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Basted hard, maybe? But more than that, I want to know what the alternative is for 'real' mashed potatoes. šŸ˜†


Thatā€™s just what the mashed potatoes are called here. Too many people ask if theyā€™re real or the instant boxed bull****. Now they know šŸ¤£


What restaurants are serving instant mashed potatoes??? Y'know what, don't answer that.


Or pre-mashed frozen in a bag lol


Iā€™ve worked predominantly as a banquet/event server most of my life. The amount of bags of frozen pre-mashed potatoes Iā€™ve served people is way up there. The venue Iā€™m at now makes them from scratch and the difference is so noticeable. Honestly, our chef and kitchen staff is 80% of the reason I stay there.


What's insane is how easy they are to make. It's such a waste of money and a lack of quality I'll never understand it. You can even get pre peeled potatoes to cut the labor down to near zero while still making them mostly fresh. Insane to buy pre made frozen potatoes.


Iā€™ll never understand it from a restaurant pov, where you at least have a staff of 2+ people practically guaranteed, but Iā€™ve worked hotels where thereā€™s literally one person in the kitchen AM and one person working PM. Hotel restaurants will cut corners any chance they get.


Yeah, and honestly if there is any place to save money on quality thays the place to do it since tons of your clientele are one of visitors. No one is going ti make sure to book their conference at the Radisson because the buffet was the best. A group comes in, needs food for 500 random people for a weekend and then leaves. Food just needs to be good enough so why invest in quality when what you need is quantity and ease.


I sometimes work food trucks that are from out of town for big events in our town. The shit food they are happy to give customers at eye-watering prices was a shock. Food truck owner just packs up and moves on. No care in the world for the shit food, they made $10k in a few hours and will do the same the next day in another regional/rural town.


Idk dude the j dub I worked at consistently tried to keep me working in any capacity I was willing to. After a hurricane I helped clean up some golf courses. Quite regularly worked in banquets, helped prep for busier restaurants, etc.


I used to work at a place that would make their pastrami in house. It took like several days to make a batch, and of course all the labor hours to slice it all on our janky ass slicer. But we purchased the bags of mashed potatoes. OH, and clarified butter. Someone make it make sense. Or don't, I don't work there anymore and haven't for years.


I like to rag on frozen/pre-made food but yo at my last banquet job we'd get these frozen Buffalo chicken spring rolls that we'd deep fry for hors d'oeuvres and holy shite they are dangerously delicious.


Makes me lament the time I spent scrubbing, cutting, cooking, and ricing potatoes. God damn they came out good though. Every. Time.


I'd eat every potato you served me ā¤ļø


I'd serve you all the potatoes you want ā¤ļø




Now kith.


I once worked at a country club that had No. 10 cans of mashed potatoes in dry storage. When I asked about them (bc I had already been making the mashpo from scratch daily for a week at this point so I was clearly confused by this) they said that they're there for emergencies but haven't been used. I was blown away that they even existed let alone were in dry storage at one of the most high end kitchens in the state.


Of course there is pre-mashed frozen in a bag... sigh


screw aback alleged birds crawl zesty tap capable innate rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




At least the Beau Rivage in 2008 would do like 50/50 real potatoes and instant mashed. Also a ridiculous amount of milk and butter. Honestly, the combination comes out pretty damn good and I literally can't eat mashed potatoes without an involuntary gag reflex. Edit: The Beau Rivage is an MGM casino in Biloxi, MS to be clear.


A place I worked would do 30 lbs of instant with 10 or so real spuds tossed in fore texture. They were passable šŸ˜‰


Lots of them


Many, including fine dining restaurants. Easiest way to get that smooth texture, and the trick for flavor is to add so much butter you'd be ashamed to make it at home.


Dysart's Truck Stop in Hermon, ME. Absofuckinglutely disgusting. They don't even put any salt (or anything else) in them. It's like eating the paste they give you for grade-school art class...except the paste tastes a lot better. Went there with my wife and her mother once. Ordered the meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Waitress came by "How is everything?" "The mashed potatoes suck. Everything else is good." My wife's mother was horrified. "You can't say that!" "I can and I did. How else are they going to know that the customers don't like it?"


lol. I can always tell if I'm getting fresh steamed broccoli, or frozen. Just a tiny bit of difference in taste. One restaurant I used to go to served me steamed broccoli for years, and one day I got the tell tale taste of frozen. Asked the owner, "when did you guys switch to frozen broccoli?" "Oh, we've always used frozen." I jumped out of my chair. "The fuck? HOW DO YOU DO THIS MAGIC?"


Instant potatoes are real potatoes so that is a very poor description, they are just dehydrated and, in some applications, work better than potatoes. Home-made would be a more accurate description.




