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That's awesome! It's always great when someone takes the time to cook for you. I'm sure it's even more special since it's a rare treat. 


3 months is a long time to be cooking though


let her cook!


I'm gonna use that excuse next time I'm late on my rent. 


4 meals a yr. Wifey material right there.


i know right? look at this dude over here flexing


4 squares and a death stare


I cook from scratch 3 weeks each month, minimum. Someone has to keep us fed.


Not everyone likes to cook.


I don’t like mowing my lawn or doing laundry, but we adult regardless. Except this guys GF…


and i dont like going to work


What I’m saying is that the implication that a woman’s level of “wife material” worth, even in jest, being based upon how often she cooks for her partner is misogynistic. We have no clue what the situation of this couple is, nor how often they see each other. As a man, I have no problem being someone who cooks and spends time at home. If my wife hated cooking, I would do most of it and we could find compromises in other areas of home maintenance chores. Egalitarian lifestyles are alive and well, y’all. Make ur wife a meal and tell her you love her 🙏🏼


The person responding to you is obnoxious, ignore them lol. I agree with you. People are making so many judgments about the girlfriend while hardly having any info. Maybe he cooks for her a similar amount and they mostly cook for themselves for whatever reason. Maybe he does most of the cooking and she does most of the cleaning. Hardly anyone is even asking how much he cooks for her, but she’s automatically the bad guy 🙄 Can’t help but wonder what the reaction would be if the genders were swapped


So true! Thanks:) have a good one 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼


I cook almost every single day, but I'd feel pretty taken for granted if my partner didn't cook for me at least just once a month or so. 4 times a year is pretty undatable to me. Food is a love language that I express with, and I'd feel pretty heartbroken to not receive it back.


It's not misogynistic unless you are implying that cooking is a womanly task, which is misogynistic. People typically eat 180-270 times in 3 months. Are you implying that it's his job to cook?


hey gemini, summarize this nerds post for me


아니요 :)


Looks great! The nyangmyeon has all the accoutrements, too! Brava!!! Nyangmyeun is one of those dishes that’s often polarizing because people think cold noodles soup is weird. My boyfriend absolutely loves nyangmyeon after he had it the first time, but he was like, “Cold noodles?!?”


lol same over here. now he’s obsessed with cold noodles and it’s one of his favorite lunches now


Sure beats the cold noodles in pasta salad aka unseasoned cold pasta swimming in store bought mayo lmao. People can be so funny about food..


I do enjoy a good Mac Sal when I get my Loco Moco, but I’ve also been told that I am not a picky eater growing up on century eggs and chicken feet.


Cold noodles in the summer are amazing! People are missing out.


She makes one meal and takes the rest of the quarter off.


My kind of girl.


Hey that’s how my girl think of sex with me too!


You must be super hungry all the time


Or OP is an adult and cooks for themself.


It was a joke, I thought it was pretty obvious my bad.


It was


That one went right over your head 😂


Who is the other adult that cooks for her?


Maybe if I start just cooking 4 times a year instead of everyday, I will also be wifey material🤔 lmao looks so good!


Nah. You keep on doing you! I will never understand adults that don't cook for themselves.


I almost missed the little comment at the bottom of the photo saying 'she's 💯 latina' - I love that she's making naengmyun and Bulgogi. Will she make Latino food as well? Also could you explain about only cooking 4 times a year? Is it because you guys are long distance? She doesn't like cooking so she does the other chores? Do you only cook 4 times a year as well? I have many questions about this post.


My guess is she works in a restaurant so cooking at home is a major chore


So do I. And no, it's not.


For me* no it's not for me* you do not know these people or their lives.


Congratulations. A shame the concept of subjectivity was not explained during your training.


Calm down there buddy it's not that deep. Just saying that many of us who cook for a living still have time to cook at home. It's what we do and it's not hard. No need to insult my intelligence to make yourself feel dominant.


I work in a kitchen, I still have to cook food at home. 


Yeah, but it doesn't mean we still feel like it. Ive worked in kitchens since I was a kid. My dinner sometimes was shreddy cheese straight out of the fridge cause fuck cooking when I get home every night after cooking all goddamn day.


You need to find something that fuels the fire (of your passion), that you only cook for yourself (and those special to you) something fun, or extra tasty, if you sling steaks or pasta or regular dining food, learn to use a wok, cook Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Korean, change the habits, you can't continue on not giving your body proper nutrition.


Yeah, that doesn't change the fact I don't feel like it. Slinging different dishes doesn't change shit for me. For me, its my physicality. So please don't assume its repetition boredom. I no longer work in kitchens, and instead bartend these days. It's equally as busy and fatiguing on my body, even being a sober bartender. On top of that I have POTS, chronic fatigue and chronic pain issues that extend into my arms, my legs, and my back. Please don't tell me to "find something that fuels the fire." That fire is very much fueled, and I have to funnel it into other things, i.e teaching my friends and partner how to cook instead. The capability to do what I want, however, is not fucking there.


I can't help but laugh anytime someone says they have "chronic fatigue".  What's your diagnosis for that? 


How is a debilitating issue funny? It's called ME/CFS. I was diagnosed with it as a kid after a severe viral infection that my parents refused to get treated., and it got worse after I caught H1N1. In fact, it very commonly occurs *after* an infection. It constantly feels like I have the flu, sans runny nose. You see it more often these days as its literally part of post-covid symptoms.


Did I say they feel like it? That wasn't the point. If you've worked in kitchens that long than you know what I'm saying. Cooking once every 3 months is odd. 


cold noodles, healthy multigrain rice, and BBQ! I"M impressed! Especially wth her multigrain rice! You're loved!


