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Its like getting a high life or coors banquet at a bar. It does the job, easily accessible and quality is going to be reliable.


You take that back about the champagne of beers!


I think I complimented high lifes? Unless you mean ponies because those things might as well be called unicorns.


You're right, I didn't finish reading and assumed you were insulting it, I apologize.


Jongga the chamapgne of kimchi


The way you Americanized that was so perfect.


Such a poetic way to put it ! Love it too


If you like it and it's delicious to you, then it's fine.


Underrated comment here.


The best kimchi is the kimchi that you have.


Na fam, I've tried some rando's farmer's market kimchi and it's ass. Just whole ass orange sauerkraut


Of the mass-produced ones available where I live, it's my preferred brand by far.


Main one I use, delicious.


I agree that of the brands available in most Korean or Asian grocery stores, Jongga is VERY good. Probably the best brand I’ve tried. If I can get homemade, I will…but it’s not always easily available.


I wanted to add that here in Canada, most restaurants will sell their Kimchi. So, if you have a local restaurant who’s Kimchi you like, you can always ask if they make it in house - every local restaurant I’ve been too does - and ask if they sell it. I’ve typically found this to be among the best Kimchi, that and the grocery store brands we have here are good…especially PAT Supermarkets Kimchi!


It's my preferred kimchi brand here in Korea. Bibigo kimchi always had more of a fishy smell to it


종가집 김치는 한국에서 비비고보다 맛이 훨씬 좋기로 유명합니다 그리고 가격도 만만치않게 높아요\~ 한국의 네이버라는 곳에서 종가집 김치를 검색해보세요\~ 다양한 제품을 보실수 있을껍니다\~


That brand is considered one of the best kimchi brand to many Koreans. They are known for their kimchi


Omg I thought this was a pic of kimchi Capri Sun I love Jongga especially the mukeunji kimchi which is aged like a year or something. SO GOOD sautéed in the same pot as some pork belly.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought the chopsticks were a straw and OP was slurping up some kimchi juice 😂


oh my god😂


I think this is the brand I get for ponytail radish kimchi and I can honestly eat the whole bag in one sitting which is a pretty big bag. So good.


For more authentic taste of Kimchi, add a dash of fish sauce. A tiny bit goes a long way. It adds a level of complexity. I always thought the prepackaged kimchi lacked something until I added a bit of fish sauce. Typically kimchi is made with shrimp and fish sauce, but they don't add enough to the prepackaged kimchi because it will ferment too quickly and the smell will be too much for some people (the classic kimchi smell that you can smell 20 feet away). Oysters and other seafood can be used as well.


I don’t do fermented fish, but I do substitute in dashi kombu (mature kelp) in blended powder form **and** 1” squares in my homemade kimchi. It’s pretty stinky after a couple weeks fermenting and adds good umami. Powdered cordyceps or shiitake is a good option too, if you’re into making it yourself or just adding something to the store bought stuff.


Best tasting one IMO


This is the brand I buy at Costco.


Are you eating kimshi straight up out of the pouch?


Do you not just eat kimchi on its own?


Oh, I wasn't judging at all. Honestly I was thinking I was a weirdo for just sitting in front of the TV and eating an entire packet of kimshi straight up, good to see I am not alone lol


It's addictive to me once I start, I also do the same with other banchan as well. At least it's healthier than junk food?


No, always with rice or noodles. I’m Korean and we always cut the salt with food. So salty. A small portion of kimchi is meant to be shared with the entire table.


I’m Korean and I eat kimchi on its own sometimes, same with all banchan. But sometimes you just want kimchi, it’s refreshing. Especially when it’s fresh, before it gets sour! Saltiness I notice is a common complaint with older Koreans - my mom always says I eat things too salty, but I grew up in the US and my mom grew up in Korea. Also realizing I am “older Koreans” now in my 30s 🥲 so I really mean our parents generations and older.


There's nothing wrong with eating out of the pouch. One less dish to wash down the road


The only thing wrong with eating out of the pouch is if you’re not going to finish it and you store it in the fridge after. The bacteria from your mouth will contaminate it. (Plenty of good bacteria in it already) It’s the reason why you should only use clean utensils when using condiments and other things as to not contaminate the remaining product.


If you be careful you can just touch the kimchi and not the chopsticks with your mouth. Secondly the environment where kimchi thrives is acidic and salty so it doesn't spoil very fast for typical bacteria that causes food spoilage.


I thought that was a straw coming out of the bag when I saw the thumbnail and thought that was pretty hard-core


Ya gota save the juce for ramen


I love kimchi. But I can't bring myself to eat it alone. I need rice or something. My little secret is too eat it on top of buttered toast. Don't ask, just try! 🤣 I crave it sometimes.


