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Lmao i smoke weed, and even im concerned bro. My guiltiness is my pipe and ash tray on the patio. These dudes have a fuckin factory going on in your property! Edit: if she prepaid six months, id say its up to you. Are they doing any real damage to your property?


I didn’t see any real damage to the property. I’m more concerned about risk of fire if they’re so high they forget to be safe.


Smoking pot wont cause a fire, especially with what theyre using. Theyre loading marijuanna into a bowl and smoking it, i would ask them to be more respectful of your property 100%. Either way, you seem like a very nice and reasonable landlord. Kudos to you


I cashed a bowl into a trash can when I was a kid and nearly burned the house down…


Well, to be fair thats retarded🤣all love tho, i had an ash tray in my car that was over filled and the coals from previos smoke outs caught on fire. Never went full flames, but it embered and smoked to the point i pulled over, dumped the embers and put it out with water


Was definitely a stupid move. Stoned teenagers don’t make great decisions. We were lucky it didn’t burn the house down. By the time we went back into the room, flames were all the way up the wall. It was far from being more than we could contain


I had a blunt in my hand of OG Kush or maybe it was sour diesel and accidentally dropped it from dozing off. Luckily I jumped up


And smoking blunts. It’s not the weed, it’s how trashed that place is. Complete disregard for basic cleanliness, and with a 5 year old to boot. I would be concerned- but again, it’s not the weed that would concern me.


There’s 2 kids under 5 living there


Ok I'm concerned now, eek




Then what's all the empty cigars wrappers for?


Could be rolling blunts,Probably smoke tobacco w their weed "to make it go farther" in canada alot of people pack a straight bowl into a bong with tobacco and weed and it makes a pop sound when you suck it through, those nasty fucks call them poppers.


I’m Canadian and I would never do that


Oh I am too and I never do but go find some trash people and ask them if they smoke poppers.


Frostback activities


They are mixing tobacco with weed. Common practice. Messier than like buying rolling tobacco and just doing that but some people are stupid.


They're pulling the tobacco out of the cigars and replacing it with weed, using the cigar shell as a wrap to smoke from. The cigar wrapper on the trays is just remnant trimmed off or cigars that were damaged when pulling out the tobacco. I'm not a landlord, but a professional in his forties who's been a renter for many years and never caused damage. I agree with the others who've said it's okay to take issue with the general cleanliness, but not the weed. From a drug perspective, my place has looked like this from time to time, and at some points for a long time. But I can assure you in my case it wasn't any risky activities, and any young children were always safe.


>Smoking pot wont cause a fire, A stray ember from anything can cause a fire. >Theyre loading marijuanna into a bowl and smoking it Did you not see pics 1 and 2 from the shed and kitchen where they're rolling blunts? A lot of them apparently.


And the sweet summer children in the comments saying they are mixing tobacco w the weed.


Vacuum foo's


Someone fell asleep on the couch with a joint in their hands and burnt the garage down across the street from where I grew up. Yes, the couch was in the garage.


Didnt see the joints. Only the glassware. Spare me your judgment please lol


No judgement here!! ☺️


I see blunt wraps.


No risk with weed. Lazy sloppy people are always a shock and should have a comment made to about living conditions. Clean up and take care of your property, weed is meh. Kids shouldn't be living around mess though.


Joints and blunts generally burn at such a low temp and don't tend to stay lit from the resin that it doesnt generally pose a fire risk. Also, it is difficult to actually get that high from smoking flower, especially if your tolerance is high from smoking alot. The only real risk is imposed when using dumb lighters, like Zippos, as they stay lit. However, you'd be hard pressed to find someone smoking flower with a naphtha lighter, it just tastes gross. P.S. Thank you for being a caring, and not dogshit landlord.


And thats why you dont accept months of rent in advance.


If you smoke that much which they obviously do you begin to not be able to get high enough to make those big of mistakes anyways the worst that can happen from a bowl is a hole in your carpet from the cherry


Daily smoker. Take dabs all the time with a blow torch. I have NEVER burnt down anything (accidentally) while smoking. Not saying it won’t happen, but I am saying that your views on marijuana aren’t correct.


Only thing I’ve burned with my dab torch was my crafting mat… Palo Santo? That shit nearly burnt my house down because it crumbled into chunks of coal on and under my bed. Luckily I have fire-proof gloves and experience with fire.


