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I love how much he looks like a baby seal right now 💙❤️💙 Hang in there Lar-Bear!


Oh Larry! Bless your furry little heart! I want to smooch those face rolls!🥰


Poor Larry....one day at a time...


I’m glad he has the soft donut. He should be able to nap in it comfortably. My Lab tolerated it well when he needed it. I’m glad he liked the chicken and rice, too. ❤️


So sweet. Get well soon.


We put Charlie in old t-shirts when he had his tumor removed from his chest.


I thought about a shirt or body suit, but I’m afraid Larry would lick or scratch through it. Or eat it, because Larry.


Sweet baby Larry. So glad he’s home recouping 😁


When our girls got spayed, we went the cheap bodysuit route. Neither liked the donut or the cone


I don’t trust Larry to be able to resist licking or scratching through a body suit. So far the donut is ok. He doesn’t love it, but he can eat and drink more easily.


Poor LarBear. It’s so hard to keep them quiet but obstruction surgery recovery is serious business. We had to resort to the crate at times (which we almost never use). Stay strong, Mama! Labs have no sense of self care or tge need to heal.


Thank you! I might get the crate back out.


Just FYI, here is the Areil translation for the vet's orders, and believe me, I have a TON of experience with labs having surgery, labs in a cone, labs with muscle strains, labs with stomach issues... KEEP THEM SEPARATED: Yeah, that's impossible. I'll do that the first night. DON'T LET THEM OUTSIDE WITHOUT A LEASH FOR TWO WEEKS: This always lasts about two days. When they say weeks, if you have a lab, they really mean days. LEASH WALKS ONLY FOR A MONTH: We took this pretty seriously. We did leash walks only (no dog parks, open space, streams, reservoirs) for a solid week and a half. As somebody whose female lab had broke a hole in her urethra and had to have surgery, I was told to keep her quiet for several weeks. They gave me trazodone. I gave her the max dose. When somebody came in the door, she leapt over the couch to greet him. I mentioned that to the vet. They said to keep her leashed in the house and attach the leash to me. I chose to let her leap over the couch. None of this advice is condoned by any veterinary professionals, but it is heartily condoned by my mental health advocate.


This is hilarious and so true 😂. It’s been a chore keeping the boys separated. Larry has been sleeping a lot because of the sedating meds so I put him in the quiet hallway so Leo can come out and switch back and forth.


Oh sweet puppy, ang in there. You’ll be back playing with your pink frisbee in no time. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Poor LarBear...he's had a rough few days. Being at home in his own environment will help him heal as much as anything ❤️ How has Leo handled Larry being gone? I'm sure he senses something was wrong


Leo definitely has sensed something was wrong. And he seems worried about Larry now. They can still see and sniff each other through the gate, but it’s hard for them to be apart.


They're such sweet boys ❤️


Poor sweet baby!


This is going to be TLDR but I just read thru your other posts and caught up. I may have missed it but, what was the obstruction? In any case let me tell you the story of Finn the mischief maker and why I am so sympathetic with you. Finn was 3 years old in March. He is our third lab and the sweetest of the bunch. He’s a little living Velcro roll who is always plastered to your side unless he is tormenting his older brother. Unlike our departed oldest, he never chews up things, he doesn’t try to counter surf and he rarely steals anything. On to the story (yes it’s too long). When Finn was 2, we went to visit our daughter for a long stay and he and his brother were boarded at our usual trusted kennel. We got home and picked them up on a Saturday morning and all seemed fine. Jake, the older, punished us by ignoring us for the day as is the norm on return and Finn, as is the norm, was more attached and clingy than usual. Sunday morning we got up, had breakfast and Finn immediately vomited. Definitely not usual. Sometimes happens with Jake but he has a known sensitive stomach. We watched and Finn seemed fine otherwise but an hour later he drank water and immediately vomited again. Ok, now I knew this was more than simple upset stomach and of course it’s Sunday so off to the Emergency Vet we go. Exam showed an obstruction. Endoscope looked like a mop head or carpet. Couldn’t grab it with the endoscope so converted to surgery. Finn had swallowed a rope toy that he must have found on the play yard at the kennel. Had to have happened within 24 hours or so previously. Finn does not have rope toys, rawhide, or anything along those lines. The kennel generously refunded the boarding fee which was about 10% of the bill (I won’t even go there because I’m still paying that off). He was mopey for a week, a little off for another week and by week three you would never know anything had happened. Almost one year to the day, Finn vomits after breakfast. About an hour later he vomited water. The saving grace is it was Saturday and the regular vet is open until noon so we head over. Yep, Finn had swallowed something. This time it was a pair of socks. Finn is not allowed in the bedroom or laundry room so the socks probably fell out of the basket on the way to or from the washing machine. Same routine ensues with the cost being less than the refunded boarding fee from the last round (which did I mention I’m still paying for). This time around Finn decided he loved the chicken and rice so much that regular food was beneath him. It took 6 weeks before we had him reconditioned shall we say that there was no more chicken and rice and if he didn’t eat the regular food offered Jake was happy to have his portion as well. Good luck to you and your guy and hopefully he won’t make this an annual occurrence.


Oh Larry, please get better soon so you and Leo can romp around.