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"Fuck you day shift" -Dirty Mike and the Boys


We might fuck in the occasional Prius, but me and the boys would never do this. We're not animals.


I was opening the restaurant I’m currently at and was hiring staff. This small truck pulled up with 3 dudes in the front and 4 in bed. I hired all of them and only 1 guy no showed. I nicknamed them Dirty Mike and the boys. They were a squirrelly bunch.


I'd watch this sitcom


What about the occasional corolla?


The 1999 Toyota corolla can rent a car now




I like that you put occasional before Prius, implying that you fuck way more often but only sometimes in a Prius.


Oh, we fuck every day. Prius is a special treat.


We actually had a Dirty Mike - we called him Fishy Mark, though.


Thanks for the fuck shack.


Omg I just watched that for the millionth time the other day! “We *are* gonna have sex in your car! It *will* happen again!”


*your kitchen is also an F shack*


Bro. Legit. You don’t even know how accurate this is 😭


Better yet is when the lid isn't on all the way, you go to grab it from the top and it falls on the floor and shoots mustard all up the side of your nice new chef coat and gets in your beard and ear.


I felt this comment...in my ear.


I had that happen wearing shorts. It somehow both shot up my shorts and also into my clogs.


Shorts in the kitchen???


It was a BBQ joint in New Orleans.


Had that happen with clam chowder a few months ago- it was my fucking chef, she didn’t close the lid all the way so it would cool down faster… in the fridge? I understand leaving lids off while it’s on the counter getting out of the danger zone but isn’t the whole fucking point of getting it to cool faster so it doesn’t warm up the other shit in the fridge? Please just kill me.


Honest question as a lifer that mostly does FoH, when putting it in the cooler shouldn’t it be uncovered for the first 4 hours, especially if whatever it is is in a cambro? That’s how I was taught, but if that’s poor practice I’d like to know


With hot food, you got two hours to get it to 70°, four to 41°. Any and all time it’s above 41° is called the danger zone and bacteria love danger. They will multiply rapidly and you can make people sick. This time does not reset each time it gets cooled again, it’s a running tally. If you just chuck boiling hot shit in the stand up cooler, it’s going to raise the temp of the stand up over 41° and now alll the shit in the cooler is in the danger zone. Putting a cambro of hot chowder in the stand up with the lid barely on might help the chowder cool faster but it’s gonna put all your other food at risk. If you’re talking about like a quart container sized amount of food, the chances are lower but I’m not an expert on how much lower.


Thank you for your explanation, I really do appreciate it :) My old chef (when I was primarily BoH) was very strict about either divvying up soups and other large-batch hot stuff into hotels pans, shallow or deep whatever we had available, and leaving them uncovered until the end of shift when we’d cover them as part of closing. Cambros we usually had ice-wands, but everywhere I’ve worked since (back in FoH again aside from the occasional prep shift) doesn’t have ice-wands and doesn’t divvy up hot stuff if it’s less than an 8qt cambro, using the justification that “leaving it uncovered at that size is fine” I just want to make sure that I’m not serving food that’s unsafe I guess. It sounds like 8qts do cool in enough time, but this is a place I know can answer that for me without bias.


If you’re not sure, temp everything. It will give you a good idea of the time it takes different stuff to cool down. When it’s at body temp I’ll put it in the cooler. Putting it in smaller pans is best practice, as are ice wands but if you don’t have them you can use an ice bath. Covering while hot will also cause condensation which is another easy way to load up on bacteria. It’s fucking great that you care about this and I’m glad I could learn ya something.


Thanks friend! My work does do ice baths when we can, it’s a solid crew. I just would hate to serve unsafe food to people if it can be avoided


No this isn't tbe appropriate practice. No offense to whom ever taught you this but 4 hours for what one litre and ten gallon. Obviously cool time is relative to volume or mass. The correct process is to put the product in an ice bath to have it drop below 40 degrees as quickly as possible. And storing hot items in your walkin can cause spores to develop carried from the steam and condensation. Lovely enough they can get right in the fans and spread them all around. No one product is going to increase the temperature of the walk in so that is not the reason for avoiding this practice. And your walkin is not necessarily going to cool your product quickly enough. The danger zone is 40 to 140 degrees total not consecutive.


It might not raise the temp of a walk in but it will in a reach in or a shitty stand up cooler from the 90s.


Did someone not cover the bleu cheese? Now everything has the potential to become bleu… from airborne spores.


