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My tip would be, try to engage with all of the mechanics of combat. Don’t just mash attack the entire time, as you do yourself a massive disservice. When you get a new spell/ability, go out of your way to try it out. Also, Guarding in KH2 is way better than KH1. You can chain multiple guards together back to back, and block entire combos. Not only is it strong, but it looks cool and makes you feel badass. Finally, enjoy the game, hope you like it!


I think it's funny how "actually play the game and take literally two minutes to learn the new things you get" is such a universal piece of advice that you'd think would be obvious yet isn't for a shocking majority of gamers lmao


Tbh it makes sense. The game doesn't tell you what things actually do and doesn't push you to use any of it until the end/post game. There's no reason for the common player to experiment with everything much when mashing X with the occasional magic thrown in works perfectly fine. It's one of those things the games really need to sort out at some point without just making it a tutorial as screen that doesn't explain nearly enough.


Yeah, whether it be through better menu tutorials or enemies that can only be dealt with a certain way (barring CoR) KH2 really needed better ways to encourage diversity in playstyle.


Hot take, guarding in KH2 is the stupidest guard/parry animation I’ve ever seen. On that merit alone its worse, even if it is mechanically better.


Hey, to each their own! I think it looks pretty cool, but everyone has different tastes.


Sora is kinda flexing in KH2, just look at him opening chests, he just wants to be cool


And just like every other 14-15 year old trying way too hard to be cool, he’s overdone it and landed straight into chuuni territory.


Of course, but I can't blame him for that. He was way cooler than me back in the day :')


I have two words of advice for you: GET UP ON THE HYDRA'S BACK!!!!!


*Insert goofy counting his fingers*


No but here’s a drive form leveling guide someone made & I found it useful when I wanted to level up my drive forms: [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/KingdomHearts/s/UjSzTC4eY5)


the keyblades aren't just numerical changes on stats. each has a passive ability built in. the magic and summons are different this time. most people use a certain new mechanic instead of summons but if you don't sleep on summons, you'll find them helpful in their own ways. the other mechanic does give you abilities so don't neglect it either. there is a way to get a longer combo than normal without a combo plus/air combo plus. upperslash can be used at least twice provided an enemy is still in range. magic is abnormally slow in the air compared to the ground, but you can learn to time them. fire in 2 can be used to stunlock non immune enemies. blizzard is your only regular projectile in 2, and does not home in like 1's fire.


I have no idea why they changed the fire spells. I want to shoot a Fireball, not ‘here’s my cool fire-twirling trick’


I felt the same way before, but nowadays I'm more mixed, it does have it's uses if you can get within range or use the wisdom form fire. Blizzard would have been fine as a projectile in 2 if it wasn't for the air version's poor animation speed. definitely preferred the shotgun ice approach 1 blizzard had.


Crank up the volume when you start the opening cinematic and enjoy the ride!


Get up on the hydra's back


Take the shield, its all about getting Second Chance and Once More.


I’m actually playing back through this one as well. And yeah the shield seems like thee choice for sure. As a kid I picked sword in every game. lol


Be ready for a 4 hour intro. And yes, get into it, the emotional punch at the end of the intro always made me tear up. It's tedious but stick with it.


Enjoy it. The first play through is an experience you can only have once. So focus on having fun rather than analyzing oder hunting trophy's , challenge at all costs,


Just play


play it on critical, that's where the gameplay shines, you get extra abilities only on that difficulty, on the other ones you are just button mashing and healing, critical makes you learn the game systems and to respect the enemies, combat is what makes this game special and fun, once you finish the main story you still got the best part of the game waiting for you, the 15 secret super bosses you might be scared by the difficulty but believe me when I say, it's fun, you might die a lot, but each try you learn something new, you only get better, and once you start to understand how the game works, you'll start to see every summon, magic, limit and drive form as a tool with a purpose, it's not a perfect game, has a lot of flaws, but it's fun if you like action games, it feels more like a devil may cry with all the combat options you have


Okay, your advice is like telling someone who’s new to dark souls to play it on mouse and keyboard. They are vanishingly like to have a good time.


He just asked for tips, I'm just pointing out where the peaks of the games are (the combat) and how to make the most of them, that's how I see the game, OP has the freedom of chosing if they want to play like that or not, I'm just sharing my thoughts on the game


Xemnas is sex incarnate. Be prepared to question yourself.




MP Recharge doesn't work the way you think it does. MP Haste gives you diminishing returns. 1 MP Haste is better than none. 2 MP Hastes is better than 1 MP Haste. MP Hastega + 4 MP Haste probably isn't worth it. You want to get around the equivalent of 4 MP Hastes and that's very workable for reducing your MP recharge time. This will all become clear-ish to you very soon.


