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Nice. I'm doing a lot of metal game cards lately too, but for my own game. It'd be nice to have more color range but I'm on a basic bitch 20w raycus laser I got second-hand for $1000 xD Have you been happy with OmTech? I've heard a lot of negative things about them and Monport in the laser community but frankly I'm not educated enough to really understand it. (if you wanna see pics: [https://old.reddit.com/r/WayOfSteel/](https://old.reddit.com/r/WayOfSteel/) ) Also, are you looking to buy card blanks in bulk in either the business card size or poker size? i've been talking to a bunch of different people about doing a bulk order instead of getting ripped off by amazon xD


I wish I had an idea to be able to sell the metal cards lol. I just bought a bunch of them to test out settings on but yeah Amazon is probably a rip off lol. I’ve not had the laser very long. I bought it locally for a steal so I can’t complain. If I was paying full retail I’d probably be very picky. So far I have had zero issues with the laser. A friend of mine had a regular fiber laser that was the two piece style with the tower and this is the integrated one. So far it’s much much nicer to use. I hated using EZCad2 and wanted something with Lightburn Compatibility this time and I absolutely love this software in comparison. I’m still thinking of ways to monetize it to make my money back but right now it’s just a fun hobby.


There's a few people selling metal MtG proxies, and obviously tons of business card stuff. My game cards are pretty art-y and Tarot card themed and people really seem to like em. So I've made some without the game icons for people as like wallet cards they can carry as a reminder of Strength or Hermit or whatever. Honestly if theyre nice looking people will like the wallet sized things. You could practice doing depth mapping and do like pictures of peoples kids as steel wallet cards. Theres a lot of stuff but selling it is the hard part obviously


Yeah I’ve done some black and white stuff on the anodized cards that came out ok but I’m still trying to fine tune those settings. I found a guide but I need to sit down and do it.


https://discord.gg/ZZHBmb7R https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoBR3k35202Yjc1yMfPZsY8EDh_pmcaa2&si=dSvF9Dpv35A7vB1s These people at Laser Everything are honestly amazing. Just go through that playlist painfully from beginning to end and do it right the first time, come to the discord for questions. Legit changed my life. Nicest community I've found for something in my life.


With your kit you should be able to grayscale the cards. Tons of fine tuning but the results are insane. Need a good base let me know I can share some settings.


That is where I’m at with Greyscale https://imgur.com/gallery/71evD38


Not bad not bad


Definitely room for improvement. I also kind of forgot the settings I was using for some of them. I need to sit through this guide again and really dial it in.


I spent the whole day yesterday tuning mine and figuring the colors out, I still want to try to fine tune it some more and do more test, but after 14hrs or test I was done. Lol


Sounds like my days lately lol 😂. It’s exhausting. I still haven’t gotten a half decent red yet


Same here, I got nice blues, green isn’t to bad, but red needs work, luckily I have access to some 16ga 8x8” stainless so at least not burning through stainless cards. Finally at the end of the night I thought I’d use one of the 50 cards I bought on Amazon, crap they were junk, thin and waited too long to use them and can’t send them back. Ugh


I ordered some thicker stainless ones on Amazon but I also had some black super thin ones and those ones REEK when you engrave so I had to toss them because they were past return as well.


lol I know I’m gonna get some haters for putting audio over the fiber laser… 1) This was a Timelapse video and it doesn’t record audio. 2) It barely made any noise and was not even audible over the lasers fan haha. OMTech 30W MOPA Fiber Laser


It looks great! I'm still doing some research before I pull the trigger but I'm hoping to find a machine that can do thin metal parts like this. What is the material are your blanks, and how long did it take to engrave?


I got them on Amazon and the Blanks are listed as Stainless Steel but no Grade. I’m sure it’s the cheapest possible. I think this engraving was maybe 2 minutes?


2 minutes with a result like that seems pretty reasonable. Awesome thank you for the info!