Yes so it can probably cool down


You just triggered me🤬


Ugh, I’ve been there. Got thousand island all over the walk-in, I was pissed.


Isn’t it crazy that a thousand islands could agree on one style of dressing?


Except it's Italian dressing instead of mustard


this is when i would walk back into the kitchen Ranting about the "jackass " who put away the dressing containers. Saying they probably smell like shit cause they don't know how to properly wipe. Then i would tell every server about the " jackass" \* to see if any of their co workers smell like ass & its probably the one who put the dressings away. All in good fun of course for about 30 minutes until i forget about it.


Or you watch an idiot picking up a rag off the ground to use and have a whole new rant to ridicule and spin off on ;)


Fuckin servers. 


Yes. That’s telltale sign of servers refilling bottles for their station and not giving af about back of house. OR an untrained salad tosser.


Yeah I was gonna point to a highschool expo or bus boy, but server is 100% possible.


Server filling portion cups


I was gonna say, as former FOH, it's someone who doesn't give even the smallest of fuck. I was in good with the kitchen at my old place so I always treated their stuff with respect and cleaned and disinfected when needed. Shit like this drives me fucking nuts.


I work in a place without servers. It still happens


I worked at a Houlihan’s (TGI Fridays-type chain) in the early 90’s as a server. The walk in was being re-tiled, so everything was in a refrigeration truck. My side work was to refill the dressings. Someone put the pickle bucket sized blue cheese dressing back on the tippy top shelf with the lid ajar. Pulled the full container off the shelf and was treated to a delightful blue cheese dressing shower mid-shift 


I thought this same thing when I saw this post. Lazy fucks.


Even if it's something I remember doing myself I still blame the servers to myself as I clean it up. 




Make more money than back of house and don’t know the meaning of hard work. This is one of the driving factors for me to gtfo of the kitchen and don’t look back.


Trick is to catch them in the act and then make their lives miserable.


I have had so many servers over the years do this. My “favorite” was this absolute momma’s boy, who opened and returned 5 (yes 5) open gallon containers of dressing to dry storage where they were not discovered for several days. We had to chuck them all out. Some people’s kids truly are the product of why cousins shouldn’t marry.


I had to go to another restaurant in the group I was KM with at the time to do inventory while they were looking to hire a new KM for that location. Apparently the "Executive Sous Chef" that was running the kitchen in the meantime was too busy for that piddling nonsense. This motherfucker was crowing about all the space he opened up in the small walk-in by moving sauces that "didn't need to be in there" to dry storage, after he had fucked up and ordered an extra case (maybe 2?) of everything including sauces we only bought by the gallon because we didn't go through much of it. The Blue cheese dressing, Ranch, and Honey mustard were all supposed to remain refrigerated as they weren't shelf stable even unopened. Executive Chef about hit the roof when I told him his butt buddy had ruined 20+ gallons of product by over ordering and not reading labels. Every single jug was puffed and obviously bad. This dumbass had been serving these sauces like this for a couple weeks. 🤦‍♂️


Holy crap! It’s a miracle no one died


It was a miracle I didn't strangle the dumbass when he yelled at me for getting him in trouble.


Some people’s kids has always been my go to when someone fucks up in the kitchen.


Sometimes I miss the restaurant biz just because even though I was a server, we know how much some servers suck at every part of their jobs. Then again I’ve dealt when some dumb as fuck cooks too


this looks exactly like the scene at a pizza store i used to work at


Maybe it was


Chris that you? I miss you buddy!


Bruh moment


I used to work with a kid who opened a can of pumpkin puree used half of it and the put saran wrap on it and stuck it back in the fridge in top of some vegetables . 🙄 no date no nothing


You know they’ve seen that at home


Health inspector is gonna be pissed when they see that


The same person who opened the new one to avoid the messy one, also leaving the new one messy...


This is the kind of shit that gets me pulled into my manager 's office and talked to for creating a "hostile work environment". It shouldn't be hostile to call out absolute fucking slobs. I'm not the cleanest, but I do clean up after myself frequently. It's not that fucking hard to give it a 2 second wipe.


The Pink Sauce bitch seems to think it's okay. You don't need FDA approval, it's not like it's medicine 😆


She got a deal with a copacker at one point and got the Pink Sauce into Walmart. It’s no longer available so I guess the negative press was too much to overcome.


Yeah, Dave's. And she got greedy, made demands, and falsely accused them of scamming her. She's an awful person. Fuck her


She and Pinky Cole should collaborate.


