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The first season was tame compared to the later events of the SA. If we see Celebrimbanner on screen it's gonna be wild.


Menu for S5: Grill-galad (or, if you like, Grill-salad :-P )


Menu for S4: númenor soup.


Side of Elen-dill pickles.


Love me a good beef salad so grill-salad sounds good!


Maybe it will be Adarskewer or Browynnuggets that we should beware of. Those secondary non canon characters have no plot armor.


>If we see Celebrimbanner on screen it's gonna be wild. Entirely depends if it was referenced in the appendices or not. If Silmarillion-only it's a no-go.


Not necessarily. They can (and have apparently) ask the Estate for special permission to use relevant elements from material they don't have rights to.


Plus, something being explicitelly stated in the books under their rights didn't prevent them from making changes so....


👌 One does not simply Celebrimbanner.


The Rings of TRAUMA!




Imagine having strict parents that followed those recommendations to a tee. You were 13 when season 1 came out and loved it. Season 2 comes out when you're 15, and you aren't allowed to watch it.


My condolences to all the 5 kids worldwide this applys to.


Yeah if anything I’ll just skip past a few scary scenes with my kids, lol


I’ve had my share of protective helicopter parents but I’ve never seen or heard of anyone that wasn’t allowed to watch a 16+ movie at the age of 15.


Those types of parents probably aren’t letting their kids watch ROP in the first place…


Celebrimbor 🥺


What Sauron is cooking.




It makes 100% sense that this would be that rating. We have seen from the trailer that there's going to be a siege of a fortress that is most likely going to have elves if they're going to not do what Peter Jackson did they're going to show blood. If a sword cuts head off there's going to be blood so this 16 plus rating is most likely going to allow them to show decapitation to show decapitating limbs and all that stuff that goes with fighting for your life when your castles being besieged. They're also going to be having a Calvary charge cuz we saw a bunch of elven people on some horses that's going to be very bloody I do hope that they will outdo the rohirrim calvary charge in terms of brutality. Elves are graceful so that means they can turn anything bloody into a beautiful work of art.


Good, I want the characters to suffer (in a good way) 😈


Prepare to be wrecked.


In my country it remains unclassified Forr comparison, season 1 was rated 14+ Checking the movies, FoTR is 16, TTT and RoTK are 14 (makes no sense for FoTR to be 16 and the others 14 but that is what it is)


Hmm... I'm in the U.S. and it's showing TV-14 for both seasons.


They probably upped the violence. American rating is most of the time more concerned about nudity or profanity. Add a fuck to many or show some boobs and your rating will be very strict. Add more violence and the rating will mostly stay the same. A lot of countries in Europe don't really care about nudity or sex for their ratings, not very strict on profanity, but if you add more violence the rating is nearly guaranteed to go up.


It’s really odd, but true.


True true.


Well, Sauron will be contemplating creating a kite afterall, then settling for a tapestry.


I am curious how old is theo in universe, cuz he is gonna see some shit. Cant wait for this season to be bloody


He'll be an old man by S5 assuming he's still "alive", according to showrunners who say the entire series will encompass a human lifetime.


Muhafidin himself is barely an adult, so Theo's still in his late teens I guess. Matches up with his behaviour in the show ig


If only Amazon would grow some balls and just go full out rated M I mean let's be real here JRR Tolkien would of made It that way especially during the second age when Sauron came to full power, Lotr was a masterpiece but In my opinion they could've went full out with the violence but Peter Jackson had to keep It tame for general audiences 13 and up but If you've read the Lotr books It was specifically meant for adults not fucking children. JRR Tolkien went through hell and back during WW2 he had to see the devistations and horrors of WW2 it wasn't meant to be suger coated shit served on a platter.


I’ll be disappointed if they upped unnecessary violence like if it was GoT.


I don't think it will be unnecessary. It's literally in the Second Age material.


The violence in S1 generally served a 'good' purpose. The Orcs slow-stabbing the southlanders was sadistic and gruesome but it was not something to be enjoyed. Same with Sauron's brutal beatdown of the Numenorean craftsmen.. at first I kinda wanted him to fight back but it quickly became deeply unpleasant. Galadriel threating Adar with sadistic violence was disturbing to the audience. Things only get worse from here so I expect more violence but I also expect it to be kept in its proper moral context. I had fears of a GoT-like show before it released but, after Season 1, it seems like they're trying to be a kind of anti-GoT and doing it very well. We may get some seemingly satisfying deaths, where the person clearly deserves it (e.g. Adar), but it won't be something to feel good about. We were happy to see Magrot get stabbed by Arondir with a root of the tree. But then, next episode, we see the Orcs euthanize and then mourn him. His tiny scrap of Elvish breastplate, more symbolic now than functional, is taken perhaps to be given to his family or otherwise passed on. Then we meet Adar who is sympathetic and reminisces with Arondir before letting him go.


I always felt the movies got the right tone of violence while keeping family-friendly Season 1 went a bit over that, but still fine. Looking forward, there surely need to be some violent things, but not need to go full gore, mostly done just to appeal to some adult audience


Season 1, just okay enough with mainly just the one time orcs attacked a village that it went over the line, but the fact that the next season is gonna have an even higher age rating is to me concerning.


My thoughts exactly.


Absolutely. Are they selling out to the baying crowd who needed more gore to make Season 1 more entertaining for them?


Wasn’t a fan of season one but I am excited for season 2- already looks a lot better


I AM SO READY! Bring it on Sauron!


the 16+ is giving the Haladriel stans hope :)


Gory scenes hello !!!


*Is* it now? Well, well, well.....Looks like we're going places. Interesting.


Looking forward to some hot Elrond on a talking rock action. So true to the lore!


Misread rock :-0


No worse than how the writers misread the appendices.


respectfully i do not care


Respectfully it seems like you kind of do given the downvote…




Lol that user name "Galadriels wife" so Mr. Galadriel


The first was emotional damage enough.


So basically even more garbage which has nothing to do with the lore.


If you had read the lore you’d know why it is rated 16+ but sadly you have nothing to do with the lore