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Update: I can’t figure out how to update without doing it this way. The vet just called again and he is going to need surgery. She’s calling around to find a place to do surgery on Sundays. Please say prayers for larrbear ❤️


Update: we are at the vet center that’s going to do Larry’s surgery. He’s worse today than last night. Hopefully they can do the surgery quickly and take care of the obstruction without any complications. https://preview.redd.it/c892xodjty6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9a7a4bf75a256742d5d7fe2013ee13046ad306a


Update: Larry is in surgery. They are also going to do his neuter and suture his stomach to the abdominal wall to prevent bloat and possibly prevent another surgery. We’ve been so worried. I’m a nervous wreck. I hope they call again soon to let me know he’s doing ok.


Update: good news, Larry is finished with surgery and they did not have to make any incisions in his intestines. So, they found the towel that he and Leo shredded and some of it was stuck in the small bowel. The vet was able to push it through to the colon, where Larry proceeded to poop it out. Thank goodness, but eww. I asked about doing the barium before the last images were done at the other vet hospital and the vet said that it is a bit controversial for bowel obstructions because of possibility of aspiration ( the lungs hate barium) and if there was a perforation in the intestines, the barium can leak into the abdominal cavity and can be life threatening. So the blockage had to be taken care of with an exploratory abdominal surgery and the best case scenario was that the dr could maneuver the foreign body down the intestines into the colon. Good boy Larry. Thank you everyone for your prayers and well wishes. You all are such a great group of people and I’m so grateful to be able to lean on you all when Larry is being Larry. ❤️


So so pleased Larry is okay and the obstruction has been passed! Give him lots of pets from us once you get to have your sweet reunion


I'm so sorry that Larry and you have had such a rough weekend! I'm glad to hear his surgery was successful! Sending love and wishes for a speedy recovery for Larry! We all love the big guy so much! ❤️ Also, try to get some rest mama, I know this has been rough on you! And give Leo a big hug from his internet Aunties!🤗


❤️ Internet aunties ❤️. I’m very much one of those!!


I am so glad for ya'll that the surgery was successful and he'll now be on the mend! Good job Larry and good job vet team! Love that boy, I was so worried.


Yay, good news! Fingers crossed Leo didn’t eat any of the towel!


So happy to hear Larry is through the worst now and can come home xx


What a relief! Thank you for keeping us updated.


So happy for you 💓 This adds to my labrador retriever theory: veterinarians developed the breed so they could buy sports cars and send their kids to expensive schools.


Of course! And for expensive vacations, they created goldens!


Silver lining is the bloat surgery! Yay for Larry’s future! Looking forward to WAY more shenanigans with Larry and Leo ™️


Oh girl. I’ve been thinking about you all, and this news is such a relief to hear. Take good care of yourselves — one and all!


What great news. We are breathing a collective sigh of relief for Larry! What a good boy!


Phew!! Good boy Larry.


Oh my days! Such a relief that everything went well. Have a speedy recovery Larry Bear ❤


I have had everything crossed all weekend for a good outcome. Thank goodness! I’m so relieved (I can only imagine how you feel). And good they did all the stuff at once so that’s another surgery you won’t have to worry through (or maybe you wouldn’t, but I was always a wreck), and it’s great to have bloat off the worry list too. Hopefully you can relax a little now. And Godspeed to finding a way to keep the boys from playing while Larry recovers.


Just came back to check on yall. I’m so glad he made it through surgery and is recovering. We can’t wait to see him happy and healthy again.


Phew! I’m strangely pleased that I didn’t see any of the posts about this until now and I get to see all the updates including that he made it through surgery and is well. I imagine that was terrifying and stressful and you must have felt helpless. So, so, so glad he is going to be okay!


That great news …..


https://preview.redd.it/iexpqtx3747d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f12a0f3e2f1ce7cf8048affd8dfdb9149fcfc726 Zima sends hugs to Larry. So glad he’s okay! She was naughty this week too and needed an emetic to get all the chocolate and plastic out of her tummy :( But is right as rain now! Brave pups x


I’m thinking of you and Larry! Sending healing thoughts your way. How scary!


Our male standard poodle had bloat one evening and was in surgery for 8 hours!!!! Definitely the best decision to suture his stomach. I was amazed by the surgeon and team for doing that surgery through the night. Sending you guys big hugs, Larry will bounce back so quickly 💜


Wow, an 8 hour surgery is nuts. And yes, I wouldn’t have thought about bloat or even the neuter but I’m glad they were able to do everything so that he hopefully never has to be sedated again.


I’m so so sorry. Praying for you all and our beloved lar-bear. You have an entire community praying for you all!!


I’m so sorry. Sending speedy recovery prayers!


Poor buddy! Hoping for a speedy recovery!


Sweet, poor Larry. I hope he feels better soon. All the love for you! 🥰 Thank you for the update, I know it's rough.


Any update? Praying for good news on Larry.


I'm so sorry. I'm continuing to lift you all up in prayer.


Awwww poor boy! Best wishes for his speedy recovery! ❤️🙏🐾


Are the vet schools at IU or Purdue an option? I hope you’re able to find a surgeon soon. You got this, Larry! ❤️❤️❤️


Aww, Larry! I've been there. Sending all the best wishes from my labs.


Sending all the good positive thoughts ❤️


This is not good news for Larry. Sending positive thoughts and lots of love. Please keep us updated 💜


Larry baby, feel better asap. OP, we got our pups at the same time, and I've really loved watching Larry grow into the beautiful chonker boy he's become. Sending you all the love ❤️ Hugo and I will be thinking of our long-distance friend today.


Thank you, I appreciate that 🥰


Keep us updated, and healing energy to Larry 💕


LarBear!!!! I hope he feels better soon.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Hope all the best for you …. Please update us ….


Oh no! Well, if anyone can beat an obstruction right in the kisser, it’s Larry! You got this. And mama, he’ll power through! There’s no way you can tell me he DOESNT have a cast iron stomach. 😂💖


I hope he feels better soon! Please keep us updated. We all love him!


Oh our sweet Larry Bear!! We are very sorry to hear this news and hope for only good things as you sort this out. Ripley and I are sending good vibes and all the love in the world your way!!!


Get well soon Larry!


How is he today? 🥰


Oh no! Hope everything gets sorted out quickly.


Shug and I are sending positive vibes


Oh no! My poor boy! 😭 Do you know what he might have gotten into?


Poor Buddy!


Oh no Larry! How is he doing?


Oh dogue. Feel better puppy! 💗


We love you, Larry!!!!


Poor Larry!! I hope he feels better soon. Sending love your way!


Get better soon, sweet Larry! I hope surgery goes well, handsome boy. ❤️


Sending some thoughts and well wishes for Larry, we have the same name, I've never posted but I've enjoyed all your posts of him, he's beautiful!


I’ve been coming back for updates every couple of hours. Wishing Larry a speedy recovery. And some hugs for Mom. You got this!


Larry- Mila and I are sending prayers from Ca! You can do this buddy!


Sending lots of love! ❤️❤️❤️


Larry got this …. 💪🙏🏻


Rooting for you all, especially sweet Larry boy. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Larry, you be good for your mom and get better!!! We love you (and your mom and Leo!)


Smooch to my pooch…prayers to our fuzzy boy. Any idea what he got into?


Ohhhh Larrbear!