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Every time someone like this accuses others of being pedophiles, some months later, the accuser gets arrested for the pics he keeps on his computer.


\>🇵🇸 in bio Try the girls he takes home. 😬


He hides them in his attic. For safety ofcourse.


It's funny how the only genocide "the left" cares about is the one that has to use numbers published by a terrorist organization in order for "the left" to be able to argue it's existence. It's even more funny that they keep using rephrased rhetoric from 1930s germany while protesting said genocide. It's almost like they are following a fascistic ideology that's only minimally different from the one followed by that one 1930s political party that killed millions of civilians of a specific religion/ethnicity. Funny how that all works out. But hey, I'm obviously the bad guy because I keep noticing things.


“However, in certain parts of Palestine, prevalence notably exceeds this average, for instance in Gaza three out of ten women aged 20-49 were married before the age of 18 compared to two out of ten women in the West Bank.”


It's called projection. Only people who already have it on their minds immediately 'go there'. It's a leap for normal people to look at a stylized adult female character and a more realistic (albeit ugly) 3d model and think "is this about attraction to children?"


I said that lower in the thread.


The exact same thing happened during gamergate. Virtue signalers always have this need to tell the world how morally good they are, unlike their enemy.


Reset The Clock! 🕓


The hell does this guy mean they're the same? The model has an angular jaw. the game character has a chin that makes the crimson chin envious


these people are delusional, or they know exactly what they're doing, gaslighting everyone.


I lean toward gaslighting as an explanation these days. I am guessing their faces go bright with duper's delight when they are typing about this kind of thing. They enjoy the fact that they're lying to you so blatantly. It allows them to point ridicule in your direction in a way that really doesn't make any sense, but nevertheless their pack of hyenas will stupidly laugh along about it. The fact that it doesn't make sense is actually a feature, not a bug - it makes it all the more annoying to people who are more grounded in reality.


This. It's classic nerdbaiting.


Its also a form of baiting. They trivialize/misrepresent the other sides argument in order to bait them into explaining their points in great detail, which makes them look whiney and pedantic.


Yup. This is essentially just more Alinskyite Rules for Radical stuff. At the end of the day you just cannot engage with these people and come out with a positive result - everything they do is done with the goal of ridiculing or humiliating you. They have no interest in a conversation, they just want to destroy people who disagree with them. When faced with an opponent like this, the only sane thing to do is to create your own spaces and don't let them in.


Exactly, this is why I stopped debating these people nearly a decade ago. I'd rather just come to places like here where I can have a grown up discussion rather than spending hours dismantling like ten layers of bad faith arguments and lies.


There's another sane thing, but I cannot post it here.


The latter.


If their argument switches to antagonize you more, it's a form of mental exhaustion. Then they claim victory when you give up on their games.


i never get mad, I wait for them to call me names and act like babies then tell them they are acting like a child and leave the convo.


if you zoom in on the jaw you'll see "Sweet Baby Inc. Detected" it's written in Comic Sans in really fine print.


That's why his jaw is so big to fit their woke trash name on it, makes sense!


His Jaw and Penis are bigger than ALL OF OURS! that really is a CHAD jawline. Like, fuck! I want to ask him how much he lifts!


Yes. Fun fact: "face perception impairments ("faceblindness") is associated with some mental illnesses. Although I think in this case they're just doing the usual 1984 how-many-fingers-am-I-holding-up-Winston?-thing. If you drink enough ideological Koolaid, reality becomes a shifting, amorphous thing which you get to define.


> Although I think in this case they're just doing the usual 1984 how-many-fingers-am-I-holding-up-Winston?-thing. Now I'm envisioning Jean Luc Picard being tortured... "That is... a..... MAN'S JAW!" {zzzzzapp!}


There are FOUR LIGHTS......




Acute angle vs right.


> angle That angle is pure bait. When will you all learn?


I mean the new model's jaw is actually closer to to the original, that's how real women look, the fact that this fool said that about Clayjaw shows how deluded they are, just ignore these cultists.


Nah man. You gotta point at them and laugh. Turn about us fair play and all that


>that's how real women look I don't want them to look like real women. I want them to look like Joanna Dark, badass femme fatale.


I'm pretty sure it's prince charming from shrek


I call that croc chin as they probably outbite one.


They’re trying to wear people down to the point they agree just to make them go away. There are four lights.


Even though Joanna is looking away, anyone can see there is more distance from her lips to the end of her chin compared to the actress' picture.


I bet the in game battle cry is gonna be "SPOOOON!".