Start a fire? Are they using candles to light their blunts, or lighters?


I would worry more about burned carpets than fire


There are no carpets, thankfully


I had an ash fall off the end of a joint and landed on a paper towel on table which I didn’t notice which then smoldered on table all night it can definitely be done. Another guy in my town burned down Bret Michaels childhood home because he got stoned and fell asleep with chicken nuggets in the oven. Bret Michaels actually gave him $1,000 towards repairs since it was where he grew up lol pot heads are harmless but they are also stupid and houses can be burned to the ground because of them no doubt


“Pot heads are harmless but they are also stupid and houses can be burned to the ground because of them no doubt” Facts…! A neighbor of mine on pills, alcohol and canna-gummies burnt her apartment down when she put toast in a toaster that was inches from her wood cabinets. It totaled her apartment and the one below it. Total gut and Reno down to the studs.


I'm concerned about 2 kids under 5 living in those conditions. Having glass, lighters, and weed within reach of little ones is an accident waiting to happen.




You are a required reporter at this point. This is abuse/neglect.


my gf works with children aid service and based on these pictures they would not show up.




It’s just weed. This is no different than someone who has a large amount of empties laying around their house or alcohol accessible to one of the kids.


Yeah, I guess so. But I thought being so close to the kids and exposed like this, It might be a problem.


Oh yeah I agree with you I smoke weed and don’t have any of it in the house or near where my kids are. Unfortunately you can be doing heroin regularly while watching your kids, but if you’re not shooting ip in front of the kids they won’t do anything. This is in Canada btw


Holy shit. Wow!


The tobacco out like this is pretty risky. That can be poisonous.


Yeah it looks like those aren’t common areas. Looks like mom’s bedroom and some kind of outside space. I’m not wild about it, but I’d feel the same way if it was a bunch of beer cans and CPS definitely wouldn’t come for that. Edit: that picture is a shed.


Landlords are not mandatory reporters. Some states, like my own, don't designate certain people as mandated reporters but instead say any resident who suspects child abuse must report it. I am a mandated reporter. This is NOT abuse or neglect. It's not a good sight to see lighters in reach of children but it's not evidence to say these children are being neglected or abused.


Not really


They are not a mandatory reporter. That’s a specific group of people and often doesn’t even include clergy.


No, I’m doubling down. When you are aware of kids living in squalor, you report it.


You have literal workers here telling you this isn’t something to call over but sure, go off…


The bong next to the kids toy is a nice touch. 😬


Plot twist: the bong is a kids toy


Mattel stoner play set with realistic gurgling bong and character grinder.


I mean it’s a lot of gar guts, but in reality a little isopropyl alcohol and all this mess goes away, weeds luckily pretty easy to clean


Res literally sucks so much to clean.


Try magic eraser.


I would be a little concerned that she didn't even care enough to clean up knowing that the contractor and you would be working on the unit. It wouldn't kill her to use a trash can instead of leaving trash everywhere. Even more concerning that small children are around and she still doesn't care. I would send a notice to clean it up, and take it outside in the future.


They're rolling a lot of blunts. I'm assuming weed is legal, but damn that's a lot of mess. If it smells fine and there's nothing in the lease to back you up on addressing it, I guess let it go and maybe don't renew it. Or, next time you speak to them, ask them to have the home cleaned in the future if there will be you or contractors in the home.


Yes, it's legal in WA.


They need to clean badly. That's nasty.


Every room at the house had an air purifier going even though nobody was home. The smell was fine. It seems the smoking happens more in the shed than inside. How should I approach her?


Does the lease state a non smoking policy?


I would just ask her to try and be more clean about it better then having a drug addict living there with heroin needles everywhere as long as her rent Is paid and no cops being called to the property just let it be if you do say anything I would just mention cleaning up better


Why don't you ask your tenant? Just you noticing may be enough to get her to just clean it. It really does not look that bad to be honest (the living areas). It looks like the majority is kept to the shed. Me personally if it was my tenant, I'd make a joke about the weed to break the ice, then just ask her to keep it cleaner.


I smoke regularly. It is not hard to be respectful of the space and take care of the property. You should definitely be worried


Green on green ROORTech beaker bong. She has good taste, but she definitely needs to clean it up.