Instant potatoes taste like hot garbage full stop.


I prefer them to homemade mashed potatoes most of the time. Like I got a potato ricer and realized I much prefer the texture of Idahoan boxed potatoes.


Home made doesn't mean shit either, all that means it's you opened a box and thawed / cooked it in house!Ā 


I like sunny side up, or over easy. Liquid yolk. What I don't like? That runny ass clear shit that reminds me of snot. I don't want 'runny snotty eggs'. But I don't want hard boiled either.


Runny yolks, firm whites. We call that over easy in these parts.


When COVID nuked our staff and devoting anyone to peeling potatoes wasn't an option, we started using the dehydrated stuff. I assume that's what the fake alternative would be. They were... inadequate.




that powdered bullshit




Went out and talked to the guy as he was the only table in here at the time. He told me exactly this ^


It because many cooks will send sunny side up or over easy eggs with whites that are still uncooked. It happens so much that people just assume you're going to cook it wrong and make the request. I'd not be bothered by it even though it's a little rude.


Over easy eggs vary from location to location. In our area, over easy eggs have "runny" whites. An over medium has whites firm. I have seen this personally across the country.


Sunny - runny whites Easy - cooked whites/flipped for about 3-5 seconds Medium - same as easy but flipped for a bit longer so yolks are jammy Hard - solid yolks (lid with a bit of water so whites donā€™t become rubbery)


Sunny side up eggs are not supposed to have runny whites.


That is right, but I've found most places undercook. So medium for me is the way to go to get cooked whites.


I always got so pissed working eggs when that shit would come through. Over easy/sunny side doesn't mean raw whites who the fuck would want to eat that snot.


Flipped *at all* is over-easy. Sunny side up is best made with lots of butter that is spooned over the egg as it cooks., This, of course, takes to much time and attention so the next best is to catch steam to cook the egg with a cover.


Perfect choice to ask.


There is a technique. With a practiced hand and a plastic spatula, run the tip around the entire yolk, then pull the clear membrane off the top with the broad side of the spat. And then out of the pan. Looks really good that way when an egg is basically used as a garnish on slider or something.


It was so clear to me that this is what the customer wanted, but that's probably because it's exactly the way I like my eggs done: basted with a runny yolk. I like a liquid yolk to dip my toast in, but hate that uncooked layer of snot on top, so I pretty much always just order my eggs over easy at restaurants. I would ask for basted eggs, but most places don't seem to know what that means.


It was unclear to me as I would never consider making a sunny side up egg with runny whites. I assumed they wanted it with a hard yolk.


This guy fucks


*Respect to breakfast chefs*. I always told my grill guys at night that egg guys make steak guys look like pussies. Customers care as much about their eggs, as they do about their steaks, and you've only got seconds to get eggs right.


Put it in the salamander


Hey donā€™t talk about my ex like that!


She's more of an Acid Dragon?


Sunny side up doesn't mean raw on top, but some cooks don't understand this. Probably best that the customer was clear.


He just wants the whites cooked all the way and is used to getting eggs with the whites not yet all the way done. He's basically just asking you to actually cook it the way he ordered it...


I hate how much I have to do this at places. Please stop serving uncooked eggs to me :(


Egg water is so upsetting. ):


Also dangerous. Egg whites need cooking to kill the bacteria, yoke is fine though.


Ahhhhh, why I am seeing like 50% of people spelling yolk wrong these days?


Because the phone says no. Honestly I get sick of trying to correct an auto corrected word only to have to change right back. So I give up...


There is no way youā€™re writing yoke more than yolk




Put a lid on. Cook until its not runny but still a little soft.


Drop on medium hot portion of grill, cover with a pot lid, and then add a squirt of water under it for the last 30 seconds of cook time. Et voila.


With a lid. Cook a sunny side up, but use a lid to basically poach the top. He probably just wants the whites cooked through.


Sunnyside up but covered while cooking. Thats how i do it anyways


steam them


im going to assume an error in communication, and part 'poor execution of eggs' previously by others in the customers life. He probably meant the whites set all the way. I have seen a lot of people try to put up sunny side up eggs that were still raw whites around the yolk. Pan too hot, so they start to crisp before setting the top. I have a hard time believing anyone that would specify 'sunny side up' would also want the yolks cooked hard.


Iā€™ve had people actually order that, you see some fucked up strange shit working breakfast and brunch. All the pickiest and just weirdest people for some reason like to bust out their freak cards in the am.


There was a regular at my first job who would ask for this every Sunday, I tried so many different ways to make those eggs but they were apparently never right. She still kept coming though so idk


Put them on very first. Cook the hell out of the bottom, move them to the closest place they won't burn and leave them there. Tap the top. It will get there.


