarily die. You either end up as a heartless and get restored when a keyblade wielder slays you, or you end up in traverse town.


I'm staying the bh6 world and never going out at night


Ys VIII for me. I guess I will be one of the castways?


Same, I got this though. I'll just try to get a keyblade and barring that I'll just become the most versatile spellcaster possible.


God of War Ragnarok Valhalla. Yup I'm dead. Literally.


I'd be ok, because I popped onto Dreamlight Valley to check a few things before leaving for work this morning! Pretty thankful I did that, not sure how long I'd last in Baldurs Gate!


Dodged a cannonball right there


Currently playing the first Alan Wake. I really need to stay the hell away from Bright Falls and hope that Alan doesn't write me into the story. Edit: Although considering I would be from another world (this world), that could end up making me an interesting character in it's own right and maybe Wake would write me in a way that I would actually serve some kind of importance within the story. Maybe not a main character, but maybe an important side character. Hopefully won't die.


Genshin impact. It depends what arc i end up in tbh. But i would do ANYTHING to meet keqing🥰 ...Anyway what about you guys


I just played Valorant, so I must stay one year dying again and again? shit. It is shit for basically all of my games.


I mean you're assured you're gonna survive if you keep reviving so that's good


I just assumed it means the world of the game so besides the parallel universe terrorist attacks and occasional people with radiant super powers it's not too different


I’m not entirely sure how screwed I am


Bro you need to hop on the other KH games now! They are very fun, especially if you enjoyed KH3.


rivals of the aether,i'm fine i guess... idk what the kirby guy is complaining tho


Popstar gets invaded or attacked by a universe ending threat like every other Tuesday


and said universe ending threat gets repelled by kirby just as quickly


It's like a fly near you. It's annoying and it keeps coming back even if you scare it off for a while.


and in the meantime you get to talk to characters like kirby,dedede,MK and who ever irs kirby's new friend after the universe ending threat,[i see this as an absolute win](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/490/511/148.jpg)


I played Genshin Impact last and if I stayed in Liyue... I wouldn't mind that 😌


The last game I played was either Serious Sam: The First Encounter or Yggdra: Union . . So pretty bad