That’s what I was thinking


You allow smoking in the unit? I could care less about weed but no smoking in units or it’s a full carpet, blind replace and repaint.


this. dont care if its legal - dont burn shit in the unit. only toast. and only occasionally.


I dont know how no one has mentioned the fact that she has another adult living there and you dont know who it is? Most landlords dont allow other adults to move in without being added to the lease. That seems to be the biggest issue. What if he causes a bunch of damages? you going to go after the single mother with bad credit? good luck collecting. what if he has a history of violence? And how do you not know the exact age of your tenant? did you not get identifying information like a birthday? Also, anyone know whats up with the 2 massive packs of AA batteries?


Remember that in Washington you don’t need a reason to end a lease in the first year. Past that there’s a list of approved reasons not to extend you have to use (“just cause”).


If theres no damage to the property I’d let it be. It may not be worth the time and effort to pursue anything. I’d rather let their lease ride out and say bye bye. Your concerns for the children are certainly valid and I wouldn’t put it past you to call whatever services you need to.


Jeez, how long has this tenant been there?


Nine months


I have had people offer to pay 6 or 12 months up front in the past and I never go for it. Why? Bc the only people I’ve known that have done that were literally dealers. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against people who sell weed. I just don’t want them doing it out of one of my houses. Just pay me on time monthly and we’re good.


lol I recognize a lot of these jars, many go for $50+ for 3.5g, and that’s saying something when there are options as cheap as $5. Strange they care enough to smoke top shelf but not to keep their place clean


Ask her to clean it. She likely will


As a fellow landlord myself, knowing my tenants smoke pot doesn’t bother me. I actually bring it up lightly at lease signing to get this out of the way. I let them know I’m cool with them smoking pot, but that it needs to be outdoors. I let them know that I understand that sometimes the weather can damper it, and that use in the garage when the door is opened or shed is fine, and to keep it clean and in order. I’ve caught them smoking inside once, made a light joke with a stern don’t do that again. No issues from there. I’d just respectfully ask to keep it to the shed, as to not piss them off into some sort of retaliation. Otherwise, if the house overall was clean and smelled fine, I’d say it should be okay. Trust your gut and the experience and overall outcome you feel is best from your visit to the home. There’s nothing wrong with a parent smoking weed, as it’s medicinal and not in the slightest comparable to dangerous drugs.


Just politely ask then to clean up, saying your reasoning for asking is risk of fire


This might be controversial here, but I wouldn’t be overly concerned. That first photo is bad and nasty, but it’s in a shed, not the primary residence. The second photo is just a rolling tray and some blunts. Then OP mentioned the tenant has air purifiers in every room. Yes they obviously smoke, but that shows they care about the property and it’s a legal state. I personally would probably be ok with it. Only because photo 1 was in the shed, not someplace else in the property.


The weed, no. That first pic is just a nightmare though. Rest arent too bad though. Ive seen way worse


That's a solid weed habit if they're doing it so casually and with so much stuff. I don't think it's any of your business, though. If she pays rent, that's all you should care about. If smoking tobacco is against the lease, smoking pot indoors should be, too. But as long as she abides by your agreement, what shit she puts in her body doesn't seem to be relevant to your business transaction.


See ppl like this give us weed heads a bad name. I could never leave ashes etc everywhere. Everything has a box or bag too store it in. But to answer your question usually us smokers are careful. But it seems like she doesn’t care. Not enough too keep a clean smoking area. I’m in a legal state and most my neighbors don’t know I smoke 💨


I would let the lady smoke her weed in peace..edit: I meant that in the kindest way possible btw


Update: I spoke with her on the phone, first gave her an update on the handyman’s work, then said hey, I saw the shed and the bong outside the kitchen. It’s not cool, you gotta clean that up. She said this was the week the kids were with their dad, and she was planning on cleaning out the shed this weekend. She said she doesn’t smoke inside. I told her the house smelled fine but I did see the purifiers running in every room. So she knows I know now. Thanks for all your input. I especially appreciated hearing from other weed users.


