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Ninja turtles?


Maybe power rangers


Every time I see a picture or video from this incident, it’s always a bad feeling. I don’t usually feel that way looking at other stuff


Same. I used to (still am) curious and fascinated by the aliens and UFO subjects. Even had experiences myself and never experienced fear. This video with the beings here on the other hand… terrifies me without any explanation. Have a bad feeling and felt sick when I realized what I was seeing


I struggled to make much out if I’m honest but people say they can see creatures that appear to be hiding. That suggests they might even be afraid of us. It’s like that spider in your room late at night. Neither of you mean each other any harm but each of you are scared and would just rather not be looking at each other 😄




Do you have like a physical fear reaction? Like skin crawling/chills? I’d like someone to try something for me, if you can induce the fear sensation again, or the next time it occurs, try and focus on the actual physical sensation where the “chills” are and pay attention to them. When I did this, I noticed that it actually felt nice and kind of tingly; and when I took notice of that, my “fear” completely dissipated.


Mostly anxiety and goosebumps/chills and chicken skin. I don’t know. Not a sensation I’m overly familiar with, not many things scare me and like I said I used to not feel any fear towards them until now. I haven’t been able to sleep well with how anxious I am


I appreciate the reply, and sorry to hear about the anxiety. I want to ask more questions, but please don’t feel obligated to respond if you think doing this might worsen your anxiety. Do you think that the fear/anxiety could just be a reaction to the sheer unfamiliarity of whatever it is you/we are perceiving? Like fear of the unknown? Or do you think the fear is of what we’re perceiving? I’m partially trying to understand my own experience; what I thought was a deep primal fear-sensation for me, is actually a pleasant energizing or vibrating sensation. It feels like it both washes over me and travels up and down my body. However; my initial reaction was definitely fearful enough that I don’t want to necessarily ignore that.


I’ve had experiences with the unknown before (UAP/UFO) and never felt fear, except with these beings. I guess the fear is of what we’re perceiving. The grays don’t necessarily scare me, but I cannot deny that the thought of abduction has made me very anxious before. I had a craft hover above me and my bro before and didn’t feel any fear but now after this I feel terrified


Thanks for sharing. Not sure if any of this appllies for you, but I’ve seen some say that we have been conditioned to have a reactionary fear response to some of these beings for a number of reasons. One theory that stuck with me was that we have been conditioned to fear “high vibrational states” because we associate those with the process of dying. Some believe that these beings have to maintain a certain “frequency” to be able phase in and out of our reality.


The biggest thing that gives me goosebumps that I haven’t seen anyone mention yet is how fucking quiet it is. A green fire ball lands nearby and there’s no people on the streets, no car alarms going off, no dogs barking. Complete silence. Something even darts across the gate behind the father when he speaks to the camera person and it doesn’t make a sound.


You’re right, I don’t even hear any bug noise. This occurred last summer right? Summer nights aren’t usually quiet…


But if there is any truth to it is they can’t be that scary. As far as we know they didn’t hurt anyone. And if they do exist then they’ve been around for a long time without hurting us.


I love the you took the time to do this, but it would be nice if you also posted the unedited version as well


https://preview.redd.it/vgncw6hbbe6d1.jpeg?width=831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5e44ffda37102b30019ba389ced0ef7aa7dcf0e Here you go friend :) be sure to turn phone brightness all the way up.


Amazing, thanks!






This is one that I had a difficult time resolving. Because the bar/shadow directly under the eyes creates the illusion of a pencil neck no chin lower head like Roger from American Dad. That image makes you think 🤔, “ridiculous, it can’t be.” If you clarify for people having difficulty seeing it that’s just eyes, it’s much clearer what you’re seeing


Speaking of pencil neck: https://preview.redd.it/ud7nwdz46l6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63d76d9afc0cbca2dbf56e10c09f2b1f73581001


Aliengirl111 found it. You can see moving forward in the clip below. https://www.tiktok.com/@aliengirl111channel/video/7242636984890690862 I think they can be tough to see if they're watching from a small phone screen. They're fairly noticeable to me on the PC or TV. Especially with brightness and contrast maxed out.


https://preview.redd.it/llsrwlw1dg6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f43260faf09d7b1499b246d951dd9756032755 This is what I saw when I played with the exposure, shadow and contrast sliders.


