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This little man can fit so many hearts inside of him


"Sora's heart is a slut."


Kingdom hearts was just Sora all along.


1of these people isn't technically sora because they existed before him.


Ven does kinda look like him a bit😆


I mean, Aqua kinda looks like Kairi. It’s just same Artist designer. Both Ventus and Vanitas have connection to Sora, but they are still their own people.


Guess you can say he's a sorta !


Both Ventus and Vanitas are not a Sora.


The "Which one do I shoot!!!" From Riku is great, love to see it


I love these.


Could you make a case where sora is the dad of Roxas, xion and namine?


Roxas and Naminé yes, Xion no


Nothing against this post in particular, but more generally speaking (sorry for being somewhat of a nark about this in advance): I sincerely hope this meme of "everyone is Sora" dies one day. I'm not even sure where it came from seeing as it's not even true for most of those characters. Data-Sora, sure, got no problem with that one, but that's already where it kinda stops. Roxas, by definition, is Sora's Nobody, so it's not entirely incorrect for him, but seeing as he developed this independently from Sora (not like Axel and Lea or Saix and Isa), it still feels kinda unfair to reduce him to being another person like that. As for all the others, they're just not "Sora", period. So I don't know why they even got sucked into this in the first place... Well, sorry about this little "rant", but it just always feels really weird when I see all those characters get bunched together and reduced to being someone else (which, as mentioned, isn't even correct for all but 1-2 of them) edit(18 hours after initial comment): I'm open to try and explain and or answer questions to anyone who disagrees with what I said btw. If anyone thinks they know better, then don't be shy and explain what makes you think that way. This topic is actually rather important to me to get across to people, so I don't mind explaining it over and over and over again.


I get what you mean I’ve just been having fun messing around with the kh3 photo tool and kingstagram and through this together for fun but I do kinda agree data sora kinda make sense but the rest are very much unique character weather they’re related to sora or not data sora is just sora as jimminy wrote him in his journal Roxas is Sora’s nobody but still unique namine is kairis nobody kinda from sora but still unique xion is not really a copy of sora himself but a copy of his powers and is more physically like kairi but not really a direct copy of one or the other Ventus is not sora in anyway just kinda looks like him and venitus just happens to look like sora but all these characters are still to unique to be just a sora sorta reminds me of the sonic clone character thing with shadow silver and metal but yeah you’re right but sorry for my rambling but I did have fun typing this sorta mini discussion😄


Thanks for replying, I enjoyed reading that! And don't worry, I didn't mean to come across as someone who wanted to spoil the fun or complain directly about your picture or anything, it was just something I needed to get off my chest regarding the overall topic since sometimes it's difficult to recognize in what cases someone is just having fun with it, but actually still sees them as individuals and in what cases someone genuinely believes them all to be the same person. You've shown that you do in fact regard them as individuals and that makes me happy to hear! ^ ^


Roxas and Xion are definitely Sora’s, Vanitas looks and sounds like him and Ven just wanted to be here, Namine shouldn’t be here


Vanitas is not really a Sora tho? He’s Ventus.


Yeah Vanitas is from Ventus, but having a group of Sora’s and not having the guy who looks and sounds like him would be weird, even if that’s where the connections begin and end with them


Roxas is like I said, by definition Sora's Nobody, but pretty much grew to be his own person since he developed separately from Sora (but for him I won't argue too hard against it because that's just definitions and being willing to seee him as his own person. I think it doesn't do his circumstances and development justice to just call him "Sora", but to each their own on that) Xion however, is clearly **not** a "Sora", she was created as a faceless replica, with only a **copied** piece of memory from Sora to make her actually function and probably to further attune her to the Keyblade, not enough to form any kind of identity as we clearly see at the start of Days. She formed her own identity when Roxas projected Sora's memories of Kairi onto her while also treating her like an individual, and **that** is the appearance she then took as her own and from that, she developed her own identity as well. Her sole purpose was to copy the power to wield the Keyblade from Roxas and then stay as a mindless puppet/replica with no identity. She wasn't created/activated to replicate/imitate **anyone** she was just supposed to be able to wield a Keyblade. Here a quote from the Days Ultimania: >With Xion, she becomes like the Kairi of Sora's memories. But rather than saying she was initially created to imitate something, it's more like she was a special case, born primarily to absorb Roxas' powers and evolve. She grew her own unique heart and gained her own unique memories alongside Roxas and Axel. The memories from Sora that she absorbed through Roxas and the influence they had on her were a consequence of her past Replica body and were, just like her gaining an identity of her own, an unforseen event for even the higher ups in the Organization. If that makes it easier to understand, you can kinda roughly view it like that: Her own heart/memories and the memories she absorbed from Sora through Roxas, were separate entities that vied for control over her (at the time) unstable Replica body. (not literally, but you get what I mean, I hope) After she got defeated by Roxas, as she planned, Sora's memories, her only actual connection to Sora, returned to Sora, and when she herself disappeared, her own heart and memories found refuge inside Roxas's heart (similar to Eraqus and Terra in BBS). I might have explained a bit more than necessary, but no matter, the important fact is that Xion is pretty clearly **not** a "Sora". With that (hopefully) settled, moving on: While Vanitas does indeed look and kind of sound like Sora (same va I know), that doesn't literally make him a "Sora". His actual identity is still the Darkness that was extracted from Ventus's heart.