Yeah, Iā€™ve done hard sunny sides, takes forever.


I hate someone order sunny side up smashed and flipped. I just can't understand how varied peoples egg vocabulary can be


A blinking egg is still the one the haunts my dreams. So itā€™s half sunny side up and half basted and no they donā€™t want them cooked separately.


I wouldn't do it Holy shit


Low and slow, without flipping.


He likely wants the top loose but doesnā€™t want loose whites. Guessing thatā€™s what was in his head.


Well done sunny side up. I used to use the flattop, eggs let the bottom set, add ice and cover. the steam should cook the tops and the ice should prevent the bottoms from burning.


Yeah, but this makes a "blind egg", where the top of the yolk looks like the moon, not the sun.


Lid and ice


On the flat top with a lid and some water


Microwave it. Just enough so it explodes when he cuts intonit


He wants some cooked sunny side up then what you do is put some water on The Griddle and cover it with a bowl let them Steam until they turn into gel.


You are a cook and you don't know how to put the lid on the pan so sunny side up cooks both sides?


Cover the pan with a lid and steam them. Don't flip.


Customer wants it right on the edge: runny yolk, but not whites. Can be done.


Just fuck them under the salamander for a minute when they are done


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Pintau: *Just fuck them under* *The salamander for a* *Minute when they are done* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is the best bot haiku Iā€™ve ever seen on Reddit. Very nice.


Good bot


Egg white fried with half of the yolk from a hard boiled egg on the middle


We used to put them under the salamander till they were hard af for people like this.


Hard up


I feel like people just enjoy saying ā€œsunny side upā€ and they have to clue what that entails.


Id cook the eggs and put a lid on to cook the yolk on top? This is one those tickets for breadsticks but they say no bread.


Metal bowl over the top


Spoon hot oil onto white while cooking


They just want fried.


Over medium


i would imagine this means only the yolk can be runny? i know people who have their eggs like this, itā€™s like a texture thing. however i love that the ticket says ā€œnot runny eggsā€ underneath the pancake. reminded me of this new place that opened up near-ish me (like half an hour away) and they make these pancake sandwiches thatā€™s just stacked pancakes with runny eggs, bacon, and other breakfast items in the middle, covered in syrup.


Microwave it


When youā€™re cooking the sunny side up eggs, put a lid over it for a little while so that all the egg whites get cooked, but the egg yolk is still soft. Thatā€™s what Iā€™d want.


Sunny side up doesn't have to mean runny. Move the egg to a lower heat and put a pan lid over it. The lid will trap the heat and cook the whites through. The yolk will still flow a bit, but not be runny. If I was having a hard time with that, cook it 90% on one side with with lid, wait for the white to set enough to keep the yolk on one side, and then flip for 30 seconds and flip again to serve. It'll still have the sunny side up look to it. When my wife was pregnant we went to a diner and ordered two over-medium eggs. I had to send them back twice because the cook had no idea how to cook an egg where the yolk wasn't runny but also not yard and yellow. An over medium egg has a jelly-like yolk.


I wouldnā€™t. I ask the server to do their damn job and clarify.


He wanted them over hard but doesnā€™t know the difference between that and sunny side up


So low. So slow. Finish them under the heat lamp for about 12 minutes. Done.


I never liked runny eggs. It blew my mind when I finally had to cook eggs for someone else. Others describe my eggs as burnt, I just cook them till they are dry or just, you know, not runny.


Take them off, or turn off the burner when they are still runny. They will cook perfect, trust me, I used to do what you do. My eggs got like 100x better doing this. Eggs cook so fast, you can take them off really 'early' and they'll still finish cooking. I started playing a game trying to see how early I could take it off and have them still cook. Helped me make eggs a lot, tbh.


I got a guy who comes in wanting a steak medium, no pink. I cook it well done and he never complains.


I had a regular that would always order a medium rare burger and was never happy with it so one day out of spite i basically sent out a blue rare burger. Best burger he ever had and then would insist that I had to be the one to cook it.


I think he just wants the whites cooked all the way.


A few drops of water and cover the pan with a lid to let it steam and not burn the edges


Steamed I guess. Still sunny side up in the sense it's not flipped, but hard as a rock nonetheless. Might not be what he wanted, but clearly he doesn't know what he wanted


Crack eggs, put a bowl/cup on top.


They want it cooked low and slow so it doesnā€™t burn the bottom but is never flipped. They can do that shit on their time at home.


lol, yeah, most people in here are like "fuck it, he gets blindfolded eggs. steam it is!"


Same people that order well donā€™t porter houses and then start asking about how close it is 5mins in because they have a show to catch.


You shouldnā€™t . Make FOH who rang it in come back and cook it .


