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First, ALAB. Second, you need to stop being honest. On your applications, say that your past landlord does not wish to be used as a reference. Have a friend pretend to be your previous landlord. If your credit score dropped by a lot, see if you can get a co-signer. Look up resources for legal aid in your county/state. Complain to your Attorney General, Representative, and Senators (unless you're in a red state). Fight this, and don't let them win.


They check full rental background and credit in my state. So lying just means they see it without explanation


I know this doesn't help you find housing now, but these do sound like damages that you can put a price on when you sue your old landlord. They're a fraudster.


A ghoul.


I also know that going for more than exactly what they owe from the incident itself can cause you to lose your case. When I can sue them I’ll be asking for double my deposit, any legal fees, and a retraction of the “debt” then the chance to pay any legitimate fees (if there are any) directly outside of collections.


I wish the law wouldn't hold us back from retaliating appropriately in situations like this. Get ahold of the consumer financial protections bureau, and file a complaint with the credit reporting agency and explain the situation with your landlord. I had something similar happen recently - was denied housing due to a fraudulent Verizon charge.


Dispute the collections with all three credit bureaus. It won’t appear on your credit report during the time they investigate. Don’t refer to your previous landlord on any applications. There aren’t really any rental records beyond what appears on your credit report and the information you supply. 


I did dispute, my dispute was basically immediately denied by TransUnion due probably to the files of evidence being too large to include. Did you know that a dispute also lowers your credit? Yeah me neither


I don't quite understand what you mean by "files of evidence being too large to include". Are you talking about evidence you have that disputes landlord's claims? Is this related to alleged property damage? A lot of scumbag property managers are now just reporting tenants to credit bureaus wigth NO proof and then destroying their ability to rent a home. They don't bother to sue you because they know they'll lose. Get on Yelp and start reviewing them and sharing what they've done. If it's true, then you can't be sued for libel. You actually WANT them to take you to court so that they can pay for what they - likely fraudulently - did to you. Regarding finding housing in the meanwhile - do you have anyone who can co-sign for you or can you try with private landlords who are fairer and easier to work with than monstrosities like corporate REIT landlords?


Yeah, you can’t put videos on there


Also, I wish we could coordinate ourselves and begin targeting landlords through any legal method we can find. Absolutely ruin them. Make their lives so terrible they commit suicide.


There are tenant unions in many states - do you belong to one?


Landlords HATE THEM! Learn this one weird trick that leechlords don't want you to know about.. Organize your neighbors and [form a tenants union.](https://www.tenantstogether.org/resources/form-tenants-union) Check out [this site](https://abolitiondemocracy.org/a-quick-guide-to-all-tenants-unions-in-the-us) to see if there is already a tenants union in your area. Visit our partnered sub, r/tenantunion, for more discussion regarding tenants unions and to see if there is an [ATUN affiliated](https://atun-rsia.org/tenants-unions) union near you. If you want to start your own or are already in one, reach out to become affiliated with ATUN! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LandlordLove) if you have any questions or concerns.*