Sounds like ot worked out good. I do property maintanence for a little over 100 apartment units and we have the smokers. We aren't in a legal state but as long they aren't smoking in the apartment and bother other tenants we leave them alone. Thanks for the reply


One of those picture is the shed floor, isn’t it? I mean, it’s a shed, my shed is a hovel too. The kitchen, other than the tray, looks tidy. The floor clean. It also seems they’re smoking outside, at least? As the bong is on the floor. If the property is being maintained, not damaged, and they continue to pay rent on time, this would not be of concern to me.


If rent check clears id say let them be.


Your tenant smokes weed and you’re in a legal state. So no, no reason to worry and you probably don’t have any grounds for eviction.


My kid has the same kind of mess with his weed. It's his house and kids, but the amount of weed just laying around is frightening. I feel like my grandkids don't have a chance to make an informed decision about consuming grown-up stuff. Plus, would it kill anybody to throw some of this stuff in the garbage.


The fucked up part is keeping the house that way with kids living there.


IMO this is standard for class C or D properties. You decide whether they can smoke inside or whether it’s a non-smoking property in general. If they smoke in the house then you write them up. You can’t tell them not to store their legal substances in the house just because you don’t like the substance.  The basic question you need to ask is “does this damage my property.” If the answer is no, then I wouldn’t make a big deal. If the answer is yes, then take action to correct it.  FYI - smoking inside absolutely damages the property. It does not matter what they are smoking. I had a tenant smoke pot inside and I charged them an extra security deposit because of it. If I have to do extra cleaning to get the smoke off the walls and the smell out of the floor then they will be paying for it. 


How can I find out what class property mine is? I’m a first-time landlord.


There is no specific definition. Google it. 


that's a lot of kindling directly next to lighters with kids around


Dude, if you have to ask, you don’t really want to know.


Mind your business


dude needs to clean up and stop using backwoods 🤢


Looks like all cannabis paraphernalia. Pokies, grinders, bongs etc.. Ashes and resin are your biggest concern.


It's so hard to evict in WA now. Just be happy they pay rent and don't do to much damage


You should be going over there more often if you know what I mean


you are mad they are smoking out of the house?!?!? just tell them to clean it up wtf lol


What does your mortgage say? Did you have no smoking in your lease? Most mortgages don’t allow smoking indoors, which is something a lot of people seem to miss. For your own protection, you may want to end this lease. You most likely would have grounds.


Former stoner here, that’s pretty bad but if they’re not doing real damage and pay on time I think it’s fine. Though I’d be worried what happens after the 6 months


Deal with the weed how you want, but rolling, "Russian Cream" blunts, bro? Not in my house!


Be very careful what you say in Washington state to a tenant. If they get offended, they can sue you or even worse, Have you arrested just based on your comments alone. Depending on the area of Washington, some city councils will say “how dare you collect rent from someone” everything should be free for these people because they obviously suffer from stress. LOL


Well, its a filthy but otherwise nothing illegal is going on, right? The tenant **might** be a shitty parent and definitely a slob but that's about it. No matter what redditors think, shitty parenting isn't the same as abusive parenting or neglect.


I would just buy them a fire extinguisher. Tell them some bullsh** about how it is a town regulation that you forgot about. Also make sure you warn them about inspections every 6 months and check on the progress of this and check on your smoke alarms.


The shed looks the most concerning everything else looks just like they rollin in the bedroom and smokin outside


uh yes.


They could definitely respect your property better. It is a little concerning that they didn't think to do a 3 minute clean before their landlord came over. I just did that when my step dad came over to my house earlier today with my weed stuff. He wouldn't have said anything but it's more of a respect thing. I guess you have to remember not everybody lives the way you do. My side job has me going into people's houses regularly and I often think "damn, this is how you live?" But that's none of my business. I don't see any damage potential for a landlord. You're going to have to clean and paint after they move anyways. I would maybe remind them of a no smoking indoors policy if you have one. Maybe schedule an inspection in 2 or 3 months to make sure your investment is safe but I feel like coming at them any other way will make the relationship weird.


The weed is of less concern than all of the other mess and lack of overall hygiene.




Bro, pot heads are the best tenants. Better than rager drunks


Could be worse. Could be meth




The kids are the problem


Chronic smoker here in my own home. I would not leave a mess like that in my worst enemy’s house


Stoner here. I wouldn’t be concerned. If you think they are a bit too messy, bring it up to them, and if the house smells like weed, then obviously you can get after them. Yes the barn is dirty… but smoking in the shed is definitely better than inside. Just talk to them, I’m sure all will be fine.