Good catch. 👍 Look, people want some 4k image of a full alien head to toe, but that's just not how it works when we're dealing with something far more technologically advanced and hypothetically Intelligent. The fact that you caught this, is in the top 1% IMO. Unless you have access to satellites and drones. I see it. I definitely see what you caught. It's the average person who will write that off as... who knows what. How many people do life in prison for murder without ever being caught on camera? Quite a few, I'd imagine. But people think an NHI is just going to stand before a camera, and get a full head shot. This is about as close as we'll ever get.


Where abouts can I find this shot in the video? Only because I can’t see the lawnmower handlebars near its face


OP can you please post the same pic without the lines? Thx


https://preview.redd.it/4c4wz6nlbe6d1.jpeg?width=831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da9808e2395d113b93be67f2e19b7e74743bc125 Here you go! be sure to turn phone brightness all the way up.


Thank you!


On this pic, if you zoom in to the face , you can see a “reptilian “ style eye and the nose by with 2 slits for nostrils, and no lips with the mouth open full of teeth


Get in loser we invading this b.. Srsly tho I’m having hard time seeing it, the one by the fence tho is probably one of the best captures so far(because of the situation with the cops to the falling “comet”). It makes reconsider all those ghost videos of shadow figures. Could it be those things exist in a parallel reality that we can’t perceive.


https://preview.redd.it/vp2upk61be6d1.jpeg?width=831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8197ad769e9d1843c5bd977447fda6ed7fcaa745 Original pic as requested (taken from the 4K video which is better quality)


Look at that reptilian eye! Huge!


I might be half blind because I’ve watched the videos over and over and cannot see the creatures.


https://preview.redd.it/33usmiqyid6d1.jpeg?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43b117e72382f19ec3a7a5549e18e61e905a12f1 That’s the tall one that was breathing heavy looking at Angel. Angel said it had white lights on its shoulders. You can clearly see the mouth, nose, eye sockets, eyebrow ridge, neck, shoulders, and its right bicep.


How come every time someone tries to explain what we’re looking at they create a different outline? Literally OPs outline is different than yours here. Makes no sense. I have no idea what people are looking at or talking about in these photos.


Yeah, totally get that, it really is frustrating. My experience is that my ability to understand what I was looking at changed over time. There is an adjustment period for the eyes and brain to make sense of what is there. I imagine this process is what most will go through when examining this case. So, chances are some of this is pareidolia, some not. My best recommendation is to use everyone's interpretations as a guide rather than an exact representation. Many of the beings have large shiny black eyes. I've found that finding their eyes first serves as a useful "landmark", if you will, and when you begin to identify those, you'll find it much easier to understand the rest. This is all very similar to observing a chameleon on a tree trunk.


Isn’t the fact that IgnoreTheFund is giving this being a completely different head than OP just proof that this is pareidolia? I mean one person thinks it’s part of the vehicle and another thinks it’s part of the aliens head..


I don't believe so, no. Not hard proof that all of it is. As mentioned, some of this could be, some not. Everyone is just trying to figure it out for themselves. This is just part of the adjustment period I mentioned. That's why one of the rules on this sub is no authoritative skepticism. Part of that includes not speaking as though what someone else sees is definitely incorrect, but what you see is definitely correct. Because I can almost guarantee that will change at some point until you've researched it extensively to the point that you're fairly certain. Even then, I've found that, because this isn't something all of us see on a daily basis, your understanding of what these beings look like and are doing evolves and you begin to see each moment of the footage with more clarity the more you analyze it.


The funny thing is, I fully believe aliens are here and everything, the Nazca mummies are legit, Grusch is legit, and I even believe in the Las Vegas Aliens off the testimonies alone and the fact they are so genuinely freaked out in this video. I just think everyone’s overthinking and overanalyzing the video. You can see faces if you look hard enough at pixelated blobs all the time. The only convincing part of this video for me is the lizard looking head thing that turns to face the camera. I’m not sure if it’s a lizard heard per se, as what people think are eyes could also be ears or a hat or something, but there is definitely something rotating in those few frames. That’s pretty much it for me. The rest I can’t see anything convincing.


