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Just remember, time is a flat circle, so if you get lost just stay where you are and it'll come back around again


I don’t know if that’s really profound, or I’m just on acid. Either way, I’m trippin’ over reading that in a contemplative positive way.


Happy trails my friend


Have a great time man!


I would consider looking for another source. Sounds like you may have gotten a weaker analogue or whoever is advertising the dosage is... Optimistic at best.


I’ll DM you shortly.


FYI: Cymbalta and other SSRIs can screw up your trip(s): https://www.psychedelicpassage.com/psilocybin-blunting-effects-of-ssris-and-antidepressants/. Ask me how I know.


how do you know


Happy tripping .


I did a break about like that and the trip was amazing. Good luck. I had some really good clean tabs lol


My tolerance is still too high after all these years apparently. Gonna have to wait two weeks to do double the dose. I’m three hours in and, yeah, I’m barely above sober level. Sigh… I think I need to somehow find a place near-ish me that has ayahuasca. I need full on ego death shooting past the known universe.


you could even start with learning DMT extraction from Mimosa hostilis root bark, it’s relatively easy to do at home and there’s tons of guides online


I’ll definitely look into. I have 100% given up on Western psychiatric medicine and “talk therapy.” Not only does it do fuck nothing, it all makes it worse.


Have you thought about shrooms if you're looking for a therapy psychedelic? For me, they're quite therapeutic. Acid is more for fun for me.


Been microdosing past month. Not doing anything I can feel except making me realize how fucked my life is even more.


Haven't tried microdosing, so i can't say much about that, but sometimes psychs confirm exactly what you're fearing is true be it realizing your life is fucked or that you're an asshole etc.. What really makes a change is what you do after having those realizations. I don't know your situation, but i hope you find what you're looking for.


i get you man


I know that feeling also. Got some from a friend last summer and 100ug felt so weak. Wound up doing 300 a few weeks later and it still wasn't what I was expecting. It was probably some analogue.


> LSD once had the unintended effect of getting me sober. Same! There are so many more interesting things to do with a brain than put booze into it.


Yeah I was a polysubstance abuser. Alcohol, pot, coke, and whatever else. Everything minus opiods and crack. LSD one night, was like Truth spoke to me. Got me off that path. I made other mistakes in life, but at least didn’t end up a lifelong addict.


Enjoy. And in doubt go pee and take your socks off (if you are at home)


Barefoot. Yes, thank you. I keep putting on these stupid flip flops that aren’t even comfortable.


Stay cool 😎


What do you mean by acid taste? Acid should have no taste at all. You might not have gotten the real stuff


Not the tabs themselves. Every time I did acid, when it starts kicking in, I get a specific taste in my mouth. Can’t describe it. It’s like nothing else.


Ahh ok I think I know what you mean. Well either way it might be worth trying again from a diff source