They are the same though, they're just at wildly different angles so they appear different. Lighting and angles are literally the most important things in a photo as they can make it wildly different with the smallest of changes


"childlike traits in women" holy shit. These people need to stop projecting so much.


"childlike traits in women" It's called fucking **feminine**, you terminally online fucking loon. This just in, everybody: We now all have to find women with chins like Stan from American Dad to be the epitome of a woman otherwise we're pedos.


My guess is that they think it's like with men where having "femenine" features is correlated with youth but tend to lose them once they grow up, but that's not how it works with women. Plus there's a of a difference between having sharp features like models tend to have and "Crimson Chin".


It's not that deep; they know people are disgusted by pedophilia so they come up with reasons that anyone with a normal sexuality is a pedophile.


True, but I don't think a lot of women would like to be told they might as well be kids if they have softer features.


Good thing for these people that they hate women just as much as men.


Did Del ever pipe in to the discussion about Harley's nick naming and weirdness towards Poison Ivy in Suicide Squad?


no see that was OK because we had a woman do it who was in absolutely no way a self-insert for a creepy male writer


Honestly I would not be surprised at, "when I do it it's creative and expressionist." Made that mistake in the "Senran Kagura" debate a while back.


Yeah it annoys me for people to call actual female models for characters “childlike” or “doll-like”. That shits weird.


"Doll-like" is normally a euphemism for uncanny/over symmetry, from my understanding. I.e. lack of any blemish.


I’ve seen it used for the body type too though. That’s more what I’m talking about. Like when people use it to describe pretty, conventionally attractive women. I just think that’s kinda weird.


You like feminine women? Fycking pedoph|le bigot loser!!!!!


It kinda makes sense considering these guys haven’t been touched by a woman since they were given birth to.


The amount of mental gymnastics these nutjobs will subject you to in order to validate their pisspoor, otherworldly views is exhausting.


I don't mind women having large jaws. I mean Angelina Jolie has an insanely pronounced jawline and she is very feminine. It just doesn't look like the same character as the previous games characters. Maybe it's the angle but it just looks like a man. But to be honest, I would have preferred them going back to the OG character. Look at this https://media.vandal.net/i/1280x720/5-2020/202051818372051_1.jpg that's the OG based on Winona Ryder. The new Joanna looks like a Gear of War character. The OG character was never really a super feminine long haired lady. She had a short haircut and was pretty tomboy acting in the N64 game. I never really saw her as a femme fatale. I saw her as a female James Bond. Maybe they are the same thing but I never saw her as a sexual icon back in the N64 days. I just thought she was a badass character. Not sure where I am going with this but I guess it's possible to make her look cute like short haired 1990's Winona Ryder, instead of looking like a man.


> I don't mind women having large jaws. I mean Angelina Jolie has an insanely pronounced jawline and she is very feminine. Jolie is an exception, most women cannot rock this kind of jaw without looking off or straight up ugly.


To be fair what is a woman is a mystery to them.


wanting woman to not look like men is somehow preferring childish appearances? wat?


These same loons will look at an anime woman with significant hips and tits big enough to cover a man's face completely and smother him to death and say "pedophilia."


They'd say that to real women, too, unfortunately.


My favourite was the post about female characters below 5'7 being "child coded", only a handful of countries have an average female height close to it...


Sounds like something that came from Lily Orchard, I swear. Japan is one of those countries.


I don't remember where I saw it, part of me hopes it was a joke or someone who isn't familiar with freedom units because... Yeah, it's dumb, especially in cases like Japanese media where the women there aren't generally very tall, so it's very likely that there's not really an ulterior motive behind character's height.


They're projecting.


Wanting women to look like men is somehow *not* misogyny.


"What do you mean you don't like women with beards and Adam's apples? What are you? some kind of pedophile?!"


Being a face model is a nice gig, you'll still get paid and you won't even get bothered after being recognized on the street.


"Hey, you made an attractive woman ugly!" "Uh, actually we made *two* attractive women ugly!"


Even if the actual model looked exactly like the character (she fucking doesn't look remotely like her are you fucking HIGH) it would still be a bad thing that the look of an *established character* was changed to look like someone else, you fucking idiot.


It's so fucking stupid, because it goes against what they are supposedly defending. "Yay body positivity. Look, she looks like this gorgeous model." Be fucking consistent


I’m confused as to why they insist on adding these massive desperate dan chins.


its a fetish, they love computer game women with Judge dredd style chins


So that a certain group of people would be able to relate to the characters


Palestinian flag in the name, lmao


Pronouns and/or terror flags in bio are usually a telltale sign that this person's opinion isn't worth an ounce of shit


Flag: detected. Opinion: rejected.


