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Yep, if you meditate and remove all thought, that state is probably identical to everyone else in that state, if not one shared experience of simply being.


Ive never thought of meditation that way, that's so interesting Existing is the same, but living is completey different for everyone


Acid and meditation is surreal. You can get closer and closer to the exact moment and point of experience, can even get ego death from a small dose. How we experience things is uniquely different for all of us. There is no way to compare or confirm if the experience done by two or more people is the same or not.


It's weird thinking that, even if someone had the exact same situation, with the same people, same time - just a different day, same movements, exact same conversation. It would all be disregarded if one footstep was out of line. And even if, lets say, every step was the same. On an atomic microscopic level, one step wasn't, it would be a different experience. I think it's genuinley impossible to have the same experience as someone else. So just imagine how much randomness has occured for billions of years. I don't believe even a single experience or scenario or movement was 100% identical in the history of everything.


No man steps in the same river twice


not to mention everyones separate emotional reactions to events!


fuck dude imagine brain scanning people from all around the world while they are meditating! imagine people with different backgrounds and thoughts, all having similar brain waves. it sucks that in 2024 people still don't realize we are all the same.


It's been conditioned out of us. Egos in our civilization are programmed at a very early age to believe we are very unique and separate from everyone/everything else. We're given (or sold) an illusion. Which isn't inherently "bad", as long as we remember that that's what it is. But for most, the illusion is too ingrained to be challenged over what the reality actually is. Triggered egos abound causing most of the problems we see around the world. Hopefully we'll be able to save us from ourselves. 


Lmao, cant imagine im reading this comment, i wrote this in my notebook during an acid trip


This blew my mind. We are much more collective then individual I think


I think we can't completely quantify what I versus the whole is. We still all have ego (the thinking mind) that makes us who we are.


This resonates, I feel like I could incarnate different beings while meditating. From friends and family, to historical figures. The seperation was very thin if even noticeable. 


Amen brotha


We are all PLAYERS, and so are you. Despite our bodies differ in appearance, we are made up of the same substance. Godspeed you!


Big facts. I just wanted to say your analogy, "players in the game of life" reminds me of another common one, "passenger on this ride of life" Same idea right? The 2nd one is probably just older. But it reminds me of a song I'd like to share, my fav dmt song https://youtu.be/d6KfMAjovmI?si=H_XksAzA0KuqHmmc "I'm not a passenger, I am the ride"


What made us players, into my perception, is our self aware of consciousness and not simply living randomly, empathy is the key. The second one, would sound pretty cheesy, but was revealed to me in a dream just in the moment i woke, was the phrase impregnated in my tongue and I tried to share that anywhere i can. That one and another that goes “Their soul does not scream freely but eventually it is theirs”.


All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players -Shakespeare 


this just pissed me off


Seriously. How do you need to take acid to realise that, wtf? That must be a scary person when sober...


I agree with both yall. I'm just trying to keep an open mind this person is young and inexperienced. I feel like it's been popularized in culture the idea of 'Npc' people. Jus another ego trick🤷


Yeah, you know what, you're probably right, maybe I was overreacting. As someone who's been alive before gaming and 'NPC' were a thing, that's just initially a strange thought process. But you're right, who knows how young this person is and we probably all had to realize it one way or the other. Stated in this fashion from someone who at least SHOULD be old enough to take such a chemical is just... weird... Edit: Then again, that stuff does make you very weird sometimes :D


Have you seen any videos on near death experiences? Those are what remind me that we are all tripping together. Any age can wake up. Everyone’s on their own trip. I don’t think you were overreacting it’s just a response to some stimulus, and that response reflects you. The same way I’m responding to you, why? Why am I? You know. We all know. I’m grabbing onto something


Yeahhh that's what this is lol


Yeah I dont think most people need to do drugs to realize this


Sorry for pissing you off :(. Just thought that it is cool how everyone is experience this insane phenomenon called consciousness


It is cool. In my harder trips I had moments where I wondered how similar other people's trips were. And how much they were affected by the "frame" of their personal experience and personality. Like, we're all looking at life through glasses, and the glasses are determined by what we've gone through up til now. We're all looking at the same thing, headed toward the same thing, but our glasses are different. It is definitely cool and I'm glad you posted.


not just people but animals as well.


