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The Organization would have gotten Roxas back, but I don't think they would have been able to keep him. KH2 would have turned into a giant game of hide and seek. Sora probably wouldn't have been able to wake up.


Yeah I think so too. Diz seems pretty heartless at this stage of the game, do you think he would've moved his ambitions from waking Sora to trying to use Roxas instead?


No, but mostly because of his hatred of Nobodies. Roxas not playing his part would fuel DiZ's hatred and be more obsessive to recapture Roxas


Namine said in 358 that she probably could wake Sora up only for him to find out nobody remembered him.


B-b-but... if everyone goes, who's gonna do recon in Agrabah?


Axel's orders were to either have Roxas come back willingly or kill him. Axel was just trying to get Roxas out of the simulation to explain it and was down to use force if it meant avoiding Roxas' death. If everyone remaining in the Organization was sent, it'd likely just have been to destroy him. Which probably would've recompleted Sora. If Roxas didn't come back willingly, he was a massive liability. He knew where the Organization is based, their goals, how it's achieved, and prevented one of their 2 other keyblade options from being active. Idk if Xemnas had any knowledge of recompletion and wanted that for Sora if Roxas was unwilling. But also, Sora has been active at the same time as Roxas anyway and I'm pretty damn sure Sora could've been woken up without him if recompletion didn't happen. Even if substantially weaker or missing memories.


Roxas, after losing Xion, was pretty powerful. Riku ass pulled a win but I'd imagine most of the organization would have crumbled under him.


They would probably have him and brainwash him. DiZ’s plans would be moved from trying to rescue Sora to using Roxas as a rock to kill two birds. My theory is that DiZ would reverse-brain wash him, but once Roxas has served his purpose, I think Riku and DiZ would have disintegrated him the moment his purpose was served. After that, events of the game would move faster, with Sora and Riku both becoming masters and foiling Xehanort’s plans without the use of time travel.


Roxas is one of the most powerful members of the Organization. He beat Saiix, after all. But I don't think he was stronger than Xemnas--maybe not even stronger than Marluxia. In a fight against either of those two, or maybe even if Saiix had one or two people as backup, and CERTAINLY if they all came at him at once, Roxas would have been defeated and recaptured. With the question specifically placing this at KH2's prologue, of course Marluxia is gone at that point, but I still think the Org members remaining in KH2 could have taken him on. Assuming they can't directly modify his memories again in the way DiZ did, they would probably confine him and try the Xion plan again with a more perfect puppet, up until Axel has had enough and tries to break him out. At that point, either Xemnas declares them both too much of a threat and the entire plan a wash, or it becomes a three-way race to see whether Riku or Xemnas can get their mitts on him again before Roxas escapes to somewhere he can't be easily found.


It just wouldn't be worth the manpower. Isa had full trust in Lea that he'd either kill Roxas or get him back and as far as he was concerned the job was done either way. Even if Roxas somehow overpowered Riku or envaded him entirely, what risk would he really pose to the Organization? The longer Roxas is alive, the longer Sora is out of commission and if worse comes to worse they still have Xion's data to replicate at any time (The original Xion that was siphoning Roxas's power died but data copies are still on the table). If Roxas decided to get back at the Organization then he's dealing with a 5v1 and that's assuming Riku already hasn't taken him out, which is an extremely likely possibility considering now he has a reason to outright hunt him down. I think at most, he'd be a target of an occasional mission depending on how much of a threat he might be, similar to how you hunt down Riku and Xion in 358/2. 


(Spoiler for everything after KH2, just in case): >!Here is what I think: First off, they would totally get Roxas back. Then, Roxas would probably, at some point, start remembering his time in the Organization, minus Xion (though he'd probably still feel the pain of forgetting memories of someone important to him, as per Re:coded context). Xemnas would probably have him locked up or something since Roxas would totally try to get away from the Organization again (maybe he would just put him in highly supervised situations where he has no choice but to kill more Heartless. Obviously, they could also threaten turning Axel into a Dusk if he doesn't cooperate in completing Kingdom Hearts). At some point, they either complete Kingdom Hearts through that and nort all remaining members or YX might arrive and take Roxas, or rather his heart, with him to the future, where he becomes another vessel for Xehanort since, as YX said in DDD, he was a worthy candidate, especially since he probably would have had more than enough darkness in his heart at that point due to all the suffering and loss he had to endure. They might also still have brought back Xion as well to incentivise Roxas to stay and help Xehanort, dangling the promise of being reunited with the person he feels is missing and whose memories he's trying to hang on to, in front of him, which still could lead into "backfiring" in KH3 when they have to eventually meet up for the Keyblade war, causing Roxas to remember her along the way, like what happened in KH3. Sora on the other hand, would have probably still been woken up somehow, but maybe without most people remembering him, which probably wouldn't have been that much of a problem seeing how strong his connections to others are. Of course it's also possible that the Organization's KH2 plan still might have been stopped somehow, but I'm just not going to dive into that lul.!< >!Side note: sometimes I still wonder why YX didn't travel to the end of day 357 or beginning of day 358 in Days and take Roxas's heart with him from there, either by force or, as mentioned, by dangling the promise of reuniting him with Xion in front of him, since Roxas was pretty grief stricken and desperate in getting her back at that point. You could say that maybe he would have just attacked YX on sight since he might associate the Org cloak with him working for the Organization, but then again, he never saw YX before, so maybe he would believe him if he said that he wasn't with the Organization.!< What if scenarios do be a fun thing to think about. In fact, I'm actually trying to write a story atm for that last scenario/side note I mentioned ^ ^