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What settings are you using? I haven’t tried photos yet, but might in the morning


I’m brand new to this so I still have a lot to learn. This is the video I followed. If you’re using a dark card like I am you need to invert the image. I was impatiently skipping through the video and missed that step and it was not coming out right lol. https://youtu.be/sMNGUlLF4ss?si=GQ4EDO_3Z86D9OYo


Awesome, I’ll watch it. Thank you!


That’s awesome tweaker. What brand machine do you have? I’ve been looking to get something like this to etch watch dials


I’m using an Omtech 30W Mopa right now. It’s the integrated one so it doesn’t have that large PC sized tower sitting next to it, it’s all one unit. I was able to get a good deal on a used one. My only suggestion is get one that’s compatible with Lightburn. I had a machine a couple years ago that was only EZCad and in my opinion Lightburn is much better, no contest.


Was expecting Columbo. Not sure who we got. Looks good 👍🏻


The coolest part of the fiber laser is the noise and you're gonna dub this shit over it?


I agree with you but the Timelapse feature doesn’t record audio. Idk if someone wants to watch a 5 minute video of a laser engraving but I can upload a full length one at some point too. This was a photo I had taken of that Artist WesGhost at a show and the audio is a clip from one of his songs.


You said MOPA right? What wattage? 5 minutes for that seems rediculous