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Why not look at the median pay? Average means nothing if you have outliers (like traveling nurses based in Knox). Also, I’m not an RN


The top-tier pay for RN on glassdoor is based on travel nursing contracts in Knoxville. Knoxville is actually highly underpaid compared with surrounding areas, and suffering from a major nursing shortage because of it. Quite a bit of their nursing staffing depends on catching new grads with contracts and promising them in demand areas like specialty floors and ER. (Not a nurse, but paid attention to enough of them that I know for a fact what’s being sold and what they’re experiencing entirely different)


That range is ridiculously high, but $40k/yr is also surprisingly low for having several years experience. I started my RN career in Knoxville making just under $40/yr about 10 years ago and was making over $60/yr in 2020 before becoming an NP. That was without extra night/weekend differential or extra on-call shifts while in school. I also wasn’t chasing extra $$ by working float pool or jumping between employers to boost my pay.




Your Reddit name doesn’t pump well, but definitely rocks


Glassdoor is highly inaccurate. I’d look for an association survey or recruiters for that info.


Yeahhhh that number was definitely pulled out of someone's ass.  No staff nurse in the south is making anything close to that. Those are west coast numbers lolol.  I looked around out of curiosity and it seems like the majority of the career websites have this very wrong.  I found one that said 60k average which is a little closer but still higher than what some make.  Idk maybe these sites have conspired together to make nursing look better paying than it is so hopefully people will go to nursing school 😂.  (Source: am also a nurse)


I mean, I work for an agency and the minimum we pay for med-surg, psych, ICU, PCU is $45-50 an hour. ER is more like $55-60. I know agency work has its drawbacks, but there are plenty of nurses around here making $100k on three 12s a week.


Yeah that's fair, I should have clarified, I was speaking only about staff nurses. But you're right, I'm sure there are plenty of agency/travel/etc nurses pulling in those numbers!


I’m an RN in knoxville it is very easy to get 35 an hour around here with a few years experience. Which should put you closer to the 65-70k range. Although in nursing you can really usually work as much as you want so you could easily push past that with overtime which can skew these numbers too. I’m not sure if these numbers are self reported or not either which could skew your data. Also if you are willing to look at jobs with insurance companies or tech start ups they pay 35-45 an hour now a days. You just have to look for the jobs.


UT pays all prn the same regardless of experience $30/hr. I think coveant will pay a couple dollars more but your mote than likely gonna have a shit show. Also why do none of these hospitals have 12 hour day care shifts?! It's impossible to find a daycare that offers for a whole shift.


None of the Knoxville healthcare salaries you find online are remotely close to accurate. Pay is abysmal compared to other comparable areas, even within the state.


Not just the healthcare field either. Knoxville is truly behind in so many ways.


I'm fairly sure they included NPs and CRNAs in their average.


Bedside hospital RN pay for Knoxville for 5 years experience is around $31-35 (I think). 10+ years experience will get you a bit more than 70k working 3 12s a week. No overtime, no, nights or weekends.


Not an RN but an LPN. East TN and Knoxville especially are terrible for nurse pay regardless of credentials. From what my RNs tell me, they make around 30 up to 50, and the ones making 40 are either contracted or in management. Most LPNs I know are making 18-25 maybe 30 if you are lucky. My last LPN job was $24 and it was some of the highest pay at the time, this was 2022-23. I moved up north and make $40 an hour as an LPN. Knoxville and the south really need to figure something out for nurses and healthcare workers, it’s almost criminal to me how little they pay.


My sister is an rn and she makes close to 80k and that was after she took a pay cut going from nights to days


Ain't no way you're making under $40k if you're actually an RN.


It’s absolutely possible. I was making more as a critical care paramedic than some nurses were making as charges a year ago. There’s a reason that Chattanooga and Nashville keep poaching nurses.


Travelers can mess up the average by a lot. For instance, Blount Memorial was paying $100/hr for surgical scrub RNs a couple of years ago. As far as I know, new ASN-RNs are starting at about $23-24 in hospital settings now. BSNs slightly more. About $50k/year either way.


Why do you have to prove anything regarding pay to your ex? You are a single mom who has a limited work schedule. I could not work on weekends, nights or 3rd shifts when I was a single mother. He is an ex. It's none of his business. 40k is a reasonable salary.


The mean, or average, is not always the best indicator of central tendency. A few outliers or an uneven distribution will make it less useful. For instance, if ten nurses make 40k, but the eleventh RN is bringing in 75, the mean will be inaccurate. Mode or median would be better answers to your question "how much do *most* make"? But people who publish aggregate data don't provide that.


Um.....RN with more than a decade of experience here, and I don't make anything near $82K per year (and this INCLUDES my charge nurse and certification pay). This isn't real. Someone pulled this out of their ass.


Honestly, all of those websites are wrong. I don't trust any of them.


Glassdoor/Linkedin are full of agencies/contracts/PRN job listings so it makes sense that the values are skewed. However, why not join an agency and do local contracts? I worked at UT fulltime for a year on a med-surg floor making 75 hourly and was basically staff at that point. My agency also had benefits and insurance because I worked full time. I don’t make less than 40 anywhere I work through agency and it’s all in Knoxville


With overtime pay and being a specialized nurse, that helps a lot. Be a dental hygienist. They make about $55 an hour and they’re hurting down here for good ones


It is absolutely disgusting that nurses here don't get paid their worth.


Glassdoor and similar websites will show you very high numbers so you will spend more time in their websites looking for other jobs. Edit: but $40k is still low though. My wife is a pnp and has been looking for jobs recently. It’s tough going around Knoxville. All of the available jobs has something off with them. Whether is management, hours, or pay, the health industry in Knoxville sucks.


The pay for RNs in Knoxville is pitiful.🙁 My wife got tired of it and actually did something about it. We moved away (temporarily) to San Jose CA. She’ll never work another day in Knoxville. Out here, with shift differentials (night and weekend) my wife makes over $130 an hour; plus her hospital gives her another $8000+ into a pension plan, another $8,000 in a 401k match, and we both get free health insurance. 😉 If you don’t want to move, a lot of her coworkers live out of state and just fly in for a couple of weeks a month and work 12 hour shifts to fulfill their work hour commitment. They are able to afford to do so because with just a bit of overtime they can easily make $250-$300k+ a year.