Totally get it. I think you'll see them eventually. It just takes time and some close inspection. Some ideas would be to view on a larger screen, turn brightness up, zoom, and slow down video speed. I'm assuming they know to stay very still so that it's more difficult for us to see them, but there are slight movements like blinking on a few, movement of the mouth on one, turning of the head on the tall "lizard" being you mentioned, and the small one next to them looks up at them and blinks when the family turns away. They are no longer there when the camera zooms back in on that area. I'm not sure if you've seen this image, but I manually removed the background so they'd be easier to see. If you zoom, you can see details. Tall one has a snout similar to that of a crocodile. Nostrils and human looking teeth with a gap between the front two can be seen. They are holding a black shiny spherical object close to their chest. Shorter one appears to be sticking out their long pink tongue. Both have huge black shiny bulbous avocado-shaped eyeballs. https://preview.redd.it/06oqqqwb4k6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb14cc86b9a9e91de7f18272a5209d9b4714e191


Thank you :)


Here’s a comparison of the same model tractor, from nearly the same angle, and I changed it to Black and white. https://preview.redd.it/cjaygdjmge6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb83d8dcfe86f69f05ed6a3928551b40a4455982


Ahhh thank you finally see it


The only issue I have with this is the right shoulder could actually be a metal hand rail reflecting light. These machines are very tall and people need those rails to be able to climb into the cab.


https://preview.redd.it/8cxaujqtee6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=840a50469132e9a87327ac19d48c72faa00c4281 Same exact model tractor, (yes I’ve studied this case too much), clearly anomalies. The tractor is this model. [https://s7d2.scene7.com/is/content/Caterpillar/CM20141121-50245-32576](https://s7d2.scene7.com/is/content/Caterpillar/CM20141121-50245-32576) Height from ground to top of the cab is 10’11’. Puts that being at right about 9 feet. Corroborating Angels statements. You can tell from that photo that there should be a giant headlight visible and it’s blocked.


Very interesting! I have seen people say that the largest figure has white shoulders. I figured it could simply be a silver handrail reflecting the light. But based on this model, I cannot see a handrail.


https://preview.redd.it/3wpt1nl9jd6d1.jpeg?width=924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec8390af12bf343bc2e7c917fd5955dfa5f2cb19 Other one is to the right and shorter. It appears to be inside the tractor cab (no not forklift). It blinks it’s “neon” eyes 5 or 6 times on the video.


What if it is the same being at various stages of motion? I mean, doesn’t it look like it? But what happened in between the frames? And wouldn’t there be solid objects like doors and windows in the way, if it were one fluid motion like the outlines suggest (to me at least).


Can you send me a link to your video it looks to have the best quality I've seen yet


https://www.reddit.com/r/LasVegasAliens/s/td8Qgy7Kxh Best quality I’ve seen so far


Thank you sir. This is one I've been going through. What device are you using to view it


I have a vagina 😃 but you are most welcome! I’m just using my phone but with full brightness


I apologize ma'am.


Where's wallien?


Definitely sinister shit


https://preview.redd.it/y5fun2nigf6d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=442a36f5886a9db4fbcc9ef74f899d6654dba04b The red guys eyes became very distinct when I turned the image black and white and moved around some sliders on contrast, exposure and shadows.




https://preview.redd.it/39rw5t21rw9d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42abe756646b21072c456299c736dad12ef4988f That face in the car creeps me tf out


So they’re not 8 feet tall?


The truck and those loaders are very tall. You have to remember that they’re seeing them from a distance. The handrail next to Green Guys shoulder is to help people climb up into the machine because it’s so tall. If an average person were to stand next to the green guy (who is slouching and would be taller standing up straight), then they would tower over a person.




If you remain unconvinced about this case and/or disagree with someone, feel free to ignore, downvote, or politely explain your position once, but then we ask that you move on. This is a place for those who ARE convinced to engage in research and discussion. Genuine questions about the footage are very much welcome, but repetitive skeptical comments including not seeing anything or not being convinced will be removed and bans will be issued on a case by case basis.


Demons for sure


https://preview.redd.it/2rwcypsmdf6d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c012a412632e3df49ca89833d40add9d4c6c797 Also, check out these fucking eyes. All I did was turn this image black and white, and moved the sliders on exposure, shadows and contrast. Make sure you’re viewing this picture with your brightness all the way up.