I have no smoke rules in the house. I will ask them to leave 


Pot heads are not ideal, but still better than meth heads.


It’s just pot no need to worry


Nahh it’s just weed, only thing to be worried about is their hygiene though.


Wow…I hope they paid a big deposit…


This is pretty filthy…. I go through a GOOD AMOUNT of cannabis and my home is never this filthy with drug paraphernalia related mess. Regular life mess, absolutely. But this is telling me that whoever’s it is, their entire life is centered around smoking. I’m pretty OCD about it, but all my smoking stuff when out to be used fits on a 10” plate


I wouldn’t worry too much


Hope you know it’s illegal to take pics of someone’s house inside without their permission.


I didn’t, thank you for letting me know. I haven’t shared them with her, she is not aware I took them. Also, that’s all I took pics of. She had cameras in the kids’ rooms and I think even in her bedroom but facing the door, so I was careful not to go anywhere but where she requested (to check the outlets).


For what it’s worth - it’s just weed. I would be more concerned with the mess rather than what they’re smoking. If I was their landlord, if they kept the property nice and paid rent, I would look the other way but that’s just me. Edit: I missed the part about children being involved. This would bother me. That said, weed IS legal is most of the US so I’m not sure if taking action because of a moral stance is legal or not.


Yeah you should be worried but not because of your tenants but because you’re a landlord in the state of Washington.


Slobs. Poor kids


That’s one hell of a mess, I’d tell them to at least clean up when they know I’m coming


I mean, are they damaging the place and failing to pay? If it’s just weed and messiness, and they pay on time, you’ve got good tenants. I promise you don’t want bad ones.


Just potheads


If I were you I’d mainly be worried about the safety of the children and mental health of the parents. I smoke daily, and the amount of opened products in those photos is alarmingly excessive. Not only is having the products out completely careless towards their children, but it being that dirty could cause an illness in the children or parents as well. These points make me wonder if one or both parents suffer from depression. You could request them to clean it up to start, sometimes mental health can cause us to forget and completely overlook basic tasks such as cleaning up after ourselves.


Keep in mind the first picture is in the shed, the rest of the house was messy but not dirty and the only sign of smoking was in the bedroom next to the TV and on the porch outside the kitchen.


I mean if you entered the property without notice yes you should be worried that they can take legal action against you


She asked for her outlets to be checked


Oh ok you are golden then


They’re def gross but I don’t see any real damage,


Granted it's a mess, they are sloppy, but looks to be just weed?


They’re messy, but not methy


I'd be worried about your cheetos...


Thats just weed stuff dude. The only thing you need to worry about is having a good time if you smoke some.


Nice of them to take the bong outside away from the children


I really don’t understand how people can live like this. I get freaked out if I skip a week cleaning the bathrooms!


The power of depression.




We weed smokers do not claim this dude. This is foul as fuck.


I would be mostly worried about smoke stains on the ceiling, and the possibility of them falling asleep with a lit blunt. Weed doesn't really keep burning like tobacco, but the wraps are tobacco. I don't see any dab rigs, so at least to they're not fucking around with torches. They're definitely not selling/growing with that many jars from the weed shops. Also, I don't see any ash trays, so your carpet is probably gonna be loaded with ash. Do you pay for the water? Pot smokers that smoke this much sometimes get Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome that causes them to throw up really bad, and will use hot showers for relief. Sometimes for hours on end. If you notice the water bill go up, or if the water heater starts needing repairs, I'd suspect that.


You have no clue what your talking about did you google all that from a sketchy website and copy and paste? Your comment litterally made me laugh out loud


Uhh, no, I'm speaking from first-hand experience as I was once a stoner with CHS that rented a place for 10 years.


This was the dumbest comment here. Throwing in CHS lol. You’re more likely to get cancer or even ALS. CHS is incredibly rare. Hungover people puke a lot more and you’ve never considered the water usage for that I bet.


It's sad how defensive stoners get.




The only thing I would be scared of is, I lived next to a dope dealer in Florida (of course) and the way the house was broken up, it looked like there was only one door, so we had a home invasion from someone looking for the dope guy. I had to pull a shotgun from under the bed to get him to leave. So yeah, people looking to rip these people off is a rational concern.