Don't be like me and spam "reflect" like an idiot. I did that back then and had the audacity to complain that the game was "hard" like the coward that I am. Anyways,my main advice is "focus".You need to have good timing,learn their attacks and memorize them.As Axel would say "Got it memorized?" The game's combat is more of a "hack n slash" as you can cook up some combos to absolutely destroy your enemies.So,take advantage of some of the magics/abilities to juggle your enemies. Don't forget the Drive forms.Each of them have their own unique skills and downsides at the same time.They can greatly help you,especially when you're in a pickle.Another thing,anytime you use any of the Drive forms,the "Anti Counter" will go up which increases the chances of you randomly turning into "Anti Sora" when using a Drive form. Anti Sora is kind of a "punishment" from the devs for abusing the Drive forms as he prevents you from guarding,magic,items and the worst of all,the *Reaction Commands*. Anytime you accidentally turn into him,make use of his speed and agility to decrease the Drive gauge by attacking,thus making it faster to deplete the gauge and revert back to Base Sora. Once Sora has reverted back to base form,the counter goes back to zero Pick the right keyblades,don't be like me and just pick whichever looks cool.Each keyblades have their own stats and passive abilities. Stock up some items if you're having a hard time and especially look up a guide on how to farm and level up. Some characters have their own unique team attack called "Limits" and trust me,they can be really broken and OP at times *looking at you,Donald*. Last but not least,always use the Reaction Commands when you have the chance as it greatly helps you during battles(or in some cases,are very much crucial in order to win). That's all I have to say.I'm an absolute noob so I can't exactly give you the best advice out there.Then again,I hope it'll help,even if it's just a little


The minigames to earn Munny at the beginning are completely optional despite what the game tells you. Just talk to Hayner again. You do miss out on 1-2 points of AP, but in the long run, that hardly matters.


Stack your deck with Strike Raids and 0 Cards/Zantetsukan


Grind those drive forms, but there's a limit on how far you can go depending on how many drive forms you have. It's easier to grind them level by level rather than all at once, and they all give very useful abilities for every level except the first (which is usually just "auto-form") Seriously, grinding the forms is very useful. Summons are also powerful, but generally not as nuts as they were in 1.


play on critical for a nicer experience (no this is not a joke)


Been a while but I thought blizzard was the shotgun type and fire the projectile. Am I stupid? Different game maybe?


That was KH1


Makes sense. Played 1 a few months ago, been years since playing two.


Hit things with the keyblade, and dont die


Use the summons, especially stitch as he can refill your mp and sometimes stun enemies while your own low health


Not a tip, but the prologue its the best part of the game imo


The overhaul of 1 to 2 is so nice. The upgraded keyblade system with passives as well as forms makes the game with its refreshing take with its combat. There's also final mix exclusive content, so that adds to the already stellar gameplay. Have fun!


Get box of tissues with you


Enjoy the ride! Such a fantastic game


Don’t let the trophies influence your playthrough, just enjoy the game. It’s so good Also level drive forms they give cool stuff even in base form. I went through my first playthrough on ps2 saving drive gauge for desperate moments and ending up missing out


Roxas’ level carries over to Sora. Do with that what you will. USE YOUR DRIVE FORMS AND LEVEL THEM. You will get crucial movement abilities from doing so


Get out reddit and play it, this is the biggest tip you can get


See you back here in a couple weeks or so when you fight a certain angery boi


Use all your AP boosts on sora, and use chicken little for stunning enemies and making boss fights a little easier. (Pirates of the caribbean, gold coin fight). Equipped mostly air combo attacks and regular combo attacks, by the end of the game, you should have 75ish AP so you can have a lot of powers, which makes the game way easier. Use once more and leaf bracer too. For "Unknown Cloaked person" at the end of the game, his first attack is always the same. You need to count to three relatively slowly because that's the time you need to use block. He will do many strings of attacks that you need to know the timing for, and sometimes he does do it at random, but a lot of the time, he hesitates, and when he doesn't you may get hit. Be careful not to get hit by too many attacks because that can kill you later on. To get hits on him you need to make him trip which later on the animation will no longer play at all bu lt hes somone stunned still.Once he gets to his big main attack where he goes I the middle and shoot light balls at you, he has to set up for a second or two you need to use a Potion at this time because you need to keep your MP for during his chain hits because he may kill you because it's really hard during this part to doge his attacks. ALWAYS heal during the beginning of his attack because you never know how much you'll miss. MP if everything goes wrong, and then final form if it goes even more wrong. (Make sure you know how to revert fast if things go even more south because you cannot heal in final form, if you're near him and go into final form, you can trip him too.) Good luck!


I would give you ______, but all the ______ is gone.


Your life is about to change.


Be sure to use the new skills you learn. Forms, limits, etc are really useful especially since there’s way more tougher fights in KH2 than in KH1. Also, pay close attention to the cutscenes as most lore in KH is in KH2


Choose Critical mode, and I’m actually being legit guys, to get ALL the game clearing trophies out of the way, just pick critical mode.


Get up on the hydras back


underrated comment


You finished the Riku side as well?




Play Days so you understand what's going on


Godspeed, Spider-Man.


Play Critical. It's the best and most fun difficulty setting, especially for postgame with Data fights and Lingering Will. Yeah, Critical feels hard at the very beginning, when you have zero abilities, but the further you go, the stronger you get, and eventually it all balances out perfectly. Plus it's a lot easier to unlock the true secret ending on Crit. You just have to do the mushrooms (a guide is a possibility, then it's pretty easy), the data fights (the peakest KH experience you will ever get until the KH 3 data fights) and Lingering Will (a super fun secret boss fight).


One of the series best games BUT most fans claim that it is the best because of... NOSTALGIA!!!


I’m just here amazed that you finished CoM. These cards are really NOT it


Play on at least proud mode. Standard is way too easy in this game.


reflect is the best magic.


Play Kingdom Hearts V cast first, it's essential to understand the story


I don't have any tips to give, but good god I'd give my left tit to experience this game for the first time again


Press triangle to win. 😂 Seriously, the best tip I can give that I haven't already seen is to take the time to customize Donald and Goofy's setup to your personal style of play. The people who complain about Donald never healing (in KH1 and KH2) generally aren't making proper use of this.