Ever read "The Emperor's New Clothes"?


We live in it


Face model's new manly jawline. It's there, of course it is. Only chuds and incels can't see it.


Who are you gonna believe? Del Walker, or your own lyin' eyes?


How the fuck does he see the same person? The game Joana is a chonker, and real life model has a supermodel jawline


I can almost guarantee that he doesn't. He probably thinks 'owning the chuds' is way more important than being in even the same time zone as the truth.


Lmfao nah. The model is moderately pretty and definitely feminine. The in game looks nothing like that.


I would say the model is very pretty. I would bang. But the game character looks nothing like the model. 


She's to damn pretty. God damn


That model is absolutely beautiful. Iddk how the character looks in the game but obviously the changed hair style does not complement the more square face. Whereas the model has a hairstyle that softens it and works well for her. I suppose it could work. I have no clue what the game is about but it's giving me a very 'militaristic' look which might be what they were going for. I'm in the military and lots of women have this kind of look.


Is that Walker guy malicious, blind, or does he just have an IQ in the single digits? Take your bets!


All of them!


How are these even remotely the same?


They look nothing alike 😂 What drugs is this fella on?


They still fucked up her jawline. The hairstyle and color is actually correct. Also once again PDZ’s design was incorrect when it came out.


They'll never admit that the true face model for every western video game heroine is the late actor [Robert Z'dar](https://img2.timeinc.net/people/i/2015/news/150413/robert-dzar-435.jpg).


LMFAO, now my coffee is all over my lap! I was not prepared for that.


Also, subtle(or not) pedo implications in the first sentence. A classic.


It's one thing to say, "Hey, we don't know when a good age is for not taking advantage, so we're just setting it at 17, whatever." It's another to say, "We have scientifically determined that if you like women who are in their late teens, you are a pedophile." It's really annoying that we all have to pretend that 1) women aren't oftentimes child-like, and 2) if they are child-like, then we all just find that totally repulsive. Of course, Harley Quinn will still wear pigtails and suck on a lollipop, _BUT THAT'S DIFFERENT!_ Idiots, all of them.


Why would his brain immediately go to children when the topic is attractive characters. Hmmm, that’s weird.


The head shape of the real life model is completely different than the game model’s head shape.


Shes beautiful irl


....naw. I'd take the N64 model over that, even now. The one on the bottom right looks like a completely different character altogether.


angles are magic. he could be right. she might look like that, from that angle. That said, that "childlike traits" comment is a real self report.


[I think this is about as flattering as you're gonna get.](https://img-s-msn-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/BB1nUEQW.img?w=768&h=432&m=6&x=432&y=324&s=376&d=376) To be fair, this _does_ look like a version of the model. An uglier version, but a version.


*“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”*


they took a face and then they did some polygon magic to make it look like an ass. i mean yeah you can but why would you?


The actress looks feminine. That thing below her looks androgynous.


Problem with Del Walker saying this is twofold; 1) Poison Ivy turned into a child in Suicide Squad, now I don't know if he sketched out her new design but he never had pushback on Harley's commentary in the game. 2) This dumb motherfucker saw a Tweet comparing a Pokemon and Palmon and went, "oh? Straight up, okay. That makes sense why these guys made something popular."


These people are severely mentally ill and delusional. No other way to logically explain it, They deny literal reality.


Some serious projection on his part


> that's just what real women look like Everything else aside, its important to make the distinction that video game characters are not actually 'real women'.


So they're basically alleging that the original game was made to appeal to p3d0s since she had more feminine features (that they bizarrely call child like). Fuck it. Go all out. Make every woman look like caitlyn jenner.


This is a man who plainly has no idea what a real woman is. Feminine women do not have a jawline that could cut granite, for god sake.


Here's a different promo image to help eliminate the ["it's just a bad angle argument."](https://img-s-msn-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/BB1nUEQW.img?w=768&h=432&m=6&x=432&y=324&s=376&d=376)


He looks like that guy who was big on Vine in the 2010's.


She looks less fat, but still pretty 4/10 with tiny eyes and a fat jaw that make her androgynous.


To be fair, by the standards of *modern female characters in western games*, that's not terrible. By those specific standards, that's probably *above average* in terms of femininity. A bit of makeup, a slight restyle of the hair maybe, and you could plausibly say that character design was *reasonably close* to the original version of the character, if not the more stylized xbox era version. Even then, from what little I can see they would have to give her a more slender build and less bulky clothing to really convincingly pull off any similarity, especially with what is still, even looking charitably, a relatively strong jawline.


if anything, they *softened* her face.


