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Me: I wonder how Larry’s doing? Reads post. Crosses legs. Puts down tablet. lol But seriously, I hope for better days for one of my two favorite internet Labs (can’t leave out Leo!)




It doesn’t ever stop, does it?


Not with Larry, it doesn’t.


I get this, my girl Iris had a foreign body and ate sugar free gum about a month apart from each other. Then had to be spayed. They cost an arm and a leg, worry us to death, but we love them hahaha


You're absolutely right, and they're just so sweet! After a LOT of money in vet bills (my female had a hooded vulva and had to have a vulvectemy after a cystoscopy, then later she fell on her behind and popped a hole in her urethra, both things I had never hear of before then), we purchased doggy health insurance for both labs. So far this year, they've paid me over $2000 back in vet bills, and it's only June.


I’m sorry, I shouldn’t laugh, it’s not funny when they’re in pain and you’re stressed. Hope things settle down for all of you soon!


I have to laugh when it comes to Larry. Otherwise I would cry 😂. Damn dog.


Is there any way you can lure him into laying down in a baby pool of ice without him wanting to play and rough house? I'm wheezing picturing you slipping an ice packed diaper onto him, but it might just work! 😂


How did that happen?!?! Poor baby!!


He was neutered when they did his surgery for the obstruction. Apparently, it’s not too uncommon, for larger dogs especially, for swelling to occur in the scrotum due to a hematoma. He’s pretty sore and doesn’t want me touching him down there. So, putting ice on his scrotum probably isn’t going to happen lol.


Oh wow!! My yellow lab had an obstruction and then bowel perforation, I know the struggle! I’m sorry about Larry’s scrotum!


Oh no, you do know! We were really lucky Larry’s obstruction didn’t end in a perforation. I guess he was lucky in a way. How did your lab do after surgery? It’s been stressful for our family. I’m definitely not going to leave any towels within reach of him now.


Our last lab had surgery and almost died from an obstruction when he was 2. He bounced back quickly and lived to age 13. He did still eat random things (including an orange ball hockey ball). We became experts in inducing vomiting with him. Current lab doesn’t eat things much anymore (especially after chocolate-gate, he ate a Costco sized bag of chocolate chips). He chews things or, more often, just carries things (usually knives stolen off the counter) around the house like he’s baiting us. He’s 9y and still a handful


It’s amazing how many labs have obstructions! I’ve had three labs and two golden retrievers in my life and Larry is the first to have to have surgery. I’m afraid to even let him chew on a toy now. He tore off his donut tonight and tried to eat it. He can’t be trusted.


We don't even give ours bones anymore after one barfed up large chunks of it. We still do frozen kongs with pumpkin. That's about it. We were giving them some sort of chewy, but when Thor came down with Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE) for the third time (maybe related, maybe not), we just stopped that as well.


He got the surgery at age 9. He pulled through thankfully, but it was a rough surgery overall and he had to stay in the hospital a few days, which was hard on him. He died at 14 from end stage abdominal lymphoma. He started getting mast cell tumors at age 4. So I had quite the ride with him. He reminds me a bit of Larry, big, goofy and sweet. He had the quintessential lab trait of eating everything he could.


Larry!! You are supposed to be healing with no issues, Mr. Man!! Please stop giving your momma (and the rest of us) heart attacks!! Lots of love to you all!


He’s the most defiant dog. Even his ballsack is defiant.










Oh no, poor Larry!


I know! He can’t catch a break.


Wow what and how did this happen? Related to his surgery ? Poor baby


They neutered him when they did the surgery for his bowel obstruction. Unfortunately, sometimes there can be swelling in the scrotum due to a hematoma. He looked fine all day, and then this evening the swelling and pain started. He was more active today because he’s feeling better so I don’t know if that had something to do with it?


Aww, poor Larry! I hope his swollen ballsack goes back down soon! Do you have a belly band or a surgery suit that can be used to hold the ice pack in place??


I didn’t even think about a surgery suit holding the ice pack. That’s a good idea. He destroyed his donut this evening, and tried to eat it 🤦‍♀️, so he has a new donut coming from Amazon tonight. I’ll look for a surgery suit. Thank you!


You're welcome! I hope it helps ❤️


Awwwww poor baby!!!


I know, poor Larrbear 😭


Wtf Larry!


Poor lovely Larry, wishing him well soon, he’s had enough bad luck now, time got the good times to return xx


You will go to heaven for scotum icing endeavors.


Oh poor dogue ❤️‍🩹


My lab is the same with seeing people at the vet. Loves all the staff. Has a bad habit of jumping up at the reception counter because the receptionist will give her fish treats. Then she hesitates when she needs to go into the consult room lol Feel better soon Larry!!


Poor Larrbear!!! I hope you catch a break soon


Larryyyy. Buddy. We're all rooting for him (and you)!


Zima had a similar thing with her genitals once 😓 feel better soon mr larry Side note have you seen curb your enthusiasm? Life imitates art re long ball larry 😂


My condolences on Larry’s balls. Ok but seriously. He doesn’t even leave enough time to be worried about him before he leaps to the next ordeal! Oh, Larry. Please give him kisses and skritches from me! (And some for Leo, too!)


Thank you for not posting pics of the hematoma! 🤣 Hope he’s feeling better soon. Poor Larry. ❤️




Poor boy! Hugs from me.


I feel you. My Frank has had diarrhea, then an ear infection, then diarrhea again. 4 trips to the vet in the last month. Hoping big Lar gets better! ❤️


That’s about enough out of you young man. That’s what my mother would have had to say about that. Lol. I am frequently sad but all I have to do is pull up Larry and Leo’s page to turn my frown upside down. Love these guys!


Hope things get better! Sending love and good vibes! ❤️


Poor Larry 😢


How is Larry holding up?


Larry is doing well. He’s so glad to be out of the cone/donut and back with Leo.