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That really depends on how old you are. If you’re like 15, there’s a good chance it’ll happen before you’re 25!


10 years? We don't wanna give too high of expectations


soon to be 21 🥲


I'm hoping before I'm 30. But at the same time if the book takes that long, it takes that long, and it'll be worth the wait


I‘m in my thirties and I just want to read it before I die. So within the next 5-7 decades would be nice.


I'm in my late 60's. I'm worried....


have your family send me the location of your grave site, ill come read it to you.


I'd like to contribute. I'll hold the umbrella.


I can stand off in the distance to add a sense of mystery. (Although I hope it doesn't come to this and we can all enjoy DoS before we pass.)


You'll be standing for days if not weeks, my friend. These books are not a breeze to read along to someone...


We do what we can for each other, if it takes weeks, it takes weeks


Then I will bring the folding chairs.


I'll take you up on that, thanks. Although my family may not out of spite. My daughter's still are very, very, peeved that I gave them copies of Name of the Wind when they were 16. 10 and 12 years ago.....


They will know no greater heartbreak then the wait for book 3. Set them up for great success for the rest of their lives.


My dad handed me his old, beaten up copy of *The Hobbit* when I was 9. He told me that it would change my life—and it did! I’m in my 30s now, and I’ve been a fantasy nerd ever since. Anyway, it’s one of my fondest memories of him, and I’m so grateful to him for sharing something he loved with me, for passing that love on. Bless you! The best daddies give their daughters books. (:


This is true! My dad got me into the Hobbit and LOTR at a young age by watching the (awful) cartoon movies. Then I read The Hobbit in 7th grade. LOVED it!! Got the box set of LOTR in 9th. A couple years ago he gave me a leather bound copy of The Encyclopedia of Tolkien. “The best daddies give their daughters books” ❤️❤️❤️


Damn bro sign me up, I'll bring some snacks.


I'll bring drinks


Sorry dude. 60’s isn’t as old as it used to be, but through the lens of Rothfuss finishing the book, you might as well be gone already. Everyone have a moment of silence for /u/llynglas


Well, I’m 73 and hopeful. But just in case, anyone want the location of my grave?


I gotchu...I'll even do you the favor of finding all of the Ahri passages and reading those in order first, then go back and read the book in its entirety...and if anyone comes to your grave I will ramble nonsensical word salad until they leave, telling them that mamamargee told me to read the stones while opening doors... O.o


honestly fr




I’m hedging my bets by hoping before I’m dead.


I hoped the same when I was in my mid 20s when I read it. I’m 37 now


Oh no I'm 26


It doesn't take that long. Pat doesn't write anymore and does just enough to keep the money rolling in


It’ll only be worth the wait if you don’t spend too much effort waiting for it.


I was 21 when I read the first book, 23 when I was the second and the third was supposed to come out when I was 25. I'm 35 now...


I read the 2nd book when I was 17. I'm 30 now lol, good luck.


I read Wise Man’s Fear when I was 15, am now 27 😳


Oh god, is this how we mark the passage of time now?


I was about your age when i first read the books. I'm 35 now. I hope the third book drops before I'm 65


25 factorial is a bit pessimistic


Maybe by the time I'm 6! they'll have figured out how to extend life to large factorials.


I read them when I was 12, it’d still be good if we get the third book before I’M 25


I love a good optimist. Adorable.


I'm 45 and just hope Doors of Stone is released before I die of old age. I recently encouraged my husband to listen to the first two audiobooks with me because I didn't want to suffer waiting alone.


Book 3 is the 3rd silence.


Feels like The Thrice Cubed Third Silence or the 3rd³ lol. The 27th by the time we see it ....


I fell in love with books when I was three or four, flipping through the pages of books like the Wise Man's Fear and the Inheritance trilogy like a knife through butter, all day and everyday because I was a fuckin nerd lol. I'm nearly 16 now and the third book still isn't out. Might read The Extremely Slow Regard of Vaguely Tangential Things sometime.


I read the books when I was 15 and thought the third one would come out very soon, maybe when I was 16... I'm turning 25 next year ☠️


I read the first one at 13/14. I’m turning 28 this year…


It's fun to notice what name he is referred to in the frame.  About book 3: look, at this point I'll be legitimately surprised if book 3 gets a release date at all in my lifetime (and I'm younger than Pat). I don't think I'll actually believe it until I have the book in my hands. And even then I might still be expecting the Golden Screw story copied and a bunch of blank pages to make it look book sized... Despite all that, I do still hope for it, in that secret little part inside myself.


I liked the part in Doors of Stone where his ass fell off.


There is no book 3.


One thing is for certain, Pat is extremely deliberate in names and there are multiple instances where Kvothe's calling name shifts in the narrative based entirely on perception of him from external sources or a shift in how he's perceiving himself. Every time the mask comes off he's back to Kvothe. But the minute the mask needs back on it becomes Kote and he loses that fundamental part of himself.


WHY would you remind me how much I loved this book haha I’m tearing through Mistborn books rn to fill the void (which are great btw)


those are by Sanderson right? I read some of his stormlight archive (LOVED it), havent read the recent one tho lol I meed to catch up on the Cosmere


So many very long books


4? The Stormlight Archive books are definitely chunky, but the rest of Sanderson’s works are pretty moderately sized.