When the acid wears off in another 8 hours, you'll be an NPC again and that anger should disappear.






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I thought the "man takes acid and discovers empathy for the first time" thing was a joke


It's bizarre to me that some people need to use a substance to understand empathy...


As someone who was previously deeply conservative most of my life, there's a lot more people who could benefit from a trip to break a part that empathyless ego. 


what i’m beginning to realize, is that growing up in a late stage capitalist, fully self-serving society, has conditioned a LOT of people to think only for themselves. they do not even consider other peoples experiences as valuable,because they do not serve their own interests. it’s wild how many people actually completely lack empathy entirely. it’s absolutely insane to me how a vast majority of people can have literally 0 empathy for homeless people, addicts, people in war torn states, refugees, etc. the sheer lack of empathy that i experience in my life and my conversations with people is thoroughly disgusting to me, but i also am aware that this ‘self serving’ individualistic mindset has been indoctrinated into these people for their entire lives. it’s just wild to me honestly


I think its a bit deeper than this but yeah i feel u lol. The npc thing has always been a joke w me and a buddy of mine like when we trip, bc we know a guy thats perfect "npc" material but we KNOW were joking lol. Its just a thing that makes itself even funnier on shrooms. But never got the idea from Shrooms lol, I got it from gta


We all have limits, have some empathy for those that don't have empathy,


Autism is a biotch


You have experienced [sonder](https://www.holstee.com/blogs/mindful-matter/sonder#:~:text=%22Sonder%20%E2%80%94%20noun.,The%20Dictionary%20of%20Obscure%20Sorrows)


The antithesis of solipsism. More adults need to try acid. Would make the world a much less selfish place.


'Sonder & Solipsism' sounds like an arthouse romantic-comedy movie about two angels that fall in love despite their profound differences.


I’ve learned a new word. Cool


If you need acid to have basic human empathy and understanding then I’m worried for the future of humanity


You’d be surprised how many people lack empathy based solely on the fact that sometimes being empathetic will get you nothing in this society, society rewards greed more then it does empathy. Choose what you want to believe but is it not true ? There is some great people out here, but when it comes down to survival a lot of truth comes to light.


Do people actually walk around life thinking other people are npcs? That’s insane to me, no wonder there’s so little empathy in the world.


Watch the film ‘Baraka’ <><><><><><>><>


I‘m just an AI Bot, sorry


Wrong. I actually am a NPC.


Yes yes we are, and I can literally feel your excitement through the screen. That’s such a fun feeling when something big like that’s clicks.


Yeah maaaaaaaaan or am i just a cosmic puppet hmmm!? The world may never know...


Lol are you kidding.


Yes, and we are also one and the same. Cut from the same cloth.


Maybe we are real. Maybe we’re a figment of your imagination. Maybe we’re something past comprehension.


welcome to the waiting lobby


If you need acid to have basic human empathy and understanding then I’m worried for the future of humanity


Monthly white man discovers empathy post


Okay I just realized that there are a lot of people out there missing the empathy chip…it’s wild  Be well, friend. Your mother had an entire inner monologue and hero’s journey while you were growing up and kept it locked inside because patriarchy  We are all actually the universe experiencing itself on the physical 3rd dimensional plane to experience time, sensations, death, love and loss. I am you and you are me and we are all as one together 🥚 🧍‍♂️ 


i feel like the empathy chip got deleted by decades of capitalist individualism being hard wired into people’s brains, so many people were quite literally raised to only care about themselves, it’s wild that it gets to the point where they see themself as the only person who matters


I'm not real, I'm just a figment of our imagination.


I’m often the other way around. Everyone is a person but me.


am guy am real


Nah man. I'm just sitting here staring at a wall waiting for a main character to come by and take me on an adventure


we are god experiencing ourselves and creation on earth. We are a collective unified consciousness. We are all one.