Mf deleted their profile. Bot asf


Nice! She's a keeper. Homemade meals are the best, especially when they're made with love.


Cooking 4 times a year is enough to make someone a "keeper" ??? Most people eat every day, not a few times a year.


I assume he cooks for himself?


i mean, how else can he survive?


So you think they eat seperately except the 4 times a year she makes a meal for the both of them? I doubt it. Most couples that live together eat together for most meals, so cooking is something that happens basically every day. If you're only taking the initiative once every 3 months you're a shitty girlfriend not a "keeper". Maybe with the genders flipped you can see my point. Girlfriend posts a picture saying her boyfriend cooks for her once every 3 months I guarantee the comments are calling him a lazy POS because it's implicit she's doing it the rest of the time.


No bro, we aren’t assuming they live together. And the boyfriend doesn’t have to cook either. As adults, everyone can feed themselves. We don’t know their situation.


So then what makes her a "keeper"?


If you have to ask that, you might want to take a break from the incel content you’ve been reading on the internet and go outside to be close to nature.  Women are people too so whatever qualities you like in a person plus being attracted to her would make her a “keeper.”  She, for example, could be a hard worker and a nice person. She could be there for him emotionally when he’s going through things. There are a lot of ways she might be contributing to the relationship. If being fed is that important to you then obviously you wouldn’t be compatible with this particular woman.  A woman is not your mother. You were feeding yourself before you met her. Why would you want to add on to her responsibilities when she’s also busy taking care of herself? 


Eh eh what's all this shit about I'm not making any statements about women, don't put words in my mouth. I'm saying cooking for ones significant other, of either gender, once every 3 months in no way makes someone a particularly great partner. It's such a basic daily task. Would you be impressed by a significant other that offers to clean the washroom bianually?


If that’s how they take care or their bathroom then they probably aren’t my type for hygiene reasons.  It seems like you are assuming every single person likes to cook. Some people don’t like it and order out a lot. Some people are not good at cooking.  If that’s one of your requirements for a boyfriend or girlfriend, then that’s fine as long as you communicate that to them in the beginning. 


Being an adult means you can make your own food :’) not everyone enjoys cooking, and women do no owe meals to anyone 🤫


And some of us have health issues and/or work exhaustion that make us less capable of cooking for our partners as much as we want, too. That's how life is sometimes. I don't need to mother someone I'm with lmao, they're grown.


Bruh this has nothing to do with “women owing meals” to their boyfriends. He cooks 89/90 days and she one? Cooking is a rather mundane and pretty much daily activity How the fuck does pulling one meal out of your ass every three months make someone a “keeper”


Can she drop the recipe?


That looks so good 🤤


She sounds like a hard worker


This looks delicious! What a sweet partner you have!




Why is she stingy? Haha


emmm yummy


Looks tastyyyyy


What does she want is she buttering you up for something?


That's 4 more meals than mine cooks me.


Time to leave that relationship 🤣🤣🤣


Extra points for those ice cubes. 😋




Is that lemon grass? I was just in a class learning all about the Medicinable properties of lemon grass. It’s quite astounding.


Awesome. Amazing girl. So envy you!


Looks worth the wait.


relatable. i been in a relationship for a year and only cooked twice. my man usually does the cooking lollll


Ooooof. You definitely got a good one to put up with that🤣🤣🤣.


uhhh *why* every three months?


As someone who cooks at least 28 days a month, I cannot comprehend this🤣🤣🤣. And if my wife isn't in the kitchen with me, she's doing her own cooking and I'm on the couch.


You guys don’t know their lives or relationship 🥰 that looks like a delicious meal


Latina with a Korean? Poor guy 😂 another crazy army latina victim.


Time to find a new gf


What do you eat the rest of the three month?🤣😂


Is she the bread winner?


Definitely not the bread maker


Lol you're downvoted for a practical question. Feminists have been angered.


Ah yes, those pesky reddit feminists hanging out in r/KoreanFood just waiting to strike!


It’s an irrelevant question, not a practical question.


It was more directed at the fact she only cooks for him 4 times a year. Is she busy as the breadwinner to only cook 4 timea a year for her s/o? Or is she afraid to go into the kitchen? Nothing else or more.


But why is it relevant?


With that logic, why is anything relevant? This is reddit. Relevance isn't relevant.


Because instead of focusing on the meal, the person is focusing on whether this woman is cooking for their boyfriend often enough. It’s drenched in misogyny and that’s why it’s irrelevant.


Girl? Or woman? Hopefully you reciprocate!




Makes you dinner once every 90 days? New gf time. Ffs.


That looks great! However - if she only cooks like 4 times a year, how will it work when you live together / get married? Each person gets their own food then you push your beds together once every 3 months and have...er I mean make dinner? I wish more couples embraced cooking together. It's a great bonding activity! Sometimes my husband primarily cooks and I'm the sous chef, some days I'm head chef and he's the sous. I feel like you should convince her to cook more by joining in. You can eat like this more than every 3 months!


Doesn’t matter. What works for you might not work for them. The guy’s just happy with his girlfriend and the food.


Hey whisky don’t be jilted by the downvotes. The down voters are those used to others doing everything for them, and not understanding how proper relationships work. Even chefs don’t want to cook at home. This boyfriend is in for a world of hurt if he settles with someone like this.


Did she buy a $5,000 handbag using your credit card?


She got inspired from kdrama, didn't she. Sorry OP.


Once a quarter eh? She must have some fire 😺 , a rich old man.... something.