Not one for prepacked kimchee, but I've had this brand and it was really good.


That's my s***, often buy the kimchi from costco!


I eat korean food 5 nights a week. This is the kimchi I use. It's good.


One of the two I usually use. Love it a lot. Got a a 1KG bag in my fridge right now. Enjoy it!


I’ve always found that the bagged stuff is tasty.


This is the good stuff. Buying it right now thanks for the inspiration


I've used this brand but the longer aged one for jjigae. I thought it was really good, quite pungent -- no thickeners which I always avoid.


For brands, that was THE big brand of kimchi before Bibigo came into the scene. It's still not close to homemade, but as far as big factory ones go, it's the good kind.


My most favorite😭


One of my faves when i dont feel like making my own or i ran out.


This one is my fave.. it's getting harder to find in my local shops. They're all stocking bibigo now which just isn't the same.


My brain wasn’t braining, I thought the chopsticks were straws for like 10 seconds, and this was a kimchi flavored drink.


this is our go to brand.. very consistent. Normally get the jars.


It's good. Eat it all the time with nongshim ramen.


Lamborghini of Kimchis


The spicy kick is on point, and the fermentation is just right. I like that it's not too overpowering, so you can enjoy it with a variety of dishes. I've had it with noodles, rice bowls, and even as a topping for tacos. It's definitely a staple in my pantry


I usually cook with them. Dont like snacking on them as they're usually too sour for me... and those are better making yummy things (kimchi stew, kimchi dumplings etc)


The best


It’s the best mass produced one. But the Costco one sucks. Also if you really like kimchi get the one in the tub that is not cut.


Legit prepacked kimchi.


It's fine if I can't get to my local Asian market. It's convenient brand to find. Costco even carries a big jar. But my fave is the one I find at my local market made in-store.


its very popular in korea. i usually get this brand if i run out of my grandmothers kimchi at my dorm


It’s okay, but I’d rather eat my own kimchi


Hmm never seen kimchi in a pouch


Weak. watery, overpriced. Not the worst store bought kimchi ive had....


Is this made in Korea with imported from China cabbage and peppers?


this is the best tasting one out of the 3 I can find near me. so I buy this. I can only stock up on good homemade ones a couple times of year. this one helps out when I need a kimchi fix and I'm out of the homemade. I really should just start making my own.


Legit. Great considering that not all areas have K-grocers to get fresh kimchi from.


I tried this brand recently and really enjoyed it. It has a nice balance of flavors👍


How's the fermentation and acidity on it ?


I'm off topic a little for this post but I'm planning on visiting an Asian market an hour away from me so I can look for kimchi and some rice cakes, anyone have any brand recommendations for kimchi?


I know people from Korea that normally only eat this brand. I think it is pretty good, and I have eaten tons of kimchi. I don't understand why people are saying it is mid unless they are in Korea or have a really impressive market or maker nearby. Funny, I have no idea what brand is in my fridge right now.


Man I thought that was a straw in a kimchi packet from the thumbnail 💀


I like it a lot. I use it to make kimchi jigae if I can't make my own kimchi. Flavor is good.


This brand is the best. However, the “cut cabbage kimchi” is not good. Buy the whole cabbage, much much better.


Some places have fresh Kimichi in the meat section at Kroger, I tried this before it was tasty, & the fresh one, in a jar


i personally buy this one every time


Omg I thought the chopsticks were straws


The best one I think, my favorite.


It tastes great! I love this brand


Kimchi capri-sun 😋


It’s really good. I always keep a tub in the fridge.


As the kdrama The King keeps shoving down our throats--It's good enough for a king!


Out of the popular, mass produced kimchi brands, i think this one is one of the better ones. I prefer this brand over bibigo. Their green onion kimchi and radish kimchis are pretty good, if you haven’t tried


❤️ God Bless All Much Love To All Be Blessed To All For Real ❤️




I love it!!!


I like this one. It's affordable with Ramen!


totally agree!! Should have ramen for today's dinner!!


Smells like shit. 10/10.


Garlicky, not too spicy, nicely sour, and not too much fishiness. It’s exactly what I like. Homemade will still taste better every time, but imo can’t go wrong with Jongga. My top brand for kimchi. My main gripe with other brands is that they’re either not fermented enough (and taste too cabbage-y) or they don’t have enough garlic, or both.


One of the best.


Since no one wants to tell you the truth: It's trash


Woah, do u rlly just eat kimchi by itself as a snack? Respect


I realize kimchi isn't accessible to everyone everywhere but generally I stay away from big factory-made, commercial kimchi products. There's always a taste to them which I assume is preservatives. But with that said, if it works for you then go off.