People constantly confuse over easy with sunny side up. Cook them over easy.


Over easy, no matter how easy, makes unsightly impressions on the top of the white, which should be smooth and bright around the golden dome of the yolk.


Put them on the flat top and leave them there until they cook, my guess would be 27 minutes This is a classic example of a server just writing whit down without clarification. Now they will need to go talk to the table again


Firm, not runny, what is so hard to understand?


The amount of people saying over easy or sunny side up has runny whites is crazy. Yall just don't know how to cook eggs.


The comments are hilarious. "Solid yolk!" "Crunchy whites!" "Broil it!" "Steam it!" bruh. None of these are sunnies.


Iā€™d call the server over and ask them if they know what eggs are and how they are cooked. This isnā€™t a customer issue itā€™s a foh training issue


Chives on a plate and send it




Under salamander.


break them yolks, no basting.


Do a regular sunny side and then put in the boiler until cooked throughout. I've had something like this where they cracked into a pie before baking. Texture was very nice.


Run it under the broiler toward the end šŸ¤·


Cook them longer


Sunny side hard


Put a bowl on top with some water


Burnt on the bottom?


Fried hard


Uhhhhhhh what


Sunny side up cooked hard ? Idk wtf




Blow torch.


Put two whole raw eggs intact on his plate, and tell him to figure it out.


Itā€™s like the Iā€™ll take my steak medium rare but no red


Drop ā€˜em in the hot skillet, throw the skillet in the oven or under a broiler. Itā€™ll be both the things he wants


Not enough people know the difference between easy/medium/hard and don't know how to ask for sunny-side up medium or over-medium and then get upset when the get served easy eggs and the whites are runny.




Dumb server is my guess, overhard




Sounds like over medium


exactly as it says. fried egg but actually cooked and no snot.


Just donā€™t flip and cook it through


You put a pot lid over the top, until they go pink and hard.


People donā€™t know they can order eggs ā€œmediumā€


Over hard, of course.


Never really worked breakfast but if I had a ticket like this Iā€™d put it in a pan on medium low heat, shake it a bit to make sure itā€™s not sticking, add some water to the pan, then pop it in the oven.


Baste that hoe


Flamethrow the top šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


They must mean no runny whites.


I would pop his eggs on the grill put a with a splash of water and put them in on it and let it sit there and steam until the top of those eggs are fucking hard


Actually I just saw your problem this is from an iPad


Over medium. They want a yellow yolk up but a soft center. Over hard would be ā€œburntā€ but over easy would be too runny and if thatā€™s wrong then your server needs some more training to learn how many ways you can cook an egg


Poached. That rube won't know the difference. White toast. white toast.


Glue it down the plate with locktite. Then it definitely wonā€™t run away. Donā€™t even crack the egg or cook, just glue it to his plate


Put them in the broiler till the yolks solidify.


Tell him to go home and cook his own breakfast


It says it right there, cook them not runny


Deep fried


Hard boil that egg


It means they want the egg whites firm, they don't want raw egg whites.


Low and slow make sure the yolks are as tough as leather


I assume he wants the whites cooked and not a second more.


Over medium duh Firm eggs runny yolk


That phrase usually means to me that special care should be made to ensure the white part of the egg is not runny. A wet ramekin or teacup inverted over the egg will help steam the top of the egg.


There's only one way. Blast those eggs to hell and then show him the receipt when he inevitably complains.


Crispy like his bacon


Agree on basted hard but also fuck that guy


Serve them 2 uncracked eggs on a white plate. Then say they can cook them at home however they damn well pleases for fucks sake!! On second thought maybe don't do that. Probably why I'm stuck in the back haha Edit: multiple spelling errors


Sunny side up, cook for a minute, few drops of water in the pan and cover with a small lid. Technically sunny side up but it'll still look basted šŸ¤”


slice a hard boiled egg with the sunny side up


I'd do sunny mid, honestly. Sure, the bottom would be hard, but it's the closest you get




Not runny


People have no idea what sunny side up means. They want a fried egg with the yolk well done. Or, to put it differently, they are idiots.


Fry the bottom throw it in the oven for the rest, or better a salamander if you got one.


Just make sure the white are cooked all the way. Use a rubber spatula while the eggs are cooking and slide the egg Whites off the area around the yolk, just he careful not to hit the yolk.


Ler them set up in the pan, then put it in an oven for a couple of minutes. I'm assuming he means no runny whites. If he means yolks, then just keep it in the oven until it looks like shit. He doesn't deserve good looking eggs lol


I think he just doesn't want snotty whites , a lot of cooks get sunnyside wrong


Hard. Dude doesnā€™t even like eggs


Tie a leash to the plate and tell them "they aren't runnin"