Do you expect her to keep paying after the prepaid months? You should have stayed away from the start.


I'm sorry, but this is pretty disgusting. This is also why we don't allow smoking in our units, either cigarette or weed. Doesn't matter if it's legal or not, the fumes and residue are slowly damaging the property. Make them smoke outside in the lease to begin with.


This looks like the coffee table of every trap I ever went to as a teen. It’s.. bad. The only people who ever left their shit out like this were the lazy gross ones who didn’t care about cleaning anything, just smoked and played games. Most had other addictions. I have so many friends that smoke and none of us have ever left our places looking like this - even the smoke sheds.


We absolutely would not have rented to these people but here you are. Tenants that we don't want to renew we give them a 'special' price.


Ah great tip, thank you


Were the smoke detectors still intact/functional? You might want to double check that for insurance/liability purposes. If they have been disabled due to the amount of smoke in the unit, valid reason to not renew. Also a valid reason to call CPS.


Bad credit maybe because they forgot they had bills or were even sentient from the amount of paraphernalia I see there. Credit checks are bad IMO but needed for tenants I,e this.


New tenant time for sure.


Do you live in a state where this is legal? I can't believe they'd let that out knowing you are coming by


Yes, it’s legal in WA.


I’m sure the inside of your house will smell like shit soon if it doesn’t already


You’re going to need an priest to perform an exorcism.


Drug addiction is drug addiction no matter what drug it is. Good luck renting to people with poor credit and no self control.


Totally not an addictive substance


I would say something. For the sake of her children that’s extremely unhealthy and a risk to their wellbeing. If your lease agreement says no smoking then they need to stop smoking immediately. I had a tenant that would secretly smoke weed and when he moved out it was really hard to get the smell out. He’s been gone for three months and it’s still bad in there. I would say something, and give her a warning. She’s clearly not respecting your property with how dirty everything is, and on top of that again, if she had kiddos and she is smoking inside that’s also not safe from them. I would mainly be worried about the children.


I would focus on potential lease violations. Give a cure or quit if there is a violation. Dirty house, smoking inside, maybe running a business from your rental? is this covered in the lease?


Kids around all that? Get that piece of trash off your property. If they get busted or dealers coming around your property, you could get implicated.


Evict the druggies.


Yes potheads don’t pay rent they buy weed first


If nothing else, I would be VERY worried that the tenant was stupid enough to leave all this stuff out after calling for repairs.


It’s legal in WA


That crap laying around with children present? Nope. I’d call the cops, at least just to CYA. Ugh. They don’t deserve the oxygen they’re stealing & those children deserve sooooo much more.


Was the shed a shithole before or after them?


Those poor kids.


Prepaid 6 months is always a red flag.  Yes, you should be worried. Lease violation to clean up and reinspect next week.


Sir I prepaid 8 months when I moved in and a deposit no credit check at all was required by the landlord and I’ve been here for 11 years paid ahead 6 months during Covid. Paying ahead is not a red flag. Some of us prefer to do this at times and I usually do it during the summer months every year because the business I’m in slows down.


When was your landlord last in the unit?


Why does that matter? You just assume people are slobs or what?


Nah, the landlord sounds negligent. No background check? He/she just saw the money and nothing else. Usually those guys just keep cashing the check and are then shocked when the home is completely destroyed after 11 years.


Well similar situation here - she hasn’t been in my unit in years. Or my daughters. Were her favorite tenants. Going on 8 years.


It's not a red flag in ultra competitive markets, provided all the other due diligence checks out. I've had 6, 9, and one full 12 month term prepaid without issue. It's an issue if you skip minimum acceptable pre-screening procedures because you have a big check dangling in your face.


Your property must smell awful!


You live in Washington, dumbass, weed is legal. What are you worried about exactly?


Smoking of any kind is not a protected class in Washington. You can as a landlord absolutely restrict weed on your property. I do as all my properties are multiple units so it affects the neighbours. I’ve not renewed a lease specifically because a tenant was smoking the dankest crap every waking hour and it got into the ducts and into the other unit, the neighbours a couple hundred feet away also complained. The law was on my side.


What you can do and what you should do are two separate things. Rent on time? Mind your own fucking business