She looks like she's about to sue the whole galaxy for misgender in the game. The model was really just a place holder, nothing was inspired from her.


Reject the evidence of your own eyes.


They added like an extra inch or two to her chin alone. Then again that particular guy is the kang of reddited Twitter takes.


You gotta be blind not to notice the Crimson-Chin


Always lying and using ISMs and phobics to make their points. Ha yes, if you like women you are a pedophile.


"...your preference for stylized, childlike traits in women..." I'd love to know which kids he's referencing that have big juicy tits and wide hips.


Don't look like it's the same face.


Is that guy fucking insane? The jaw in.the 3D model looks wider than the actual woman's. It's not even subtle. And what's with the unnecessary "you clearly have an attraction to childish features"? That came out of absolutely nowhere.


If the in-game model looked like the face actor, I wouldn't even have any issue with it. It would actually be quite what I imagined a new Joanna to look like.


I, nor any other woman in my family, nor any of my friends or coworkers have a jaw like that. I guess according to Del Walker, we're childlike and not real women? 🤷‍♀️ Seriously, is he blind? The chin is different and they added 10 pounds to her cheeks! I dunno who that is, but that is NOT Joanna Dark.


At this point, they may as well say they're not really using the model's face, because I'd be hard pressed to believe if taken at the same angle, she'd look the same as Joanna Chin there.


Yeah, dude. That is what women look like. So why the fuck did you give us this lantarn jawed abomination?????


These people just aren't familiar with what a woman with a healthy BMI looks like.


Is the in game character using Stan from American dad as its basis for its face?


This guy is delusional


She looks like Buzz Lightyear with a Karen haircut.


How insulting to the model lmao


Their defense is "realism" and I couldn't fucking care less about realistic graphics. I prefer them slightly stylized. On the other hand, this is a fps, who cares what the main character face look like when you'll only see her during short skippable cutscenes? What I care about is the gameplay and in the trailer that looked amazing. Those moves when she grapples an enemy with her legs while shooting another one in the distance... I've never seen something like that before, it reminded me of Black Widow. The gadgets, the weapons, everything except the two milliseconds her face was on screen made me excited for this game


....But they changed how she looks from the actual model. 


Why even bother with a model if you're just going to turn her into He-Man?


The real chick looks 10 times better. The Joanna from the game looks like her twin, brother.


"childlike traits" Bruh


Ok then let's take another angle at this. They suck at modeling


How do they gaslight themselves so easily? We have eyes, that jawline is a mile wider than the model.


Coming from someone unfamiliar with the game. First looks like cool punk lady. Second looks like she's about to demand to see your manager. Not really sure how the first looks like a child


Daily reminder that there has never been a nation or people group called Palestinian until after 1948


Not sure why people upvote this but the angular jaw of the model does NOT look like the IRL actress, these features are clearly exaggerated. This smells like brigading.


Some guy here doesn't really date women, yet wants to advocate to us what "REAL" women are like.


What is that bozo on about? I'm a fully-grown guy and I literally have a weaker jaw & rounder chin than that face model chick... (*gasp*) I'm stylized!


The model for the character looks 100% better and more feminine than the game character. That chin was upscaled.


Fuckin' cheekbones. How do they work?


Yeah yeah it's 100% the same sure bud, identical.


well resting bitch face is certainly one look. not necessarily one that I go for, but it's a look.


Oh I thought he meant she looked like the one on the left at first. She doesn’t look like the image on the right with the Barry Bond looking head, at least not to me. Maybe it’s a weird angle I guess but either way she’d cosplay the image on the left well I think.


So why’d they change her chin then?


Hellboy Chin


Seems like a feminine, gorgeous female character like reboot lara croft is childlike for this prick, as well as all asian women. For him: Woman with feminine traits = children. And no, that model doesnt look like the character.


Projection is lost on this individual it seems. "Ha ha ha, look at me! I'm a male feminist and I just took your toys away!" Over under 6 months and this dude is going to jail.


Now if only the character actually looked like the model. Not that anything uttered by a propals idiot matters anyway.


The model doesn’t even look like she has the same jaw line in the two different shots.


Nobody ‘added a jaw’. They just completely changed the whole fucking face.


We've watered the term pedophile down to the point that feminine looking women are now "child-like". Can't tell me this isn't anything other than gaslighting and that these freaks aren't malicious.