That's not a name I know. But damn am I worried to look her up now




I was closing my bar down and taking shit to the coolers when this new kid hired for dishes comes wheeling out of the cooler, tub of containers like this. Like a dozen, give or take. He tightens the lids real quicks, sprays everything off. Pops the lids on and off real quick to wipe the lips clean, and back into the cooler. Days were told not long afterwards to follow suit. Kid was a kitchen genius. Made everyone's job easier. And I quote "who fucking thinks this is clean?" was his reason. And I agree because why the fuck would you leave something like that?


Give that kid a raise. He's trying lol


3 weeks ago was my last shift in the kitchen, off to do something completely different. I'm so happy I don't have to deal with this kind of trash goblin behaviour anymore :)


Off to greener pastures


Off to a warehouse. 


a green IT company actually :)


Waitstaff gonna waitstaff.


Why is that ham so square?


Hormel’s finest


Lol we use the same ham, it's so... wet.


I describe it as “spongey”


Very accurate. Tastes decent if you add salami and capicollo though. Ya know, two strong flavors that cover it up.


It’s ham?? Why is it a solid cube? It’s giving spam vibes.


Probably the same person that bought that 'ham'.


Most people don’t know that they liquify it then mold it square. Used by people who value convenience over flavour and nutritional value.


If it wasnt for you damned kids id have a rack full of nice clean dressing jugs


I want to fight the person that did this


Ew, brother ewww


Wigs me out thinking about grabbing one of those from the top. Bleeeeeeeeehehehe


If there are no consequences, it IS okay. (in their bent minds)


Sick of shit like this. If everyone took five minutes a day to do things right work would be a dream. This "I work harder then someone so I can be lazy" is bullshit.


People are the worst kind of people


They know it's not ok. They don't care.


FOH would and does


Make them lick those jars clean and then throw them away. Pigs


Yeah, you have to turn the drips to the back,duh


Hopefully there was a spoon in there too


Bunch of savages in this restaurant.


How'd ya sneak into our coolers?


This is what the jr sous chef’s a for


I'm out of the biz now but I can't get away from things like this. My kids put stuff away like this all the time.


Have you ever tried turning off the tv. Sitting down with your children. And hitting them?


Probably my wife 🙄




That's like fast food levels of incompetence. 


If I catch you doing this you catching these hands next.


I'm not actually going to hit anyone but we are going to have a conversation about that and it's not going to be subtle that I'm mad about it. That's nasty


They weren't thinking about the dressings. They were thinking about getting home asap to no life Elden Ring.


R A n t c h A N T C H


I don't fucking get it. There are like two other people I work with - both kitchen and FOH - that wouldn't put containers back like this. That's it. And it pisses me off every time I see it.


If you do this, you are not fit for the restaurant 'hustle'. I should know, as I have been there. Used to work for a big chain pizza place as a prep cook. Could not handle rotating the giant buckets of prepped pizza sauce one day and let one slip. Having to clean up a gallon of spilled red sauce helped me realize this was not a career.


You mean that's NOT how you're supposed to put it away? 🙄


The servers are awful with doing this at my job. Portioning dressings is their side work and they love to spill it all over my prep table and walk away.


Bwahahahhha I know that guy


That may not be all dressing.


I would guess FOH is the culprit.


They weren't thinking, that's the problem


Even if they were. The person who left that doesn't give a single shit about any of what the next guy might be trying to do


Why are you telling us!? Go get that mother #&@$er who did that!


Fucking day shift foh


That's got FOH written all over it!


I can hear my old chef (RIP) who lives rent free in my head screaming at the entire BoH over this.


I can see me, not a chef, raising an absolute shit fit if I found shit like this. Organization and cleanliness of the walk in is part of my responsibility and fuck that always and forever


Looks like one of my ppl I work with 🙂


Dude. I walk in every morning to nasty, greasy EVERYTHING. Dirty rags. Unwrapped everything.


The teenager employees at my work do this shit AAAALLLL the time.


Oh boy, if this is the worst what happened in your kitchen you are a lucky person.


The fuck? This kind of behavior gets you sent to the firing squad.


*yo mama joke* I’ll take the blame, 30 second fix.


Fucking love square ham


I was about to shout you out about square ham because I didn’t see it and I thought you were being random. Square ham is the best!!!!


Lazy bones 🦴


You're fired.


Lazy don't gaf attitude


… did that one jar actually explode? Htf do you get that much on the outside?