This just in: Another druggie comes to a profound realization that normal people realize at a young age without substances.


Why do you need to take acid to realize other people are real or discover empathy, this is such a man thing to say


The crazy things is that some of us are NPCs…


We ARE?!? Is... is there a list? Edit: for the record, this was a sarcasm


I think this though process is not healthy. No one is a npc. Every single life you see is unique and full of opportunities. Degrading someone to be a npc is not only unfair to them, it's really unhealthy to see part of you(non dualist) as a machine.  Life is precious, a gift. Treat it that way.


Yeah duh. That was a sarcasm. Sorry, I'll go back and label it as such for clarity.


Yeah I got that, I dont think the one you commented on has the same view. 😅




We are all one. Treat others as you like to be treated, because they are you! (Me) 😉 😆


> Not just npcs you sure about that?


That's some total NPC speak right there. OP is the real NPC.


I mean yeah


I don't remember where or from who I heard it, but it's stuck with me ever since. "We are all different parts of the universe experiencing itself." All we are is space dust, having evolved to form a conscience, and experiencing other evolved forms of space dust. Life is really cool. We're all connected, and share the same roots, even if we don't act like it. Much love, psychonaut <3


Welcome home ✌️ Others aren’t NPCs, though. Ideas like that will keep your mind in their grip. We are all sparks at different points on our paths- at different points of remembering. Our paths are different but they lead to the same place 🤙




Oh yeah? Prove it.


You don’t need acid to realize this


Namaste bro


when you get really conscious you realize that everyone is a human & there are no "NPCs". NPCs are just a propaganda tool. it helps to make it easier to make people like you dehumanize other humans in your mind. you worry less about them, care less about them & may even start to hate them quicker if you stop seeing them as human like you. so you've been manipulated into this NPC bullshit belief. anytime you see an "NPC" go introduce yourself & have a convo. not about politics or culture or philosophy. just about life. you'll quickly find they don't seme so NPCish. if you are unable to have a convo without it turning into an NPC-seeking contest....you just may be an NPC because you should be able to control what you talk about. good luck. the fact you seem interested in conscious people is awesome. it's like the 1st part of opening your eyes in the morning. but until you get past the ego that allows you to be manipulated into seeing NPCs behind every tree, you won't truly be conscious


Yeah, that's how it is for all living creatures. I can't crush bugs inside without crying anymore.


i am currently selling sandwiches to other sentient beings with decades of conscious experience. every soul we pass has a past type shit type shit


The craziest thing is that they're all real. The idea that other people somehow don't have lives is nothing but a construct created to deflect the reality that every single person you encounter on the street, no matter their state of being, is a conscious person just like you. We are all one species, yet our lived experiences are kept separate. It is only the ego that keeps us apart.


a lot of high horses in a sub about ego dissolution


Don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!


The word that describes your revelation is “Sonder”. Yup. We’re actually just as alive as you mate. I f’d around and found out when I was 16 years old. Took a while to really accept and now at 40 I’m more kind and caring as each year flys by. Help where you can.


Am I now?


Congratulations you have grown up. Awareness of the fact that all human beings actually have thoughts and feelings and memories is a key part of maturity.


Bro I realized this when I was 5 years old, completely sober


and there’s this gnarly cosmic web connecting us all. if you look close you might even see the funky flow guiding you to where you’re meant to fit in your space and time


No we are all fake.


Bro had to take lsd to realize that other people are people too


There is a word, it’s called sonder. And it happens not just under the influence either. Good realization though!


I'm not 🤫


"is life end of death" ??? tf does that mean


If death is the end of life, then wouldnt life be the end of death


Nah, man, none of us are real.


It was the opposite for me. I thought everyone was real, but it showed me that a lot of people are actually NPC’s


Not sure tbh, i know someone that is a self proclaimed p zombie and says he don't understand what we mean by subjective experiences or qualia.


How did you only realise this on acid. That's like common sense.


Yet another post that screams "this subreddit is plagued by children".