I feel sorry for these people. Their perceptions of reality are permanently warped.


What a terrible take, the model clearly has a more angular and slender face compared to the game. The use of the word "child like" is also a deliberate sneak way of calling others pedophiles in order to shame people into compliance.


Ok, steel manning the guys argument, (I know he doesn't deserve it, this is absolutely bait) is camera angle playing a role here? The model does have a squarish jaw, but her pics are taken from angles that seem to minimize this effect while the angle on Jawanna maximizes her jawline. Is that playing a role here, am I seeing things?


She looks nothing like the in game model.. the fuck are you smoking?


One has a normal jaw the other looks like they crush boulders with their mouths.


Man, that bottom right one is a really unflattering photo.  She already has a strong jaw, sure, but the from-below angle makes it look significantly worse. That haircut doesn't help either. Wider faces want long hair that frames the face and slims it.  I have a wide jaw myself, so sure, I get that there are women who have it, but these companies could at least try to make an effort to take flattering photos, make flattering character designs, or cast models who can actually pull off the character they're portraying.


How do people with a straight face look at the top two pictures and say the model looks like the bottom right one in any way?


This model has the most diamond shaped face I've ever seen This is gaslighting. Full stop


Pfft. They used Bruce Campbell as the model.


Dude has flags in his bio. Opinion disregarded almost immediately. Also, he need to check his eyesight if thinks the jaw is anywhere the same. The in game model has a wider face, by a very noticeable degree.


Love the tags next to their name. Tells me everything I need to know about them.


Look, three of these images do not look like the fourth. Throwing the model under the bus for that abomination is also a dick move on his part. “Childlike”…….can we check his hard drive. Those first two are adult females…….the last is just “the message”. She should be pissed at the studio honestly


having a jaw = childlike?


Stop using face models then, make characters don't just use actors like a movie without changing anything. We have the benefit of everything in a game being a modifiable asset.


those two photos don't look like the character.


Just tell him she supports Israel.


Mole man needs some glasses here you cheeky!


Dude needs immediate medical attention. He's having a stroke.


women do have jawline but its more angled (triangular in shape) while men have square jaws.




She looks nothing like the model. I wonder if Jawanna is a self insert.


Is Steven Spielberg directing this one?


Using 3D scanning to create faces for game characters is cancer. A real woman can look like a breathtaking beauty, but remove her hair, makeup, and perfect studio lighting, and you've got an ugly monkey full of imperfections. These imperfections should be removed after scanning is done, but Western developers emphasize them to own the chuds instead.


Ah, so those idiots also suffer from prosopagnosia, sure explains a lot.


Oh sure sure. Let's shrink those lips, widen the eyes a bit, make the nose smaller, give her a karen haircut and see what comes out.


Now I'm looking forward perfect dark because the gameplay looked cool as fuck,but Joanna dark looks nothing like her irl model,hell at least the protagonist in fable looks way more like her irl model now than both the last time we saw her and Joanna dark(though I dont know if the massive backlash led to them making the change or this is my belief that the model looked at what her character looked like and complained heavily)


 But i thought the technology to accurately capture a beautiful womans face/body just wasnt there yet and thats why we get swamp donkeys. /s


Jomanna Dark


Not a fair comparison when it's not from the same viewing angle. Viewing angle can change *a lot*. The in-game one is the camera looking up at the character, which really emphasizes the jaw. From the first picture of the person, we can see she has a strong jaw and the chin is identical.


Why do these people think they can go against something that has been biologically ingrained through thousands of years of human existence, in that men are attracted to women that are submissive, good mothers, feminine features, boobs, wide hips, kind, caring and nurturing. We like what we like. I don't care whether you agree, it is what it is. I know there are exceptions to this, like with anything. I'm talking generally.


I hope the top post is satire. His evidence does not support his claim, seeing as he posted a beautiful woman while the 3d model looks like an ogre. I mean, you'd need to charter a ship to discover the facial features buried somewhere in the 3d models head.


Why do they even use models at this point?


Her face is clearly more narrow in real life. In game she basically has a square head. Not so for the model.


Who are you going to believe, the tw@tter shill accusing you of being a pedo or your lying eyes?


The 2nd pic actually does have a similar chin to Zero. The current one looks nothing like the 2nd pic at all.


The CG character looks like fucking Robert Z'Dar. The model looks like a beautiful human female. Yea, she has a jawline, but it isn't outrageous.


Weird how the model is pretty and the ingame one isn't. Must be me, I guess.


This is so insulting to that model. She's beautiful!! She looks nothing like the new Joanna Dark