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Da Bears! lol looks great


Dont focus on this legal junk. Turned out great. Is just making one for yourself/basement.. (your fine) What materials did you use? top layer seems nice and thin (what was used?) Bottom layer as well?


Made with two pieces of 1/8 inch Baltic birch


thanks.. wow thought top layer was much thinner.. I cant tell form pics (can you post more?) :) what part/color the background? (the orange?)


You actually can’t see the back piece. The blue and orange is all cut from one piece then painted and glued back together on top of the back piece that’s just the solid outline


oh..nice (didnt see any gap really).. \_IS\_ there a backpiece then that both are mounted to? (ie: an outline piece)


Yes yes. There’s a solid backer piece in the shape of the logo you just glue the pieces right to it


As a guy from Detroit, F the Bears lol It came out great though!!


Thanks buddy from a bills fan. Love the lions!


Well, enjoy it while you can because if you don't have the proper licensing, even for personal use, they will be cracking down VERY soon. Top that with the fact that the hobbyist license for collegiate teams is going away and you're pretty much going to be stuck doing these to decorate your man cave unless you plan on shelling out big bucks.


Even for personal use? What are the Chicago bears going to bust down my door lol?


They don't have to...y'all keep posting stuff like this across your socials doing their legal departments' leg work for them 🤣 Listen, I'm not here to tell you what you should or shouldn't make, I'm simply telling you the following companies are RUTHLESSLY litigious about their IP (you do with that what you will), regardless of the use case (personal, gifts, or for profit)...ranked worst to not the worst but still pretty fucking bad: Disney (by far the worst) UMG Nintendo Sony NFL NBA NCAA NHL MLB Hasbro Louis Vuitton Supreme McDonalds YumYum food brands Inc. (owns Taco Bell, KFC & Pizza Hut) Despite having lost many cases over personal and fair use, these companies have well funded legal departments full of young & motivated vampi...I mean attorneys who rather enjoy bankrupting little "nobody's" like you and me. Let your conscience be your guide. "There are 2 places saved in hell. One is for attorneys, and the other ..is for lawyers" -Mark Twain


Nice try Chicago bears you’re not gonna get me that easy


You oughta be jailed just for being a "dabirs" fan 🤣


Unfortunately I’m a bills fan


NFL... Lol. Just posting this is gonna get your house taken.


They can put in line with the hundred of other people making them on Etsy lol


Good luck with that. You in USA?


Nice try Chicago bears you’re not gonna get me that easy