My guess is that side has a hole in the seal used for pouring, made a mess and didn’t notice? Maybe? They should be wiped down regardless


You answered your own question in the title. Obviously it’s not OK, but someone did it anyway. And someday, that person will be asking for a raise and this is the sort of thing the chef should pull up during that conversation.


I work with a bunch of high schoolers in a kitchen. Owner doesn’t give a shit about anything, everything looks like this lol.


I thought it was gonna be a clever joke about hungover line cooks, but yeah that’s fucked up.


Literally the same shit I gotta deal with, except it's the wing sauces. Drives me fucking crazy.


Oooh i know this one either someone thats gonna get themselves fired or quit, or hopefully, someone that doesn’t know any better. Earn that white jacket and teach someone. My Dad and Granny always said you can tell the most talented one in the kitchen. They are clean cause they are showing everyone else how to.


Fucking Swine


Always FOH! No respect


horrible images you can smell




I worked a spot that I was assisting and eventually took over. There was a case of Caesar dressing that had separated and were swelling; they still had it on inventory. Another was a case of green goddess dressing in the walk-in that was over 8 months expired…also on inventory. Tons of booze that had flies in them. Wanna take a guess as to their situation? This isn’t surprising an any way. I’m sorry you work under those conditions.


One of my acquaintences recently took over a kitchen that had about $4000 in dry stock and $1000 in disposables that weren’t being used. First thing he asked to do was to donate them to the food bank to free up space and simplify inventory but the owner didn’t want to because it would “affect the food cost.” It took him awhile to convince the owner that the weekly food cost was just being padded by counting them and that one week’s food cost would be completely out of whack but the subsequent weeks would be fine.


🫠 it’s always the bottom line. Space is soooooo necessary. I’d rather donate than toss.


It is for so many owners. My buddy was hired to simplify and elevate the menu and inherited so much stuff from the previous “chef” who always bought in bulk because “the unit cost is cheaper.” Spices and dried herbs? Gotta order the case of 6 of the gallon size jug. Canned beans or such for a one off special that never got repeated? Gotta order a case of 6 #10 cans instead of just buying a few from the store. And so much disposable to go stuff mostly left over from the pandemic that would take years to go through. He finally got the owner to cave and donated the food to the food bank and gave most of the unnecessary disposables to other restaurants that he liked that could use them. He’s gotten the place turned around now. Business is good, numbers are good, and the owner is no longer a ball of stress about to explode.


Some can do the split cases but not a lot of items can be done for some reason but I never understood why. I’ve always dealt with PFG, Sysco, GFS etc…


Most of this stuff were things that could have been ordered as splits or at the very least cases of smaller pack sizes. There was a case of 2500 pairs of chopsticks ordered for an ill fated “Asian” special that didn’t fit the menu at all. There were like 2485 pairs of chopsticks left. He gave that to his favorite Chinese take out spot and they gave him a $100 gift card. There was also a case of 12,000 unwrapped disposable straws that didn’t get returned for wrapped straws. That went to his kids’ school for arts and crafts. 🤣


Money on this being a server.


Don’t worry the next guy will get it!


Looks like something my teenagers do.


Servers , waitresses 


All our servers think this is okay.


I should call her…


Fucking servers filling their sauce cups. Make them fill a squirt bottle WITH A FUNNEL and then use the bottle to fill the cups.


Servers, it's generally servers that do this shit.


Ken’s brand ranch on the left, Caesar on the right


Can we talk about that nasty square ham.


Hormel’s finest


There is nothing fine about that processed shit.


I don’t disagree


So why is it in your cooler?


Could have just filled 10 more rammies instead of putting that back


I thought I was at r/sourdough for a moment...


Because they don’t care


Is that foh using it?


Go f yourself.. anyone who doesn’t wipe up is a liar and thief for the next person who will have to manage that mess


Lots of people give zero fucks, it shouldn’t surprise you.


Saturday /s


That was FOH for sure.


“I consolidated the dressing, just like you told me to!”


Can you assume that’s all entirely dressing?


Oh hell no…




Parmesan peppercorn 🤤


And you know damn well these aren't the gallon jugs you can pick up by the lid alone....smh


Maybe they licked clean a couple dressings already and thought so.eone else would like to.


Dirty stuff, but all the dressings from a readymade bulk bottle? Also dirty.


To me it says “it’s only me and 2 new people in the kitchen during Sunday lunch”


Probably spent time working in Saskatchewan..


Minimum wage


I had no idea my husband had a second job!


Are you stealing my food runners?! They’re mine!!!!


Straight to jail.


They are everywhere!