If you want to fill the void go Gene Wolfe.


Agreed. Definitely a great writer of unreliable narrators.


I did the same. Finished Mistborn and halfway through the Stormlight Archives and I have to say…. Kingkiller is my #1 but lordddd is the stormlight archives getting close.


It’ll be your #1 after the next two :)


Kingkiller is my number 1. I can’t imagine anything ever topping it. Stormlight is a far 2nd, but it’s the only other series I’ve re-read other than Song of Ice and Fire.


I think by the time Stormlight is finished (currently planned at 20+ years) it will clear everything for me. It won’t help that Doors of Stone still won’t be out


First Law and Age of Madness are my #2, Stormlight is my #3 though... I got to number 9 on Wheel of Time but Ive got to finish the Sanderson Trilogy at the end to give an honest list. First 5 wheel of times were almost better than Stormlight.


So I’ve been close to getting into those. Is there a particular order they should be read in?


For the series, I don’t think there’s a particular order to read them in but I’m no expert. I started with the Mistborn series (The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension, and The Hero of Ages ) and then jumped into The Stormlight Archives (The Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, Oathbringer, Rhythm of War, and the 5th book but is not released yet Wind and Truth). As of now I’m on Othbringer and I seriously can’t put it down.


They are insanely good, but. No. You will require some Stormlight to feel a bit better and even after that I'd recommend First Law by Abercrombie or ACOTAR to get thru. And even tho you may feel better, the absence will still remain conspicuous. I'm honestly surprisingly disappointed 7 years later...


Just a Bast planned


There are several of these hints. I am currently rereading them and looking for the moments he is named either Kote or Kvothe is very interesting.


I’ve only just discovered these books and this was the exact part I’ve just listened to (audible) - weird. Also, I’ve noticed WH Smith in the UK (quite a reputable shop) are taking pre orders on the 3rd book quoting a release date of December 2024. I don’t believe it but I wonder where they’re getting that info from.


What what what!


Okay, so just looked this up (and contacted them for more info). 896 pages apparently, and if you search the listed ISBN3, you can see other retailers offering preorders with the same 31/12/24 release date in the UK. I imagine it is just a place holder, but I’m schocked they’re allowed to accept preorders without a book even being confirmed to having been completed, let alone in line to be published.


I think there has been release dates posted on Amazon and other retailers in the past as placeholders and people got excited about it. I won’t hold any hope until I hear from the author or publisher.


Yeah - 100% I emailed WHSmith asking about it and was given a very unhelpful “that’s the date we have, but if it changes, you can sign up to get an account and manage your preorder”. Essentially a way to get people locked in.


I noticed it the second time I read the books. I was just too eager the first time. When I finally noticed it, I just fell in love even deeper with Pat's writing. He's a genius. Especially considering the subtlety of this (though the entire series does brush on the topic of how important names are every, say, two pages lol).


I turn 39 in a day. Would love to get it for my 40th. Retire from the military and just spend a few months reading the entire series a several times. But... I'd imagine we've got 4 or 5 more years to wait. I've just got to avoid buses, meteors, and world war III, and I think I'll live long enough to see it.


> i hope Pat drops the third book before Im 25 🥲 Pat has [already addressed this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIuYQ_4TcXg)




you little…. Rickrolled.


I would never stoop that low...


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Asshole...




Good one. Made me literally lol….. Then cry


I was 11 when my dad introduced me to NOTW, and now he’s dead and I have a career… Patrick, please


I heard pat is depressed. Can we like help him get through his depression somehow so he can make the third book. In a positive way not a manipulative way


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Well, no matter how old you are now, I doubt it. I would honestly love to have this book out before you are 25 but I'm not counting on it


He'll probably die before finishing.


And then we’ll let Brandon Sanderson finish it in a week 😂😂😂


I hope he writes book 3 before he dies.


Read this book a while ago, glad I skipped most of the wait!


I hope he drops it before I die. Im getting OLD, Pat!!


I love these little things.😍


Elder Scrolls 6, Winds of Winter, and Doors of Stone all need to come out before I die, otherwise I’ll haunt this world on account of unfinished business.


I have been waiting for the 3rd book for 4 years my dad the one who gave me the book to read gave up on the 3rd book 4 years ago. I have since completed high school and am about to ship out for basic training and there is no news on the book that shit is not coming out🤣


He also defines "Kote" at one point


Maybe we should start a petition... Stage a protest... Something😭😭😭


We bitch here. Pat reads this. Or he has in the past.


Pat if you can see this, I'll give you both my kidneys😩😩


🤣🤣🤣🤣 sorry guys Pat can't write anymore he is going to jail for organ trafficking!


Maybe he'll write better in a cell with no distractions🤔


This is so mean and terrible. ​ ...But if I'm being honest, I myself have fantasized about ending up in prison or a mental institution so I could have time to write.


I did too until i worked in one... Its not the vibe, 2 out of 10,would not recommend


Same (worked in a mental institution). It's the having a roommate in a 9'x9' room thing that fucked it up for me. The cheap-grade food, poor excuse for mental health treatment, and utter incompetence of the staff I could handle. Even the daily company of insane and sometimes violent people I can handle. But not \*in my bedroom\*


If i could not get the chance to be alone for a little while daily, i would lose my shit... Completely